I pretend to be a fortune teller in a fantasy world

Chapter 288 The universe of life and death, the embrace of Yin and Yang

I pretended to be a divine calculator in the fantasy world Chapter 288 Life and death of the universe, Yin and Yang embrace Zhuge Jiufeng suddenly grabbed Su Taiqing's back and said: When Prince Su Litian told the story of Journey to the West to Shie, didn't you promise to get me an innate building? Shitai? Now that the matter is settled, do you want to escape?

Really? I'm sorry that I'm old and deaf and blind.

Su Taiqing's body was shaken, and half of his clothes were broken. At the same time, his figure suddenly slipped into the Bagua diagram and disappeared immediately.

The half of the torn white robe that Zhuge Jiufeng grabbed suddenly turned into a page of an ancient book. It was not a fragment of a book, nor was it anything extraordinary.

This is just an ordinary book page that contains the power of heaven.

There is a line of text on the page of the book that asks for an innate stone. Isn’t it ready-made by the Emperor? Do you really want to give birth to a six-eared macaque through an innate stone fetus in the Netherworld Sea? This time is too long, find the Emperor quickly!

Su Li just came back to his senses and immediately noticed this scene. He glanced at the page in Zhuge Jiufeng's hand curiously, but immediately saw the glowing words on it.

Originally the words were hidden, but when he looked over, the words glowed.

Zhuge Jiufeng blushed, gave Su Li a hard look, and said, It's all the trouble caused by you, a scoundrel like you!

As she spoke, her figure moved, actually taking the initiative... turned into a ray of fire and flew towards the distant wilderness.

Su Li also looked confused. There must be something wrong. These two old guys are not good guys. What does it have to do with me?

I, Su Li, don’t have anything to do with you.

If it really was that, I would just accept being treated like this by you...

Su Li restrained some of his bold ideas. He still had to be a low-key person. He couldn't always have bold ideas. His two dear wives were still by his side.

Su Li turned around and looked at Yun Qingxuan, Moura, Que Xinyan and others. This time, overall, he was lucky, but what will happen next is unknown.

Su Li originally wanted to use the life file system to deduce, but when he thought about the results, something would happen after every deduction, as if it stirred the nerves of heaven, so this time, he resisted and did not deduce. .

This experience was indeed unimaginably huge.

There are too many changes in this, especially the situation of Xiaoqian in Guixu cannot continue to develop, the time point is too early.

If it happens, he won't have any time to grow, which is the most fatal thing.

Now, the system has reached level 16, and the star rating has also been upgraded to 6 stars. The abilities in all aspects have indeed been greatly enhanced, but only the Emperor's Book of Worlds has dropped by one level.

This is fatal in terms of intellectual loss.

However, it is also conceivable that the state of 'unity of heaven and dao' would probably take a heavy toll on the system. After all, even Mu Yuxi instinctively transformed into a dao at that time.

There is no way to do this kind of thing.

Moreover, Su Li felt that the system had stabilized normally this time, and it should no longer be prone to refreshing top-level magic weapons.

Otherwise, the system will not be able to withstand it, Su Li will not be able to withstand it, and even the top powerhouses in the star field who have condensed the soul level may not be able to withstand it.

The person who died this time was Lieyang, the 'Emperor Level' powerhouse who called himself the 'Xuanji Emperor'.

Although this self-promotion is self-promoting, it is also obvious that this is by no means a weakling.

You must know that the divine clone that existed before was 90% of its divinity cut off by Tongtian, and even the source of divinity was cut off.

This time, he was able to withstand the murderous intention of Hou Yi's nine arrows shooting at the sun. Is this more than just a little bit stronger?

Of course, Su Li also knew clearly that the products purchased in the system mall were not truly genuine, and at best, they could be considered high imitations.


Because you can see it when comparing Su Wangchen’s magic weapons to bluff people.

To be honest, when Su Wangchen took out the Moonlight Treasure Box, the Wind-fixing Bead, and the life-saving hairs at first, Su Li was so shocked that he was so shocked that he didn't even have the slightest intention to fight with him. .


