I pretend to be a fortune teller in a fantasy world

Chapter 957 Shura Hell, Bloody Battle with Cloud Shadow

Su Wangchen stared at Yun Nishang for a while, then sighed and said, I have to say, this kind of training method is indeed extremely terrifying.

Yun Nichang said: Yes, it is very terrifying! It is beyond the reach of ordinary people! The combat power and ability honed by beings born in such a 'dragon eye' after a duel are already incomparable.

Su Wangchen was slightly silent: However, this kind of gestation and transformation is not as good as your real-time synchronous evolution.

Yun Nishang was startled for a moment, and suddenly showed a strange look: You... what do you mean by this?

Su Wangchen said: It's what you have in mind.

As Su Wangchen spoke, he withdrew his gaze.

Yun Nishang seemed to know that this time her persuasion had failed.

In the end, she just laughed, and her already old and decaying body began to collapse bit by bit...

It was like an extremely terrifying evil spirit was corrupting bit by bit before Su Wangchen's eyes.

The process was very tragic.

But Su Wangchen didn't care at all.

At this time, there was no need for him to care.

Yun Nishang mentioned the cause and effect of Su Wangchen's shock, and even threw out the terrifying cage of truth, but Su Wangchen did not take this matter deeply into his heart after contact.

This is equivalent to going in through the left ear and out through the right ear.

Yes, the matter is big and the cause and effect is very heavy, but what does it have to do with him, Su Wangchen?

Puff puff

Yun Nishang's figure quickly collapsed and disappeared.

This time, even this side of the void seemed to be missing some of the mysterious woman's aura.

Su Wangchen reassembled the Shura Hell Scythe and looked into the distance quietly.

After Yun Nishang collapsed and shattered, those geniuses finally seemed to have lost control, roaring and screaming, and suddenly rushed towards Su Wangchen.


At this time, the Asura Hell Scythe in Su Wangchen's hand suddenly emitted a blazing and powerful fairy light, and then a dark sword suddenly cut through the void, tearing apart the heaven and earth, as if a chaotic black hole was split open in an instant.


After the extremely sharp and invincible sword light pierced the void, the terrifying sword light that was ten thousand meters long swept down.

Suddenly, many geniuses couldn't resist at all, and their whole bodies exploded immediately, and their divine bodies were cut open like a cut in half.

Puff puff

Flesh and blood flew everywhere, and blood splattered.

At this time, the screams of many geniuses were already extremely sharp.

Su Wangchen, holding the Shura Hell Scythe, rose into the sky and rushed towards the two hundred thousand talented men and women.

Boom boom boom

Puff puff

Su Wangchen holds the Shura Hell Scythe and kills all directions, making him invincible.

If there were changes before and there were still things that were difficult to deal with, it was naturally the combination of these many talented people who formed a killing formation, exerting the effect of one plus one.

But now, after some dragon veins have been broken, the dragon soul has been cut off, and the dragon's eyes have been blinded, these geniuses can only be normal geniuses.

Even their strength, which is comparable to that of a quasi-king, has already fallen to around the level of Zipao.

Such strength is no longer enough to threaten Su Wangchen.


Damn it!

Some geniuses recovered somewhat and gained some independent self-will in their hearts, so they yelled and screamed angrily.

There were also some Tianjiao monks who were not completely awake, so when they were cut in half, they immediately let out extremely miserable howls of 'Ao Ao'.

However, at this time, Su Wangchen no longer hesitated and took action again.

Another extremely blazing fairy light suddenly pierced out, and then evolved into endless planes, quickly sweeping across the void.

Puff puff

This time, without the blessing of the terrifying Longyan foundation, the abilities of these geniuses were much weaker, so that when Su Wangchen swept across, he encountered almost no effective resistance.


Su Wangchen swung the huge Shura Hell Sickle like a big stick.

He kept slashing the void in all directions with the Asura Underworld Scythe. It seemed like he was slashing the void, but in fact, it directly smashed the entire Jingyang Village square into pieces. Some geniuses who rushed forward had their bodies shattered. , flesh and blood flying everywhere.

Shura Hell's Scythe flashed with brilliance, and the light source it contained was so bright that it scorched the eyes. After continuously slashing at the geniuses, none of them had the power to fight back.


With another blow, Su Wangchen suddenly evolved the Ancestral Dragon Totem and actively evolved the form of the Ancestral Dragon Demon.

