I pretend to be a fortune teller in a fantasy world

Chapter 956 The corpse of the emperor in Huangling, the prison is shocking

Clouds think of clothes and flowers think of appearance.

Yun Nishang represents the cause and effect of Chang'e.

The clouds represent the will of reincarnation.

At this time, the black figure lying on the ground got up from the ground little by little, very solemnly.

Then, the dark shadow on her body gradually dissipated a lot, and she showed a bit of brilliance and vitality.

However, at this time, her appearance was a little more blurred, but she looked more like Jiang Yufei.

Su Wangchen's face became a little colder: Is this the end of it? At this point, do you still want to shake my emotions and make me feel compassion for this? You have already done some things to the extreme... …”

Su Wangchen's words were very ruthless.

But 'Yun Nishang' didn't mind. Instead, when she looked at the many crazy and greedy geniuses in the distance, there was a bit of sneer in her eyes.

It was an indescribable look.

There is disdain, contempt, ridicule, and a kind of hysterical madness.

At that moment, the attitude she showed was more like she had put in a lot of effort but was misunderstood, so that all her efforts were in vain.

And such a waste of all previous efforts is like the great merits being destroyed.

If added with another line, it seems to be more in line with her current voice of not knowing good people and not knowing what is good or evil!

This kind of performance also made Su Wangchen sneer again and again.

Look, the turmoil of the times has come, and you are the biggest sinner.

All these causes and effects actually don't matter, but the key cause and effect is that this is the Sin Domain Star, an era of sin, and you have brought this world back.

You are the sinner of the ages.

There used to be endless karmic justice, but you were the source of sin and the source of sin. Many existences are still trying to change all of this. Unfortunately, all efforts have ended up in vain here.

Na Yun Nishang spoke softly, her voice hoarse.

Gradually, she began to look older, and soon she turned into the appearance of the old woman burning paper under the willow tree.

The two are exactly the same.

At this time, her appearance had begun to decay and wither, as if all the breath in her body had begun to dry up, just like a dying old man who was about to take his last breath.

After she finished speaking, her eyes had become old and cloudy.

What appeared in the cloudy eyes was no longer a light containing any emotion, but a complete silence and emptiness.

It seemed that at this moment, all the unwillingness and persistence were in vain.

Everything in the world flows.

It was such a connotation and breath that slightly touched Su Wangchen's heart.

Su Wangchen didn't want to speak.

But at this time, facing the crazy and greedy eyes of many talented people, Su Wangchen also had some unhappiness in his heart.

Once upon a time, in a small world in the heavens, there was a demon boy named 'Nezha'. Everyone thought he was a demon star, even his parents thought so.

But in the end, he took control of his own destiny.

He ultimately became a source of hope and saved that world.

So, the source of evil is never a reason, let alone an excuse.

The reason why people are human is ultimately because of the existence of seven emotions and six desires. If you throw away these, everything else will not form a great cause and effect.

So, you are not the one who has the final say about being a sinner through the ages. In the same way, these geniuses have no climate.

According to the trajectory of the times, after returning to the ruins, we will eventually move towards the return to the ruins. This is a circle by definition.

After the era of death, there was the era of Emperor Yun.

This is an era where emperors are born in large numbers, and it is a good era.

You may have really given in some aspects, but you will never understand what real giving is.

Su Wangchen thought deeply and said several words.

And every word he said was extremely heavy and deafening.

The figure of 'Yun Nishang' has begun to wither again, and is no longer able to support its existence.

However, Su Wangchen was indifferent this time and did not provide any help.

It's not that I don't want to, it's that I can't.

You do not understand.

Yun Nishang's voice was lower and hoarse, making it more difficult to speak.

But the meaning is somewhat different.

Su Wangchen said: I would like to hear the details.

Yun Nichang pondered for a long time before continuing in a hoarse voice: Do you know what Jingyang Village... represents?

Su Wangchen said: It's the dragon vein.

Yun Nishang was shocked when she heard this, and her old and almost rotten face still showed deep horror and shock.

you you you

What are you, she can't even say it anymore.