That life-saving hair was chopped into pieces by Lieyang's axe.

Although Lieyang is strong, he is just a god. He has not even reached the level of the divine soul of the Emperor's body. He has only comprehended a thin and pulpy immortal foundation, and he still has some unparalleled causes and effects. the benefits of.

Not to mention compared to the saints of the day after tomorrow, even if anyone came down from the heaven in the prehistoric era, he could beat the blazing sun and make him unable to take care of himself.

Let’s not talk about anything else, let’s just say that the life span of one hundred thousand years is recorded in the prehistoric era using ‘Huiyuan’!

One Huiyuan lasts for 129,600 years. In this world, all the gods and kings would have died, and the grass on the graves would have grown into big trees hundreds of times.

After Zhuge Jiufeng left, Yamina also leaned forward to say goodbye to Su Li. Although she also wanted to stay with Su Li, it's just that in this world, Lie Yang is ahead of others. Lie Yang's inheritance can still be taken a look at. .

As for whether Lieyang will plant a cage or something, it is no longer a concern, because this time Lieyang was killed by the royal family, and after the arrival of the five soul-suppressing tablets, this time it is equivalent to a frontal war. ', it is the true fight and competition between the geniuses.

Therefore, after weighing it, Yamina did not stay.

The ancient life star's powerful god Yami Ling and the soul-level god Yani both died this time.

Therefore, Yamina must work harder to gain some gains.

After Yamina left, Yun Qingxuan came over with some hesitation.

Master Su, my mother kissed her...is she okay?

Yun Qingxuan's pretty face was full of worry, and she looked a little haggard.

Su Li said: Don't worry, although she manifested the blood cocoon of destiny and was angry at the man's ruthlessness, it's still nothing serious.

This time is a real opportunity for her to break out of her cocoon and become a butterfly.

Yun Qingxuan pursed her lips lightly and said, Master Su, thank you.

Su Li smiled and said, why do you want to imitate Yamina?

Yun Qingxuan shook her head and said, No, Qingxuan was just thinking about something and wondered whether she should tell Master Su.

When Su Li heard this, his expression was slightly awe-inspiring, and he said, You tell me.

While Su Li was speaking, he glanced at Mei'er and Mu Yuxi.

Mu Yuxi immediately raised her hand to create a trace of heavenly secrets, covering all directions.

Meier released an extremely powerful charming aura, covering up the void.

In this way, Su Li, Yun Qingxuan, Mu Yuxi and Mei'er were the only ones left on the scene.

The rest of the people, including Zhuge Qingchen, Que Xinyan, Xia Xinyan and others, were blocked out.

You tell me.

Su Li said solemnly.

Yun Qingxuan's strength cannot be underestimated.

Even though there were so many gods appearing this time, it looked like the gods and guardians were in ruins. In fact, it was just that most of the powerful people in the entire Ziwei Star Territory had gathered here.

In fact, at the level of Tianjiao, Yun Qingxuan is really not weak.

Not to mention, Yun Qingxuan has also become stronger as Meier has strengthened.

Without some of the shackles of Gongcheng Qingdie, Yun Qingxuan will once again become the Yun Qingxuan who developed the ability of the 'Ancestral Dragon Demon'.

Yun Qingxuan thought for a while and said: Master Su, there are three important things. Qingxuan has been undecided, but now that I think about it, there should be nothing to hide and need to be stated clearly.

Su Li nodded without interrupting.

Yun Qingxuan pondered for a moment and then said softly: Master Su, my memory forbidden zone is gone, completely gone.

Su Li said: Including the Qingshuang Sword Tomb has also disappeared, right? The memory restricted area seemed to have been peeled off and disappeared completely, and then your memory restricted area expanded to the next level on its own?

When Yun Qingxuan heard this, her beautiful eyes widened, showing her cuteness for a moment, but then she returned to normal and said, That's true. Master Su has known it for a long time.

Mei'er said: It's not that he knows, but he has judged it. Qingxuan, you should improve your intelligence.

Yun Qingxuan sighed: I think so too, but on the one hand it is too difficult to transform into a mortal, and on the other hand, I am a little worried that I will break some of my current balance, so that after the transformation, I will have some bad thoughts.

