I pretend to be a fortune teller in a fantasy world

Chapter 819 The end of Luoshui, the secret realm of the royal family

For people like Li Juan, once they really start acting, they won't just act, but will devote themselves to it wholeheartedly.

If others want her to get the punishment she deserves, she will often make herself even more miserable.

They even resorted to committing misfortunes to win sympathy - especially the Chinese people, who were particularly easily moved by such a prodigal son turning back performance.

Then, everyone will be tolerant.

In this way, you can imagine what the result will be there.

Not to mention, Li Juan actually did something like this before when she betrayed Su Xia. At that time, she directly exposed all kinds of secrets and then confessed all kinds of things, which was like blood and tears...

At that time, Li Juan's performance could be said to be completely sincere, but it was only temporary.

Su Li was indeed deceived by such 'temporary' confession and regret.

It has to be said that if the Su Meng incident hadn't happened, there would have been nothing but sighs and sympathy for Li Juan and Su Li.

But after what happened to Su Meng, Su Li knew that this woman was not simple.

Now after fighting in person, Su Li realized that this kind of person is difficult to deal with.

And there is no doubt that this time she will still do what she did before, and it will still be a temporary repentance rather than a truly permanent repentance!

There is currently no way to restrain this approach.

Because at the moment, her confession is impeccable, her regret is impeccable, and her misery is equally impeccable.

Her contribution will be greater than that of all those who repent and repent, and her sincerity will be more sincere than that of all sincere prodigal sons.

So on the bright side, is there anyone in this world who prevents others from repenting? Are you still not allowing others to atone for their sins?

Su Li silently looked at the Goddess of Time, An Ruoxuan and 'Xuan' who were guarding Li Juan's departure, and didn't say a word for a long time.

At this moment, the Luoshui secret realm has completely returned to normal.

Then, the real Qian Luoshui appeared.

This is true - it has been suppressed in the void gap of the secret realm of Luoshui, sealed by the colorful crystal coffin.

The crystal coffin was all filled with blood.

Their appearance was very similar to the state of Mu Qingya and Su Xinghe who were buried in the deserted mountains of Luoxia.

This is a way of immortal burial, with causal suppression similar to the soul-suppressing monument.

Xiaoqian is gone, and Luoshui Secret Realm has returned to normal.

Li Juan's reincarnation will was arrested and suppressed, and everything seemed to be back to normal.

But what should be lost has already been lost.

It seems that what was deserved was not obtained.

Qian Luoshui knew everything that happened.

After she woke up, she stood on a high mountain in the Luoshui secret realm. Her clothes were as white as snow, her skirts were fluttering, and she looked like a statue.

After a long time, Qian Luoshui flew down and came to Su Li.

Where's the Bagua picture?

Qian Luoshui asked about the Bagua Tu.

Hearing this, Su Li suddenly raised his head and looked at Qian Luoshui.

You want a Bagua picture?

Su Li's eyes suddenly became a little uninterested—is this the real Qian Luoshui's character?

Su Li didn't think so - or maybe Qian Luoshui just hoped that Xiaoqian would leave a good impression, and then take on such a ruthless and unkind character, the beauty of adulthood?



There are too many falsehoods and intrigues in this world.

Su Li's current condition is indeed very bad.

Although the immortal foundation of faith fulfilled him, he still responded back in the end, and he did not receive any benefit from it.

He only recovered part of his physical condition, but the foundation of Nirvana was indeed gone, and his overall strength was actually very poor.

So he didn't want to think about it anymore.

Yes, I need this Bagua picture and the Bagua spirit.

Su Li looked at Qian Luoshui and sighed: It has been fused and formed a whole.

Qian Luoshui said: Then, with your current ability, you should be unable to resist me. I don't care who you are, nor what your identity and status are, nor what karma you have. I will Suppress you and take back everything I deserve.

Su Li took a deep look at Qian Luoshui and said, Maybe you can wait for a while, and then I will give these to you.

Qian Luoshui said: Sorry, I can't wait for a moment - starting from this experience of not being able to control my own destiny, I have understood that when I have the opportunity to be strong, I must become strong.

Because your incident also warned me - a well-behaved existence will never end well.

