Chapter 453: Disintegration

Lin Feihang looked at the attitude of the two, and said helplessly: “Do you want me to use the speakerphone? Are you two tired like this?”

Lin Feihang said, at this moment, the phone with two beeps was connected directly.

The other side met. Before Lin Feihang had time to turn on the hands-free, the other side directly said, “Hello? Who?”

After the opposite was connected, he asked directly!

This is a man with a deep voice.

Lin Feihang directly spoke lightly: “Have you had nightmares lately? Have you dreamed of Lin Datong in the western suburbs warehouse?”

There was no sound on the other end of the phone, even the person’s breathing!

Immediately afterwards, I heard some small noisy sounds on the other end of the phone.

It sounds like the person holding the phone is walking fast, and there is the sound of the phone rubbing against the clothes.

This is a veiled look, the feeling of hurrying away with the phone hidden!

It took a full ten seconds, and suddenly it became quiet again, especially quiet, even some small sounds in the background sound were gone.

This situation is only possible in a closed space, such as hiding in a room with no one with a mobile phone.

The man’s voice on the phone appeared again, it was a low voice, and even said he was still a little nervous. He asked, “You…who are you?”

Lin Feihang did not answer his words, but faintly opened his mouth: “Han Junkai asked me to tell you that I heard that you have made a lot of money in the past few years, haven’t you?”

Lin Feihang smiled faintly again.

The opposite was anxious for an instant, and he couldn’t help but growl: “You…who are you?”

The opposite seemed panic at the moment.

At this time, Lin Feihang raised his left hand and glanced at the time of his watch. It was almost 5:30 in the afternoon.

Lin Feihang didn’t give the other party any reaction time at all, and said directly: “One hour later, in the box of Tian Xia Tang in the Tianyuan Tea House.”

After Lin Feihang finished speaking, he hung up the phone!

It’s over!

Soon, the two people said six sentences in total.

Lu Xuanying watched Lin Feihang hang up and sat up straight. Looking at Lin Feihang without any expression on his face, Wu Bingyu also sat upright in Lin Feihang’s arms, Lin Feihang raised his hand and patted Wu Bingyu’s back, signaled Wu Bingyu, Wu Bingyu stood up, Wu Bingyu also had no expression on his face. , Looked directly at Lin Feihang.

Both of them heard the content of Lin Feihang’s call.

I know what Lin Feihang said, and what the other party said.

But is it so fast?

Is this over?

Just six sentences in total?

The content is too little, and of course they didn’t understand what Lin Feihang’s dialogue with that person meant, and what was the situation.

Because the content is too little.

There are not many things to analyze at all, but Lin Feihang mentioned the names of two people and the name of a warehouse. What is this all about?

Lin Feihang said option two before, but Wu Bingyu should be the final decision.

Then, just made such a call?

Just said a few words?

What Lu Xuanying can think of at present is that Lin Feihang is helping Wu Bingyu.

Let Wu Bingyu have the final say in the company as well as at home, taking over the power of the Wu family in advance. Became the president of Wu Group.

Since this is the case, then this entry point should be in the Wu Group.

Lin Feihang is very likely to help Wu Bingyu directly seize power. As long as Wu Bingyu can successfully seize power within the Wu Group, then Wu Bingyu is not waiting for succession, but takes the initiative to seize power.

The concept is completely different!

In the process of seizing power, Wu Bingyu will form a kind of suppression on the family!

She succeeded in seizing power, which means that the Wu family has lost the ability to control Wu Bingyu!

Then Wu Bingyu’s right to speak at home is completely different!

This is the simplest, rude and direct way. But it is also the most difficult!

Therefore, Lu Xuanying could feel the person Lin Feihang called, and she could guess it too.

Lin Feihang may have grasped the other party’s handle, and directly made an appointment for the time and place of the meeting. The other party should come to see him.

But who is this person?

Is Lin Feihang threatening each other?

But even if Lin Feihang succeeds, what energy does the other party have to allow Wu Bingyu to directly control the Wu Group?

Are there really people with that kind of energy in Jiangbei City?

This kind of thing can’t be controlled by a few words, and it is extremely complicated to want Wu Bingyu to control the company in advance!

Choose from all aspects.

This is not a child’s play, saying that Wu Bingyu should be the one!

And most importantly, the company’s large shares are controlled by Wu Bingyu and her father Wu Zhonghao!

It’s not that Wu Bingyu has no shares, and Wu Zhonghao has given her a part a long time ago.

This way she can enter the decision-making level of the company!

But after giving Wu Bingyu a part of the shares, Wu Zhonghao is still the largest shareholder of the Wu Group!

The largest share of equity is always in the hands of Wu Zhonghao.

In this case, tampering with her father’s rights, how should this tamper?

According to Wu Bingyu’s small stake, how could it be possible?

Lin Feihang looked at the appearance of the two women, and then smiled: “What do you think? I can’t figure it out, right?”

Lin Feihang saw that the two women were thinking about things. At the moment, Lin Feihang took Wu Bingyu’s hand and then squeezed it, but instead of talking to Wu Bingyu, he asked with a smile at Lu Xuanying.

Lu Xuanying seems to have figured it out, but she still asks with some uncertainty: “You want to go from the inside of the Wu Group…” Lu Xuanying couldn’t help but frown when she said this, because this kind of thing is definitely impossible to do. of!

With Lin Feihang, with the power of the Lin family, how could it be said that the Wu family can be collapsed at once!

“Huh huh!” Lin Feihang nodded without hearing Lu Xuanying’s words.

Lin Feihang already knows what Lu Xuanying is thinking. With Lu Xuanying’s wisdom, he will definitely think of it!

But Lu Xuanying can only think of a little bit at the beginning, nothing more!

It’s not strange to think of it a little bit at the beginning, but after that, Lu Xuanying would never think of it.

Because Lu Xuanying didn’t understand the situation, and Lu Xuanying didn’t know what the relationship between Wu Zhonghao, Wu Zhonghao’s wife, and Wu Bingyu was like between husband and wife, father and daughter, and mother and daughter!

Lu Xuanying didn’t even know what was going on inside the Wu Group now!

Because Lu Xuanying didn’t know, she didn’t even have room for thinking about it!

It’s so amazing!

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