I don’t want to be an enemy of Master Su, but I have a terrible feeling that once we become smart, we will eventually become enemies.

Meier said: I have it too, but it doesn't matter, right? When you have this kind of fear, it means that you no longer need to be afraid of it. Believe in your own heart and your own choice.

Yun Qingxuan said: Then... let me try it, Mei'er, thank you very much.

Meier said: There is no need to talk about this between us. After a while, I may need your help. My situation is indeed not ideal, but I can still control it for the time being.

Yun Qingxuan said: Has your hidden danger appeared? After the destruction of Lieyang, that Lieyang Blood Monument?

Meier said: Appeared outside the Ziwei Star Territory. The current situation there is Zhuge Qianlan's side and Zhuge Qianyun's side. I still can't sense their situation. In addition, my Seven Souls There was chaos.

Yun Qingxuan said: Then let Master Su practice dual cultivation with you, and reconcile yin and yang. In this way, with Mu Yuxi helping you, you will be much better together.

Meier said: What about you?

Yun Qingxuan said: Stop talking about me, my current situation is no longer suitable.

Meier said: Why?

Yun Qingxuan said: Maybe it's the cause and effect of the Ancestral Dragon Demon. I don't know. This time I feel like I was plotted by Yan Hongyue.

Meier frowned and said, Yan Hongyue? What kind of existence?

Mu Yuxi said: A special existence in the city without tears is Baifa Hongye, one of Yan Hongye's causal successors.

Meier said: What are you talking about? Why... why can't I understand it at all? Are we... are we really in the same world?

There was finally a hint of fear in Mei'er's words. The most terrifying thing was never that there was any problem in reality, but that she suddenly couldn't understand the topics of the people around her, which meant that she would be obliterated by the law of time.

Su Li stretched out his hand to hold Mei'er's hand, covering it in his palm, and said: Don't panic, it's not that you don't understand, but the cause and effect of the City Without Tears this time is the cause and effect drawn by the Great Dream Qianqiu Technique. You don't have much involvement with Mei'er.

They are those who have experienced it, and so am I.

However, it is unknown whether there will be changes in the future.

Now, the City without Tears itself has turned into a silent legend.

After hearing this, Meier's expression finally softened a bit.

However, her sudden nervousness made Su Li realize one thing. Meier's complete balance was broken.

Su Li meditated on Huangji Jingshi Shu for a moment, but couldn't think of the answer.

Huangji Jingshi Shu is not easy to use.

In other words, it's not that the Huangji Jingshi Shu is not easy to use, but that he is not in that state of absolute sage and abandonment of wisdom. At this time, he has an illusion of rigid thinking.

Therefore, at this time, he couldn't even control his heart, the strong obsession to become smarter.

Su Li took a deep breath, knowing that this kind of influence is terrible, especially when you want to help the people around you, this kind of influence will be terrible.

Therefore, it is difficult to go from extravagance to frugality. What a bloody path this is!

Unfortunately, those who truly understand have often experienced the hardships.

Mu Yuxi took Su Li's other hand and conveyed a warm breath of heaven, like a trickle, warming people's hearts.

Su Li's mood calmed down. He looked at Mei'er and Mu Yuxi and said, It's okay. After all, overall, your current situation is better than before, and the pain has been completely relieved, right?

Meier said: Those things don't matter. When I am with you, no matter how painful it is, it is a kind of happiness.

Mu Yuxi said: Yes, wherever the young master is, it is our home.

Warmth flowed through Su Li's heart. Suddenly, he found that all the efforts he had made so far were completely worth it.

Sometimes, moving is often just two sentences or two simple actions.

After a while, Su Li looked at Yun Qingxuan and said, Besides Yan Hongyue plotting against you, what else is there?

Yun Qingxuan said: When I transformed into the Ancestral Dragon Demon, I saw 'Su Tianya' holding an ax and hacking Su Yumu to death. It was a distorted scene, but in the state of the Ancestral Dragon Demon, I was actually is very clear.

