I pretend to be a fortune teller in a fantasy world

Chapter 283: Heavenly Sword comes to the world, blood sacrifice to Xuanyuan

Huangji Jingshi Shu represents the book of heaven and the way of heaven.

Su Li burned himself as a sacrifice, which meant sacrificing himself, Pangu's essence and blood, and the way of heaven.

This approach completely exceeded Su Wangchen's expectations.

Su Wangchen stared at Su Li coldly, seeing that Su Li was truly self-sacrifice, but his emotions did not change much.

Although it was very unexpected, in Su Wangchen's view, this approach was just digging his own grave and would not have any effect.

This is an extremely stupid and ridiculous decision, and it is only the kind of approach that an incompetent person would choose after being in a desperate situation and unable to change reality.

Su Wangchen's eyes were extremely indifferent. It could be said that this kind of eyes was not touched at all by the previous artistic conception of Ten years of life and death.

Perhaps, he was also touched, but he would not show it.

Su Li's entire body had turned into a touch of blood at this time.

In the blood, flames like karma burned. When such flames appeared, there was a Taoist aura lingering in the world.

This aura is not strong, and is even very, very indifferent, but this indifferent Daohen aura contains an inexplicable sad charm.

This change is not as spectacular or shocking as Su Li's previous Taiqing clone killing himself, but this trickle of sadness is more touching.

Su Li

In the distance, Meier's beautiful eyes were filled with tears and her expression was sad.

Mu Yuxi's face was also extremely pale, and there was endless sadness in her beautiful eyes.

Under such circumstances, everyone already knew that the emperor of this generation was probably going to die young again.

Unfortunately, no one can take action at this time.

After Su Wangchen's domain manifested, it was between reality and illusion. No one knew how to crack this domain, and no one could crack it.

At least for a short period of time, this kind of field is invincible.

Not to mention, at this time, most of the gods in the outside area were completely frightened. They seemed to remember the terrifying past events that they were least willing to face, and fell into deep panic.

Not to mention taking action, he was already quite sensible if he didn't go crazy and yell wildly on the spot.

Que De and Xia Xinning tried several times to take action, but could not find any chance.

Quede, in particular, looked at the mirror in his hand several times, then looked at the painting hidden in the mirror, and then tried to move it.

It's a pity that such a top-notch treasure cannot be destroyed at all now. It's not because it has no ability to destroy it, but because the cause and effect it carries is too heavy to be used.

Not to mention, even if it is displayed, so what?

If the man in black robe in front of him is that one, then given his relationship with Wangchenhuan, it would be almost a joke for him, Que De or Xia Xinning, the masters of Chenhuan, to take action.

Not far from Que De, Su Taiqing's eyes were calm and thoughtful, as if he had thought of some key information, but couldn't remember it for a while.

He put his hands behind his back and paced back and forth, his brows furrowed deeply, but he couldn't think of the key point.

Su Ye just watched calmly, with a bit of strange color in his eyes.

Immediately, he tried to activate the Tianji Galaxy Blood Fiend Soul Refining Technique to devour the energy from all directions, but found that it was impossible to devour it, so he could only give up temporarily.

Others, including Zhuge Jiufeng, Gu Tianyin and others, all tried to take action, but unfortunately their powers were all restrained, as if they were stuck in a quagmire, making it difficult to use them.

Even if it is exerted reluctantly, it seems that the original life energy of the heavenly destiny will be lost like running water, and it seems that it still owes countless causes and effects.

And these causes and effects must also be repaid.

But they obviously didn't do anything.

Under this situation, the gods who were about to try to intervene or help Su Li in exchange for some benefits of experiencing the Tianchi Blood River could only regretfully give up.

After seeing this scene, other gods who were not too afraid, or god-level geniuses, who originally did not want to take action, also tried to take action. After realizing that they were imprisoned, they immediately showed that they wanted to do something for Su Li. He looked like he was stabbing at both sides.

Only a handful of gods stood there honestly, neither daring to show excessive closeness to Su Li, nor daring to show the slightest hostility towards the man in black robes.

At this time, Su Li, who was covered in a flame like karma, did not look at Mei'er and Mu Yuxi.

He had already heard the lamentations of Mei'er and Mu Yuxi.

Because he has the heart of the world, he can hear all the sounds in the world even in this state.

In this faint mysterious charm, Su Li could even hear the sound of time.

Does time have a sound?

He had never thought about such a problem before.

But at this time, he heard it.