Do you think you will achieve great achievements after this time?

What you lose is lost forever.

And you won't get any compensation.

Su Li didn't answer.

Qian Luoshui added: In addition, everyone is feeling sorry, but I can see it clearly - you, Su Li, have no responsibility or courage.

In the final analysis, you are not using any means necessary, so you are not strong enough.

He can't even be considered strong, he can only be considered an ant.

It's a pity that your ant body can't defy heaven and end up like this.

Su Li shook his head and said, So if you think I deserve it, then come and end me.

Qian Luoshui said: I will only suppress you and obtain the Bagua array, but I will not really hurt you.

Su Li said: The Bagua Array has been integrated into my soul, and it has also formed the innate Bagua Diagram's weapon spirit. If you want it, according to your identity, you are indeed qualified. I will kill it for you. ”

Qian Luoshui said: So are you willing now?

Su Li said: I am willing. Anyway, we have lost so much, and we should lose some more.

Qian Luoshui suddenly said: Did you not abide by your agreement with the Human Emperor?

Su Li said: I am not disappointed in Xiaoqian, so you don't have to be like this. You are indeed suitable for such an inheritance, and the inheritance of this Bagua Array should belong to you.

Su Li said, and he was about to cut out the Bagua formation diagram and its corresponding Bagua spirit.

But at this time, the catastrophe of the void broke out again.

The destructive level of calamity actually struck Qian Luoshui.

At this moment, Qian Luoshui seemed to have broken some kind of taboo, and actually began to face the catastrophe of the Luoshui secret realm.

However, Su Li soon learned that it was not Qian Luoshui who broke the taboo, but the Luoshui Secret Realm itself that completed the transformation of the Secret Realm similar to the promotion level, so the destructive level of thunder and catastrophe appeared.

This is the catastrophe of the secret realm itself.

The owner of this Luoshui Secret Realm is Qian Luoshui. Now that all the permissions are intact, she will naturally be robbed.

However, this time the catastrophe was unusually ferocious - after all, the transformation of the immortal-level secret realm was by no means a simple matter.

Just two thunderbolts fell, and Qian Luoshui was blown to pieces.

Only then did Su Li understand what the function of the Bagua Diagram was.

It is to arrange the innate gossip to help the Luoshui Secret Realm transform and advance.

Su Li sacrificed the Bagua array without hesitation and released the Bagua spirit.

At the same time, he practiced Controlling the God of Thunder and used his incomplete self to help Luoshui Secret Realm survive the disaster.

Su Li was originally the Lord of Thunder Punishment, and Su Yan was once the master. Su Li's Thunder God Chapter ability still exists today.

So after he started helping to overcome the disaster, he no longer had the time to think about anything else.

After the devastating catastrophes broke out, each time they were borne or dispersed by the power of Su Li's Thunder God Chapter.

In the end, this process lasted for half a day.

After half a day, Su Li was exhausted, but his practice in The God of Thunder made great progress.

This time, Su Li had refined some of the natural aura of the Heavenly Tribulation, and his injuries were much better.

This is normal practice and does not lead to any cause and effect.

At the same time, the release of the Eight Trigrams Formation Diagram and the Spirit of the Eight Trigrams Secret Realm helped the promotion of Luoshui Secret Realm, and at the same time, a true inheritor was found to pass on these two abilities.

This can be regarded as completing the promise made before agreeing to Emperor Fuxi - to find a suitable successor.

Who is suitable?

Qianluoshui is indeed suitable.

The so-called suppression of Su Li to seize the Bagua map was actually just to show an image of being unkind and unkind, and then to erase Xiaoqian's negative image.

This judgment is accurate.

After breaking through the disaster, the Luoshui secret realm itself turned into a huge innate Bagua world, and Qian Luoshui's eyebrows also produced Bagua marks on their own.

She sighed and said, You actually already know everything.

Su Li said: As far as I am concerned, since I have said those words to Xiaoqian and let A Chinese Ghost Story leave peacefully, there will naturally be no more negative impressions. You don't have to shame yourself at all.

Qian Luoshui was silent for a long time, and then sighed and said softly: Actually, the fault is mine because I started to be deceived by the benefits Li Juan promised.