The experience I was assigned to have, or the cause and effect I had to replace, was the experience I had in Jingyang Village.

Didn't I run away at that time?

Later I came back, and then Zhuge Qingchen and Qingshuang and I were severely injured and were in a state of near death.

And Master Su, you used your original blood to extend our lives at the critical moment...

I thought at the time, this was how the experience should have developed. The result? Suddenly everything seemed to be completely distorted.

And under the twisted circumstances at that time, I did see that scene.

And I also know that person is Su Tianya, he seems to be Su Yumu’s younger brother?

I don't know why I know those people, but I know that it is definitely not false!

It’s not a lie, it’s not a mural, it’s not an illusion!

It must be something that will happen in the future, or it may have already happened at a certain point in time, but I just didn't find it.

Yun Qingxuan's words made Su Li frown deeply.

Who is Su Tianya?

Su Li didn't know.

However, it was impossible for Su Li not to know who Su Yumu was.

Because this is Mu Yusu or Mu Yuxi!

This time, when the system was upgraded to six stars, it was not that another clone was killed, but that a clone, Ning Caijian, was recovered.

Therefore, the corresponding cause and effect already exists in Mu Yuxi's memory restricted area.

If there is a city without tears in the future, if there is an experience of ‘Xiao Qian’ who returns to the ruins, then we will know something about it.

Or maybe, at some point in the future, it will happen that he accompanies Mu Yuxi to relax in the 'Mural World', and then lives an ordinary life as a Taoist couple. At that time, that Taoist couple will not be Mu Yuxi. It's Ning Caijian.

The system will not erase any life experience of any clone, but it will only temporarily store it in Mu Yuxi's memory restricted area.

Therefore, any doubts Su Li had in the past did not exist. They were just inner demons planted by Su Wangchen. Once he truly doubted, that would be the beginning of a catastrophe.

Just imagine, he, Su Li, has nothing, but the system is willing to sell his blood for him to eat, drink and have fun. Just like Bai Suzhen did to Xu Xian, they did that to you and you still put realgar in your wine? What are you picturing?

This is a lack of self-awareness.

There is indeed no pie in the sky, but sometimes, this kind of dedication is just a true love that comes from hope.

Those who sacrifice themselves for love, do they want the other person for something? Could it be that being nice to someone has a purpose? Another person must think that this is pie in the sky, is this impossible?

The height of thought often determines the height of achievement.

At this time, Su Li's system already had six stars, but he could still only find Mu Yuxi.

Mu Yusu's whereabouts are unknown, Su Yumu may have disappeared into the legend of the City Without Tears, and Zhuge Yunni has been following Zhuge Jiufeng.

Su Li originally thought that nothing would happen to Su Yumu, but after hearing what Yun Qingxuan said, Su Li realized that he still took it too much for granted.

Su Tianya? What characteristics does he have?

Su Li asked.

Yun Qingxuan shook her head and said: I can't tell, I can't describe, I can't even gather the projections. That's why I mentioned this to you, Master Su. Otherwise, Qingxuan is worried that after a while, she will forget about this matter. It will cause huge disasters and lead to regrets in the future.

Su Li said: You don't have to be like this. I have said it before. Since I have kept you, you also have great kindness to Mei'er. You don't have to worry about all the past.

From now on, just be yourself.

You are doing well, which is also a very pleasant thing.

Su Li said and thought to himself: It's still unclear what my relationship is with your mother, so even if I want to argue, what can I do to you?

Yun Qingxuan said: Master Su, Qingxuan understands. Qingxuan thanks Master Su for letting the past go. Qingxuan will definitely make up for it in the future. She may not be able to gain Master Su's complete trust again, but she will definitely be more sincere.

Su Li said: Actually, if you are more selfish, you will have more character.

When Yun Qingxuan heard this, she just shook her head and smiled bitterly.

Su Li said: Don't worry about your memory restricted area. There will be some changes in the future. The Qingshuang Sword Tomb has already undergone changes and should be almost completed by now. This is a big deal for you. A good thing.

In addition, you can also experience the Tianchi Blood River in the future. It will have many benefits for you. What I can do is, when the time comes, I have refined some tools suitable for Blood River, and I will give you priority to try them out.

