Chapter 452 I choose the second one, okay?

Although Wu Bingyu was a little confused, she still followed Lin Feihang’s words, walked to the opposite side, and sat down across the table with Lin Feihang.

Lu Xuanying was standing on the side of the table, holding her shoulders, with a blank expression on her face, looking at her without a word. She wanted to see how Wu Bingyu chose!

Lin Feihang looked at Wu Bingyu, then smiled: “Come on, you answer me first.”

“Tomorrow morning, when you go back, how are you going to face your father and blame you for running away without permission? He will still call you, right!”

“I…” Wu Bingyu paused when he spoke. On his dreamy and exquisite cheeks, there was an emotion of embarrassment and tension in an instant, which was a subconscious emotion.

Wu Bingyu’s fear of his father was melted into his bones.

Wu Bingyu took a deep breath at the moment, plucked up the courage, and said: “I want…I want to resist him, I will reason with him! What he did is wrong! I want to take his mistakes over the years one by one. , Say it all…”

After Lin Feihang’s “enlightenment”, Wu Bingyu was indeed much bolder than before, but it was only limited to the idea of ​​daring to resist her father! Just one idea, it was useless, and Wu Bingyu didn’t have the ability to actually resist.

It is estimated that after Wu Bingyu returned, Wu Zhonghao reprimanded her, and she must have been wilted.

In fact, Wu Bingyu’s biggest problem is his lack of self-confidence.

No self-confidence, no confidence, it’s over as soon as the heart is over!

If she is confident, be rascal.

Just don’t listen, don’t listen.

In fact, Wu Zhonghao may not use how much she can vote. After all, Wu Bingyu is the only heir to the Wu family!

Lin Feihang directly asked, “Do you think you are at home, can you do justice to your father?”

Wu Bingyu stopped talking when he got down.

There is no reason for this!

This problem is not only in the Wu family, but in too many families. Don’t even think about reasoning with your parents at home!

Lin Feihang smiled again: “Is there no way?”

Wu Bingyu still didn’t speak, and his expression was even more declining.

In fact, Wu Bingyu herself knows very well, she can do it if she thinks, but the final result…

I’m afraid I will resist and fail!

Lin Feihang looked at Wu Bingyu’s appearance, and then said again: “I now have two options here, and I decide whether or not to make this call!”

Lin Feihang picked up the phone again and gestured to Wu Bingyu. On the dial page on the screen, the eleven-digit phone number had already been entered, and it was almost time to call it out.

Lin Feihang slowly said: “The first option, if I don’t make this call, I will assume that nothing has happened. You will go back on time tomorrow, and then…you will return to the previous life. We can only meet in private in the future. .”

“As your father’s health is getting worse and worse. I will definitely give you a blind date again. I think Ye Fan must be the candidate to hire a son-in-law! You can refuse, but they will keep pushing you!”

“Even if it is not Ye Fan, but if there is a man who meets the conditions, he is willing to accept the conditions of your family and decide to become a parent. Of course I have the ability to let others evaporate, but… you always have to face persecution at home. This situation will not end even after your father’s death! Because although your father is not in good health, your mother and uncle are in good health.”

“Very healthy, your mother is at home. You are still the “Queen Dowager”. Even if you reach the age of fifty and reach the age of knowing your destiny, I am afraid you will still live in the shadow of your seventies.”

After Lin Feihang said this, Wu Bingyu’s expression changed, and he felt that he was still too young, and his thinking was simple. I thought the future would be better, but I didn’t expect that the future is so difficult!

Lu Xuanying listened and knew that Lin Feihang was not scaring Wu Bingyu! It really does!

However, this is not the point! The point is the second option that Lin Feihang will talk about. What exactly does Lin Feihang want to do?

Lin Feihang continued: “The second option… I’ll make this call…”

Lin Feihang paused after talking, staring at Wu Bingyu very seriously, and slowly said: “I will contact other people. I will let you take over the power of the Wu family in the shortest possible time and become the president of the Wu family! I will let you make the final decision not only in the Wu Group, but also at home!”

“I will let your father bow to you and stop controlling you. Even at first, I will be a little afraid of you! Let him understand that he can no longer control the already powerful you! He can only admit his fate! And your mother, she should I’ll feel gratified about this and be more proud of you.”

After Lin Feihang finished speaking, he leaned back, shook his phone again, and said, “Choose Bingyu!”

After listening to Lin Feihang’s words, Wu Bingyu couldn’t help being stunned.

Lu Xuanying was also stunned!

Because both of them felt that Lin Feihang’s second option was like telling a fairy tale!

Lin Feihang said again: “Wu Bingyu, please choose. Your destiny is in your own hands, and no one can help you.” Lin Feihang finished speaking, and then smiled.

Wu Bingyu still hadn’t recovered at this moment, Wu Bingyu moved his hand a little, and then lifted it up, hesitating, and made a “Yeah” gesture!

No, actually Wu Bingyu’s gesture is “two”!

Wu Bingyu’s voice was a little trembling: “The first… the second one, okay?”

Wu Bingyu chose, and asked Lin Feihang, okay?

The second option is too difficult.

Choosing is cheating and fouling, just like embarrassing people.

Lin Fei Channel: “Of course.”

Lin Feihang smiled slightly, then pressed the dial button, and then put the phone on his ear.

Before Lu Xuanying could say anything, Lin Feihang had already made the call.

Lu Xuanying opened her mouth, but made no sound.

Then Lu Xuanying hurriedly stepped to Lin Feihang’s side in two steps, and then sat down.

Lu Xuanying tilted her head and began to eavesdrop!

In fact, Lu Xuanying is not eavesdropping.

Listen clearly!

Lin Feihang simply ignored Lu Xuanying.

Lin Feihang doesn’t care, loves to listen to it!

If Lu Xuanying could hear anything from his phone, hell!

Probably because of Lu Xuanying’s attitude, Wu Bingyu on the opposite side also stood up, walked quickly to Lin Feihang’s side, and sat directly into Lin Feihang’s arms.

Wu Bingyu held Lin Feihang’s neck with both hands, and then shrank her body.

Wu Bingyu started to get to Lin Feihang’s phone from another angle, and Wu Bingyu wanted to listen too!

These two women are really…

Lin Feihang is a little helpless!

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