I pretend to be a fortune teller in a fantasy world

Chapter 286: On the 9th day of Yishe, the Great Desolation Comes

Chapter 286: Yi shot for nine days, and the Great Desolation came

The three-legged Golden Crow is a sacred bird used by the Queen Mother of the West in legend.

He Tu Kuo Map records: Kunlun is in the Ruo River and cannot be reached without riding a dragon. There is a three-legged divine bird that feeds the Queen Mother of the West.

In The Classic of Mountains and Seas, it is called the Fierce Sun and the Golden Crow.

The Book of Mountains and Seas records: Xihe, the wife of Emperor Jun, was born on the tenth day. There are support trees on the Tang Valley. They arrive and leave every day, and they are all placed in the black.

Connected with it is the legend of Dayi shooting the sun, which comes from Huainanzi: In the past, Yi was hunting in the mountains and met Chang'e under the laurel tree. Then he used the laurel as a witness, and it was a match made in heaven.

When Yao was captured, he went out together in ten days. The crops are burned, vegetation is killed, and the people have nothing to eat. The 猰貐, Chisel Teeth, Jiu Ying, Dafeng, Feng Xi and Xiu Snake are all harmful to the people. Yao then ordered Yi to cut his teeth in the wilderness of Chouhua, kill nine infants on the ferocious water, beat the strong wind in the swamp of Qingqiu, shoot upwards for ten days, and then go down to kill the scorpions, cut off the snakes and repair them in the cave, capture and seal the scorpions in the cave. Mulberry forest.

This is the description of Yi shooting for nine days in history, but in Su Wangchen's deception and Su Li's meditation, Hou Yi was used instead of Da Yi, and combined with the legend of the prehistoric times. The legendary system of the prehistoric royal family formed.

Therefore, at this time, Lieshengsheng sublimated and turned into the blazing sun, and the totem of the three-legged golden crow appeared in the blazing sun. It was really normal.

Lie Yongsheng even had the whims of letting Lie Shini and Lie Xuanji serve as the extra two legs to enhance his own heritage and form a whole, in an attempt to show the cause and effect of 'Emperor Jun' and 'Xi He'.

However, Su Li no longer considered how much of this story Su Wangchen had told and how he told it.

In this state of absolute sage abandonment of wisdom, Su Li continued to use the 'Heart of the World', so he seemed to have a clear understanding of the world, and even had a thorough insight into all the purposes of Lieshengsheng.

Under such circumstances, Su Wangchen came possessed, but it was not Su Wangchen who possessed him, but Su Wangchen's system level!

At this time, Su Wangchen took the initiative to give up his system that was broken again and overlaid the system on Su Li's system.

Normally this would be an egg hitting a stone, but why did Su Wangchen do this now?

Because he has no choice, his system will collapse again. If he continues to use it and doesn't find a 'support', he will be completely finished.

He never thought that Su Li not only kept up with his thinking and plans, but even plotted against him, forcing him to hand over the system at this time.

If you don't hand over the system, the system will die and collapse. Su Li will take back all the system permissions, and he will have nothing.

Of course, Lie Yongsheng, his Taoist companion Lie Shi Ni, and his Tianshu Yuan Shen body Lie Xuanji will all be shot to death, and Su Wangchen's great revenge will also be avenged!

It feels great, but the loss is too great and I can’t bear it!

If you hand over the system, the system will survive, but most of the system permissions will be taken back by Su Li. He will also have almost nothing.

But there is also a glimmer of hope, because the system can survive, so some of its permissions still exist, and because of this sharing and synchronization, maybe its permissions will be reduced, but the benefits will be greater.

It's like the equity has been diluted after financing, but the benefits are even greater!

Therefore, Su Wangchen took the fatal risk and used himself as a cage and bait to lure out Lie Shengsheng.

Su Wangchen would never take this road in the past, and he never thought that Su Li, who was so evil-hearted, would not take action against a saint like Su Li at the critical moment. Isn't it true that at the critical moment, we can share the same hatred with the enemy? Will Lie Xuan Ji Lie, who has been torturing his beloved Meier, live forever?

At such a moment, Su Li didn't take action?

This time, he himself changed from a fake cage to a real bait, and was slashed by Lie Yongsheng!

This pain is real, who the hell can bear it!

Under such circumstances, Su Wangchen had no choice but to go crazy again and 'exploded' both the Heart of Consonance and the Building of Life. Although they were replicas, they were also extremely real, in order to make Lie Eternal life swallowed the Heart of Consonance and the Building of Life, forcing Su Li to take action.