Meier smiled and said: Qualified tool man.

Yun Qingxuan bowed and said gratefully, Thank you, Master Su.

Su Li said: Don't be so polite, it seems very foreign and unfamiliar.

Mei'er said: Just learn from me, there's no need to be polite to him.

Yun Qingxuan smiled helplessly and thought to herself: If I were you, I wouldn't be polite. If I'm not afraid of being more cautious, I'm afraid that I'll be annoyed by Master Su again, and I'll really be in trouble.

Yun Qingxuan thought for a moment and then said: Master Su, in addition to the inexplicable loss of the memory forbidden area and the fact that Su Tianya of the City without Tears killed Su Yumu in the distorted time and space, there is another thing that happened to me suddenly when I had an idea. What I caught is that this matter is related to Hua Ziyan.

When Su Li heard this, his heart trembled, and he said solemnly: Tell me about it.

Yun Qingxuan said: When my mother manifested the Blood Cocoon of Destiny, my mentality immediately collapsed. I activated all the power of my blood without hesitation, transformed into the Ancestral Dragon Demon, and wanted to fight.

I was indeed very impulsive at the time, and I might have done something bad, but I really didn’t think about it that much, and it wasn’t intentional.”

Seeing Yun Qingxuan's cautious look, Su Li approached Yun Qingxuan, hugged her gently, patted her back and said, Tell me well, don't worry, just don't say anything with my current situation. How is the ability to deduce the secrets?

If you really have any objections, do you think Meier and Yuxi will still let you stay with me?

So, if Meier and Yuxi are so confident about you, will I really care about anything with you?

You don’t have to worry about your mother, she is countless times stronger and better than you think!

So you don’t have to carry all the hatred and shadows on you. It seems like it’s all a conspiracy now. You’ll understand it all in the future.

Su Li felt the majestic scale and felt a little overwhelmed.

However, he hugged her and let go.

In fact, he has taken it very lightly.

As he said, Meier and Mu Yuxi were obviously very relieved about Yun Qingxuan, and they always carried her with them about many things. Mu Yuxi's instinct represented the system, and when Mu Yuxi joined him, he clearly sensed Mu Yuxi has reached the intelligence level of nine Hidden Dragon Pills.

And Mu Yuxi is not like Mei'er who has lowered her intelligence. She has not lowered her intelligence at all. She is like a scanning radar that exists all the time, secretly watching everywhere!

Mei'er didn't know all this, and she still synchronized with Su Li's intelligence all the time, was in tune with Su Li, and 'grew' with Su Li.

Under such circumstances, what should Yun Qingxuan have to be suspicious of?

He has completely become his own person.

Yun Qingxuan was hugged by Su Li at this time, her delicate body stiffened for a moment, and her whole body trembled.

Fortunately, she reacted quickly. She was happy and excited, but at the same time she felt like crying for no reason.

Su Li's comfort also released the huge pressure she was holding on. As for Su Li's rubbing a few times, her pretty face became slightly hot, and she just pretended not to know anything.

She even hoped that Su Li would get closer to him.

Yun Qingxuan was a little worried, but she still knew what the overall situation was. She tried her best to stabilize her mind and said solemnly: At that time, Hua Ziyan used the method of beheading to develop the purple energy. Let me take a moment.

That blow was not fatal, but it very accurately interrupted the process of my Ancestral Dragon Demonization.

At that time, I suddenly remembered an erased memory scene. It should be the scene of the last time we tried Qingyun Tomb. Maybe it was once?

Su Li's eyes narrowed and he said, Have you ever tried the Qingyun Tomb?

Yun Qingxuan said: Yes, and I must have tried it! There is a waterspout in the Qingyun Tomb, there is the Huayue Valley, and there is the Wangchuan River. There was a battle in the Wangchuan River. At that time, Feng Yao was against Master Su, Feng Yao, do you remember?

When Su Li heard this, he did not answer whether he remembered Feng Yao, but said thoughtfully: From now on, you call me Su Li, and I call you 'Qingxuan'.

