I pretend to be a fortune teller in a fantasy world

Chapter 820: Heavenly Sword Killing Formation, Girl Xuewei

After walking out of the vast void gate, Su Li also felt confused for a moment.

This confusion was even accompanied by confusion in his memory, giving him the illusion that his life was suddenly like a dream.

It's like time has passed by, but no memory is imprinted on my heart.

What have I done? Where am I?

At this moment, Su Li couldn't help but ask himself.

He returned to the perfect world of Shushan, such an extremely beautiful and mysterious world, a pure world containing the aura of fairy spirits.

After Su Li was at a loss for a moment, he instinctively called up the system panel.

The moment the system panel is opened, all the memories appear.

Immediately, Su Li couldn't help but feel a little sad.

It turns out that after going to the Soul Refining Demon Cave, many causes and effects were directly and forcibly erased.

What is erased is not Su Li's memory, but all the related causes and effects and truths. After these are gone, there will naturally be no memory.

Or it could be said that all memories are equivalent to a kind of dream like Zhuang Zhou's dream of a butterfly.

However, how could the cause and effect recorded by the system disappear by erasing the truth and emptiness like that?

Su Li recovered all the memories from the system panel, but the memories given by the system panel were not real experiences, but a layer of cause and effect from Zhuang Zhou's Dream of Butterflies. In this way, it was equivalent to Su Li being in a dream. The scene that I experienced in it.

The advantage of this is that all of Su Li's experiences are still there, and at the same time, he will not be pulled by cause and effect or secretly 'targeted'.

At the same time, Su Li's accumulated 'experience' is still there, but his own background has not improved.

Just like in the 'True Void', Su Li upgraded his ability to immortality.

But his ability has actually reached this level, but he just hasn't improved his foundation.

Because in the Shushan world, Su Li was actually not that strong.

It's really hard for them to help me broaden my knowledge.

Su Li couldn't help but sneer in his heart, but this was exactly the best thing, saving him the trouble of lowering the upper limit himself.

At the same time, without using the ability of Tianmai Listening and Zhenxu Taoism, and the special bloodline of the prehistoric era is temporarily suppressed, it actually has little effect on Su Li, because the three thousand avenues are actually stronger.

With the existence of abilities such as Three Thousand Avenues, everything else is not a big deal.

Not to mention that the ability is not lost, it is just temporarily blocked by the system and not used.

Su Li has not contacted Immortal Light Blue. Immortal Light Blue must be very busy at the moment.

The light blue elf Su Li did not summon him, but after sorting out the harvest this time, he showed a look of contemplation.

His strength actually upgraded him to the level of white robe, which is almost equivalent to the level of strength he had when he entered the world of Shushan.

At the same time, although he lost Tianmai Listening, this group of special beings were willing to give up and actually directly opened the upper limit of Tianji Saint Master.

So as soon as Su Li realized it, the ability of Xuanshu Channeling directly broke the taboo, and in an instant he could see the cause and effect of seeing the future.

After the cause and effect of 'seeing the future' appeared, Su Li's extraordinary ability as a master of secrets naturally transformed directly to the level of a holy master of secrets.

What is the difference between the level of the Heavenly Secret Master and the extraordinary Heavenly Secret Master?

It lies in the deepening of the understanding of the realm of Tao itself, and the stronger ability to trigger and sense the ability to 'see the future'.

However, although ‘seeing the future’ is extremely powerful, its direction is not directional, and it will also affect a certain future.

Just like a kind of 'foreknowledge', it cannot be controlled and cannot be actively captured.

It's like a sixth sense.

This kind of ability, specifically speaking, is very damaging to the 'balance', so the upper limit of the Tianji Saint Master will not be easily opened easily.

However, this kind of ability to 'predict' all kinds of cause and effect and destiny, and it is extremely difficult to trigger, is completely incomparable to Su Li's ability of 'Heavenly Meridian Listening Eye'.

Therefore, losing the ability of the Heavenly Meridian Eye of Listening and opening up the upper limit of the Heavenly Secret Saint Master to allow Su Li to advance is actually a kind of compensation.

A kind of compensation that everyone understands but cannot point out.

Under normal circumstances, Su Li would naturally not know about such a situation.

But this was not a normal situation, so Su Li knew.

What's very interesting is that no matter how this ability is enhanced, the probability of triggering it is very low. However, the sensitivity to some small troubles and cause and effect will be strengthened, that is, there will be fewer small troubles, but there will be almost no triggers for major events. probability.

And this ability will not refresh the upper limit - because 'seeing the future' is an unfixed trigger mode.

