I pretend to be a fortune teller in a fantasy world

Chapter 821: Human Emperor Immortal Realm, 7-Star Balance

Seeing Lin Xuefei's extremely shy look, Su Li was speechless.

Lin Xuefei must have regarded him as a deceiver.

After all, this is not the world of the Babel Tower. When he looked at the fairies and goddesses like this, those strange women would even make some jokes.

Su Li withdrew his gaze and said with a bright smile: Junior Sister Lin, please forgive me for being abrupt, Senior Brother. This matter is indeed related to the name 'Lin Xuewei', and Junior Sister Lin will probably know about it soon.

Su Li explained.

After hearing this, Lin Xuefei softened her shyness slightly. Although she felt a little bit regretful and disappointed, she also felt a lot more at ease.

It's not that Su Li, the chief swordsman, is not good, but such abrupt glances always make her feel nervous and flustered.

That kind of shyness made her very uncomfortable.

This has nothing to do with whether you like it or not.

And there was a trace of regret and loss because it was not her beauty or charm that had a huge appeal to Yu Jian Dao, the outstanding chief genius.

But this kind of thinking is extremely normal. After all, if any woman can attract the attention of others, she will prove that she is perfect. This is a kind of 'glory' mentality that girls cannot avoid.

At this time, Lin Xuefei couldn't help but smile shyly and said softly: Yes... junior sister was too abrupt. After all, this danger is also related to me. I am really... extremely ashamed.

With that said, Lin Xuefei bowed again.

Su Li smiled and said: Well, since we are senior brothers and sisters, there is no need to be so outspoken - after all, I still admire and respect Elder Guan Qiushui very much, and you are as close to her as master and apprentice, and you are as close as my senior sister. The relationship between junior sisters is very good, so there is no need to worry too much about the many causes and effects.

After saying that, Su Licai said: If you are not in a hurry, let's go back together. Ziwei Sect seems to be unwilling to leave Shushan Sword Sect. By the way, I will try to call that person on the way.

Lin Xuefei said: This will trouble Senior Brother Su Renhuang again.

Su Li said: That's not necessary - but in the Shushan world, it would probably be better to call me 'Senior Brother Hua'.

Lin Xuefei said: Senior Brother Hua, Xuefei is being polite.

Su Li said: It's easy to talk about.

While speaking, Su Li took out the creation pen and was about to write Jiang Yuning's name and perform the burning summons, but he still held back and called directly in his heart: Yu Ning Yu Ning, I have summoned you, can you? Do you hear that?”

At this time, the immortal light blue voice came from Su Li's heart: Are you showing off? Only I can hear you calling in your heart. If she can hear it - okay, I will help you pass the message. Don't be so stupid.

Su Li said in his heart: If something like this happens in the future, it would be a waste of money for you to stop it in advance. Why do you have to be so dangerous? Do you know that it is really dangerous this time? You are also confused.

Immortal Qinglan sighed: All of these are extremely closely connected - in the final analysis, in the fantasy world of the past, maybe there was too much use of Zhenxu Realization, so some things have formed some unknown cognitions. .

Even if you have experienced things that do not exist, for those who have the ability to see the future, they will be more or less aware of them.

This kind of awareness does not need to be much, just a little bit, and then the method of coping will be manifested.

In addition, Li Juan used reincarnation and other means to block the dream-like mural mirror world, so that she would use it in a similar way.

You should know that any methods and means can actually be superimposed as long as some basic rules are followed.

Just like infinitely complex mathematical problems are actually accumulated from the most basic rules.

And once Li Juan learns this method, you can see how great her progress is.

I'm afraid if we don't brush it, she will brush Zhenxu many times under unknown circumstances.

So it was still discovered.

This cage attracts countless people, just to target Zhenxu.

And you are undoubtedly the subject of suspicion.

Although Li Juan was suspected, it was not serious - because although her progress was terrifying, her progress was actually supported by existence.

But for you now, there is nothing on the surface - even if it is Immortal Light Blue, on the surface it is supporting Su Wangchen.

So if you make rapid progress, it won't be possible even if you were Su Yan in your previous life.

Su Li said in his heart: In other words, this time it is possible to launch a killing blow against me? You didn't expect it?

Immortal Qinglan said: Yes, that's why I asked you not to use the Zhenxu Taoism. You have evolved this ability and the previous 'blood eye' ability to the immortal level, and you have touched the edge of the immortal Taoism.

This is very dangerous.

Apparently you actually discovered it this time.