As a result, Lie Yongsheng was not a fuel-efficient lamp. According to the Heart of Lingxi and Jianmu of Life, he actually followed the clues and sensed the breath of the real Heart of Lingxi and Jianmu of Life. In turn, he almost killed Su Wangchen. Passed through, so that the real heart of consonance and the building of life were killed.

Now, does Su Wangchen have a choice?

Su Wangchen had no choice.

What’s even more terrifying is that this time the Lingxi Heart and the Life Building Wood are real. Su Wangchen thought that by getting the Life Building Wood and the Lingxi Heart, he could revive the system and raise the system’s stars. Unfortunately, it was obvious that his judgment Something went wrong.

The Life Building Tree can indeed restore strong vitality to his system, but it cannot rise to the stars at all.

However, Lingxi Heart can indeed cover Su Li's system and even synchronize it. It's a pity that Su Li doesn't open the system panel. No matter how good his skills are, there's nothing he can do if others don't take off their pants, right?

At this time, after Su Wangchen lost his Lingxi Heart, Su Li directly opened the system panel.

The opportunity was at this moment. Su Wangchen could only project light and shadow with hatred, helplessness, and depression to join forces with Su Li.

At this moment, even if he didn't want to be a hypocrite or a saint, he still had to work together with his brothers.


The moment Su Wangchen enveloped him, Su Li's system suddenly jumped from level 15 to level 30, not the level 60 Su Wangchen imagined.

Of course, it also exceeded Su Li's judgment of about level 25.

This time, even though Su Li had the status of being a saint and abandoning wisdom and the ability to see everything, he still made some small mistakes. After all, he still underestimated Su Wangchen?

Su Wangchen was obviously not as demonic as Su Li imagined, but Su Wangchen was obviously not as awesome as Su Wangchen imagined.

He thought that by releasing all the permissions of his system and letting Su Li cover and use it, he could upgrade the system to 5-star level 60?

The result is only level 30.

This shows what?

This shows that Su Wangchen really used the system like a super novice.

At this moment, Su Li could clearly sense Su Wangchen's autistic mentality.

The poor kid has lived for a hundred thousand years, but he still dares not to show his face in reality. It's really a pity that he finally found love and pretends that he really doesn't love her, and becomes a demon because of love.

Su Li understood the secret deep in Su Wangchen's heart, so he felt so sorry and sympathetic that Su Li turned his mind into a sharp sword without hesitation, and pierced directly into Su Wangchen's heart. His forbidden and dusty emotions suddenly came out.

I'll fuck you, uncle

Su Wangchen cursed in his heart.

But there is no way, Su Li is really the uncle at this time, Su Li can peek into all of Su Wangchen's past, but Su Wangchen is confused and has no idea about everything about Su Li.

This is the difference between active and passive.

Therefore, while Su Wangchen was cursing wildly, Su Li directly stabbed him twice secretly to let Su Wangchen's emotions vent and prevent him from truly becoming a demon.

Under such circumstances, Su Wangchen became even more autistic, as if his bedwetting as a child was exposed by his mother on the spot to his girlfriend who just came to visit him. This is a kind of social death.

At least, for Su Wangchen, who wanted to save face, this was the bad result.

But these are not important, Su Li is still very kind after all, so after uncovering a series of Su Wangchen's past, he also recalled Su Wangchen's countless regretful memories.

For example, a person imitating a man in black robe wanted to be with the public Qingdie, but was exposed by the public Qingdie. As a result, he encountered many enemies' schemes and was intercepted and killed in a cage. The situation can be described as a tragic group.

For example, after time travel, because he thought Su Ye was the Son of God, he hated Su Wangchen and Mu Qingya with great hatred, so he hated his parents especially, and wanted to imitate Nezha's cause and effect, so he cut off the flesh and bones to return the favor to his parents. , finally returned and discovered that everything his parents did to wash the bones of his ancestors was actually for him, and that Su Ye had actually been helping him take the blame.

After returning, something happened to his parents, and he didn't even know whether he would survive the next life.

At that time, Gongcheng Qingdie had also failed in his next life.

Therefore, there was no one around him anymore, so grief, regret, and all the other thoughts made him completely collapse.

Therefore, after that, Su Wangchen decided to give up himself to help others.