Strong is strong, but it is uncontrollable.

Therefore, even if this ability is opened, for Su Li, it makes Su Li stronger and more complicated, but it will not increase the upper limit - at least there is no way for the other geniuses to perform real-time updates to increase the upper limit. .

This is more of a passive ability.

When it is not open, the ability to warn of crises will be biased.

When it is activated and reaches the level of the Master of Heavenly Secrets, it will become much more difficult to be plotted because there is a certain probability of a 'crisis warning'.

So is this function useless?

Obviously not, because in a truly fatal crisis, even if there is only one crisis warning, it will definitely save a huge disaster.

For the upper management, they are absolutely unwilling to let Su Li obtain such abilities - but it is precisely opening such abilities to Su Li that can show their sincerity, and at the same time let Su Li 'know' that everything is 'fair' is back.

Su Li silently sensed the sudden promotion of Tianji Saint Master, so much so that he even saw an inexplicable battle between him and a person in the 'Seeing the Future'. The person suddenly used the sword array and almost killed him. The scene where he killed through.

This ability to 'see the future' is directly combined with the Great Destiny Technique and becomes an ability that can be triggered almost at any time.

Su Li also couldn't laugh or cry - this is easier to use than Zhenxu Taoism and Tianmai Listening Eye!

I just don’t know what the higher-ups will think when they see this scene.

Su Li dissipated the scene projected in the future where he was almost killed by a sword formation. Then he called up the system panel and locked the shadow in his memory.

Suddenly, all the life file information came out.

This person's name is Luo Jixu. He comes from the Cangshan realm of the Shushan world. He is a ferocious and powerful man who has a huge hatred against the Shushan Sword Sect.

This person's strength is at least at the peak of the Earth Immortal Realm, and his Immortal Soul has already reached the level of a Heavenly Immortal.

Such existence...

In the past, Su Li was killing people like butchering dogs, but now, he was really not easy to deal with.

This time, the foundation was indeed damaged, and the Pangu bloodline and Azure Dragon Suzaku bloodline were 'dried up' (equivalent to being sealed by the system), so Su Li's combat power was bound to decline.

And although he has the means to deal with it, he can no longer act particularly powerful.

So it is indeed a little tricky to deal with it.

But that’s it.

Isn't this the ability of the Holy Master Tianji again?

Using this ability, it is quite easy to deal with it.

Su Li felt this series of changes in himself, and his mood became slightly complicated.

What’s even more bizarre and ironic is that this truth has developed to this point and is not over yet.

This made Su Li dumbfounded. For the sake of so-called fairness, it gave Immortal Light Blue more time to make corrections and changes...

Su Li felt that the benefits gained this time were too many, and he felt a little embarrassed.

As for his current situation - Su Li didn't care at all.

It doesn't matter, anyway, the real situation is that he has become completely stronger. He doesn't accept explanations and understands everything.

While thinking, Su Li closed the system panel, then took out the Pangu Ax and flew silently in the air towards the Shushan Sword Sect.

As for sealing the Soul Refining Demon Cave - after Li Juan was detained, and Su Li opened the Netherworld Road before, although the process was a bit more complicated, the other geniuses still sealed all the Netherworld Demonic Qi.

In short, nothing unusual happened in the follow-up.

Everything is going smooth.

When Su Li crossed the void and passed through a vast sea, he suddenly sensed the extremely violent wave of battle in front of him.

Su Li paused, then looked into the distance silently.

This is a mysterious sea area called ‘Tianze Sea Area’.

However, this sea area itself has no forces stationed there, so it belongs to the chaotic sea area in the Shushan world.

Su Li encountered a battle here, but he couldn't determine what the situation was.

But it's actually not complicated - either it's against him, or it's a normal fight.

Su Li flew in the air and quickly approached it - he did not take a detour, but moved forward in the direction of his flight.

Boom boom boom——

Suddenly a burst of thunder exploded in the void.

In the lightning, a woman in a light pink gauze skirt, covered in blood, flew upside down from the sword array.


A mist of blood spilled out of the void.

Lin Xuefei, you should run away!

Let's see where you can escape this time!

The cold and stern voice contained a hint of sinisterness and a touch of teasing.

Su Li took a glance and found that it was Luo Jixu who secretly attacked him.

Seeing this scene, Su Li was also drunk - so was this battle real or fake? Or is this an act?

So Luo Jixu knew that Su Li would definitely pass by here? So there's an ambush here?

Su Li thought for a while, and then determined one thing - most of the time he would leave here after coming out of the Soul Refining Demon Cave.

