I pretend to be a fortune teller in a fantasy world

Chapter 287: Soul-Calming Monument, Burning Sun Wasteland

Su Li said: I've almost guessed it, but after all, you still underestimate the intelligence of the natives too much.

Some even look down upon the indigenous people too much. They are also human beings and should not be discriminated against.

Su Wangchen glanced at Su Li lightly and said, So this is what I don't like about you. You are too hypocritical and too holy. Do you think you think highly of them?

Su Li said: Occasionally, there will be a slight loss due to the expansion of oneself, but this is also normal, but if you put your contempt on your face like this, you still don't deserve a beating after all.

Su Wangchen said: The biggest difference between you and me is that you are insidious. On the surface, you are smiling, but in your heart, you want to kill others until they are crippled. But on the surface, I want to chase others down three streets, but in my heart, I want to chase them down ten streets.

Su Li said: You are finally willing to face up to your own problems. It is true that I will not offend others unless they offend me, but you are different. No matter whether others offend you or not, you just kill people in your house with nothing to do.

Su Wangchen clapped his hands and said: Brilliant, brilliant, I know me better! People live their whole lives to do whatever they want, so what reason do I need for doing this to others? That's the reason why I don't like it. Seeing those people doing it I feel awkward pretending to be cool in front of me, a bunch of useless people who can’t pretend to be stupid.”

Su Li said: Who was just suppressed under the soul-crushing monument, and his head was cut off and played as a ball? Don't say it was me!

Su Wangchen said: Ah? Really? Has this kind of thing happened? Why didn't I know?

Su Li said: Okay, calm down your temper. In addition, train it well and improve the system. Don't expect me to cooperate with you next time. This kind of thing will never happen again!

Su Wangchen said: Then let me remind you of another good thing. You will like it very much.

Su Li said: As soon as I sensed your obscene tone, I knew you didn't have any good intentions in mind. A man who has been dealt with for a hundred thousand years is still teaching me how to do things as a lover?

Su Wangchen said: I won't tell you more. If you have the chance, take down Zhuge Ranyue earlier. This is a super potential stock. As for the reason, don't ask, now is not the time! But as long as you take it You can get her, join the Tao, etc. as you like, it’s not a problem for you to hook your fingers now. After taking it, it will have great benefits in the future, and you can avoid a lot of trouble.

Su Li said: I have never been able to see through this person. I had a chance to see through him before, but I didn't use that opportunity because I couldn't squander it at will in that state.

Su Wangchen said: Okay, I know you care about Qian Lan and love your system, okay? Do you want to show off in front of me?

Su Li said: It's not my system, it's your system, and it's also our own system. After all, it was me who failed to control my own hands and released you.

Su Wangchen said with a dark face: Can you show some respect? It's obviously my fault and I don't have much time. It doesn't matter if you don't listen. I know that people like you are quite arrogant on the inside, but you still look like a gentleman on the surface. , behaved more seriously than anyone in the world. But you can think about it, if you hadn’t really given me a way out this time, I wouldn’t have said anything.

If you keep your kindness and righteousness, I will also give you a hope.

Su Li said: Thank you very much for the creation pen.

Su Wangchen pondered for a moment and said: I can't use the Creation Pen, so I just relied on the Book of the Other Shore to seal part of Mei'er and Mu Yuxi into the Creation Pen to prevent them from being killed by the fierce sun if something went wrong.

If that's the case, then you're really going to mess up, and my plan won't work.

So you don’t need to thank me for this, my intention is not you.

In addition, since you mentioned it, there is one thing you should pay attention to. You'd better find a way to get the Hidden Dragon Pill.

Your current level is overestimating your level if you say you are five Hidden Dragon Pills level. Do you understand?

If others praise you, you are a fool if you really believe it, it is just flattery.

Su Li said: You are really good at this, you are really smart.

Su Wangchen said: I just said you praised me and you praised me? Do you want to be so mean? I'm in a bad mood now, don't make me angry.

Su Li said: I can't help it, I'm in a very good mood.

Su Wangchen said: Find a way to get the Hidden Dragon Pill, improve your intelligence, and walk in this world. Intelligence is a basic thing. It doesn't matter if you are a little worse in other aspects. And after this time, the situation will be truly stable. down.

But the expansion of Light Blue Star will not stop, and the killing will come sooner or later.

Not only that, you should take care of the next changes to the ancient ruins.

Su Li said: I know, and some of the secrets used this time can no longer be used casually.

