I pretend to be a fortune teller in a fantasy world

Chapter 958: Shadow enters creation, bloody battle in the sky

Finally... we've come this far.

Su Li murmured to himself, with mixed emotions.

But he knew that this was a step he had to take.

Now he could only vaguely sense Su Wangchen's causal changes through meditation on the Huangji Jingshi Book.

In Su Li's eyes, this change was like a candle flickering in the dark night, which would most likely be blown out by the breeze at any time.

This means that Su Wangchen is actually in danger at this time, very dangerous.

At this time, what I can do is to share some special abilities with you, and temporarily authorize some special abilities to you...The rest, you can only rely on yourself.

Su Li solidified the endless depths of the void.

There is nothing there, but there is actually everything there.

At this time, only when the Emperor's Blood Flower Sea is connected with the cause and effect of the entire outside world, will everything truly be normal.

Only then can the so-called ‘Cosmic Gate of Life and Death’ start and even operate normally.

Only in the so-called 'Burial Ground' can there be a glimmer of hope for survival.

Otherwise, once there is a connection error here, for example, if the small world of A Chinese Girl cannot be completely connected with reality, it is very likely that the Emperor's Blood Flower Sea and the entire Bone Burial Ground will collapse and collapse directly.

The result of the collapse is naturally like the collapse of a white dwarf star, which instantly turns into ruins.

At that time, even Su Li couldn't escape.

Emperor Wang was actually prepared for this crisis, so Su Li had to take a chance this time.

Of course, Su Li has another way, to forcibly refine the real into the virtual or the virtual into the real, but that will definitely expose the core ability. Although this can stabilize the situation for a while, from a large perspective, it is still considered Failed.

Now, Su Li can only wait for the passage of time.

For him, there is not much time in reality.

For Su Wangchen, there was actually still some time, but it was also very urgent.

The void above Jingyang Village.

Endless laws circulate.

At this time, Yun Huaying was extremely powerful and invincible.

Yun Huaying's aura was unpredictable, but the ultimate power of fire allowed Su Wangchen to see the true horror of the 'Emperor Fire Clan'.

At this time, Su Wangchen had to admit that the inheritance that could be named the 'Emperor Fire Clan' was indeed very powerful and unique.

At the very least, Yun Huaying's ability, realm and combat power are not actually strong, and even most of his background has not reached the true immortal level.

In other words, this is the existence of a king-level realm and combat power.

But such a being could fight Su Wangchen without losing.

The cloud-shaped shadow stands quietly in the void, like a magical and peerless flame goddess, powerful and as deep as an abyss.

She stared at Su Wangchen for a long time, and then suddenly let out a long breath.

Then, her figure exploded into a terrifying fire like a solar storm. In an instant, like wind and lightning, she developed an even more terrifying murderous intention and killed Su Wangchen.

Su Wangchen also rose into the sky at this moment, his ancestral dragon bloodline erupting like crazy.

In an instant, the void was deafening, the traces of the path collapsed, the divine light soared into the sky, and the storm raged.

If it weren't for the fact that the world of Jingyang Village on this side exists in the special realm of the 'Secret Realm of Hades', which is like the existence of the 'internal and external world', I am afraid that such an attack would have already destroyed this side of the world and destroyed everything in the world. All traces and laws of the world.


Ripples of destruction suddenly exploded in the surrounding area of ​​Jingyang Village. Suddenly, the entire area of ​​10,000 meters in radius collapsed, turning into a mushroom cloud and impacting all directions.

The surrounding area also turned into powder in an instant, and then the ripples of destruction further impacted the void in all directions, rippling farther away.

The clouds turned into shadows like the peerless blazing sun, and his movements were like peerless gods. The laws and Dao marks were readily available, and all kinds of killing moves and wonderful techniques were endless.

And every killing method he used was shocking, making it difficult for Su Wangchen to deal with it.

Su Wangchen evolved into the Ancestral Dragon Demon state, and the Shura Hell Scythe in his hand once again transformed into the Baiyu Demon God's Yaoguang Bow.

This time, the bow was once again gathered together by Su Wangchen, emitting waves of terrifying power.

The Nine Desolate Divine Phoenix slashes the sky with blood!

At this time, Yun Huaying evolved the Flame Extreme Path Nirvana method, gathering the power of a certain mountain topography and dragon vein in Jingyang Village, waving a power close to the Dao marks and laws, forming a long flame dragon.