Yun Qingxuan's breath froze, and a mist suddenly appeared in her beautiful eyes, but it quickly dried up.

Her breathing was stagnant for a long time, and then she sighed sadly, venting her many melancholy.

She stared at Su Li for a moment, then nodded slightly and said: Su Li, Feng Yao was fighting Zhuge Ranyue at that time. Zhuge Ranyue manifested a lotus platform and drove Feng Yao into the Netherworld Sea. The bottom of the sea sank into the abyss of darkness.

When Su Li heard this, his scalp suddenly went numb. Zhuge Ranyue's cause and effect was here!

No one knows what happened to Zhuge Ranyue.

But when Su Wangchen left, he specifically reminded him.

As a result, Yun Qingxuan said it now?

Moreover, it was the memory scene of Hua Ziyan’s axe, is it real or fake?

Did Hua Ziyan do it intentionally or unintentionally?

Hua Ziyan is Liuli, the person next to Jiuyao.

Jiuyao is the Jiuyao Demon Lord, the successor of the Seven Nights Demon Lord.

Who is the Seven Night Demon Lord?

Su Wangchen was able to withstand the karma of the Seven Nights Demon Lord.

But Su Wangchen may not necessarily be the Seven Nights Demon King.

Now, since Zhuge Ranyue has defeated Feng Yao, what is Zhuge Ranyue's strength?

It's just that Zhuge Ranyue's strength is obviously not strong. Otherwise, how could she be at the bottom of the previous system rankings?

Are you sure that this memory of yours was suddenly thrown out by a flash of inspiration and not the cage?

Su Li said in a deep voice.

Mu Yuxi thought for a while and said: It just appeared in a flash of inspiration. Hua Ziyan will only be friends with the young master at this time and will not mess around again. After all, they don't have Lieyang's ability. Lieyang's death is It seems to us that it's nothing, after all, he should have died a long time ago.

However, the existence represented by the blazing sun is a half-step immortal level existence.

Therefore, no strong person will come out to provoke the royal family anymore.

The rule that there will be no god in the world without returning to the ruins has been established through this battle.

Su Li felt relieved immediately and believed Mu Yuxi's words.

Mu Yuxi is now equivalent to the wise men and military advisors around him. If he doesn't listen to this, he still wants to fly into the sky?

According to what Su Wangchen said, it's better to mention Su Li's intelligence quickly, otherwise it will really stretch his crotch.

With a wise man like Mu Yuxi by his side, would he still analyze it by himself?

Of course it will, it's just a general direction, but it will definitely be based on Mu Yuxi's views.

Being stupid is not scary, but being stupid and not using your brain to rely on others is really scary.

Yun Qingxuan nodded and said: I have thought about this matter for a long time, and I am sure it is not a prison. Although intellectually I am indeed far from Mei'er and Mu Yuxi's opponent, but in terms of my Ancestral Dragon Demon, I I think my attainments are fine.

Moreover, Hua Ziyan's action this time was indeed done with good intentions, otherwise I would have ruined your big event, Su Li.

I can tell the difference between right and wrong.

Su Li said: In this case, the problem still lies with Zhuge Ranyue. I will ask Zhuge Jiufeng about this later.

Meier said: No need to ask, neither Zhuge Jiufeng nor Zhuge Yunni knows much more than us. Perhaps Su Taiqing and Su Musheng are the real core. They know many secrets, but they are basically very simple. It’s hard to ask.”

Mu Yuxi said: I won't be able to ask, so just bring Zhuge Ranyue with you. When the time comes, the young master will open the fourth level of the memory restricted area, and we will all stay inside. I will help the young master pass the memory restricted area when the time comes. Peep into the outside world and observe Zhuge Ranyue's situation.

Yun Qingxuan asked: Will this delay her opportunity this time?

Meier smiled and said, You are confused now. Following Su Li is the best opportunity. Why doesn't she climb up the pole immediately?

Yun Qingxuan blushed slightly and said, I always feel that there is something wrong with the 'pole' you are talking about.