Su Wangchen said: It will be easier if you know. You see, I have reminded you so much, you tell me, why do my purchases are so expensive and the quality is poor, but you still get gifts when I buy them? Good quality and low price? This is Why is it that the system is discriminating against me?

I, Su Wangchen, have lived for a hundred thousand years and have always lived in discrimination. Does the system even discriminate against me now?

Su Li said: You are narrow-minded! How can the system discriminate against you? Don't you understand yet? Just like the level of life foundation and soul foundation level, this is the core thing!

For a system, the star rating of the system is the quality of the system!

Your system without even one star is just a blank slate. Now you know my system star rating. Five stars is equivalent to an artifact!

Can the stuff from your whiteboard shop be the same as the stuff from the artifact shop?

The system's star rises, it's omnipotent!

In terms of levels, the function of the system is like a sinkhole, and the corresponding level is the realm level of the practitioner, so...

I won’t say it anymore, it’s all tears.

Su Li felt sad when he thought about the bad results of being dominated by system file information.

It's not that the system is not strong, but that his own abilities are limited!

The system is still very strong, but who can blame me for being rubbish?

When Su Wangchen heard this, he couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth, and said: I also realized it later, so alas, blood loss. Do you know? Now I am looking for ten copies of Life Building Wood and ten copies of Consonance Heart. My system has no Can't get a star.

At any rate, the system is still barely alive now, but I'm used to the overdraft upgrade method, and I can't modify it for a while.

Moreover, the entire system formed a closed loop. Once something went wrong in one link, I would be completely destroyed.

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Su Li said: You, I really can't do anything. Your debt of heaven and cause and effect makes me despair at just one glance. I slaughtered all the gods in the archive world before, including the immortals who contained the soul, and the result was... It doesn't reduce your debt much.

Carrying it on your back... is really worse than death.

And you just can’t die. It’s so pitiful that I feel sorry for you.

Su Wangchen's face turned dark when he heard this: Damn it, sir, are you speaking in human language? I'm kindly reminding you not to upgrade the system, give priority to upgrading stars! Are you crazy and making such a mockery? Are you also discriminating against me? ?”

Su Li said: So your existence is really caused by extreme extremes. If you don't upgrade, you will give priority to star upgrades? This purposeful upgrade method will definitely cause the system to follow your choice. When the time comes, your star level will be 10 stars or more. , and when you are only over ten levels at that time, you will find that damn it, why can’t I level up even though I have so many secret points?

By then, the system will be powerful, and once certain conditions arise such as the loss of basic functions, such as requiring level 20 to be used, your system will be useless!

Therefore, you have to understand, what is the meaning of 'absolute sage abandoning wisdom' or 'doing nothing' that runs through our cultivation?

You are so smart, how can you be confused about this kind of thing?

This is how Tao follows nature! It’s just doing something without doing anything!

If you can upgrade, upgrade, if you can upgrade, upgrade!

You have deliberately strengthened yourself in this way, and the huge karma you owe to your directional refreshment has shattered the heavenly laws of this world. Isn't that the real reason why you are in desperate situation now?

As soon as Su Li finished speaking, Su Wangchen began to think deeply.

However, Su Wangchen still shook his head and said: No, directional refresh is actually not a big problem. The reason why there is a problem is that whether it is the existence of the prehistoric world or the world of this world, they all hope to be in Guixu. Founded in great times.

The collapse of the way of heaven is caused by the collapse of the way of heaven itself, and it has nothing to do with directional refresh.

Su Li said: You are really confused. If you don't refresh in a directional way, how can the way of heaven be shattered? You have to understand, it's like a moonlight treasure box. There is no moonlight treasure box in this world, but you forcefully refresh the moonlight in a directional way. Treasure Box, then the prehistoric era of Guixu must be extended and interspersed with such a period of cause and effect.

Just once or twice.

If you brush too much, no matter how capable this world is, no matter how contrary the laws of heaven are, it won't work!

Now look at it, why did the entire star of Lieyang Star turn into a wasteland of flames?

Even if the blazing sun star destroyed by Hou Yi's Dao Mark did not turn into a scorching sun and be shot away, how could this blazing sun wilderness exist? How does this period of cause and effect fit into the cause and effect of the prehistoric world?

It's obvious that they don't know the system exists, and they even think of you as the light blue behind me and want to drink your blood!

Why, because through you, they can truly have a glimpse of everything in the Guixu era and the true immortality!

Not only them, but even the Heavenly Dao of this world is like this.

The way of heaven exists, and naturally there is corresponding cause and effect.