This time, he led the 'era' of evolving the Ancestral Dragon Demon.

In other words, this is not an era, but a way of confrontation.

This way is to take other people's path and leave others with no way to go!


The moment Su Wangchen evolved his dragon veins and turned into the Ancestral Dragon Demon, the void in this area became completely distorted.


At this time, a terrifying figure suddenly rushed out of the void. This figure was none other than Yun Huaying, who had escaped from the Emperor's Blood Flower Sea!

Clouds turn into shadows!

Appeared in a place like this!

After Yun Huaying appeared, she didn't seem to have suffered any injuries at all.

She was now wearing a flaming neon gauze skirt, and she looked extremely beautiful. She looked very much like Jiang Yufei and Yun Nishang.

Even her temperament and aura are a bit like Jiang Luan!

Su Wangchen narrowed his eyes and said, If I hadn't rescued Jiang Luan from Kong Yunxi, would Jiang Luan have been controlled by your shadow now?

Su Wangchen scolded in a cold voice.

Yun Huaying's face was extremely gloomy. Many causes and effects suddenly happened, too fast!

Moreover, the two voids formed the 'internal and external world'. Although the time was the same, the time was broken, so that she ended up focusing on one and not the other!

As a result, this time an extremely terrible cause and effect happened and the altar was destroyed, but she was completely unable to stop it!

What's even more frightening is that the peerless 'Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Generals' she created were actually killed by Su Wangchen single-handedly!

Not only that, after being hunted by Su Wangchen, the 'Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Generals' had their souls harvested directly, so that they were equivalent to being completely dead!

The 'Shura Underworld Scythe' in Su Wangchen's hand is obviously a genuine magic weapon, specially designed to kill the soul!

This is really hateful!

Yun Huaying scolded in a cold voice: So what if it is? So what if it's not? Do you think you can still get away this time?! You don't know how to praise someone!

Yun Huaying snorted coldly, his tone extremely sharp.

Su Wangchen also sneered, and the Shura Underworld Scythe in his hand slashed across the void, directly cutting through Tianyu with one strike!

This blow made Yun Huaying's face even more gloomy and ugly.


The next moment, a terrifying flame spear appeared in Yun Huaying's hand, and the spear showed a dark golden color of destruction.

call out

The dark golden spear suddenly tore through the void and turned into light and shadow to stab Su Wangchen.


Su Wangchen's eyes narrowed, and his figure had disappeared.

But where Su Wangchen was, an afterimage was left behind.

But this afterimage was stabbed directly by the dark golden spear in one fell swoop, and was completely torn apart in an instant.

And in this place of afterimages, a puppet genius' body suddenly exploded, his flesh and blood flew everywhere, and he died tragically on the spot.

Yun Huaying's face turned even colder, as if she didn't see how Su Wangchen let a puppet genius act as his clone's substitute!

But Yun Huayinghun didn't care and took action again.



Another afterimage was hit by Yun Huaying's spear, and blood and flesh flew everywhere, which was extremely miserable.

Unfortunately, this afterimage became Su Wangchen's 'clone' again.

This is the method of infinite clones. Now, please taste it. Keep killing and see how many times you can kill!

Su Wangchen spoke calmly.

Yun Huaying's face became even more gloomy: I want to see how many clones you can control through weird means!

As Yun Huaying spoke, he took action again.

Puff puff

One after another afterimages were hunted, but one after another afterimages turned into the two hundred thousand prodigious men or women in Jingyang Village again and again.

Every one of them will be massacred in one fell swoop and die an extremely miserable death.

Nothing changes in this process!

Yun Huaying kept killing.

Su Wangchen, on the other hand, has always been concerned about using special methods to develop clones.

The clones seem endless!

But Yun Huaying's massacre never stopped.

Soon, after massacring a hundred thousand geniuses, Yun Huaying's hands finally became numb.

However, Su Wangchen was still Su Wangchen, and he still showed no sign of fatigue.

In fact, Su Wangchen's condition was even better!

Continue! There are nearly 100,000 geniuses left, just enough to kill them all for me! Let's see who is more powerful, my infinite clones, or you!

Su Wangchen kicked him and became angry and joked.

Yun Huaying was obviously extremely angry.

You deserve to die!

Yun Huaying said every word.

At this moment, Su Wangchen suddenly developed endless murderous intent again, directly sweeping the void with the Asura Hell Scythe again.