The sound of time is the sound of the wind in nature, the sound of dust swimming around, the sound of waves rolling in the sea, and the sound of someone crying in their hearts when they are sad for him.

Su Li looked at Su Wangchen calmly, but said nothing.

At this moment, he has already made his choice and there is no need to say anything more.

Su Wangchen still faced it coldly. It wasn't until the extinguishing flame burned Su Li's entire body that it could no longer be extinguished that he finally felt a little moved.

Even though he was moved, he still acted very, very cold.

Because Su Li had already heard his moved expression.

Under the heart of the world, sometimes many things cannot be hidden, including Su Wangchen's current state.

Perhaps, a person can become very smart, but no matter how smart a person is, if he is still a human being, he must be inseparable from certain human natures.

The same was true for Su Wangchen at this time in Su Li's eyes.

Su Wangchen is no longer mysterious and no longer invincible.

Su Li suddenly smiled. Amidst the burning flames, amid the mournful cries of Mei'er and Mu Yuxi, amid the regrets of countless gods and their geniuses, and amid countless cunning and secretly existing jokes by demons, Burning.

Su Wangchen stared at Su Li coldly. Finally, he couldn't bear such strong pressure, or maybe he still had some goals that he hadn't achieved and didn't want this scene to end like this.

Therefore, Su Wangchen still spoke.

And Su Li knew that as long as Su Wangchen opened his mouth, Su Wangchen would have already lost half the battle.

Right now, what needs to be dealt with is who can truly persist to the end and truly make a difference between life and death.

Or, you don't have to die at all and solve some bigger hidden dangers at the same time.

Or, there is only one miserable ending, which is true annihilation.

Or, both parties fail and eventually become someone else's prison, hurting both sides and reaping the benefits.

These results were all heard by Su Lidi, and were no longer thought of through thinking.

Any idea has no meaning in front of an absolute wise man.

It may be possible to deal with it in normal times, but in such a killing situation, the beginning of thinking is the end of complete failure because, with his intelligence, if he can think of it, those peerless wise men will also think of it.

And those results that he couldn't think of, others can definitely think of.

Why did Su Wangchen praise him for reaching the level of six Hidden Dragon Pills? Why should we praise him for the 50% increase in intelligence effect of Huang Ji Jing Shi Shu?

Why, just because Su Wangchen needed Su Li to know something. Nine Hidden Dragon Pills were the limit of intelligence, and breaking this limit would be counterproductive.

Therefore, as long as Su Li reaches the intelligence level of the Nine Hidden Dragon Pills, he has the foundation to be stronger than Su Wangchen.

But in fact, this sentence is both correct and incorrect.

Because Su Li has almost heard his own true intelligence at this time, and he is only at the level of about five Hidden Dragon Pills. The 50% increase effect of Emperor's Book of Worlds is only achieved by maximizing his ability to listen carefully. have.

Therefore, when his intelligence is at its limit, in real terms, it can barely reach the level of eight Hidden Dragon Pills.

At the level of eight Hidden Dragon Pills, Meier is currently slightly unable to keep up, so it can be inferred that Meier's intelligence is close to the level of eight Hidden Dragon Pills.

But now Mu Yuxi's performance is smarter and calmer than Mei'er. It can be judged that Mu Yuxi has almost reached the level of the Nine Hidden Dragon Pills.

Then, if none of them are Su Wangchen's opponent, Su Wangchen's so-called optimal intelligence is wrong because the result after breaking nine is either incomplete or infinite.

Obviously, Su Wangchen is the latter.

At this time, Su Li sacrificed himself, and when the power of his blood and soul burned up, the Kunpeng bloodline and the weak Pangu bloodline in his body were activated.

At this moment about to be annihilated, he realized instead.

This kind of realization made him closely integrated with the ‘Heart of the World’. Or perhaps, this kind of realization did not come from him, but from the system.

The system is still keeping him in the dark.

At this moment, it has reached the most dangerous moment. He has no choice and is ready to sacrifice himself.

Therefore, whether Qian Lan sells blood or not, it is no longer a lavish squandering on his part.

Because he himself has paid more, and because he can no longer stop the system from doing anything shady.

And everything he did was, on the one hand, to preserve the authority of the system, and on the other hand, to completely resolve Su Wangchen's matter.

Before, he didn't even understand what Su Wangchen wanted to do, but now that Su Li was at this level that was close to the 'Ten Hidden Dragon Pills', he really understood.

Understand, understand, so when he dealt with it, he was completely relieved, became extremely calm, and extremely natural.