In other words, just like the barrel theory, your longest piece of wood has reached the height of the sky, but in fact immortality is a balanced barrel of the height of the sky, but you only have one piece that reaches that high.

In terms of foundation, you are still just a bucket of water, but immortality is not.

So this is obviously not possible.

The extra part locked by the system is of little use. It is better to cut some out to increase the diameter of the barrel itself.

Su Li said: After experiencing it this time, I really understand that fighting at the immortal level is unreasonable, because they just use Tao to crush them, and they are a bit invincible. And because they contain immortal or extremely indelible power. , so it is also difficult to deal with.

After all, I only have a little bit of immortality, but it took me so long to burn myself to nirvana.

Immortal Qinglan said: Stop talking, I've already been scolded.

Su Li: ...

This sentence ‘get scolded’ contains a lot of information.

So, there is at least one particularly powerful beauty?

When Su Li thought of this, he felt happy - although he didn't know who it was, it was a level that could be matched with the Tao.

Isn't this uncomfortable?

This soft rice...

No, this beauty smells really good.

Su Li's mood suddenly improved a lot.

Immortal Qinglan said: It is actually very dangerous for you to do this. If Zhenxu reaches that level, it does not mean that he is invincible. This actually has something to do with the origin of the world itself.

Su Li said: I probably understand that this should be some causal theory of the Immortal Law. It is part of the 'Light Returning Immortal Law', right?

Immortal Qinglan said: You are getting smarter and smarter, is that good? This is very bad.

Su Li said: It's okay. After I go out, I am still the same boy as before, without any change.

Immortal Qinglan said: You won't be able to return to your old uncle image after you go back.

Su Li: ...

Su Li said: It's okay, this way you will feel sorry for me. The more you feel sorry for me, the more motivated I will be and my happiness will be overwhelming.

Immortal Qianlan said resentfully: Well, the more I get scolded, the more severe it is, right?

Su Li: ...

Su Li said softly: Anyway... I would still make this choice if I had to do it over again, and I would not put you in great danger. The realization of the true void has always been the system's backbone. I already knew it in that fantasy world. knew.

Now I will only understand the background and cause and effect better.

So if you open this again in the future, you must be careful. After you get some benefits, end it when it is time to end it, and don't delay it anymore.

Immortal Qinglan said: This time it is a chain of events that cannot be ended. It is like a battle between hackers. You cannot solve the problem by forcibly shutting down the computer and unplugging the network cable. This will only make things worse.

And this time we trapped Li Juan, and your extreme methods diverted the attention of Jitian Ancient City, which is indeed a great good thing.

If what you expected is correct, this time you will harvest the imperial energy and life energy yourself and give them to hundreds of millions of living beings in the prehistoric mythical world.

But just over there in the ancestral land of China, the Hongmeng Research Base, in order to stimulate your source of hope, after extreme publicity, actually fulfilled your wish, attracting 1.7 billion pure faith.

This is the power of belief.

It is precisely this kind of belief and belief that is directly presented to the hundreds of millions of creatures in the Luoshui Secret Realm, allowing them to see how highly respected and worshiped you are.

Doesn’t this mean that he is determined to be loyal to you?

Then your feedback belief... feedback is actually a mixed feedback, which is equivalent to the spiritual feedback of the eternal spirit to all the Chinese people, and the eternal spirit interacts with each other due to the feedback of the emperor's life energy and the beliefs of the Chinese people. Some fusion and combination.

This means...

The Luoshui Secret Realm may become the ‘Human Emperor Realm’ in the future.

This is the most profitable thing.

Although this method is not intentional, it is indeed better than our 100,000 years of hard work.

So it’s hard to describe exactly how great the benefits are.

More importantly, you also passed the Bagua Array and the Bagua Spirit to Qian Luoshui, completely and temporarily putting aside the entanglement of cause and effect with the Human Emperor Nuwa.

In this way, they can more freely help take care of Luoshui Secret Realm, and Qianluoshui will never forget you because of Xiaoqian's karma.

You didn't attack Xiaoqian's heart, but you attacked her heart.

It can be said that this is also a very strange thing.

Of course your charm is indeed good.

Well, by saying this, you are allowed to be proud.

Next, on the one hand, there will be no problems in Shushan Perfect World, and there will be no turmoil at least within a year.

On the other hand, whether True Void Reality is turned on or off for a short time has little impact, but the benefits you get this time are simply sky-high, so you have to keep a low profile.