The long dragon roared like mountains and crisscrossed the sky and earth, blazing brightly and scorching the eyes.

At the same time, many talented men and women in the void in all directions seemed to have opened up a new spiritual wisdom at this time, gathering together to form a dragon scale-like existence, and lighting up a terrifying aura.

At that moment, it was like stars gathering from all directions of the blazing sun.

In an instant, all the Tao and Dharma like the Milky Way converged into the Fire Dragon Avenue, and after converging into one body, they formed the supreme murderous intention.

The momentum and murderous intent that could overwhelm eternity and suppress the nine heavens converged into one, and the overwhelming impact shook the void. It had already eclipsed the sun and moon in all directions, and all colors in the world were completely dim.


Yun Huaying roared angrily, and the spear in his hand carried many murderous intentions, forming a dark stream of light and stabbing out suddenly.


Su Wangchen roared, and all the power of the Ancestral Dragon Bloodline of the Ancestral Dragon Demon exploded.

The power of divinity and immortal soul exploded, and the whole person was as bright as a real ancient ancestral witch resurrected.

The energy and blood all over his body were turbulent like a tsunami, his momentum was like an abyss, and it was like the roaring waves of an angry sea.

The giant Ancestral Dragon Demon is now like a peerless demon swaying between the heaven and the earth, and every move draws out endless wind to tear the heaven and the earth apart!

Su Wangchen and Yun Huaying turned into destruction and aurora, constantly colliding with each other, and both used almost all their strength to fight again.

During this period, Su Wangchen even used the Baiyu Demon God's Yaoguang Bow many times to condense the sun-shooting arrows, but he was still unable to develop a true 'arrow soul' and stab Yun Huaying.

Yun Huaying also seems to be more ethereal and mysterious, unable to be truly targeted, so it is impossible to hunt at all.


Ten breaths.

One hundred breaths.

Countless collisions continued to erupt.


Suddenly, Su Wangchen held the Baiyu Demon God Yaoguang Bow, used the bow as a stick, and struck Yun Huaying hard on the back.

This was the advantage Su Wangchen gained after giving up a clone, and it dealt a fatal blow to Yun Huaying.

The void shook, and Yun Huaying's body suddenly flickered, and at the same time, he raised his figure like a stream of light, avoiding part of the murderous intention of the shocking blow.

And Su Wangchen's bow directly broke the blockade of the ancient town above Jingyang Village, breaking through the dark clouds in the deeper void.

After that blow hit part of Yun Huaying's back, Yun Huaying's body exploded, just like the collapse of the star field, exploding countless blood and starlight.

The force like the waves crashing on the shore surged like crazy, and the world was completely distorted at this moment.

Yun Huaying's bloodline, like the blazing sun, formed a ball of chaotic light, which exploded suddenly and struck Su Wangchen fiercely.

Su Wangchen was fearless, his eyes were like blood. After developing the Eight-nine Mysterious Techniques, he transformed directly into a Vajra Demon Ape and unleashed the ultimate killing power.

The two fought together again, and this time the battle was more ferocious and wild.

Such a battle would only cause the heaven and earth to break apart, the sun and moon to lose light, and the stars to become extremely pale.

In the entire Jingyang Village, many geniuses were shocked to death by the fighting power of Su Wangchen and Yun Huaying. There were even more genius puppets who finally woke up, and then ran into the depths of the altar area and hid. He was trembling in it, not daring to rush out again for fear of being affected and being shocked to death.

This scene is extremely shocking.

The scene is also extremely horrifying.

This kind of battle is like the crazy fight between the fire dragon and the blood demon, like the endless struggle where both sides are injured!

This kind of battle also makes the special beings who are pulling in further away feel frightened and chilled.

There is no Tao, no name.

Extreme Dao, extreme emotion, extreme inflammation, extreme life!

Suddenly, after a fierce battle knocked back Su Wangchen, Yun Huaying's body suddenly began to glow with flames, as if it had changed from a state of flame to a state of water.

Fire is also water, water is also water.

Water is also fire, and fire is also fire.

This is an extreme state in which things must be turned against each other to the fullest extent, and it is also a terrifying ultimate combat state.

At this time, Yun Huaying had quietly coiled into the fish void, and waves of purple-gold soul energy began to rise from his whole body.

This kind of soul energy is extremely powerful.

When the soul energy gathered, Yun Huaying's eyebrows flickered with purple light, and a terrifying charm appeared in the middle of his eyebrows.

