The 454th chapter is a good show

Lin Feihang is different. He has a God’s perspective. He can follow the path that the protagonist Ye Fan has walked. He even said that he doesn’t need a brain. As long as no one disturbs himself, he can just copy Ye Fan’s approach completely.

More importantly, Lin Feihang not only has the perspective of God, but also the system!

The system not only gave him a lot of skills, but also a very important reason, that is, it gave him the psychology ability to know people’s hearts!

There is an old saying that people who know too many secrets don’t live long!

But if the person who knows the secret also knows the human psychology, it will not only be able to live a long time, be happy, but also control all of this!

So, Lin Feihang’s happiness, you can’t even think of it!

In fact, this matter is far from being as difficult as Lu Xuanying imagined, but it is only for Lin Feihang that it is not difficult. For others, it is not difficult or difficult, but simply impossible. !

All of this can only be done by Lin Feihang, who has the perspective of God!

Lin Feihang smiled faintly: “Let’s go.”

Lin Feihang stood up directly.

Lu Xuanying watched Lin Feihang’s getting up and suddenly said, “Lin Feihang, I think you are too impulsive, maybe you can think about it more!”

Lu Xuanying felt that something was wrong no matter how she thought about it. If she didn’t talk about other things, she said that Lin Feihang, he seemed to be threatening people!

If this is the case, it will really go wrong!

No one likes to be threatened!

Lin Feihang turned his head and asked, “Do you want to bet?”

Lu Xuanying replied very simply: “Don’t bet!” This time, Lu Xuanying really has a long memory!

Lin Feihang also knows that she has a long memory… so after winning all the bets with Lu Xuanying, it was already a lesson for Lu Xuanying to kneel down on her own, which made her remember. Lu Xuanying’s.

Wu Bingyu on the side asked Lin Fei with some doubts: “Husband, shall we go directly to the Tianyuan Teahouse?”

Lin Feihang replied: “No, go to Xuanying’s company first.”

Wu Bingyu checked his watch immediately, and then said uncertainly: “It should be too late, right?”

“Normally, it takes about half an hour to get to the Tianyuan Tea House from here. But now it’s the evening peak. It might be just right to go directly.”

Lin Feihang said at the moment: “What’s the hurry, it doesn’t matter if you go later, let him wait first, the good shows often come later.”

After Lin Feihang finished speaking, he smiled indifferently.

Lin Feihang motioned for a moment, then walked out, Wu Bingyu followed behind Lin Feihang.

But Lu Xuanying didn’t move.

Lin Feihang directly turned around and looked at Lu Xuanying.

To leave Wu’s teahouse, Lu Xuanying must take Wu Bingyu out, not Lin Feihang!

It was said that Wu Bingyu came to accompany Lu Xuanying.

Moreover, Lu Xuanying’s enlightenment is needed. Now that Lin Feihang has taken people out directly, this nature has changed.

This doesn’t mean that Lin Feihang seduce Lu Xuanying’s best friend!

But Lu Xuanying didn’t move. Obviously Lu Xuanying didn’t want to cooperate with Lin Feihang.

Lin Feihang smiled and asked Lu Xuanying: “Why? Don’t you leave?”

Lu Xuanying didn’t speak, now Lu Xuanying has a temper!

“Are you sure?” Lin Feihang asked immediately, seeing Lu Xuanying still did not respond, and then smiled: “Then we can really go.”

Lin Feihang smiled again after finishing talking.

“Don’t!” Seeing that Lin Feihang didn’t seem to be joking, Lu Xuanying said immediately.

Now Lv Xuanying, how dare she let Lin Feihang take Wu Bingyu away directly, so it is estimated that when the two of them have just left, someone in the Wu’s cafe will inform Wu Zhonghao.

Wu Zhonghao was afraid that he would call her to ask her Lu Xuanying in the first place.

At that time, she couldn’t explain it at all!

And there are a lot of things that can’t be taken care of!

From the time Lu Xuanying made a bet with Lin Feihang and then was involved in this matter, Lu Xuanying was doomed to cover the two of them.

If you can’t take it off, don’t say it first, you can’t say a word!

Lu Xuanying feels very tired!

Talking too much is a story!

Lu Xuanying thought about it for a moment, and then said indifferently: “Let’s do it. I can cooperate with you to take Miss Wu out, but you have to promise me. After that, I will also go to the Tianyuan Teahouse. I want to see you and what you are going to do.”

After Lu Xuanying finished speaking, she raised her eyebrows at Lin Feihang.

Lu Xuanying is really unwilling to bow her head!

Her tough temper made Lu Xuanying think that if she cooperated directly at this time, it would be too weak for others.

Therefore, Lu Xuanying obviously had to cooperate with Lin Feihang, but she also had to negotiate terms with Lin Feihang, so that she would not be considered as a loser, and she was a bit of a strong sense of face.

Lin Feihang smiled and said: “Okay, if you want to watch it, it doesn’t matter to me.” Lin Feihang’s smile turned out to be so weird.

Lin Feihang immediately said again: “But you don’t regret it! I hope you don’t say anything later, I involved you in this matter, but you took the initiative.”

Lu Xuanying’s face changed instantly. I feel that I am still in the calculations of Lin Feihang, and even if I want to take the initiative to follow, this is all calculated by Lin Feihang!

After hearing Lin Feihang’s words, Lu Xuanying regretted it instantly.

But she didn’t intend to go back, because she really wanted to know how Lin Feihang was going to deal with such a big thing!

Who is he going to see when he goes to the Tianyuan Teahouse?

The three of them set off and went straight downstairs. Lu Xuanying drove Bentley with Wu Bingyu.

Lin Feihang drove his own Rolls Royce.

The bodyguard drove behind.

Let’s go to the Lu’s Group first.

During the time when driving to the Lu’s Group, Lu Xuanying and Wu Bingyu didn’t know that Lin Feihang, who drove personally, had called several people separately. The call time was very short, just a few words. Finished talking.

After arriving at the Lu’s Group, the three of them took a rest, then they changed cars again and set off again, by the way, they got rid of the people the Wu family was following secretly.

When the three people arrived at the Tianyuan Tea House, it was already close to six o’clock in the evening. If the other party arrived on time, it should have been waiting for Lin Feihang for nearly an hour!

“How come there are so many cars?”

Before entering the gate of Tianyuan Tea House, Lu Xuanying already felt something was wrong.

Because it’s all this time, it’s already time for dinner, and basically no one comes here to drink tea!

But outside the teahouse, there are many luxury cars parked!

But so many!

Lin Feihang smiled and didn’t say a word. Of course there was more, because he had more than one appointment!

The three of them entered the door and went straight upstairs!

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