Therefore, after that, Su Wangchen decided to truly become a demon because of love. It was also the same that he had the emotion of Ten years of life and death and the regret of remembering this love.

Unfortunately, once you become a demon, you can never turn back.

After becoming a demon, he gradually discovered that what he valued was actually just that, and there was no need to pay attention to it.

In a world like this, maybe death is just death, and it doesn't matter if you die.

Living is actually not a happy thing, but dying is a kind of relief, so just die.

But for those enemies who only wanted to live, Su Wangchen wanted them to die.

Su Li only caught a brief glimpse of the scene. Su Wangchen immediately hugged his body and huddled up like an offended girl, protecting himself tightly and never letting him go. He was violated by Su Li.

At the same time, he also tried to peek into Su Li's memory, but Su Li directly opened the first level of the memory restricted area.

Then, Su Wangchen seemed to see the Immortal Killing Sword Formation and the hell-like environment, and suddenly became autistic again.

Damn it, you are so inappropriate! Damn it, you uncle!

Su Wangchen cursed in his heart, but Su Li felt much better.

After all, Su Wangchen is still an incomplete person, or a demon with a trace of his nature left.

If not, is there anything in this world that he can't kill?

Then, this remaining trace of his nature is also his last attempt to save himself in order to rise again.

So this time, starting from the Book of the Other Side, he set up a super large-scale killing game. If Su Li really couldn't keep up with his rhythm, he would definitely be pushed out and completely replaced by him.

In this world, the strong live and the weak die.

The strong control everything, and the strong are always strong.

The weak bear everything, and the weak are always weak.

Weakness is the original sin!

This is extremely naked and bloody in this world.

In the same way, Su Wangchen gave himself the same choice!

If Su Li can cooperate, we can kill Lieyang, the biggest enemy in their destiny together!

If Su Li can't cooperate, then kill Su Li. His future is still lonely.

Or just like the ordinary person he left to Su Li, he could choose to live a few lives as a happy ordinary person in the mural.

Of course, there is another outcome where the Su Li he had thought about truly surpasses him and replaces him, and then he can be completely freed.

There’s nothing you can’t let go of. If a person can become a demon, what can’t he let go of?

Su Li could still survive such a ruthless serial killing scheme, and even Lie Yang could be killed, so what else do he need to worry about?

This is equivalent to getting perfect scores on competition-level questions in college. Are you still worried about failing the ordinary elementary school exam?

At this time, all the information about Su Wangchen was exposed, which made Su Li find it quite interesting.

However, Su Li had no time to pay attention to Su Wangchen for the time being.

Because there is a more important thing to deal with at this moment.

He got so much information after scanning Su Wangchen with one thought, and Su Wangchen immediately responded.

But the momentary confrontation between the two ended there.

At this time, the level 30 system is really scary.

At that moment, the burning of the Tianji value and the burning of the causal value were not only beyond Su Li's imagination, but also beyond Su Wangchen's imagination.

Damn, it's so cheap!

“Damn, it’s so expensive!”

The first sigh came from Su Wangchen, so Su Wangchen closed himself off again, and his mentality exploded and collapsed.

And the second induction was from Su Li, because he really thought it was expensive!

After all, what was promised before was the consumption of 10 million divine points and 1 point of causality?

At this time, it has almost doubled three or four times!

Can you afford such a loss?

Su Li was a little speechless, especially when he heard Su Wangchen's exclamation of so cheap, he even wanted to beat Su Wangchen to death. It's a fucking loan. I paid for it with my hard-earned money.

The system panel turned into a chaotic void, in which the stars were like destructive power of merit, forming extremely bright traces of the ultimate path.

Among these traces of the ultimate path, there is every kindness he has shown, every compassion he has shown, every chance he has left to survive, and every time he has given some hope to this world.

But more importantly, that time in the ancient temple, hope was gathered to break through the darkness and the source of hope was condensed.

A source of hope that is not of this world.

In other words, it belongs to this world and the world where Su Li lives.

If Su Li didn't understand what the source of hope was and what the real light of hope was before, then in this state, he truly understood it completely.

Because at this moment he possesses the ultimate ability similar to 'True Listening', and also possesses the ultimate intelligence at the level of ten Hidden Dragon Pills, he knows that the source of hope he represents is not only the source of hope for this world, but also the source of hope for this world. The source of hope for the prehistoric world.

The prehistoric world has encountered an unprecedented disaster of destruction.

So in my previous life, the Land of Dharma End was a real disaster?

