I pretend to be a fortune teller in a fantasy world

Chapter 959: Hunting the Blood Eye and finally meeting Su Ye

The purple little girl tried to destroy Su Wangchen's soul by suppressing the laws of one field. Su Wangchen gathered Eight-nine Mysterious Techniques to evolve the fighting spirit of the extremely bloodline, and exerted the power of the Ancestral Dragon Demon's Ancestral Dragon Veins to the fullest extent. limit.

The fight between the two was extremely fierce and crazy.

In such a battle, Su Wangchen even further activated part of the power of his mind, as if he contained terrifying galaxies within his body, and it was as if billions of stars and civilizations were born in the galaxies, and each civilization also They all contain endless shocking power and laws, and are extremely powerful and terrifying.

The little purple girl used her ultimate Dao Evolution to transform the endless law magical power, and used a method that was close to obliteration to forcefully try to obliterate Su Wangchen.

However, no matter how much the little purple girl's combat power increased, she could never really shake the current Su Wangchen. It was as if the billions of stars that Su Wangchen had evolved were like an endless black hole that could never be filled.

Under such circumstances, the little purple girl's expression became even more crazy and ferocious, even more cold and decisive.

Suddenly, the void shook, and then there was a terrifying crackling sound...

It was as if some kind of sealed space had burst open.

The moment this cracking sound appeared, the little purple girl was suddenly shaken. Then Su Wangchen immediately locked the moment, and then waved a murderous intention that contained the ultimate killing fist, and struck hard The fist blasted out from the void.



The little purple girl was shocked, and this time she was really hit, so that blood continued to spurt out of her mouth.

At the same time, her figure became obviously blurred, and her originally terrifying aura immediately became much calmer. It was obvious that with her ability, she could not withstand such attacks and losses, and she had begun to fall into a disadvantage.

At this time, Su Wangchen seemed to have unlocked some kind of shackles, his combat power surged further, and his strength further improved.

It was as if he fed war with war, and now his fighting spirit was even more frenzied.

Su Wangchen punched, and the golden light suddenly transformed into the earth again, and he punched out again, transforming into the King Kong Demon Ape Ancestor Dragon Demon.

This fist intention is not only the fist intention of the Six Paths of Reincarnation, but also the fist intention of the Imperial Way that contains Su Li's perception of the Emperor's blood, and the fist intention of the Extreme Xingyi Fist derived from Hua Qiudao!

After this punch, the little purple girl's whole body shook violently, and she was hit by Su Wangchen's punch again.


The void made an extremely dull sound.

Then, the void trembled, and a blood cocoon-like light suddenly flickered.

At this time, Su Wangchen's pupils shrank slightly, and then he said in a deep voice: Jingyang Village, under the Canggu Stone Stele, the soul-nurturing place, the place of longan and dragon veins, what is conceived? It is a blood cocoon, nourishing Is it the foundation of Emperor Wang? Want to become a real emperor?

The emperor's corpse has existed, the emperor's fetus has gathered, and the emperor's blood has turned into a cocoon...

What a good plan!

In this instant, Su Wangchen revealed the core purpose and cause and effect of this time without hesitation.

When these words were spoken, the whole world suddenly fell silent, and the originally frantic storm fell into a dead silence.

At this time, a bloody eye suddenly opened in the void.

The bloody eyes were locked on Su Wangchen, which seemed to be a sign that the extreme storm was about to break out.

This is more like a kind of obliteration after knowing the core secret and core plan!

However, can Su Wangchen be killed at will at this time?

Apparently not!

What? You want to erase it? You want to cover up such a cause and effect? ​​You can't erase it! You can't cover it up either!

Su Wangchen responded coldly, and then sneered: Come on, take action!

As he spoke, Su Wangchen closed his eyes, and at this moment he directly resonated with some of the abilities of the Three Thousand Avenues provided by Su Li, gathering them all in one fell swoop.

At that moment, Su Wangchen even vaguely sensed that he contained the invincible Tao and the invincible truth.

At that moment, Su Wangchen didn't think about who he was, but he knew that he was a sword in Su Li's hand.

Once upon a time, Su Wangchen was soaring across the sky.