This scene made Su Wangchen immediately think of a sentence: The brows are filled with splendor, and the beauty is level with Zichuan.

This was Hua Ziyan's initial vision between her eyebrows, but now it suddenly appeared on Yun Huaying's body.

Although the change in this moment was very short-lived, Su Wangchen was still 'Su Wangchen' after all, and he was still the same existence as 'Su Li'.

Therefore, when this scene of cause and effect appeared, Su Wangchen's 'Great Cause and Effect Technique' immediately glimpsed such a cause and effect, and immediately grasped such a terrifying cause and effect.

At that moment, Su Wangchen was immediately convinced that Hua Ziyan's fate came from Yun Huaying, or rather Ying, Li Juan.

Hua Ziyan controls reincarnation, and Li Juan or Ying also controls reincarnation.

And the battle of fate between them has always existed.

But this time, Yun Huaying developed such a fate, and Su Wangchen immediately understood that Hua Ziyan must be protected now, otherwise she would be really in danger.

Su Wangchen didn't know what Hua Ziyan's situation was now, but he still paid attention to this aspect in his heart, and when he was ready to get Su Li's help again, he would give back to the past through resonance.

In this case, he can also give Su Li more help.

At this time, Yun Huaying went through various changes, and the purple energy between his eyebrows quickly disappeared, and then a source of hope suddenly lit up between his eyebrows, like a colorful light source!

After this scene appeared, Su Wangchen couldn't help but be startled.

Then, he was shocked to find that a little girl who was just like him emerged from Yun Huaying's eyebrows, just like the infant soul condensed from the original Nascent Soul.

But Su Wangchen knew very clearly that this was definitely not an infant soul, but rather like Zhuge Ranyue's special 'soul within a soul'.

In other words, this is the ‘soul within the soul’!

At this time, what does Yun Huaying mean by calling this 'soul within a soul'? What other means?

Su Wangchen was a little creepy, but the little girl who rushed out from Yun Huaying's eyebrows, wearing a light purple gauze skirt, looked extremely cute.

But in fact, the evil spirit and murderous intention in his body are extremely strong. At the same time, his divine power is overwhelming and his momentum is overwhelming. He also holds a purple-gold spear in his hand.

Although this spear is the same as the previous spear, it has a more terrifying aura. This is a spear soul!

Soul within soul, controlling the gun soul, what kind of murderous intention is this unleashing?

Su Wangchen's eyebrows were beating wildly. This was reality and not a soul battle, so facing such an attack, Su Wangchen was helpless.

call out

The little purple girl rushed over with her terrifying speed, and the blow was beyond words shocking.

Su Wangchen was just about to dodge when he instinctively met the little girl's eyes. They were extremely cold eyes. The divine light in her eyes was like lightning, piercing and intimidating.

The spear in her hand contained extremely terrifying fluctuations in the soul's aura, as if this spear could pierce all existing souls.

Specialize in killing the soul!

Su Wangchen analyzed the terrifying ability of this gun soul in an instant, so in a stunned moment, he suddenly used the Asura Hell Scythe!


Su Wangchen showed a strange look. The blow of this gun soul was quite similar to some of the abilities of his Shura Hell Scythe, which could instantly kill the soul of a strong man.

Likewise, Su Wangchen suddenly thought of a way to solve the problem. His brows trembled, and a light flashed in his heart.

At that moment, he almost immediately took the form of the Ancestral Dragon Demon, used himself as a bow, and used the Shura Underworld Scythe as an arrow, and suddenly shot a killing arrow!

This arrow is like the blessing of the eternal beginning, and the divine radiance flows.

His characteristic of killing souls was infinitely amplified at this time.


The two terrifying attacks collided again in this instant.

Then, a monstrous aurora of destruction suddenly boiled.

In the aurora, Su Wangchen's bloody arrows kept stabbing the purple little girl.

But the little girl seemed to be able to resist in the early stage, and she responded as fiercely and quickly as lightning.

But soon, Yun Huaying's face gradually turned pale. It was obvious that such a fighting method had taken a huge toll on her, and it was obviously not easy to support herself.

Furthermore, there is no doubt that Su Wangchen did not stab the soul with such a decisive blow as she imagined, and gave her some kind of opportunity to harvest!


Terrifying and fierce battles continued to occur.

After the little purple girl fell into a disadvantage, the arrows evolved by Su Wangchen began to become more fierce and powerful!

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