So, to restore the ancient ruins in Guixu, this is a huge cause and effect and merit.

I bear all this, so I have a light of hope, which represents myself, the ancient world and the Chinese world where I live, and also represents the world and its future.

After Su Li realized it in an instant, he very wisely erased this memory from the depths of his memory.

Moreover, this memory does not exist on the system panel, is not synchronized to Su Wangchen, and is not recorded in his own heart.

There are some things that he has not yet reached that level. Once he peeks at them, he will forget them.

Otherwise, it will only be a disaster.

Su Li watched the power of many merits and virtues manifest. Every time he felt hypocritical and holy, sometimes it was a glimmer of hope and vitality left for him by himself.

Don't do things to perfection.

Be a human being and be a god, and leave a thin line so that we can meet again in the future.

Therefore, whether it was Yun Qingxuan, Hua Ziyan, etc., he had left a glimmer of hope at the beginning, but now everything has become much smoother.

Including this time, if Yun Qingxuan rushes out, it will only affect Gongcheng Qingdie and be completely refined to death, and Yun Qingxuan herself will also die.

But Hua Ziyan knocked back Yun Qingxuan with an axe, and this was a cause and effect.

Will Su Li be heartbroken if Yun Qingxuan dies?

It hurts because Yun Qingxuan suffered the consequences of Meier, and because Yun Qingxuan changed her past. Although Su Li did not accept her, he was willing to treat her as a friend.

After all, having big breasts is really something.

Of course, Su Li didn't care about these.

After the power of merit in the stars was condensed, the endless power of creation was manifested in the chaos.

Later, the endless divinity was combined with the Baiyu Demon God Yaoguang Bow condensed by Su Wangchen, and turned into a real sun-shooting artifact, the Sky-shattering Bow.

The Xuanyuan Tianxie Sword in Su Li's hand directly transformed into the Xuanyuan Sword and the General Mo Xie Sword.

At this time, Xuanyuan Sword condensed into a sun-shooting arrow, and General Mo Xie's sword shared the soul of Su Li, forming the Tianxin Sword Soul.

In this way, after using the invincible sword channeling method to manifest such a mark, Hou Yi's figure also condensed at this time and possessed Su Li's figure.

At that moment, the divinity of the Kunpeng bloodline and Pangu bloodline in Su Li's body was temporarily stripped away, integrated into the Xuanyuan bloodline in Su Li's body, and poured into the body of 'Hou Yi' in an instant.

The Hou Yi Shoots the Sun from the path mark of Guixu was also fully manifested at this time.

At this time, the system's description of this Dao Mark has completely changed, revealing its original truth.

Guixu Daohen's 'Hou Yi Shoots the Sun': After use, Hou Yi will merge with Dao Hou Yi and transform into Hou Yi, and use the supreme magical power 'Shoot the Sun Arrow' to kill all enemies with the blazing sun attribute. It can kill nine times in a row and evolve. Yi shot down the prehistoric avenue for nine days, completely transforming the scene into a prehistoric era to truly present the battlefield scenes of the 'prehistoric era'. The duration of this scene is uncertain, and it consumes 50 million Tianji points, 10 causal points and a certain amount of merit every second.

Therefore, when Hou Yi manifested, the entire area was immediately covered by the vast scene of the 'prehistoric world'.

Therefore, at this moment, it is as if the prehistoric world has completely come to this world.

And this scene completely enveloped all areas in the emperor's tomb, so that all the gods, all the geniuses, and all the treacherous and demons who came in to understand the 'Houyi Shooting the Sun Dao Mark' were also in a state of complete confusion. in shock.

In such a 'prehistoric world', the benefits they can feel are unimaginable.

After taking a breath, the level of life foundation immediately improved significantly.

In fact, this kind of improvement has no flaws, no traps, and no cages.

Everything in the world carries a shocking aura of spirituality and creation, and even the aura of immortality makes them suffocate.

Such a world is simply more desirable than the divine world and the immortal world!

Is this the prehistoric world of the Guixu era?

Is this the real world where everyone was like a dragon?


The mood of all the gods completely exploded.

The blood of all the geniuses is boiling and they are all jealous!

All the Guiguis were surprised to find that their abilities in the Guild Realm could be increased thousands of times in an instant, and their combat power became more perfect and more rigorous under such rules!

Even some hidden old god-kings and creation-level god-kings who were about to die shed tears because, under such vast rules of heaven, they discovered that their originally extremely short-lived life might only have a few days or a few years left. His lifespan was immediately extended infinitely!