But the current 'Su Wangchen' is the most advantageous weapon Su Li can use to deal with the 'former Su Wangchen'.

This is the meaning of his existence!

But now, as long as such a plan is broken and the possibility of 'buying the dip' is destroyed, everything will go in a different direction.

As for the price paid this time, no matter how high it is, it is still worth it!

Stop it.

Suddenly, a very familiar female voice faintly came from the blood eyes.

This voice made Su Wangchen feel very close, as if this existence was extremely important to him and even to Su Li.

However, Su Wangchen did not stop.

If...that's the case, then it will only leave you with eternal regrets!

The voice spoke again, and then, a giant hand holding up the sky seemed to appear in the void. Bloody hair grew on the giant hand, which looked extremely weird and terrifying.

The fingernails on its giant hands are very long and very sharp, like the claws of a ferocious beast, shining with a cold light.

When such a giant hand suddenly appeared, it suddenly descended from the void and grabbed Su Wangchen's head.

At this time, Su Wangchen developed the ultimate unity of spirit, energy and soul at that moment, meditated on the Emperor's Sutra, and instantly opened the ability of the Eye of the Hundred Tribulations of the Three Thousand Avenues.

call out


In an instant, Su Wangchen held the Baiyu Demon God's Yaoguang Bow, and finally produced a sun-shooting arrow formed by the condensation of the three thousand avenue marks of the Ji Dao.

This was the moment he had been waiting for.

In other words, Su Li was also waiting for this moment.

The bloody eye has appeared.

Now that it has appeared, then

Just kill him and that's it!

Therefore, at that moment, Su Wangchen took action.

In other words, at this moment, it was not only Su Wangchen who took action, but also Su Li who was secretly gathering three thousand avenues such as the Great Cause and Effect Technique and the Great Destiny Technique to take action together.

That special resonance that transcends time and space is so complementary and intimate at this time.


In an instant, the destroyed Baiyu Demon God's Yaoguang Bow shot the sun arrow with one strike, killing the ultimate Taoist charm and will of Dayi shooting the sun.

That arrow suddenly shot through the sky and directly pierced the bloody eye.



The giant claw swung down in the void, tearing Su Wangchen's body apart with one claw, causing Su Wangchen to fall apart.

But Su Wangchen had already left his clone to deal with the disaster, and he himself had already turned into an afterimage and appeared on the other side.

Even so, Su Wangchen still exploded a clone again, and Eight-Nine Mysterious Gong was broken and another life was lost.

But in the same way, the huge blood eye in the void was hit by the extremely powerful Hundred Tribulations Cave Ming method that gathered three thousand avenues. In an instant, after a scream, blood was falling like rain in the sky.


What was even more frightening was that the little girl in purple who had fought with Su Wangchen before also froze for a moment, and then started to tremble violently.

Boom boom boom


Then, the little girl in purple immediately began to burn with blazing flames.

Not only her, but also the previous Yun Huaying, as well as all the geniuses who had appeared before, all exploded at this time, constantly making explosions like bombs exploding.

Groups of purple, gray, white and black flames gathered together, exploding into pieces of blood on their bodies.

Then, all these geniuses began to break apart and turned into pieces of blood mist and powder.


Soon, the sky became dark.

Then, the sky was immediately covered with dark clouds, and a light rain fell in a short period of time.

The drizzle is not rain, but blood.

The light rain was not heavy, but it soon wetted the ground, turning the entire ground into bloody mud.

This kind of rain is very corrosive and has a violent and crazy connotation that attracts the soul.

But to Su Wangchen, all this was nothing.

In the rain, the burning bodies were still burning, and the flames were still boiling.

As the Ancestral Dragon Demon, Su Wangchen's figure shrank little by little and quickly returned to its original appearance.

At this time, the existences such as Yun Huaying in the flames were burned to ashes bit by bit by the flames, and then submerged into the rain and disappeared without a trace.

After the pouring rain fell, Su Wangchen looked at the hazy, dreamlike desert area ahead, feeling peaceful in his heart.

Under the feet, where the 'blood cocoon' originally existed, there was no sound of breaking.

After all, the land of longan cannot breed bleeding cocoons, nor can it take away the cause and effect that belongs to Su Wangchen, Su Li, and even Su Xinghe and Su He.