Because this result has exceeded her imagination. She originally thought that the former emperor Su Wangchen was just a reckless man, a reckless man who knew nothing, and a complete executioner.

But now, she suddenly understood.

Almost everyone in this world has been deceived by this seemingly reckless person in front of them.

Not only is he not a reckless man, he is probably smarter and more terrifying than all existing judgments.

A scene seemed to appear in Yun Nishang's mind like lightning. Unfortunately, she did not catch it.

That seems to be the biggest secret about Su Wangchen and Su Li.

That secret was like a bolt of lightning across the night sky, but was not caught by Yun Nishang.

But Yun Nishang didn't regret that she didn't try too hard to catch the lightning.

Jingyang Village is a core place in the light blue world. The cause and effect contained in it is even unimaginable. And I once peeked under some earth veins to see a lot of cause and effect.

Now that I have come to such a place again, how could I not understand that this is the land of dragon veins in the light blue world.

And here breeds...real dragons.

Su Wangchen's words were shocking.

Not only was Yun Nishang inexplicably shocked, but even Jiang Luan, who was in the first level of the forbidden memory zone between his eyebrows, was extremely shocked.

At this time, Jiang Luan, who was in the restricted area of ​​Su Wangchen's memory, also realized that Su Wangchen did not allow her to fight alongside him in the outside world, not because of anything else, but because he did not want her to obtain the core secret.

Just what Su Wangchen said at this time would tell if Jiang Luan was in the outside world at this time.

So, no matter what the cause and effect is this time, Jiang Luan will definitely not be able to survive after leaving here.

It wasn't that Su Wangchen didn't want her to live, but the secret she acquired made it impossible for her to live.

At the moment, only Su Wangchen appeared in Yun Nishang's eyes, not Jiang Luan.

In this way, although Su Wangchen learned such a secret, it was shocking, but it would not make him unable to live.

Because the meaning of Su Wangchen's existence is very, very special.

Su Wangchen's words were very soft.

But at this time, Yun Nichang had already begun to spurt blood from her orifices, and she looked even more miserable.

She was already in danger, but now it was more like she was about to disappear into thin air, very weak.

However, Su Wangchen still didn't help even though he could indeed help.

But Su Wangchen knew very well that there was nothing wrong with taking action, but taking action meant that he felt compassion.

And once he feels compassion, many causes and effects will be broken.

So this is not just a question of whether to help Yun Nishang or not.

Yun Nichang took a deep look at Su Wangchen, then nodded softly and said, It seems you know far more than I thought.

Su Wangchen did not respond and remained silent.

Yun Nishang added: Yes, a real dragon is bred, and this place is called the 'soul-nurturing place', and what is actually raised is the soul of Su Renhuang.

As for Su Renhuang's cause and effect, there are several beings who want to succeed. The ones closest to success at present are probably Emperor Wang and...the pair of siblings.

Su Wangchen remained silent and still did not interrupt.

Yun Nichang sighed: According to this training model, the beings cultivated in it can gain great opportunities and fortunes. Have you ever thought about this?

Su Wangchen nodded and said, I've thought about it.

Yun Nichang said: If a special soul is cultivated in such a place with dragon veins, its destiny will be very powerful.

Su Wangchen said: It should be so.

Yun Nishang said: But this is not the main thing. The main thing is that here, the souls raised in this way can undergo a special causal reincarnation simulation almost every fourteen days.

And the top ones among them can simulate combat.

After simulating battles, you can lead an era and become the master of that era.

When Su Wangchen heard this, his heart trembled slightly, but he said nothing.

Yun Nichang added: Not only that, but more importantly, when the essence and soul of many geniuses are harvested, such dragon souls will completely turn into pure ancestral dragon demons.

Such an Ancestral Dragon Demon... can be transformed from an unconscious state into a conscious state after being condensed again and again.

And the Ancestral Dragon Demon accumulated in this way is the best opponent to hone.

Su Wangchen frowned slightly and said, What do you mean?