The direction of Shushan Sword Sect is also in this direction, so if someone wants to deal with 'Hua Jiuli', they will definitely stop them in such an area.

Because this is the straightest straight line direction.

Moreover, the Tianze Water Area is so vast that it is almost impossible to go around it, so it will definitely fly over the Tianze Water Area.

With such a broad view, waiting here is obviously not a wrong thing.

But since Luo Jixu can think of it, why can't others think of it?

So is Luo Jixu the only one ambushing?

Su Li pondered, and was a little baffled by such a 'Tao-taker' who suddenly appeared.

Do you know that I, Su Li, have been 'wasted' a lot, or do you know that I don't know whether to live or die? Don't you know that the colorful emperor in golden robes that I beat to death can match dozens of tables of mahjong?

Jiang Yuning just mentioned her maid Lin Xuewei to me before, but now 'Lin Xuefei' comes out? Is this a joke?

Su Li felt weird, but decided to take a look before talking.

Although he felt that there might be some problems in this, considering the current situation of the Shushan Perfect World, he should not immediately rush to blame or do anything weird. So Su Li still felt that most of the name was really coincide.

Having just experienced such a beaten incident, if Shushan Perfect World were to be so reckless about the cause and effect, it would really be a suicide attempt.

When Su Li appeared in the void, the face of the middle-aged man in black robe Luo Jixu also became slightly solemn.

He glanced at Su Li coldly, with an obvious warning in his eyes - Boy, this time has nothing to do with you, so don't interfere!

The warning in his eyes was obvious, but there was no murderous intention.

This kind of performance is different from the situation of being killed by the sword formation in Su Li's Seeing the Future.

However, there is nothing wrong with the ability to 'see the future', and the Great Destiny Technique is now extremely powerful, so Su Li doesn't think there will be any problems.

Therefore, Luo Jixu probably still has big problems.

Su Li glanced at Luo Jixu, nodded slightly, increased the distance between him and flew directly over his head.

Seeing that Su Li was about to leave, Luo Jixu didn't care too much, but rushed after Lin Xuefei.

Lin Xuefei looks amazing in appearance, with a kind of delicate beauty, but she is very decisive and sharp in her attacks.

It seems that this is no ordinary woman.

After Su Li flew a certain distance away, he still sensed everything at the scene through his powerful listening passive ability.

The ability to listen is blocked, but some passive abilities still exist.

In addition, the six major and three thousand avenues have formed a Taoist induction similar to the Six Paths of Reincarnation. This ability is almost not much different from the ability of the Heavenly Meridian Eye of Listening, so Su Li's ability in this area is really not that big. Influence.

His bad state was actually caused by the 'regression' of Pangu bloodline, Qinglong bloodline and Suzaku bloodline.

Coupled with the loss of the immortal origin, the bone age shows a part.

He was already in his thirties, and now he had gray hair, so there was nothing wrong with him.

He was actually quite satisfied with this appearance.


A jade dagger suddenly appeared in Lin Xuefei's hand, and the dagger stabbed out a green light.

call out--

In the green light, a ray of extreme murderous intent gathered like a substance, and stabbed the sword array murderous intent evolved by Luo Jixu fiercely.


The void shook, and Luo Jixu's sword array shattered, but Lin Xuefei spat out another mouthful of blood.

Then she gritted her teeth and chased after Su Li where he was flying.

After Su Li sensed it, he couldn't help but shook his head and ignored it.

However, at this time, after Luo Jixu regrouped the sword formation, he actually locked the entire void where Su Li was. At the same time, he fiercely activated the sword formation and killed Lin Xuefei fiercely.

The sword formation flew around, turning into twelve flying swords in an instant, forming a fan-shaped row, and suddenly a vast sword light escaped.

When this sword light appeared, twelve identical sword lights appeared in the void on the other side of Su Li.

All the sword lights formed a cage of sword lights, covering the southeast, northwest, top, bottom, left, and right.


All the sword formations formed the Immortal Heavenly Sword, which gathered the power of heaven and earth from the Tianze sea area and stabbed Su Li fiercely in an instant.

Sure enough, it's this blow!

This glimpse into the future is a bit cool. It really gives a glimpse of the tip of the iceberg of the future.

This ability is invincible.

Su Li was thinking in his heart, but suddenly turned around violently. The Pangu ax in his hand suddenly gathered the six major and three thousand avenues, and evolved the ultimate sword intention.