Mei'er smiled and said: Don't think too much, or Su Li will scold me for leading another one to bad behavior. However, Zhuge Ranyue is quite disgusted with this aspect.

Mu Yuxi said: She is disgusted on the surface, but she is very promiscuous deep down.

Yun Qingxuan asked: Doesn't she want to lose face? You all say it so directly?

Meier smiled and said, Yu Xi wants Su Li to know what kind of character Zhuge Ranyue is, and then he can take it down.

Yun Qingxuan: ...

Yun Qingxuan felt that her IQ was indeed not enough, and she was obviously not at the other party's level.

At this time, Meier and Mu Yuxi directly removed the barrier.

Quede, Kame Mako and others were already a little impatient and seemed to want to enter the depths of the ruins.

Although this area is shrouded by the Qiankun Life and Death Gate, the area where Su Li is still is at the outer level. You have to pass through the huge Qiankun Life and Death Gate to enter the inner area.

This situation is very similar to the scene when Zhuge Qingchen entered the soul-suppressing secret realm.

But this time there weren't so many twists and turns in the cage.

Meier walked directly towards Zhuge Ranyue who had not yet left. Within a moment, Zhuge Ranyue's pretty face turned red. She even glanced at Su Li secretly. Seeing Su Li looking at her, she immediately blushed even more as if she had a guilty conscience. .

Su Li felt weird and thought, what are you doing, are you still shy in front of me?

It's not like I haven't seen it before... yes, I really haven't seen it before.

never mind?

Quede came over and asked.

never mind.

Su Li nodded and said.

Of the nine gates, which one should you choose? Help me with your divination.

Quede looked at the giant door in the distance and asked.

Su Li didn't care about Que De's tone. Que De always had this tone.

Choose no way, you guys.

Su Li casually made a divination calculation and found that the corresponding divination was Heaven and Earth No. Choosing No was obviously the best choice.

Okay. Then Que Xinyan and his sister will follow you?

Quede asked.

When Que Xinyan heard this, his ears immediately stood up.

Que Xinyan was very casual, generous and decent, standing there gracefully and beautifully.

If you enter this door, they will be scattered and disrupted. It's hard to say the specific situation. But if they are willing to stay on the fourth floor of my memory restricted area, I can try to take a look around.

Su Li said.

Que De said: Have you brought more than three?

Su Li said: Mei'er, Mu Yuxi, Zhuge Ranyue and Yun Qingxuan. There are four in total, plus a few more.

Que De shook his head and said: No more, no more! In addition, what do you know if you bring Zhuge Ranyue with you?

Su Li said: Is the news for sale?

Que De said: You lend me a loan and I'll sell it. I'll give it to you in installments. You don't have to pay interest. Twenty-four installments are interest-free, and each installment is ten years.

Su Li said: Forget it then.

Que De said: With your current attainments, if you randomly extract some of the original life energy and some causal opportunities from the world of forgetfulness, you will really rise. Why do you have to fight alone? Do you think this Is it possible that my Que De will harm you?

Su Li said: I know you won't harm me, but I'm not confident in my self-control. I know I can't control my desires, so I just don't touch it.

Que De said: You are escaping.

Su Li said: You think so, but now, let's not talk about it.

Que De said: Okay, if you don't want a loan, I won't. But I can't tell you this kind of news if you don't want a loan. After all, this is a legal transaction. Friendship is friendship, and transaction is transaction. After all, I am a man who has forgotten the world. Tool man.

Su Li said: I understand. I didn't ask you to give me a discount, and I didn't want to bargain with you, let alone force you to tell me the news.

Que De said: In short, you should be more cautious. Zhuge Ranyue is involved in a lot of cause and effect, so she is not worthy of your trust.

Quede strengthened his tone.

Su Li understood at once that because Que De's Tao is 'there is a lack of proof, there is no lack of proof', so the last sentence was false.

In other words, Zhuge Ranyue is trustworthy.

Of course, this could also be Quede trying to trick people, so one of his words was false.

But it didn't matter. With Mei'er and Mu Yuxi by his side, he didn't panic anymore.

I see.

Su Li and Que De finished their exchange. At this time, Xia Xinning and others also came over and said goodbye to Su Li.