Yun Nishang said: Wangdi was cultivated in this way. He is an extremely pure Ancestral Dragon Demon.

When Su Wangchen heard this, he took a deep look at Yun Nishang and said, Then what? What do you want to say?

Yun Nichang said: Do you still remember the Dragon Tomb in the Red Flame Wild Ridge? What do you think is suppressed in it?

Su Wangchen narrowed his eyes and said, What?

Yun Nishang said: There is an ancient corpse being suppressed. This is a real emperor's corpse, but some of the emperor's soul has been stripped out to hone the battle of 'Wang Emperor'.

In terms of Emperor Wang's ability, almost every fourteen days, he has a chance to fight the Emperor Soul of that special Emperor Corpse.

Moreover, it is similar to the battle of souls, which is equivalent to a virtual life and death showdown.

You don’t know this, right?

So do you think Emperor Wang will fail?

When Su Wangchen heard this, his heart suddenly sank.

A very bad feeling arises spontaneously.

At this time, he had vaguely determined some causes and effects. Why did it go so smoothly this time?

There are obviously some anomalies in this.

In addition, why did Su Li fight this time?

What is it for?

At this moment, Su Wangchen couldn't help but have some doubts in his heart.

But he was not stupid. This trace of suspicion immediately formed a special meditation, and the meditation turned into a resonant memory, which was naturally synchronized.

What Su Wangchen was meditating on was not his dojo, but a page from the heavenly book.

This page of the heavenly book is a little yellowed, void and does not exist, but it can be meditated.

Lines of text will appear above it.

Through this, Su Wangchen can have some communication with Su Li across time and space.

What did you say?!

After Su Wangchen synchronized the information, his voice immediately became colder.

His eyes widened sharply, shooting out two lightning-like rays of divine energy, and finally a touch of emotion appeared on his face.

What do you think I would say in this state? Who do you think I am? Who am I?

Why is there Chang'e in this world, and why is there Houyi?

Let's not talk about these, let alone who I am... just talk about him..., how many fourteen days are there in these endless years? What has become of the emperor's corpse in the Red Flame Desolate Ridge now? exist?

You never thought about it.

You haven't even thought about whether Emperor Wang is still Emperor Wang.

If so, that's not so bad.

What if...not?

Su Wangchen's pupils shrank slightly.

He has realized that what Yun Nishang said is very problematic, but its authenticity is extremely high.


Because this is the truth.

The truth behind the cage of truth.

It’s a cage, but it’s still the truth!

This kind of truth is shocking and horrifying enough!

If Emperor Wang has seized the cause and effect of the emperor's corpse and Li Daitao is dead, then Emperor Wang this time needs a high-sounding reason for his death.

Death and rebirth often correspond to each other.

Then, whether Emperor Wang dies or is reborn in Nirvana, he will truly transcend and truly gain ‘freedom’!

And combined with the cause and effect of the previous terrifying imperial clans such as the 'Emperor Fire Clan', combined with the many causes and effects of the Emperor Soul Mother Insect...

This time, if the emperor's corpse was born, what was released?

If we judge based on these causes and effects, then Jingyang Village, which is blocked and sealed by the dragon vein... is the real big guy.

And this time, Su Wangchen and Su Li teamed up to release a terrifying existence from the 'Emperor's Corpse'?

In the same way, after Yun Nishang was defeated, she looked at Su Wangchen with a broken jar and broken look that was sorry for her misfortune and angry for her inability to fight.

Su Wangchen pondered for a while, then silently raised his head to look at the talented men and women who seemed to be in a state of madness. In their eyes, what Su Li saw was not humanity, but a cruel look that annihilated humanity. , and a kind of hysterical killing and crazy eyes!

What do you want to say?

Su Wangchen calmed down his many confused emotions and spoke in a cold and indifferent tone.

I want to say that before any danger has really come, stop it immediately! Just like you advised me before, now, I advise you, Su Wangchen, stop it immediately!

Yun Nishang's voice was hoarse, but her words seemed to contain an unspeakable persuasiveness.



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