Then he agreed to the request.

Otherwise, as the adopted daughter of the Human Emperor, Xiaoqian would not be able to stand up to me.

The key is that I didn’t stand up and correct him just now.

I'm sorry that I am incompetent because I am afraid that my adoptive father and adoptive mother will be disappointed by my performance.

Besides - I don't dare either.

Facing a strong person like Li Juan, I don't even dare to stand up, because I know there are too many strong people behind her that I don't dare to provoke, and I don't even dare to let such a huge trouble lead to justice. On my father and stepmother.”

Qian Luoshui's words were very lonely.

At the same time, her eyes dimmed because of her mistake.

So - I also killed my mother because of all this.

Qian Luoshui said, then smiled self-deprecatingly and said, Why don't you do it? Maybe I will feel better this way.

Su Li shook his head and said: Proceed to evolve the spirit of the Bagua Array and the Eight Diagrams Mysteries. These things were originally left to you by Senior Human Emperor and Nuwa Empress, because these do not belong to my Tao.

But after I realized it, I made great progress and learned a lot.

Qian Luoshui sighed.

Su Li said: The secret realm of Luoshui has been promoted. This time - all cause and effect have ended, and it's almost over. It's time for me to leave too.

This time, it can be said that it is really a matter of life and death.

Su Li smiled mockingly and stopped saying hello to Qian Luoshui.

He looked in front of him.


In an instant, a gate to the void appeared silently, its azure glow containing a mysterious aura.

Su Li's figure stepped into the azure glow door step by step, and the figure would soon disappear completely.

At this time, Qian Luoshui suddenly spoke softly: Su Li - if, if... Su Li, do you still remember Qian Luoshui?

Su Li paused for a moment and said: In the ancestral land of the Human Emperor, was Qian Luoshui, who had high hopes for the Emperor and was betrothed to Su Yan as his fiancée? I remember it, but I am Su Li and you are Qian Luoshui. .

Times have changed.

And my way is just to live in the present and live in reality.

For me, the current Qianluoshui is reality.

The mountains are high and the rivers are long, and the future will be... indefinite.

After Su Li left those words, his figure disappeared little by little.

After a long time, the light and shadow completely dissipated, and the door completely collapsed.

After a long time, the Human Emperor Fuxi appeared here.

Nuwa Feng Lingxi also appeared here.

After Human Emperor Fuxi pondered for a long time, he sighed and said: Actually, this is a good thing - leaving without any bonds.

Empress Nuwa thought for a while and said: With all the cause and effect cut off, Tianmai Tingting is returned to the ancient city of Jitian.

Beside Nuwa, a woman in colorful clothes said softly: Yes, sometimes losing is not necessarily a bad thing, just like death is not necessarily the end.

As she said that, she looked at Qian Luoshui, who was stunned with a smile, and said, My daughter has grown up and has begun to worry.

Qian Luoshui was stunned, her beautiful eyes widened, and said: Mother-mother??? This, this, this... how...

The woman in colorful clothes said: Su Renhuang... Nirvana... Gaoyi.

Qian Luoshui seemed to have thought of something, and his beautiful eyes showed extreme shock and joy.

But after a moment, her beautiful eyes suddenly dimmed as she thought of Su Li's extremely tragic outcome.

Father, then...can Luo Shui still have...a chance?

Qian Luoshui seemed a little uneasy, nervous and disappointed.

Human Emperor Fuxi said helplessly: Ask Nuwa about this, she is in charge of marriage.

Qian Luoshui immediately looked at Nuwa.

Empress Nuwa said: Then is it Su Yan that you can't let go of? Or is it Su Li? If you can't let go of Su Yan, there is nothing you can do about it, because Su Yan is already over.

Ji Xie was dragged in this time and had to restrain herself immediately.

And with Su Li here, he couldn't let go of Hu Chen or Su Wangchen, so it would be impossible for him to become Su Yan.

Therefore, this matter can only end in vain without any chance.

If it’s Su Li, the Su Renhuang, then——”

As for what, Nuwa didn't give a clear explanation.

Likewise, Qian Luoshui became even more uneasy.