After all, this place has just become an ordinary dangerous and strange place, not Jingyang Village that connects the dragon veins and the underworld.

After Jingyang Village lost the meaning of Jingyang Village, Su Wangchen let out a breath and then walked out of the village step by step.

Before, he could not leave the village no matter what, but this time, he walked out of the village easily.

After leaving the village, he left this bloody land.

Next, the journey became much smoother, and we did not encounter any dangers along the way.

Soon, Su Wangchen came to an ancient place, Yueming City and Yueming Ancient Temple.

Coming here is actually not surprising.

After arriving here, Su Wangchen did not hesitate and looked at the ancient mural in Yueming Ancient Temple.

Su Wangchen just glanced at it, then turned into a stream of light and directly entered the world of murals.

The world of murals is a place of chaos.

There seemed to be nothing inside.

The surrounding fields are a land shrouded in gray mist.

However, here, Su Wangchen didn't hesitate at all and headed directly towards the west.

After traveling for almost 108,000 miles, Su Wangchen saw an empty figure in a chaotic area of ​​hazy gray fog.

I've been waiting for you for a long time. I thought you wouldn't be able to find your way here.

The empty figure spoke softly, but his whole body seemed to be relieved.

Su Wangchen smiled and said: Since I agreed to Su Li, I will naturally come here, even if I have to sacrifice my life, I must gather my breath to come here.

The ethereal figure smiled and said: No, since he has decided, you won't have to sacrifice your life. After all, we have a lot of preparations here to prevent you from falling at this step.

Su Wangchen said: If this is the case, it will naturally be better.

Su Wangchen said, and then said: You also know what happens next.

The ethereal figure smiled and said: I know, but at present, it is not very stable and is still in the process of transformation, so we need to wait for about three hundred breaths. Can we wait for this time?

When Su Wangchen heard this, he frowned slightly and said, More than three hundred breaths, for the Tianchi Blood River, it lasts almost three days. How do you plan to endure these three days?

The empty figure said: In fact, there is already an answer to this question and a solution, so you can take action.

Su Wangchen frowned deeply.

The empty figure said: I just think there is a solution. I think you can solve it. This is what my master mentioned, but he won't take action. You still have to do this.

Su Wangchen said: Is it a way to destroy the timeline? Cut the gap between reality and reality? Cut off the time for two to three days?

The empty figure said: Yes, that's it.

Su Wangchen said: What if it's not like this?

The empty figure said: Master said that if this is not the case, there will be flaws in the connection between Emperor Wang and reality, and the impact will be very fatal.

Su Wangchen remained silent.

The empty figure said: Su Wangchen, since you can come here, you must already know what to do. This is not the time for you to hesitate.

Su Wangchen took a deep look at the empty figure in front of him and said, Su Ye, I will try my best this time. I hope you won't disappoint Su Li and me.

The ethereal figure is naturally Su Ye, but at this time, Su Ye is in a form similar to a 'shadow', which is very mysterious and bizarre.

Su Ye nodded lightly and said: Don't worry, Master has already made arrangements for some things, so you can take action with confidence, and I am here to help you check it.

Su Wangchen took a deep breath, stopped talking, and silently retrieved two pages from the Huangji Jingshi Book.

The pages of the Book of the Earth are not without them, but they cannot support the changes in the timeline of such a huge world system.

Therefore, what needs to be used are the pages of the Huangji Jingshi Book, which are also the so-called Heavenly Book Pages.

Once upon a time, after Su Li copied Su Ye from the file, when he was wandering into Yun Qingxuan's memory restricted area, there was actually a gap of nearly two or three days between reality and reality.

This scene took place in the fantasy world of the past.

But now, this time gap is precisely the key to modifying Wangdi's cause and effect.

What a coincidence is that before this, Feng Qianwei vaguely taught Su Li the method of 'repairing the sky' and even the method of 'repairing the timeline'!

And these methods can be applied here exactly now.

With these two days of time gap, there is hope for solving the many causes and effects of Feng Chaoge, Feng Yao and even Su Ye and Su Li in Su Ye's Tianchi Blood River!

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