It would be nice if you could be a little downcast, but there is no need to be too downtrodden.

For example, Luo Jixu escaped before, because his combat power was partially suppressed by the system.

Otherwise, he will die if you hit him with one move.

Do you think that your current strength is really poor?

The six major and three thousand avenues have all formed a small reincarnation system. If you attack them at once and kill them directly, will you even save reincarnation?

Do you really have no idea about your own combat prowess?

Immortal Light Blue said a lot of things from her heart.

When Su Li heard these words, he suddenly understood.

No wonder I feel something is wrong, it turns out that my combat power can still be suppressed by the system!

But this also illustrates another thing - the system is strong enough!

This is indeed a great thing!

Nowadays, many abilities are on the right track - Su Li also knows one thing very well. As long as the system is strong enough, then he can almost take advantage of it with confidence.

And since it is defined with him as the upper limit, then it is enough to expand one's own background without raising the level.

This is undoubtedly the best way to grow.

Su Li pondered, and then responded: This time I realized Zhenxu, I did understand a lot of causes and effects. It can be said that I benefited a lot, and I also found out a lot of truths.

If every true realization had gone this way, we would probably have been completely successful long ago.

Immortal Qinglan said: That's not necessarily the case, after all, your strength once failed to meet the requirements even if it was forcibly promoted.

And you weren't as good as you are now, weren't you?

Even if I tell you many things, it will be difficult for you to understand them.

Su Li thought the same thing.

He still knows how difficult it is to condense the three thousand avenues, including the Great Cause and Effect Technique - he can only say that if he now goes back to the past and goes through it again, maybe he can truly achieve perfection.

But there is no doubt that this is absolutely unrealistic.

Su Li said: That's right...I'm still too idealistic, so as long as we ensure a steady and steady fight in the future, the problem won't be big. But judging from the situation this time, although the ancient mythical world suffered a loss of blood, it is indeed very It’s hard to deal with. His methods are beyond imagination.”

Immortal Qinglan said: Of course, those top-notch beings in the prehistoric mythical world are really dark... Forget it, I won't say more about this, lest it makes you quite depressed again - well, let's say something nice , I have summoned Jiang Yuning for you, do you want to kiss and hug her?

Su Li said with embarrassment: If I want to kiss, hug, and lift you up, that's for Qian Lan. It's definitely impossible for Jiang Yuning and others. This time it's because of her maid - she just doesn't know what the world of Shushan is. Isn’t it also starting to play the real-time update routine. If so, it would be really disappointing.”

Immortal Qinglan thought for a while and said: It's really hard to say this. Zhenxu is still there at the moment. Let's give it a try. But according to Li Juan's situation, most of this is just a formality. You have a lot of experience in the Shushan world. Just finish whatever you want to deal with quickly, maybe suddenly the world will collapse, and then we will return to reality.

Then I also need to prepare for some refining and refining, and then find someone to incorporate the world of A Chinese Girl into the Huangji Jingshi Shu through Wangchenhuan and other means.

As for the A Chinese Story world, just let it develop again, it will have little impact.

Then the system needs to be upgraded. I thought about it specifically. Although it is enough to achieve almost eight-star balance, the legacy left behind will be slightly insufficient.

In order to avoid any accidents happening to Zhenxu next time, it is better to ensure that the seven stars are balanced at the moment.

In this way, seven is on top and eight is on the bottom. When the time comes, it will be stable directly across the eighth level to the ninth level.

Su Li said matter-of-factly: This is good. Seven-star balance, many functions of the system need to be reset, right? This time they didn't actually use methods like cutting my Heaven's Secret Fate Reversal Technique. It's also weird. I exposed it to them. .”

Immortal Qian Lan sneered: Cut this? They have to be able to do it. This is a talent, and it can be regarded as a talent from the Ancient City of Jitian. The Ancient City of Jitian has not recycled your ability, are they the only ones? They are worthy of it. ?”

Su Li: ...

Su Li suddenly felt that Immortal Light Blue was really domineering and unparalleled.

However, he wanted to say a few words and get close to her, but Immortal Light Blue disappeared.

Then Su Li discovered that Jiang Yuning's shadow suddenly appeared in front of him like a ghost.

At this time, Lin Xuefei was about to speak, but when she turned around, she found a female... female fairy in fluttering white clothes standing next to her. She suddenly became excited and almost screamed in fright.

[Second update~Please continue to ask for subscriptions, monthly tickets and recommendation tickets~Thank you very much~]

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