The next moment, the innate will of the Eight Diagrams Formation originated from the evolution of Human Emperor Fuxi, combined with Su Li's now terrifying attainments in Xuanshu Channeling, communicated with heaven and earth in an instant, and drew away the endless power of the heavenly and watery veins in the Tianze Sea. The Tianji Taoism was formed for an instant.


Su Li's Pangu ax evolved the Tianmai Three Purities technique, and the Three Purities and One Qi turned into Pangu's extreme killing method and slashed out fiercely.

During this period, the Heavenly Veins Judgment Sin Realm Destruction of the Gods also spread out in an instant.

It is said that a dead camel is bigger than a horse, but Su Li is not dead yet!

Not only had the unknown heaven just given him a lot of creation sources to repair his 'rotten' body and soul, it was like an initiation, and his strength had returned to the level of a white robe.

The level of the white robe is already very powerful.

Not to mention the existence of Su Li who seriously 'exceeds the standard'?

He also activated the ‘holy path’ ability of Master Tianji!

Even if it's just a wisp of 'holy path', it can be used infinitely in Su Li's hands!

At this time, under this decisive blow, the void was distorted.

Luo Jixu probably didn't expect that the decisive Heavenly Sword Sword Formation would be instantly shattered by a single blow from Sword Master Hua Jiuli, also known as Suren Emperor Su Li.

At the same time as his expression changed drastically, his figure suddenly turned into a stream of light and fled like lightning.

You ran away from Nima Pi and you still want to run away now?!

After Su Li's Tianmai Judgment Sin Realm Destruction of Gods locked onto Luo Jixu, and after the decisive blow and the Destruction Heavenly Sword Sword Formation, the remaining power was not diminished, and he hit him on the back with a fierce blow.

No matter how fast Na Luo Jixu flew, he could not escape even if he ran away like crazy.


A bloody mist exploded in the void.

The five-color Xiaguang Fairy Clothes behind Luo Jixu's back burst directly. At the same time, half of Luo Jixu's body was blown to pieces on the spot.

But he still turned into a stream of light and escaped. The speed and the power of his methods, as well as the sudden change in the flash of fairy light and fairy soul that suddenly escaped from it, were also a bit unbelievable!


Su Li also looked a little strange.

He really didn't expect that this stupid thing could escape.

So much so that Su Li was stunned for a moment - was he already so weak?

This is wrong!

Su Li looked a little depressed - not that he felt particularly uncomfortable, but that there was obviously something wrong with his judgment of combat power.

At this time, Su Li's depressed expression also fell very clearly in Lin Xuefei's eyes.

There was a very real look of shame and gratitude on her face, but she still bit her lips and flew silently not far in front of Su Li.

Lin Xuefei of the Ziwei Sect, pays homage to the master of Yujian Dao Su Renhuang.

Lin Xuefei bowed and saluted, her attitude was very good.

In terms of etiquette, they are also very thoughtful.

Su Li nodded slightly and said: It's okay. It's a pity that Luo Jixu escaped - I didn't expect that he could escape from my hands... It seems that I am really in trouble.

Su Li sighed, his tone a little lonely.

This is really true.

You must know that Su Li saw a blurry shadow in advance by looking into the future, and at the same time locked Luo Jixu's information through the life file system.

Although it is impossible to specifically determine the time information point, it is equivalent to knowing it in advance.

After using the Six Great Three Thousand Avenues, the Tianmai Judgment Sin Realm to Destroy the Gods, and the Three Purities and One Qi Transformation Pangu, there was not a single blow to kill him.

This is a bit outrageous.

When Lin Xuefei heard this, her expression suddenly became slightly exciting.

Her memory of what happened in the Soul Refining Devil's Cave was about sealing the demonic energy of the Netherworld on the Netherworld Heaven Road.

But even so, she did know that Su Li was very strong.

So she didn't doubt that Su Li's words were showing off.

What she found strange was that the methods used by Su Renhuang on the Big Plane World of Babel Tower were naturally not as powerful in the Shushan World, so wasn't it normal for Na Luo Jixu to escape?

Lin Xuefei hesitated for a moment, then told the truth: Senior Brother Su Renhuang, actually... in fact, if you use sword control methods, he will probably not be able to escape. He has always been the most difficult to deal with your Shushan Sword Sect, and he often hunts The genius who killed the Shushan Sword Sect.

This time it was indeed a long time since he was born, so perhaps Senior Brother Su Renhuang didn’t know.

Otherwise, most of the elders would remind the senior brother.

Lin Xuefei reminded.

Su Li was startled, and then said: ...It turns out that I...ignored these. This is really a huge mistake.

Lin Xuefei said: Actually, in the final analysis, Senior Brother Su Renhuang is probably too devoted to be like this. After all, the world is different.