Therefore, when you use the prehistoric tricks to deceive the gods who are half-immortal and about to be terminated, not only the gods are deceived, but the way of heaven is also deceived and crippled!

In this way, practitioners all over the world believed this, so that all the forgotten worlds that originally existed on major planets around the world were exploded, and the cause and effect, creation, etc., all poured into Gui Xu. among.

If others cooperate with you, it would be abnormal for you not to bear debt!

The point is, if you are so deceptive, the Heavenly Dao of this world will want to establish the prehistoric era and imitate it!

So you are a big stick! You don’t understand anything and you’re talking nonsense!

Su Li yelled and scolded.

Su Wangchen was dumbfounded by the scolding.

But after a moment, he suddenly looked at Su Li and said, Stop!

Su Li: ???

Su Wangchen said: I chopped you off 20,000 years ago, so it has been you for these 20,000 years, okay? Your soul of heaven and human is floating outside, or you have survived the next life in some way. This Part of it is all your doing, right?

Your uncle, you blame me.

As Su Wangchen spoke, he raised his hand to create a scene from the past and said, Look at this.

The scene derived from Su Wangchen was exactly the scene where Su Li harvested the secret value with his words when facing Su Ye and others.

At that time, he was eloquent, his tongue was full of lotuses, and he pointed out the mountains and rivers with great energy: Chaos is not divided into chaos, the sky and the earth are chaotic, and no one can see the vastness. Since Pangu broke through the Hongmeng, it opened up the distinction between the clear and the turbid.

Encourage all sentient beings to look up to the most benevolent people and discover that all things are good. If you want to know the original power of creation, you must read the Journey to the West.

It is said that in the prehistoric era, there was a flower and fruit mountain on the seaside of the Aolai Kingdom in Dongsheng China. A stone on the top of the mountain received the essence of the sun and the moon and transformed into a stone body with nine orifices and finally transformed into a stone monkey...

This narration continues until the scene where Tathagata suppresses Sun Wukong under the Wuzhi Mountain with a palm.

In order to make the scene look real, Su Li also made nonsense of the fact that the stones that fell from Wuzhi Mountain were a large number of soul-suppressing monuments and the like.

After this scene manifested, the scene suddenly fell silent.

Su Li looked at Su Wangchen.

Su Wangchen also looked at Su Li, what the hell are you going to say was me?

Do you know how badly you hurt me by saying this?

Do you know how miserable you have done me by swearing poison on your soul?

In order to escape from the poisonous oath, I, Su Wangchen, spend a lot of my fortune and karma points every time to unlock the cage and escape!

If it weren't for you and me, Su Wangchen would already be the richest man in Tianji, the karma tycoon, and still owe a lot of debt?

Su Li touched his nose and said with a sneer: Ahem, what is this? I must have been pushed out by someone and copied, yes, copied by the file. That person was not me. I will definitely not do this. It's something extremely stupid.

Su Wangchen: Haha.

Su Li said: Okay, we have all gone through a catastrophe this time, and your system has improved. Control the cycle well. This time you killed a half-step immortal strongman like Lieyang. You... The situation should be much better, right? With the help of the Life Building Wood and the Heart of Consonance, I should be able to take a breather.

Su Wangchen said: I have just repaid all the interest owed, and I can indeed survive for a while.

However, maybe I really have to change it. I can't win all of this telepathic heart. After all, there is some cause and effect involving light blue, and this cause and effect involves Yamina.

Yamina is not dead yet, and there is a clone in the pen of creation that suppresses her, so you can release it later and take it. Meier Mu Yuxi and the others will completely return to normal, and everything will be fine.

As for Yamina, I cut off one-tenth of the Heart of Consonance and gave her one-tenth of the Life Building Wood. This is the greatest benefit I can give her.

This time she meant no harm, she was just implicated.

Su Li said: You have shown kindness. The iron tree has blossomed and the sow has climbed up the tree!

Su Wangchen said: I want merit points, otherwise we will really be together forever. After all, we will still be us. If my side collapses, your side will not be so good. But I will do this kind of thing Find a way to deal with it.”

Su Li said: It doesn't matter. If you really can't carry it, I'll carry it for you. I know that's what you think, but

Su Wangchen said: If I can't bear it, I will repay you myself. Haven't I made a great wish to suppress myself to the endless hell? Imitate Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva's 'I will never become a Buddha until hell is empty'?

Don't worry, maybe that's my way back.

Su Li said: Brother, you are being unkind. You want to deny my merits!