Under such circumstances, Qian Luoshui couldn't help but asked in a trembling voice: Then... what exactly will it be... the cause and effect? ​​Foster mother... just tell Luoshui.

Nuwa smiled and said: That's not something I can handle. Because I can't control the marriage there - so you can try to please Mei'er, or find a way to perform well and win the immortal light blue of joy.

After hearing what Nuwa said, Qian Luoshui was stunned for a while, and then he could only sigh helplessly.

There is probably no hope.

On the one hand, Immortal Qinglan is unlikely to be able to get in touch with her Qian Luoshui qualifications.

On the other hand, Mei'er couldn't come out - this time Su Li had such a crisis, Mei'er didn't even show up!

This shows that Meier should be blocked in something like a dojo or a memory restricted area.

And there is no way to know what is happening in the outside world.

Because Su Li knew very well that Meier would definitely end badly once she came out.

So even if Qian Luoshui wanted to please Mei'er, there was nothing he could do.

What's more important is that although Su Li didn't care this time, she did a very poor job.

Although the result seems to be good so far, she will always owe Xiaoqian - but she wanted to bear the stigma, but Su Li also exposed it directly.

This made her understand very clearly how smart Su Renhuang like Su Li was.

And if a person is too smart, he will often see through everything.

Once you see it through, you will often be extremely disappointed.

Thinking of this, thinking that he had gained so many benefits, and also obtained the inheritance of the Bagua Diagram and the Bagua Spirit, Qian Luoshui felt uncomfortable in his heart.

Everything has a cause and effect, so don't be impatient. All causes and effects will last for a long time. Take good care of the descendants of the endless royal family in the Luoshui secret realm.

This is your chance. If you can grasp it, you will be the Goddess of Luo. If you cannot grasp it, you will only make a mistake.

Human Emperor Fuxi took a deep look at Qian Luoshui, and he had a bit more expectations for the master of the Luoshui secret realm.

In fact, he also knew that if Su Li hadn't given Qian Luoshui the Bagua Array and the Bagua Spirit, then he might not have chosen to recognize Qian Luoshui.

But since Su Li has chosen, it shows that Su Li still has a unique understanding of cause and effect.

Or to put it another way - since Feng Jinxiu is such an outstanding royal mother, is her daughter really bad?

At this time, the woman in colorful clothes came out and said: This time, mother will help you well and prevent the tragedy from happening again.

The Luoshui Secret Realm is the real Imperial Secret Realm, and the endless creatures in it are the most elite seeds in all the worlds.

Now as long as we cultivate this force, the whole army will join the prehistoric royal family - daughter, do you think Immortal Light Blue will accept you? Will Meier recognize you?

Qian Luoshui's heart skipped a beat when he heard this.

Nuwa smiled and said: So, all this is not necessarily a bad thing - but you, since you are not Gan Luoshui, and he is not Su Yan, will the engagement back then continue? Or do you like him? What? Although he is indeed very charming.

Hearing this, Qian Luoshui blushed slightly and said: His old age and white hair are very attractive - and I gave up the cause and effect of the engagement to Xiaoqian.

Human Emperor Fuxi said: Well, A Chinese Ghost Story has joined the reincarnation, and should be in charge of some of the powers of Wangchenhuan. Then when the time comes, let others guard it and grow up, and then make an engagement under suitable circumstances.

However, he is a stubborn person, and he can't do it head-on, so he will find a trick that he doesn't expect.

Nuwa smiled and said: Then just let the old turtle Xuanwu do it. He just lacks the blood of the Four Sacred Beasts Xuanwu and White Tiger. We can't help the white tiger, but Xuanwu can be done by the old turtle. Kame Mako is still good in this aspect , if you shamelessly set a trap, you will surely win.

The Human Emperor said: Then this is indeed good.

Just as Nuwa was about to speak, her face suddenly froze for a moment, and then she sighed: This guy is in trouble again - why was he robbed in the Shushan world?

Human Emperor: Have you been robbed? Sure enough, something happened somewhere along the way...

[Fifth update~ Today’s 31,000-word update is completed~ I am asking for full subscription, monthly tickets and recommended tickets~ Bow and thank you~]

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