A burst of blood exploded.

Suddenly, nearly a thousand of the remaining 100,000 geniuses in the distance let out extremely shrill screams.

Then, their bodies immediately shook, and then exploded into a bloody mist!


At this time, an extremely sharp spear intent gathered like a substance and pierced towards Su Wangchen's head like a mountain.

This blow was even more earth-shattering and even more powerful and invincible.

Su Wangchen snorted coldly, The moment the Eighty-nine Mysterious Techniques were used, an extremely powerful mirror reflection was formed.


After being rebounded hard almost instantly, this spear intention suddenly pierced a light screen next to Yun Huaying.

The body of a talented and extremely powerful female puppet next to Yun Huaying shook, and immediately turned into a bloody light and exploded.

After the Tianjiao female puppet let out an equally shrill scream, the spirit she had condensed was pierced by such a spear and exploded in the void.


Sensing Su Wangchen's strong murderous intention and such a strong posture, Yun Huaying's heart became even colder.

She no longer held anything back, and the spear in her hand struck the world. That spear contained extremely terrifying Dao charm, and even contained the terrifying imperial Dao murderous intention.

Such a shot, like the Tao that contains the past, present and future, pierced the sky with one blow!

The brilliant light is like a note, and the cause and effect reincarnates.

It seems that such a shot contains the great cycle of cause and effect, creation and destiny, as well as the cause and effect of ancient and modern times, both at home and abroad.

After the blow, Su Wangchen couldn't help but feel terrified.

As soon as Su Wangchen's figure moved, he almost immediately sensed the danger of death.

At this time, Su Wangchen thought of the many ways to 'lead the times'.

This time, Su Wangchen's figure moved, and he developed the ultimate method of beheading.



Su Wangchen's Shura Hell Scythe once again evolved the soul-killing method and the beheading method, and slashed Yun Huaying's head.

Yun Huaying knew that it was also extremely dangerous, but in order to hit Su Wangchen, he did not avoid Su Wangchen's blow.



Su Wangchen chopped off Yun Huaying's head with a knife. Yun Huaying's head and blood immediately rose into the sky, turning into a lantern burning with blazing flames.

But the next moment, another Yun Huaying appeared, and the head of the Yun Huaying that turned into a lantern turned into a 'paper substitute'.

At the same moment, Yun Huaying's previous shot also hit Su Wangchen.

Su Wangchen's clones also gathered together to deal with it, but his clone did not avoid the blow at all, and was hit by a shot at Tianling Gai.

Immediately, Su Wangchen's Tianling Cap also exploded, and the terrifying blood immediately burst in all directions, forming a rain of blood that flew across the void in all directions.

This scene was extremely tragic.

Su Wangchen's Eight-Nine Mysterious Skills suddenly shook, and he fell back slightly.

This means that one of the Dharma in the Eight Nine Mysterious Techniques was actually destroyed by this blow.

This means that one of Su Wangchen's clones was truly killed and a life was lost.

This situation has happened before, but at that time it was the cause and effect of Su Wangchen and Su Li's 'War of Three Emperors', true or false.

But now, everything is a needle-like life-and-death struggle, extremely dangerous.


After losing a life, Su Wangchen gathered his will even more.

At this moment, the dragon veins in his body were fully activated, forming a true transformation.

The next moment, he roared, rose into the sky, and transformed into a giant Ancestral Dragon Demon!

I've been waiting for you for a long time!

Yun Huaying roared angrily, and all the energy and blood in his body immediately became violent.

At the same time, her whole body was burning with extremely violent flames, and her whole body was filled with an extremely terrifying explosive power.

The red lantern transformed from the previously killed stand-in paper man seemed to form a halo of scorching sun covering all directions. After approaching Yun Huaying, it gathered behind Yun Huaying.

At this time, Yun Huaying was just like the peerless Sun Fairy who truly stepped out of the scorching sun.

At this time, Yun Huaying's fighting power was invincible and unmatched.

Because she seems to be more than just a cloud shadow, not just a shadow, but also a representative of Lie Yang and the ultimate will of Lie Yang!

At this very moment...

Elsewhere, Su Li, who was in the sea of ​​Emperor Blood Flowers, suddenly opened his eyes. Two flames of light that were also like the Five Elements Emperor Fire flashed in his eyes, and he suddenly looked into the void in the distance.

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