Su Wangchen said: You Su Li, Su is the resurrection of all things, Li is the separation and joy of sorrow and joy, you represent the heart of all things in the world of mortals. And I, Su Wangchen, Su is the revival of all things, Wangchen is the forgetfulness of the world of mortals, so this is me cause and effect.

Furthermore, based on my intelligence, the situation is probably not too far apart. So, if you swear that I will be unlucky, and if you make great ambitions, I will probably not be able to escape either.

It is said that I am free and happy while you work to pay off the debt. I am afraid that if I am free now, the situation will be reversed in the future.

But it's okay. If this happens, it is a great blessing and merit for us, and it is a good thing. It means that the prehistoric royal family has been established.

Su Li said: The Great Desolation has been established. This time, although it only lasts for one second, it is enough.

Su Wangchen said: Yes, the most beautiful fireworks in this world are always short-lived and the most brilliant fireworks always fall first.

Su Li said: Don't talk about the lyrics, why don't you sing it? If you say it well, you can sing it well.

Su Wangchen said: You still don't understand. Speaking is often better than singing. In this regard, Que De and Xia Xinning really win my heart.

Su Li said: When will your Wangchenhuan be integrated into the Flower Moon Valley?

Su Wangchen said: Are you in debt? If you take on debt, I will let it go immediately.

Su Li said: I will carry your sister.

Su Wangchen said: Didn't you carry her last time? Does it feel good for her to ride on your neck?

Su Li said: You are an animal.

Su Wangchen said: Look for Su Ho's identity now. She should appear in the ancient ruins this time. If you find her, say sorry to her.

Su Li said: Speak for yourself.

Su Wangchen said: After all, I don't have much time. I have to leave. Qingdie also needs me to save him.

Su Li said: I should be the one Qingdie likes.

Su Wangchen glanced at Su Li lightly and said, You will know who it is soon.

With that said, Su Wangchen re-condensed the Heart of Lingxi and Jianmu, and cut them off on the spot. At the same time, he took out the creation pen, unlocked the 'Nine Soul Taboos' on it, and cut off the Heart of Lingxi and Jianmu. part of it.

Afterwards, Su Wangchen shut down the system.

At this time, Su Li wanted to speak, but it was too late.

Because the system is shut down, real time will pass.

The secret between the two of them is too shocking to be revealed.

The creation pen flew out, and several rays of light flowed out. Mu Yuxi and Mei'er were also enveloped in a mysterious and sacred colorful halo at this time.

In the void, a green light gradually condensed and turned into a beautiful woman in a light green gauze skirt.

This woman is like a life elf, full of powerful life aura, and at the same time has a mysterious Taoist aura flowing around her.

At the same time, the Lingxin and Jianmu flew towards her eyebrows and re-condensed in an instant.

At this time, Su Li also noticed that the 'Yamina' on Su Wangchen's system panel had disappeared, and his system no longer even had a name, but only the symbol 'Life File System'.

Su Li thought of a word that could describe Su Wangchen's loneliness.

This time, it is a real success.

Of course, Su Li could not be sure or judge what arrangements Su Wangchen would make at this moment.

The state of 'absolute saintliness and abandonment of wisdom' is indeed very unnatural, but the reason in this state is also so rational that it is almost terrifying.

Before, Su Li felt that Yu Qing was cold and like a machine without emotions. Now, in his own state of absolute sage and abandonment of wisdom, he was completely like a machine without emotions.

Being too smart is good, but there are many more bad things.

As for what Su Wangchen said about eating Qianlong Dan, it wasn't that Su Li didn't want to eat it, but that Su Wangchen got bad eating it.

When this kind of thing is edible, the system will definitely flush it out. If you can't eat it and eat it forcibly, haven't there been consequences in the file world?

After taking three pills at that time, he already wanted to eat people. The painful feeling like a zombie trying to suck blood was really like a poisonous addiction. According to his weak will, he would die if he got into it.

It was a temptation that was impossible to refuse.

Therefore, he has better experience with the system than Su Wangchen when it comes to purchasing from Tianji Mall.

There is nothing wrong with his situation, he just needs to be stable in the future.

It may be difficult to maintain long-term stability, but if you stabilize every moment, follow nature and don't force everything, the system will definitely solve the remaining flaws.

It's like the conflict between Mu Yuxi's existence and the system's existence, and whether Mu Yuxi will be swallowed up by the system and turn into light blue.

He had hesitated before, but did he need to hesitate now?