Su Li nodded and said, Are you okay? Are you from the Ziwei Sect? This sect... sounds a bit familiar.

When Lin Xuefei heard this, her expression suddenly became a little exciting.

Then she smiled bitterly and said: The Ziwei Sect is the sect where Elder Guan Qiushui once belonged, but for some reasons she left the sect and joined the Shushan Sword Sect.

And I used to be one of the direct disciples of Elder Guan Qiushui, so the relationship between me and Senior Sister Hua Yunmeng is actually very good.

This time I recognized Senior Brother Su Renhuang at first sight, but I didn’t want to attract anyone.

The main thing is - I didn't recognize Luo Jixu as Luo Jixu, and I didn't expect that he would arrange a killing array here in advance.

If not, I would have warned you.

When the golden light killing formation appeared later, I remembered that this person should be Luo Jixu, but by then... the battle was over...

Lin Xuefei explained.

Su Li nodded, not particularly suspicious of anything.

First of all, when Lin Xuefei spoke, she did show some of Guan Qiushui's unique temperament, which proved it a little bit.

Secondly, when she mentioned watching autumn water, Su Li saw the emotions of covetousness, admiration and other emotions in the depths of her eyes. It didn't look like she was faking it.

What's more important is that women in this world actually don't like condoms.

Of course, Su Li also doesn't like condoms.

Therefore, when communicating, Su Li, who has the ability to listen deeply and the Eye of Samsara in the Three Thousand Avenues and Six Paths, will naturally feel more comfortable and comfortable.

This is indeed true.

Different worlds treat each other differently.

This was indeed something Su Li had overlooked, but it also showed that the matter of the 'Human Emperor' was so deeply rooted in people's hearts that he instinctively did not consider that he was now in the perfect world of Shushan.

Junior sister Lin.

Su Li said.

Senior Brother Su Renhuang.

Lin Xuefei bowed and saluted, responding generously and appropriately.

Su Li pondered slightly and said, Does your name have any origin? Do you know of an existence named 'Lin Xuewei'?

When Lin Xuefei heard this, she was stunned for a moment, with a strange look on her pretty face, and said in surprise: Su...Senior Brother Su...could this be news from Elder Guan Qiushui? It's just this kind of news Master...Elder Guan Qiushui probably won't say it...

Su Li asked in surprise: What do you mean by this?

Hearing this, Lin Xuefei blushed slightly and said: I was born as a twin, but I also have a very cute sister named 'Lin Xueyao', who is still practicing hard in the Ziwei Sect. She is also a master... too A disciple that Elder Guan Qiushui particularly likes.

When we became apprentices, my name was actually ‘Lin Xuewei’, but the first time I met the master...

That is to say, Elder Guan Qiushui has nothing to do with him now, so it's hard to call him 'Master' anymore.

Elder Guan Qiushui mentioned that this name was no longer suitable and asked me to change it.

Elder Guan Qiushui is very knowledgeable about the starry sky and star charts, and his astrological skills are extremely good. After listening to the master's words, I changed 'Wei' to 'Fei'.

As Lin Xuefei spoke, she blushed again and said, Elder Guan Qiushui said that the affairs of his daughter's family will never be spread to outsiders.

When we were accepted as disciples, we were actually very young and were rescued in Dahuang Village.

At that time, the Lin family had been wiped out, but we were lucky enough to survive.

Then my sister and I depended on each other.

So now almost all those who know the name ‘Lin Xuewei’ no longer exist. Apart from the master and my sister, now...it’s you, Senior Brother Su Renhuang.

Lin Xuefei said, somewhat strangely: Could it be that there is something... any special secret in this?

Su Li felt a little strange when he heard this.

He thought for a while and said: Whether it is or not, I will let you meet someone later, maybe some strange things will happen.

Of course it's by no means a disadvantage.

Su Li thought, and wanted to ask you if you don't have hair all over your body, but when you think about this is the perfect world of Shushan, you will probably be scolded to death if you ask this question.

The identity of the disciple was immediately confirmed.

Therefore, he couldn't help but hold back - but he still glanced at Lin Xuefei's round pair and her snow-white neck.

It doesn't seem to be particularly big, and it still has very thin and weak hair.

It doesn't look like the physique of a white tiger beast...

Probably not?

Su Li was still a little suspicious in his heart, but when he looked at me like this, Lin Xuefei noticed something, and her pretty face suddenly turned red as blood, and she felt a little uncomfortable all over... Senior Brother Su Renhuang looked at me like this... What does it mean?

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