In this state, it is as if he is already the system, and the system is also him.

In this state, it was as if he had merged with Mu Yuxi again, and once again experienced the wonderful state of yin and yang, heaven and man, truly selfless and sentient beings.

Su Li stared at Su Wangchen, and Su Wangchen's mouth moved. Su Li didn't listen to what he said. Chen Huan's heart plus the burning increase of Huangji Jingshi Shu, plus his own state of walking through the mountains, He already knew what Su Wangchen was going to say.

Su Wangchen's voice even appeared in his heart.

Therefore, before Su Wangchen even said anything, Su Li stopped Su Wangchen with his eyes and said, You don't need to say anything. If you don't change, you will never understand what true immortality is!

Su Wangchen sneered to show his disdain.

His head tilted to one side, a joking expression on his face, but he quickly calmed down.

He looked at Su Li head-on and mocked: I can also give this sentence to you! Of course, for me, only by decaying myself can I be truly immortal.

Su Li said: Now, you actually still have a way to turn back.

Su Wangchen raised his hand to stop him and said, I, Su Wangchen, never look back.

Su Wangchen said, directly manifesting the power of purple flames.

When this flame appeared, Su Li knew what he was going to do.

Aren't you a self-transformation? Self-sacrifice? Are you worthy of the emperor's sacrifice to purify the world, even for a disgusting Holy Mother like you?!

Su Wangchen sneered, and then raised his right hand. In his palm, a lotus platform formed of purple flames condensed. The lotus platform rotated and slammed towards Su Li's head.

At this moment, the scene was completely silent.

Su Li's eyes were as calm as ever. He knew every word Su Wangchen said now.

Moreover, before Su Wangchen said it, every word of these words had already appeared in his heart.

Therefore, he already knew what Su Wangchen wanted to do.

Su Li

Mei'er sensed the danger and shouted loudly. Her situation was a bit bad now. All her abilities were completely unable to be used, and she was still being guarded by Mu Yuxi.

Mu Yuxi protected Meier's soul tea can to avoid any accidents.

On one side, an extremely mysterious Taoist aura appeared in his eyes, shrouding this area.

Next to Mei'er, Yun Qingxuan tried again and again to activate the power of her bloodline and transform into the Ancestral Dragon Demon, but she couldn't activate it no matter what, as if all her abilities had been stripped away.

She tried repeatedly, even condensing the flames of Nirvana, but she couldn't perform the technique.

Therefore, even if she wanted to rush forward, she had no choice but to watch with trembling eyes, her eyes equally sad.

She is partly Mei'er and has been influenced by many things, but now that she is completely herself, she has grown so much.

At this moment, she discovered that in the real critical moment of life and death, even if she wanted to give, she was not even qualified.

These existences are really too powerful.

Especially the strong man in black robe and ghost mask, why, why is this the case?

Yun Qingxuan trembled all over, and tears kept falling from her eyes.

She wanted to peel off that mask and see why the extremely warm man in black robe had become so cruel and cruel now.

And what should she do if these two people fight?

She even thought about rushing forward, repaying the kindness of the man in black robe, and then dying for Su Li, so that all the debts she owed would be paid off.

However, she still didn't have any chance to take action.

All she could do was just like everyone else, she could only watch and stand by.

Next to Yun Qingxuan, Hua Ziyan tried to release the Purple Qi Ten Thousand Paths ability several times, but the result was that the Purple Qi was also not manifested.

Therefore, Hua Ziyan also quietly stopped.

Quede took out the mirror and looked at the man in black robe several times.

However, there was no figure of a man in black robes in the mirror.

The painting in the mirror was also motionless.

Seeing this, Quede could only quietly take back the mirror.

Xia Xinning tried to use the Emperor Qi Transformation Dragon Devouring Heaven Technique and the Xuanyuan Yulong Immortal Sword Technique at this time, but the result was also the same. There were only empty movements and no corresponding effects.

Situations like this happen all the time.

Whether it's Que Xinyan or Zhuge Qingchen, whether it's Zhuge Jiufeng or Zhuge Ranyue, they all actually try to do their part.

Unfortunately, at this moment, any of their methods are just empty moves without any power.

It's as if the world in this area has become a 'forbidden land, a land of apocalypse'.

So much so that, under such circumstances, even the touch of sadness and the mournful breath of the great road between heaven and earth were so indifferent that they could not sense it.