It seems that as long as they live in such a world, their lives can last forever. One hundred thousand or eighty thousand years is nothing!

I'm afraid, this is a lifespan of hundreds of thousands or millions of years!


Under this Dao Mark and the rules of heaven and earth, the God Kings were all moved and roared after some induction.

Tears of joy, crazy, hysterical.

There are even gods flying around in the sky and on the ground like a kicked football to vent their excitement!

This is a real glimpse of hope!

This is genuine and originates from the prehistoric times in reality!

The Great Desolation is coming!

Honghuang is really born!

This time it is not just the Qingdi Palace, a building in the ancient times, nor is it the appearance of a few strong men in the ancient times in the form of avatars for a few breaths, but a real piece of heaven and earth is presented. .

There was a commotion at the scene, and after the commotion appeared, it erupted at an even more terrifying speed.

That scene is simply unimaginable.

At this time, even Que De, Xia Xinning and others couldn't help crying with joy!

It appeared, it really appeared!

Great Emperor Daohen!

Immortal Dao Mark!

This is true immortality!

This is the real prehistoric era in my mind. There is no catastrophe of returning to ruins for 100,000 years, nor catastrophes of annihilation of civilization for 10,000 years.

This is really...

Quede's beard was waving crazily and like a ghost, jumping and jumping.

Xia Xinning's hands clenched into fists, and her palms were pricked by nails without even realizing it.

Zhuge Qingchen also showed a rare expression of extreme excitement, as if he had finally seen a new light of hope in the world.

Zhuge Jiufeng's straight legs were tightly clamped, as if he couldn't wait to...

Su Ye's eyes were shining, but he stared breathlessly at the true ancient powerhouse 'Hou Yi' who appeared in the void, facing the blazing sun transformed into the eternal life.

What is the result of this battle?

Su Ye is not sure, because only at this level he understands how powerful and invincible Liesheng Yongsheng, who has cultivated the foundation level of the soul to the level of 'Tian Shu' after the 'Yuan Shen', must be!

Such a being has had a glimpse of the foundation of the Creation Realm and has been immersed in the Creation Realm for a long time. Moreover, it has also absorbed the power of faith of so many ordinary people and completely condensed the immortal-level divinity.

Su Ye didn't even think that such an existence would exist in the blazing sun.

But at this time, he only hopes to win!

Although he didn't want to show that he cared about Su Li's life in front of Su Taiqing and Su Musheng, they were brothers no matter what.

As for the man in black robe?

That was not his master.

Su Ye knew this because his master left something in his memory restricted area. If his master truly manifested it, he would definitely know it.

You once said that I would kneel down and beg you not to die, so this time, although I won't kneel down, little kid, you must survive!

Otherwise, once something happens to you, once the position of the Heavenly Prince is replaced by another existence, and once the Heavenly Prince dies again in this life, there will really be no hope. Then, according to the explanation given by Master, I will die. It can’t be completed!”

In this way, even if I die, I will not be able to meet the Master.

Also, don't relax this time. I still haven't seen through what is going on with Ji Yanyan. Master is currently unable to determine her situation. So, if you have some information, don't use it all.

Obviously you have known that this mark can manifest, so you still have to behave well on the royal family's side, and don't be in Meng Lang.

Things like Meng Lang and ruthlessness can be left to me, Su Ye.

Su Ye stared at the series of changes in the sky and murmured in his heart.

At this time, Su Li seemed to sense something, and inexplicably glanced downwards, and at that glance, he met Su Ye's eyes.

Su Ye was stunned for a moment, then he let out a cold hum and glanced to the side with a look of contempt on his face.

Su Li withdrew his eyes.

The traces of Hou Yi shooting the sun were completely evolved.

Everything happens in a ten thousandth of a second.

At this time, the prehistoric world enveloped the Great Emperor's tomb and turned into an area like a sea of ​​​​flames.

In the sky, the glow of the scorching sun exploded, and the totem of the three-legged golden crow merged into the blazing sun. Lie Yongsheng became invincible.

The burning sun of destruction distorted the void of the prehistoric world into waves of traces.

The earth was also burned by such Golden Crow fire and cracked instantly.

The 'people' on the earth soon became unhappy, because under the scorching sun, their blood immediately began to dry up, and their bodies seemed to be burned!

Terrifying flames grew out of their blood and souls, as if they were about to die at any time.