At the critical moment, Mu Yuxi was so clear-headed that she wanted to possess him to help him, and she always had her own self, but she didn't know the existence of the system or the secret of Su Li as a time traveler.

In this situation, what should he worry about?

Whether Mu Yuxi merges with the system, or Qinglan finally becomes independent, or some other outcome, they will always exist, and they will always be his Mu Yuxi.

As for the form of existence, it no longer matters.

With this understanding, Su Li's eyes became gentler when he looked at Mu Yuxi and Mei'er.

At this time, after Su Wangchen completed his transformation, he sighed, stretched out his hand, and a colorful glow appeared in the void.

In the rays of light, a destiny blood cocoon has been formed in it, and a faint colorful rays of light flow out.

The sleeves of Su Wangchen's black robe were flying, and his long bloody hair was dancing wildly, and his whole person had a sharp, cold and unruly aura.

He stretched out his hand to generate a black light. After the black light enveloped the blood cocoon, in the blood cocoon, the figure of the public blue butterfly loomed, appearing and disappearing every moment.

The situation of Gongcheng Qingdie looked very bad. The seven-colored blood on his body had been dyed through the destiny blood cocoon, and his entire figure was looming, just like Mu Yuxi's situation at the beginning, as if he would disappear at any time.

This feeling can be recalled later, but at that time... I was at a loss.

Su Wangchen sighed softly and said something that Su Li was particularly familiar with.

That sentence, the tone, tone and even... the meaning of the sentence spoken by the black-robed man in Netherworld Sea seemed to completely overlap.

Su Li's heart moved slightly. At this moment, Su Wangchen's figure suddenly exploded and turned into pieces of dark netherworld particles.

The next moment, he and the public figure of Qingdie completely disappeared from this place.

In the void, an additional Nether Sky Bridge appeared, but this Nether Sky Bridge quickly exploded into dark Netherworld particles and disappeared.

Su Li's pupils shrank slightly and he frowned slightly. That technique was the Nether Sky Bridge technique that Mu Qingyan, Mu Qingya and even Mu Qingshuang were very good at.

The power of this technique is that it can generate a netherworld bridge anytime, anywhere, travel through the void, and make netherworld particles disappear.

As soon as Su Li saw this method of leaving, he knew that Su Wangchen would not appear again in a short time.

It's not right to run away after making money!

Su Li muttered in his heart, and then thought of his mother Mu Qingya and his aunt Mu Qingyan. They were really stable and they hadn't shown up yet.

Aren't you worried that we will fail this time?

Su Li was a little sad, but still breathed a sigh of relief.

Then, he brought up the system panel and took a look.

Seeing this, I couldn't help but feel a little emotional.

Not only has the system been upgraded, but it has also been upgraded, and some basic functions have also been upgraded.

【Life File System☆☆☆☆☆☆(Light Blue)】

Level: 16

Secret value: 5520, 1314.

Causal value: 0.

Function 1: Life file☆☆: It can consume the secret value to view the past and present life files of the living body, and can block all fake files of practitioners with 6 Qianlong Dan intelligence and below.

Function 2: Control the future☆☆: You can consume a certain amount of destiny value and causality value to view the life files of the living body in the next seven days.

Function 3: Tianji Mall (not upgradable): In the early morning of every Monday, the mall will randomly refresh a Tianji item, which can be purchased with Tianji points. Items can be refreshed four times per week.

Function 4: Heart of the world☆☆: If you don’t want others to know, you have to do nothing unless you do it yourself. For Tingting, with the heart of the world, there are no secrets in the world.

Function 5: True and Void Realization☆☆☆: Consume a large amount of secret value and causality value, lock the time of the current world unchanged, and enter the archive world where Control the Future is in the form of an archive character. During the period of ‘True and Void Realization’, only system functions 1, 3, 4, 6, and 7 can be used.

Auxiliary function bonus file copy...

Function 6: Heavenly Secret Chaos☆☆: Consume the Heavenly Secret value and Causality value to brand the viewed ‘Controlling the Future’ Secret file as ‘Deduced Illusion’, and pull the living body into the illusion, experience the illusion, and understand the future secret.

Function 7: Exquisite secrets☆☆: Exquisite chess game, using the heaven and earth as the chessboard, and the common people as the creation, to evolve the scene (can consume the secret values ​​and causal values, and make certain modifications to the secret files of Control the Future or Realization of Reality and Void , and then spend the secret value and causality value to evolve the Linglong chess game, making the chess pieces mistakenly think that they are on a whim, resulting in the induction of heaven and man. During use, it is necessary to determine the equivalence of the souls of the chess pieces to derive the true and virtual strength of the corresponding scene, and generate cause and effect. The stronger the connection, the more secret points you get.)