Que De sighed silently and took another look at the area where Su Li and Su Wangchen were. He couldn't bear to look any further.

In any case, it seems that it failed.

The old Kame Kamiko beside Quede shook his huge ghost head and sighed sadly.

The situation at the scene was very bad.

This kind of badness is as bad as hope being wiped out because in fact, all the gods at the scene know one thing.

For now, at least the Emperor Su Li is a very responsible Emperor. At least he is very courageous and has the charm of a human emperor.

But if it were replaced by another person, it would not necessarily be wind or rain.

If it were replaced by a prince like that, it would be a nightmare for the whole world.

Su Wangchen was still laughing coldly at this time.

However, Su Li completely ignored his ridicule.

Because at this moment he had completely understood, understood, saw Su Wangchen's desperate situation, and also saw the path Su Wangchen was going to take.

For every path, Su Wangchen has countless alternatives. Each of them will be of great benefit to Su Wangchen. He has considered all possibilities, including the path of self-transformation that Su Li will choose at this time. this road.

But what he showed was that he had not calculated and wanted to continue the game.

However, Su Li has changed this way of playing games.

Su Li changed the method of the game, and Su Wangchen would also modify it accordingly, and in a certain subsequent situation, he would bring the game back to a certain trajectory he had set and embark on that path.

So individual changes will not affect the overall situation.

For Su Wangchen, he had thought of hundreds and thousands of ways to retreat, so if there was a deviation, he could still achieve his goal by inserting his retreat into one of the paths.

Under such circumstances, would Su Wangchen care about the process?

I don't care.

Su Li has temporarily reached this level of intelligence and naturally has the same coping methods, so what he needs to do is no longer a problem.

What Su Li was facing at this time was another thing. Su Wangchen had reached such a level and was still in such an embarrassing state!

This is really unbelievable.

Therefore, it is probably not Su Wangchen that he needs to deal with.

After Su Li looked at Su Wangchen calmly, he suddenly closed his eyes.

Why, are you ready to die in peace? If so, you can't do more than that. It's really disappointing.

So, you go now. I will take care of everything for you. Don't worry, I will take good care of them.

Su Wangchen said cruel and disgusting words.

But Su Li didn't respond.

Because these are the most basic means of irritation.

In ordinary times, this method is also easy to use.

But now, it is no longer useful.

Because Su Li's level has temporarily surpassed Su Wangchen's level, he already knows what Su Wangchen's purpose is.

Su Li's thoughts condensed, his body and mind were unified, and the flames in his soul surged instantly.

At that moment, he directly completed self-sacrifice.

During this kind of sacrifice, the purple lotus flame coming out from behind Su Wangchen had already hit Su Li's forehead hard.

But Su Li's eyebrows didn't explode, nor did Su Li's head explode into a rotten watermelon with blood overflowing.

A sword-shaped mark appeared between Su Li's eyebrows.

The mark turned into gold in an instant, and turned into a golden dragon that swam.

The moment the divine dragon swam, it manifested endless imperial energy and let out a cry of ancient dragon.


The roar turned into endless energy, spitting on the purple lotus platform, and immediately shook the purple lotus platform away.

After the lotus platform rotated, the void became obviously distorted during the retreat.


The flames on the lotus platform made a crashing sound one after another, and quickly collapsed and exploded. When it returned to Su Wangchen, it had turned into silence and was completely void.

Su Wangchen's eyes narrowed.

At this time, Su Li, the twisted and swimming divine dragon between his brows, directly condensed into a golden mysterious giant sword.

This golden mysterious giant sword is none other than Xuanyuan Tianxie Sword.

At this time, the Xuanyuan Heavenly Evil Sword was fully activated and used after Su Li directly burned the Emperor's Classic to sacrifice himself.

At this time, Su Li still didn't open the system panel. It wasn't because he didn't open the system panel, but because before his intelligence improved, he already knew that the system panel couldn't be opened.

Now that the name of Lingxixin has come out, how can he still be unprepared?

So, why do Lie Xuanji, Lie Yongsheng, or Su Wangchen have to say such obvious names again?

This is intentional.

In other words, the name of this thing itself has been exposed and can no longer be hidden.

Obviously, Su Wangchen once leaked the name of this kind of thing without knowing it, so that it could not be hidden. Coupled with Lie Yongsheng's incomparable obsession with this kind of thing, once discovered, there will be a corresponding response immediately.

And once he opens the system panel, Su Wangchen's synchronization ability will definitely be used on both systems.