Such a terrible danger caused the ecstasy of all the gods and geniuses at the scene to suddenly come to an abrupt end.

Afterwards, they used crazy means to resist and resist.

But, how many people can resist?

However, at this moment, Su Li raised his hand and shook, and a seven-colored light suddenly appeared in the void.

The light formed circles of light and shadow similar to Buddha's light, appearing behind Su Li.

After such a halo manifested, all the gods and geniuses on the earth immediately no longer suffered any harm from the heat.

This kind of Golden Crow Sky Fire is simply extremely ferocious and cruel. Once it breaks out, it can immediately ignite all kinds of flames in everyone's blood and soul.

Desire, anger, and murderous fire, demonic fire, etc.

However, after Su Li's seven-colored halo appeared, there was a shadow behind him.

And such a shadow enveloped the entire Tomb of the Great Emperor.

As a result, the flames in the bodies, hearts, and souls of everyone in the shadows were extinguished in an instant.

Therefore, the darkness in this world is not necessarily darkness.

Therefore, the light in this world is not necessarily bright.

Su Li was in such a state, his intelligence reached its extreme level, so much so that he abandoned his wisdom, so his insights were also very profound.

This is enlightenment, this is the state of the unity of heaven and Tao.

In this state, Su Li did not realize the Tao, but the Tao was enlightening him, because he was just doing nothing.

Hou Yi's bow had already been drawn at this moment and locked onto Lieyang in an instant.

At that moment, the bowstring had drawn out the chaotic curve of the Dao mark, manifesting the Pisces line that separated Yin and Yang.

Yin and Yang are divided, the Zhentian Bow evolves into the Baiyu Demon God's Yaoguang Bow, the Xuanyuan Sword turns into a sun-shooting arrow, and the Ganjiang Moye Sword evolves into the Endless Sword Soul and becomes the soul of the arrow.

call out

That arrow shot out suddenly.

The evil of heaven breaks through the sky, and the path of death is extinguished!

That is eternal silence.


As soon as the arrow was shot, the heaven and earth seemed to explode, and there was a real roar of the prehistoric heaven.

That was the totem vision of Dayi shooting the sun.

Long ago, Dayi stood on the dry ground and looked up at the sky.

Ten rounds of scorching suns appeared in the sky, so that the people were in dire straits.

Dayi took action, holding a sky-shaking bow and sun-shooting arrows, and shot and killed nine of the blazing suns.

The nine blazing suns turned into three-legged golden crows and fell one after another...

The totem of this scene merged with the scene at this time and transformed into Hou Yi's body.

The arrow of destruction hit the blazing sun in an instant, and shot through the incomparable blazing sun in an instant.

But the moment it penetrated, the blazing sun manifested the creation changes of the Nine Transformations of Nirvana.

Although you previously manifested Hou Yi's Dao Mark of Shooting the Sun, and successfully deceived Lieshengsheng into thinking that you had already used this method, I was also on guard! Nine-fold Transformation, Xuanji Battle Spirit, Nine Transformations of Nirvana!

Lie Yongsheng roared like a madman, manifesting the nine transformations of Nirvana.

It's a pity that Lie Yongsheng didn't understand at all. Hou Yi didn't shoot one scorching sun, but nine!

Therefore, once Lie Yongsheng manifested, he was immediately killed and penetrated for no apparent reason.

After the ninth time, he roared like crazy and a solar storm broke out.

The destructive solar flames and solar storms burned the world in all directions, and the endless flames exploded and surged like crazy.

The world turned into a red color.

The gods who were living in Su Li's shadow were all terrified and trembling.

Only then did they realize that the Immortal Dao Mark was real, but it was so terrifying!

Damn it, ever since the prince was born, the things he has experienced have become more and more exciting each time, so exciting that he is almost autistic!

Some of the gods were once again stimulated to the point of almost losing their minds.

People like Xia Xinning, Quede, Zhuge Jiufeng and others were also shocked and at the same time sighed and sighed.

This is the prehistoric world!

This is the prehistoric way of killing!

Unparalleled domineering, invincible, and able to defeat all conspiracies!


Lie Yongsheng roared like crazy and complained repeatedly, but he was finally killed after the ninth manifestation.

The tenth time?

There is no tenth time.

Not everyone can truly practice Nine Transformations of Nirvana successfully.