Function 8: Tianji Star Transformation: Star rating is improved, functions are transformed, and you can choose to actively evolve the corresponding system functions. A single system function cannot exceed the system star rating.

Have your own realm: Lianxuhedao (Dacheng)

Possess special items: Creation Pen, Creation Stele, Bianqiao, Xuanyuan Tianxie Sword.

Possessing system special abilities: Emperor's Classic (damage reduced to perfection) (destiny power)...

When Su Li saw this information, he felt a little sad and felt slightly better at the same time.

This time, two pieces of yellow paper were condensed from the Huang Ji Jing Shi Shu and then used.

Now, his condition has returned to its best, but Emperor's Classics has dropped down a level.

And this time it is obvious that there seems to be no big transformation overall, but the system has been upgraded by 1 level, and at the same time it has gained another star, which is already a great benefit.

But if we really want to calculate the harvest in that second when the prehistoric world comes, I am afraid that the fortune value, causal value and even merit gained will be huge!

In this case, Su Wangchen's tragic system had only offset part of the interest, and the benefits gained by his own system were only this little.

This shows what?

This shows that the loss this time is also very terrifying.

I am afraid that if Lie Yongsheng had not been killed, both of them would have been in debt. I am afraid that Su Li would be the second Su Wangchen.

Su Li didn't know what kind of existence a Rulie Eternal Life could be, but he understood that just as Su Wangchen or Su Ye were worried, Ji Yanyan was not simple, but he didn't come out.

This is the foundation of the Lieyang clan.

So, look down on the intelligence of indigenous people?

Su Wangchen was defeated at this point after all.

Perhaps, the intelligence, life foundation level and soul foundation level of these practitioners have limits, and this limit cannot be broken, so their intelligence level and even life foundation level will stay at a certain limit and never be improved.

But in that situation, unless it is the absolute intelligence level of ten Hidden Dragon Pills, the intelligence gap between nine and eight Hidden Dragon Pills is not particularly extraordinary.

While Su Li was thinking, he carefully checked the Creation Pen and Xuanyuan Tianxie Sword. Now, both the Creation Pen and Xuanyuan Tianxie Sword were in a state of 'losing their divinity'. Apparently they had been used too hard, so that In a state of 'quietness'.

Su Li sensed his own technique again.

Fortunately, this time the skills have returned to normal due to the system upgrade. Although they have not transformed further, they have not been downgraded either.

Downgrading would obviously happen. After all, Su Wangchen's system had been downgraded.

And his own Huangji Jingshi Shu has also lost a level of foundation.

The Huangji Jingshi Shu is damaged, but it's fine if it's still there.

As soon as Su Li had an idea, he pulled out clone number 108 and immediately sent them all to the ninth level of the memory restricted area. He began to meditate on the Emperor's Sutra, treating it as his own practice in anticipation of the Emperor's Sutra Return to the normal level of 'Gong Shenhua' as soon as possible.

However, after meditating for a moment, Su Li sensed the stagnation of the Emperor's Classics and realized that this road might be long and arduous.

Perhaps, having a large amount of fortune and merit will speed up recovery.

However, all of this requires Taoism to naturally adapt to it, and cannot be harvested with an absolute purpose. Otherwise, even if the destiny value, causal value and merit are added to the body, it may not be recovered.

Your Majesty, thank you for your help. I don't know how to thank you enough.

After Yamina recovered at this time, it seemed as if she could not see Su Wangchen's presence. Instead, she bowed to Su Li and her attitude was particularly pious and polite.

After Su Li heard this, he came back to his senses and said calmly: It doesn't have to be like this, it's just a matter of effort.

Yamina said: Well, how can that be done? This kindness must be repaid.

Meier smiled and said, Then let's pay with flesh.

Yamina: ...

Yamina looked at Mei'er, who was surrounded by purple light. She blushed a little at first, and then glanced at Su Li with a hint of shyness.

Then, when she came back to her senses and looked at Mei'er again, her face changed slightly and she said: You

Meier smiled and said: I'm fine. The return of the soul of heaven and man this time is unprecedented.

Mei'er said, looking at Su Li with a smile on her face.

Su Li said: Where is Wan'er? What's going on?

There was a hint of hesitation and a hint of tenderness in Mei'er's beautiful eyes, and she said: Memory restricted area, ninth floor, forbidden place, time fault point.