No need to ask, Qianmen is suitable for you.

Su Li's face turned dark. This person came over to say goodbye or something, just to get some benefits.

Xia Xinyan, on the other hand, smiled politely at Su Li quietly, her ladylike temperament clearly revealed, and Su Li couldn't help but feel a little itchy.

Unfortunately, now is not the time after all.

Everyone at the scene left one after another.

Zhuge Qingchen, Maura and Hua Ziyan also followed.

You are all doing it, which is a good situation.

Su Li responded one by one.

Hua Ziyan wanted to stay and say something, but Su Li did not take the initiative to persuade her to stay. Hua Ziyan thought about it and believed Su Li's words, and chose to follow Mo La and others into the gate of life and death in the universe. area.

In the end, the only three people who had not left were Long Lindao, An Ruoxuan and Gu Tianyin.

Su Li almost had some idea why Gu Tianyin stayed. It was all Su Wangchen's fault for applying Zixia's cause and effect to Gu Tianyin.

Su Li glanced at Gu Tianyin and said, You are at the 'Kun' gate. I would like to send you a message that the terrain is Kun. A gentleman carries his wealth with kindness.

What Su Li said was translated into the language of this world, so Gu Tianyin could completely understand what it meant.

Hearing this, Gu Tianyin wanted to speak but stopped.

Su Li said: This cause and effect is also too early. You don't have to wonder. When the time is right, you will see for yourself.

Gu Tianyin bowed and said, Thank you, Su Shensuan.

Su Li was surprised and said: What kind of calculation...

Gu Tianyin said: The current Emperor is a divine calculator.

Su Li was slightly stunned that he finally walked onto the tree-lined path he had longed for.

Su Li said: As for your future, you just need to keep faith. If you have hope, you will have a future, so everything else is destined.

Gu Tianyin said: Tianyin understands, Tianyin is leaving.

Su Li nodded and looked at Long Lindao again.

Long Lin said: This time, I didn't find my sister, but I sensed that she must exist.

Su Li said: The secret must not be leaked. You can leave first. Your door to life and death in the world is at Kanmen. For you, the next road is 'Kan is like water'.

Long Lindao pondered for a moment and said, Has my sister ever had any weight in Su Shensuan's heart? Has she ever had any weight in the heart of the Emperor?

Su Li said: Yes, and it's very important.

Long Lindao bowed and said respectfully, Lindao, thank you very much, Su Shensuan, for your guidance.

After Long Lindao finished speaking, he also retreated on the spot and entered the 'Kan' gate.

In the end, An Ruoxuan was the only one left at the scene.

At this time, Su Li had also sent Zhuge Ranyue and the others into the fourth level of the memory restricted area.

Therefore, An Ruoxuan was left beside Su Li and in front of him.

An Ruoxuan stared at Su Li, with a bit of strange color in her beautiful eyes: Little Langjun, do you still remember the heart of the past? When Yaolan turned into 'Xinxin', she said that she would let a certain little Mr. Lang, try the taste of ecstasy and bone-crushing, does a certain young man still remember it?

An Ruoxuan said and suddenly smiled coquettishly.

When Su Li heard this, his expression instantly became serious.

Su Li frowned slightly and said, The fourth level of my memory restricted area is transparent to the outside world. Do you know what this means?

An Ruoxuan said: Su Li, I watched you when you took them in. Do you think I don't know that they can see everything in the outside world? Do I care?

Su Li said: What do you mean?

An Ruoxuan said: Mei'er and I have a very good relationship, it's just that I'm not good at acting. Now that the blazing sun is gone, there's no need to pretend. Yaolan has some troubles over there, and I have some troubles here too, so, this Once you carried me into the gate of life and death.

Su Li said: Should I carry you in? Are you crazy? Those twisted rules will cut us apart.

An Ruoxuan said: You and I have evolved the embrace of yin and yang curves. If you go in like this, it will be fine. You will know more shocking secrets by then! Don't worry, I won't harm you. If you don't believe me, just ask Mu Yu According to Xi, she should be smarter than Meier now.

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