Not to mention, the real origin of this Nine Transformations of Nirvana technique is the system. Su Li and Su Wangchen have no problem practicing it, and even Gongcheng Qingdie has no problem practicing it with Guidie's bloodline.

Can Lie practice eternal life?

It must be like Eight-Nine Mysterious Skills, it is a prison, waiting for a moment like this.

Therefore, Lie Yongsheng did not fully sublimate and did not complete the tenth ultimate transformation.

If he can really complete it, then Hou Yi's shooting of the sun will eventually leave a ray of light and leave a sun, so Lie Yongsheng will still survive, but will be abolished.

But now, Lie Yongsheng has not completed the tenth transformation, and it is impossible for him to complete this tenth transformation.

Therefore, Lie Yongsheng was completely killed.

The endless divine origins all exploded. After the solar storm broke out, the blazing sun in the sky split into pieces and fell from the void, landing on the area where the Great Emperor's Tomb was located.

At this time, Su Li discovered that the scene of the 'Solar Storm Erupting' that he had seen in the archive world was very similar to the scene at this moment.

In fact, some of the scenes are just like this!

However, Su Li no longer cared.

It only takes about a second to kill with one blow.

But this second has left an eternal trace in everyone's heart.

To the gods, the second is a very long time unit, because after the second there is a three-digit time, such as 3 seconds 239.

Therefore, true invincibility, true immortal Dao Mark, long time is meaningless, because the things to be changed have been done long ago, and the joy that should be felt has already been felt.

So, one second is actually pretty good.

In everything, too much is too little, right?

Therefore, Hou Yi's Daohen ended at this time.

Hou Yi raised his hand and waved, endlessly smashing the falling flames, all frozen, and exploded and shattered in the void.

Once these flames really fall, the gods below will not be able to withstand them, let alone ordinary geniuses?

Therefore, the remaining power of these flames was wiped away by Hou Yi with a raised hand.

Its strength is beyond imagination.

After Hou Yi's trace of the sun disappeared, Su Li fell from the void and returned to normal.

At the same time, he raised his hand and grabbed the Heart of Lingxi and the Building of Life that had not been grabbed by Lie Changsheng.

At this time, Su Wangchen, who was shrouded in Su Li, felt sad and a little disappointed because although Lie Changsheng was completely killed, but... his own situation was already very unbearable.

He was completely passive, and now it was up to Su Li to do what he wanted.

In the void, the huge blazing sun split into pieces, then was frozen by Hou Yi and crushed in one fell swoop.

Therefore, these clusters of huge flame storms, after being shattered in the void, all turned into a handful of white sand.

Yes, White Sands.

Lie Yongsheng's Creation Tianshu Yuanshen was completely annihilated and shattered, and also turned into a massive amount of flames. Those burning flames exploded one after another, turning into pieces of white sand.

Pieces of white sand gathered together, forming a sandstorm, falling from the sky like heavy rain.

Soon, this blazing sun wilderness returned to its wilderness environment and was covered by layers of extremely thick white sand.

The prehistoric world disappeared.

Su Li's shadow figure has also disappeared.

The land turned into a vast desert area.

In the area, white sand covers a depth of several kilometers and spreads into the distance.

In the white sand on the ground, blood-colored flames would burn brightly or go out from time to time.

Pieces of blazing flames and patches of white sand seas stretch endlessly, seemingly without end.

In the core area of ​​​​this windy and sandy area, an extremely vast ancient city of Lieyang gradually emerged from the wind and sand, and its ancient ruins were also completely revealed at this time.

At the same time, the Blazing Sun Wasteland near the Wanli Holy Land area also began to expand and extend its space inexplicably at this time.

This expansion and extension caused the light blue star to expand violently.

The light blue star had already expanded to the edge of the Lieyang Star, but at this time, it was even more accelerated to cover the Lieyang Star.

The huge Sun Star only resisted for a moment, then shattered and exploded, and was swallowed by the Light Blue Star.

Here, the entire area where the Lieyang Star is located is covered by the expanded Lieyang Desolate Territory.

At the same time, the entire Blazing Sun Desolate Territory was turned into a desert land.

Su Li silently watched this scene happen, and then silently watched the ancient ruins emerge, feeling some unspeakable sadness and emotion in his heart.

The Burning Sun Desolate Territory.

The Lieyang Desolate Territory was truly born.

So, what’s next is the real ‘Heavenly Soul-Suppressing Monument’?

Su Li exhaled a breath of thick air, feeling quite tired.