When Su Li heard this, his scalp suddenly became numb and his spine felt chilly: The ninth floor?

Mei'er hesitated slightly, then nodded and said softly: Yes, the ninth floor, but it's okay for now.

Su Li looked a little more solemn and said, Okay, if there is any instability, tell me in advance.

Meier said: Yes, it will definitely happen. Meier is not like someone who is selfish and always wants to bear everything alone.

At this time, the purple halo on Mu Yuxi's body gradually merged and disappeared. She heard the words and said softly: The young master actually cares about us, although for us, living and dying together is the meaning of our existence.

Saying that, Mu Yuxi stared at Su Li and said softly: Master, if something happens to you, wouldn't it be happier for Mei'er and I to just go with you? One person will bear all the burdens, All in all, let the remaining people suffer and live in eternal longing? This is actually a very cruel method.

Su Li smiled and said: I know, so when this matter is completely settled, Master, I will let you try something more cruel! At that time, it will be to live but not to die.

Meier smiled and said, That Yuxi will definitely cry.

Mu Yuxi's pretty face flushed, she rolled her eyes at Mei'er and said, Do you think Renren, like you, has successfully replaced the cause and effect of the Qingqiu Fox Clan?

Mei'er said: Don't say that. Hasn't Su Li not confirmed whether it's a fox or not?

Yamina's pretty face turned red and she wanted to find a hole in the ground to crawl in: When you talk like this, have you ever considered my feelings?

Meier smiled and said: What are you considering? Either block or join. We won't compete for favor.

Yamina spat lightly and said: You should be more careful. Your current situation is too dangerous. The three souls and seven souls are completely unstable, and you have practiced the wrong seven souls. Are you influenced by Su Ye? ? What kind of seven souls does he practice? He also claims to be the perfect seven souls, and he has led the entire human race astray. He is not a thing.

Su Ye heard the words, glanced at Yamina and said: Don't change the seven souls to form a cage, and let the gods behind you harvest wildly?

You see, the blazing sun has harvested a lot. This time it is so spectacular. The explosion is so wonderful, like fireworks all over the sky.

Su Taiqing said: When I think of fireworks, I think of songs.

Zhuge Jiufeng said: The most brilliant fireworks always fall first?

Su Musheng said: Come on, dead dog, start singing.

Su Taiqing said: Sing quickly.

Su Li's face was as dark as coal. Who the hell led this group of people to be crooked? They were all so crooked that they couldn't even turn around.

Especially Zhuge Jiufeng, who is usually as cold as a royal sister, but this is the result?

It's not too big a deal to join in the fun.

Su Li was just about to complain a few words, when the ancient city in the distance shook violently.


Then, the sky and the earth darkened, and the sky turned into blood, as if the clouds were burning.

At this moment, the sky also shook violently, as if a magnitude 12 earthquake had occurred.

At the same time, the extremely terrifying thunder calamity containing the calamity of heaven exploded directly in the void.

The sky seemed to be torn apart, and five huge starry sky tombs appeared.

After the giant tomb cracked open, five extremely huge soul-crushing tablets spewed out from it!

ninety two!

ninety three!

Ninety four!

ninety five!


Five soul-suppressing tablets, which were born after the complete fusion with Lieyang Star, landed one after another!

The soul-suppressing monument descended from heaven!

That destructive power immediately made everyone present change their expressions.

This is not an illusory and false world, nor is it some truth or illusion, this is reality!

If five soul-suppressing tablets like this are smashed down, will the existence below the guardian still have a way to survive?

If the gods had not taken action, most of those talented cultivators would have been directly killed by the soul-suppressing monument.

However, the moment this situation appeared, Su Ye and others all held their breath.

Including Que De, Xia Xinning and others did not take action, but looked at the huge ancient city in the white desert!

In that ancient city, earth-shaking changes had taken place at this moment.

The ancient city suddenly expanded and formed a world in an instant.

And those five huge soul-crushing monuments, like the peerless Optimus Prime, stood at the four corners and in the center of that ancient city, completely supporting the entire ancient city.

The five soul-suppressing monuments stand tall on the sky and the earth, transforming this desert area into an extremely real and pure Lieyang Wasteland and ancient ruins.

At the same moment, a majestic ancient tomb rose up among the ancient ruins, and gradually opened the door to the ancient tomb.

That gate was ancient and mottled, majestic and huge, with extremely mysterious and ancient runes engraved on it.

The mysterious changes of the nine turns of the universe engraved on the runes.

