Chapter 799 I take the liberty to disturb you

“Mom, I’ll go to the bathroom.” Tian Sizhu and Zhang Bingbing whispered, then got up and went out with their bags.

After leaving the private room, he closed the door. There were no people in the corridor outside, only Xiao Zengling stood guard at the door.

Tian Sizhu went out to the bathroom.

Jingle Bell……

At this moment, Tian Sizhu’s cell phone rang suddenly.

Tian Sizhu stopped right now, and took a look at the phone from his bag. It was an unknown phone number. Tian Sizhu could guess that it might have come from an entertainment company’s agency.

She is also considering whether to sign a contract with an entertainment company.

It is impossible for Tian Sizhu to give up her studies and make her debut, and Zhang Bingbing would not allow it.

Singing is her hobby.

But it’s not that you can’t sign contracts with entertainment companies.

The song wants to be more popular, and it wants to be sung. The professional operation of entertainment companies is indispensable.

Tian Sizhu, who makes money or not, doesn’t care, because the family is so rich, singing is just hobby.

But considering the issue of song operation, if you sign a contract with a professional company, you must sign a big one.

Although there are some well-known music companies who have called Tian Sizhu in recent days, Tian Sizhu feels that it is not big enough. She also signed the top spot when she wanted to sign.

Jingle Bell……

The phone is still ringing.

Tian Sizhu thought for a while, but still connected to the call. She didn’t have the habit of calling people directly. Because Tian Sizhu thinks this is very impolite.

“Hello,” Tian Sizhu said when he put the phone to his ear.

A very magnetic woman’s voice came from the phone and said: “Excuse me, are you Tian Sizhu?”

“It’s me, you are…” Tian Sizhu asked.

Deng Hongxia spoke politely: “I am Deng Hongxia, I would take the liberty to disturb you.”

“Deng…Deng Hongxia?!” Tian Sizhu was shocked, startled, and suddenly became excited again, almost screaming!

Tian Sizhu covered her mouth in time, her face was full of excitement, and the very young girl jumped on the spot.

Deng Hongxia. An ancestral home in Haikou City, Guangdong Province, Hong Kong Chinese female singer of the Special Economic Zone!

The new generation singer queen.

When she was seventeen, she debuted as the champion of the Xiangjiang Song Contest.

In the same year, he won ten golden melody awards including best newcomer and best single, and defended the title of best female singer in the following year!

At the age of 19, Deng Hongxia entered the mainland music scene to develop. He quickly swept the entire Chinese music scene with his magnetic voice, varied singing voice, and unrivaled high pitch. Winning the prize was soft, and was named Queen of Heaven.

In the same year, he was invited to sing on stage at the New Year Gala.

At the age of 20, Deng Hongxia, who had just reached the peak of her career, suddenly announced her retirement.

At the age of 22, Deng Hongxia, who had been away from the Chinese music scene for two years, officially returned and released his third album “Dream One”, which swept once again.

The title song of the same name of the album “Dream One”, “Dream One”, had a brainwashing effect during that year. Almost all over the country, the streets and alleys are placed.

At the age of twenty-four, Deng Hongxia, who had even held a concert for a year, disappeared from public view again, but did not announce her retirement.

Deng Hongxia has her own music company.

It is said that she is behind the transformation, and in the future, her career will aim at operating the company and cultivating new talents.

In the Chinese music scene, Deng Hongxia has many head streets, such as “The Queen of Love Songs”, “The Queen of Dolphins” and so on.

Her vocal range is very wide and sweet. The treble is clean and transparent, and she is one of the few female singers in the music scene who will be hailed as “God’s Appreciation.”

Actually these two years. Deng Hongxia’s popularity has declined because of her failure to face her.

Compared with female singers who have become popular due to talent shows in the past two years, fans are much less active on the Internet, but Deng Hongxia has a very high nationality and an astonishing number of diehard fans!

And everyone understands that as long as Deng Hongxia releases a new album, she will surely sweep the music scene again!

The status that Deng Hongxia has established in the singing world is not comparable to that of several newcomers now.

It’s just that Deng Hongxia seems to be reluctant to sing.

But to this day, Deng Hongxia is still regarded as the queen of the new generation of Chinese music, and the leader of the new generation of female singers!

Because she has only met her for two years, and she is only 26 years old this year!

Tian Sizhu knows Deng Hongxia very well. She even knows the eight characters of Deng Hongxia’s birthday, but it is because Tian Sizhu is a fan of Deng Hongxia!

It can even be said that she is Deng Hongxia’s “brain fan”!

Tian Sizhu can sing all the songs of Deng Hongxia.

I also went to Deng Hongxia’s concert a few years ago and vowed to be a fan of Deng Hongxia forever.

With Tian Sizhu’s family background, she has a more detailed understanding of Deng Hongxia’s background than the public.

Huaxing Entertainment, the top three entertainment media company in the country, is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Xiangjiang Huaxing Group.

Huaxing Group is a diversified comprehensive enterprise group.

The business scope includes finance, real estate, hotel, media and film, etc. There are only five listed subsidiaries of companies!

Huaxing Entertainment is just a part of Huaxing Group.

The scale of assets of the entire Huaxing Group. More than 100 billion!

Deng Hongxia’s father is named Deng Guoan

Currently the chairman of Huaxing Group, the head is Deng Guoan!

She is the youngest daughter of Deng Guoan and the jewel of the Deng family!

Deng Hongxia’s background in the entertainment industry can be described as Tongtian, but she is not popular with her family. Anyone who understands music and knows singing skills. Everyone knows how talented and terrifying Deng Hongxia, who is the peak of her debut, is!

She is like a “big devil”.

Jiping every era. There will be singers with absolute dominance!

Deng Hongxia is like this.

She should have become the most dominant female singer in the Chinese music scene in this era.

But she didn’t do that.

It is because of family background. Deng Hongxia’s entry into the music scene is of a playful nature. She took almost all the honors a singer can get. I happily started a year of tour and completely fulfilled my musical dream. Then he was transformed into Empress Mu.

Tian Sizhu’s fan Deng Hongxia has been around for many years. This is her encounter. Suddenly she received a call from her idol. At this moment, she was so excited that she couldn’t speak.

“It’s me, Miss Tian, ​​how are you?” Deng Hongxia’s voice sounded again.

Deng Hongxia obviously heard Tian Sizhu’s utterly awkward sound. ,

“I…good…ok…Deng…Miss Deng…” Tian Sizhu tried his best to control her emotions, but she was too excited and excited. And the voice was trembling a little.

“That’s it, Miss Tian. I’ll tell you the truth. I listened to your song. I like it very much. I don’t know if you signed the company?”

Deng Hongxia said to Tian Sizhu straightforwardly.

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