In this battle, he finally won, killing the core villains of Lieyang's family, and at the same time, he truly manifested the prehistoric world for a second.

It was only a second, but this second was the beautiful eternal kingdom that every god, even the king of creation, felt.

Okay, okay, sometimes you can experience it for yourself and you will understand it completely. What's the use of talking more?

Now, after experiencing it personally, Su Li no longer needs publicity.

The first two births of the royal family were still a bit 'virtual' after all, but this time, it was 'real'.

After this time, the situation finally stabilized.

Su Li did not bring up the system panel or look at it.

Because at this time, he had also broken away from the state of absolute sage and abandonment of wisdom, and was exhausted both physically and mentally.

However, his gains were unimaginably huge.

Su Li looked at the Lingxi Heart and Jianmu in his hands, but did not choose to integrate into his system. Instead, his soul shook, and the black-robed Su Wangchen possessed by him was shaken out.

Then, he glanced at Su Wangchen, and slapped the Heart of Lingxi and Jianmu in his hand directly into the center of Su Wangchen's eyebrows, and penetrated into his shattered and extremely tragic system. .

At this time, Su Li clearly felt that Su Wangchen's black and white system finally had some colors.

However, even if this system absorbs Lingxi Heart and Jianmu, it still rises half a star, and it still looks like a bird.

Not only that, the original level 60 system has dropped to level 59 again.

As for how much debt he had incurred, Su Li didn't look at it, and he didn't want to look at it. This was really cruel to Su Wangchen.

Thinking of this, Su Li still took a look at Su Wangchen's system with a debt of 7500 trillion.

There are still so many, and Su Wangchen is still the same young man who made money, without any change.

Why... why? Why do you want to give these to me? Do you, do you know, what will happen once you use these things?

Su Wangchen's eyes widened and he stared at Su Li.

At this time, he did not use his intelligence, but just communicated normally.

Because there is no need to use intelligence at this time.

Su Wangchen opened the system panel, and the dark system panel turned into a colorful system panel, which made his heart feel extremely intense.

Even if he wanted to be cold, like forcibly running the superb 'Specialized Qi and Tenderness' technique, it would be ineffective because the areas of emotion and humanity that he had sealed were pierced by Su Li's 'sword' and revealed!

Therefore, at this time, Su Wangchen simply did not control his emotions and acted like an ordinary person.

Facing Su Wangchen's question, Su Li was silent for a long time.


No why, no reason.

Because of doing nothing.

Because no matter whether Su Wangchen's system is still light blue now, Su Wangchen's system used to be light blue.

It's also because, no matter whether Su Wangchen is his Su Li or not, Su Wangchen is his Su Li's past.

why why why?!

Su Wangchen was reluctant and still wanted an answer.

Su Li at this time can completely kill him and replace him because Su Li is still in good condition at this time, while Su Wangchen is actually in a state of exhaustion.

Su Li took a deep look at Su Wangchen and said: Actually, there is no reason, and there is no reason. But if you insist on a reason, then I can give it to you.

Su Wangchen stared at Su Li and said, Is it because of Gongcheng Qingdie? I don't like him at all. What you see is all fake!

Su Li shook his head and said: After this experience of the fatal killing round, I suddenly understood one thing. The reason why you, Su Wangchen, became you is because you did for me, Su Li, what I wanted to do at some point. choose.

If you made mistakes in the past, it's not about rejecting and hating your past self, but it's about making your current self better and covering up the humbleness of the past.

When you rise, no matter how humble you have been, no one can trample on your dignity or crush your bones.

Su Li's words were very soft, but they felt particularly heavy in Su Wangchen's ears, heart, and soul.

Su Wangchen took a deep look at Su Li and said, Okay, you gave me a way out, then I'll tell you something. Later, the 'World Gate of Life and Death' in the Burning Sun Desolate Territory will open, and at the same time it will Activating the five soul-suppressing monuments and coming at the same time is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, but it will also be an equally amazing killing game!

Although the future troubles have been partially relieved, we should never relax.

My situation in the past was much better than yours now, but you should know what I am like now.

The intelligence of the indigenous people is not good, but their unity is far beyond your imagination.

(PS: The first 11,000-word update is here~ Continue to ask for full subscriptions and monthly tickets, thank you very much~ I am also very grateful to the book friend 'Nan Ming' for the 1500 starting coin reward for support ~ Many thanks to the book friends 'vis Xiaoqi', 'Shu Friends support by tipping Qidian coins~)

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