Not only the gods were frightened, but also Su Li was a little creepy.

After this huge ancient tomb initiated the Nine Transformations of the Universe, it soon formed a giant door of life and death.

Su Li knew this kind of door of life and death.

Because, in Zhuge Wuwei's 'life file', Su Li had already seen this kind of thing.

Dangerous, with a narrow escape from death, but also very mysterious and powerful.

This kind of thing is called the ‘Cosmic Gate of Life and Death’.

In the gate of life and death, there are nine turns of life and death, and mysteries are hidden.

At this time, when the Qiankun Gate of Life and Death appeared, the violent turmoil completely disappeared.

At the same time, everything in the desert area has also undergone some changes, and the blazing flames have become extremely fierce.


In the Qiankun Gate of Life and Death, a dazzling bloody fire suddenly appeared.

The fire shot up into the sky, and within it, Lie Yongsheng's shadow appeared, as well as the sound made by the shadow.

That was Lie Yongsheng's voice, but Lie Yongsheng had already been killed, so this was the voice and inheritance that Lie Yongsheng had already imprinted.

This is also Lie Shengsheng's last resort.

Everyone, when you discover this mark projection, it proves that the once number one person in the Ziwei Star Territory, 'Xuanji Emperor Lie Yongsheng', has completely become a thing of the past.

That proves that in this confrontation, I have completely lost, and I have become Ziwei's slave!

Therefore, I kept all my life’s hard work and inheritance, and evolved it in this ‘Lie Yang Ancient City’.

Among them, anyone who has the bloodline of Lieyang and anyone who is a practitioner of my Ziwei star domain race can obtain the guidance of the most correct path of practice that I have taken in this ancient ruins, as well as obtain all my The understanding of creation and the inheritance of immortal divinity!

I, Lie Yongsheng, who once lived through the last year of a hundred thousand years of catastrophe, the true ruler and the powerful person of the Ziwei Star Territory, will be exterminated and transformed into a dao this time!

However, I, Lie Yongsheng, can make it this far, and so can you!

Kill the royal family and kill all the princes, then the royal family will not be able to get out of Guixu!

Lie Yongsheng's voice exploded in the void.

However, after his phantom spoke these words, the Heavenly Secret Sacred Jade it carried exploded and shattered, turned into powder, and burned and disappeared.

Under such circumstances, all the gods and god-level geniuses looked at each other in awe.

But the next moment, almost everyone was moved.

Is Lie Yongsheng strong?

There is no doubt that it is very, very strong!

But, will any gods really listen to Lie Yongsheng’s words?

Even if you really listen, you obviously won't show it. You, Lie Yongsheng, are so powerful that you were killed directly, let alone a novice like us, how dare you bully the little ones in front of the emperor?

As for the confrontation between the geniuses, some gods don't have much concern about the strength of the Immortal Dao Mark, but it seems that the treasures of the royal family are not particularly strong.

After all, the treasure in the black robe's hand was shattered with one move.

Therefore, in terms of the ‘benevolence’ of the royal family, the magic weapon in the hands of the Emperor should not be too excessive.

This is considered 'fair'...

Some gods and god-level geniuses will think this way in their hearts. As for other things, it doesn’t matter if they don’t want to.

After Lie Yongsheng's voice disappeared, the huge ancient city expanded instantly, immediately covering everyone present.

The huge Gate of Life and Death of the Universe was equivalent to the realm of the Evolved Flame Wasteland, and everyone present was involved in it.

At the same time, waves of tyrannical forces of Heaven's Law lingered in all directions. Under this extremely tyrannical Law of Heaven's rules, Su Li discovered that except for him, who was not affected, the realms of everyone present were forcibly locked. The ninth level of the infant transformation realm, the realm of perfection!

Instead, it was Su Taiqing and Su Musheng who said, This is interesting. Are you forcing us to stay here?

Su Musheng said: Let's leave when we say it's time to leave, and leave when we say it's time to leave.

As he spoke, he took a picture of the Eight Diagrams with one hand, opened the yin and yang Pisces curve with one hand, and walked in.

Oh, wait for me.

Su Taiqing shouted.

(PS: The second update of 11,000 words is here ~ The third update will be after 12 o'clock ~ I will continue to cry for full subscriptions and monthly tickets, thank you all~ In addition, I am very grateful to the book friend Forever Marks Don't Regret for the 1,000 starting coin reward Support ~ Thank you very much to the book friend 'Nuo Nuo Yan Yan Yan' for the 100 starting point coin reward for support ~)

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