In this way, once the system's star level is synchronized with even one star to Su Wangchen's system, it will be over.

Therefore, at this moment, Su Li would rather die than open the system panel.

This was Su Li's judgment when his intelligence couldn't keep up.

But now, Su Li's intelligence has caught up, or it can be said that he has temporarily surpassed Su Wangchen.

What is the reason for this?

Because, in the state of complete sacrifice, Su Li's intelligence has reached the ultimate level of five Hidden Dragon Pills, but it still has not reached the effect of six Hidden Dragon Pills.

But combined with the ability to listen carefully and the Huangji Jingshi in the burning state, then the increase in the Huangji Jingshi in this case is not 50%, but 100%!

With a 100% increase, what is Su Li's current level of intelligence?

Obviously, the limit of ten Hidden Dragon Pills has been reached.

So now that he has crushed Su Wangchen's intelligence, what will Su Li's state be like after this situation occurs?

He no longer thinks about many problems, and he doesn't need to think about them, he completely understands them.

It's like all the fog has been lifted and all the answers can be seen.

It's like seeing one's nature clearly, truly seeing divinity, immortality, and everything.

In this state, Su Li did not use this ability to think about all the doubts in the past because in this situation, he could not squander it casually.

Whatever cause he planted opens up such abilities, and what kind of results he will use such abilities with.

You can’t have too much of the rest, and you can’t lack it at all.

Perhaps, the only flaw to be left is to leave a special path to explain the escaped One.

As for this 'escaping one', Su Li had already arranged it at this time.

After reaching this scene, combined with Su Wangchen's response, Su Li knew that this game was completely stable.

The Xuanyuan Heavenly Evil Sword in front of his eyebrows was evolved, but in such understanding and understanding, Su Li burned away all the last strands of his soul.

At that moment, he was truly enlightened, his sword was clear, and his sword was enlightened.

At that moment, his soul even gave birth to a special trace of divinity.

This special trace of divinity contains an extremely powerful Pangu essence and blood, an extremely powerful Kunpeng essence and blood, and also contains the Chinese heritage bloodline from his own previous life.

In his previous life, he always jokingly told his friends around him that we were all descendants of the Yan and Huang Dynasties, please give me some face from the Yan and Huang Dynasties.

But now, this remaining strand of inherited bloodline is really the Yanhuang bloodline.

When all the flaws are burned away, it's like gold being refined by fire.

At this time, Su Li even realized why Sun Wukong became so powerful after being refined by the Samadhi True Fire.

His situation was actually similar at this time.

But these are not the focus of Su Li's attention.

During such changes, he transformed into a powerful bloodline power and divine power!

The effect of his own sacrifice reached the extreme in one fell swoop, so that the power of the Xuanyuan Tianxie Sword, a treasure, was completely released.


At that moment, Xuanyuan Tianxie Sword was completely activated.

Like a peerless artifact that cuts heaven and earth, it appears from the void and turns into a peerless giant sword that flies down from the sky.

The Heavenly Sword comes to the world!

This scene gave everyone the feeling that the real immortal sword came out of the sky, shocked the world, and was majestic to the nine heavens!

The heaven and earth trembled, and the great roads seemed to be surrendering.

After all of Su Li's possessions were completely sacrificed, Xuanyuan Sword gave birth to a peerless sword soul.

Blood sacrifice to Xuanyuan soul!

In the raging flames, Su Li was completely annihilated.

I master the heart of the sword, the heart of the sword is clear, and the way of the sword is connected to the gods.

At that moment, there seemed to be an unknown voice from the void manifesting the power of divinity, permeating all directions.

At the same time, the gods from all directions, as well as those who practiced swordsmanship, were all trembling at this moment, their souls seemed to be cut by a divine sword, and fear arose in their hearts.

Not far away, the Great Emperor's Tomb also shook violently, and within it, it seemed as if the eternal sword intent, sword spirit and sword soul were resurrected.

And in the raging flames, the sword soul awakened and the sword soul revived.

That sword soul was a white-robed shadow.

The shadow gradually solidified, as if it had transformed into the beginning of eternity, spanning endless time and space, flying down from the unknown world.

That's a piece of talisman paper.

That piece of talisman turned into thousands of purple qi, and the purple qi condensed into Su Li at that moment, and turned into Su Li's body again.


The next moment, the body burned again, turned into ghost paper and flew into the sky, bringing up seven-color flames, landed on the head of the white-robed figure transformed by Su Li, and turned into ghost ash.


In that instant, the Dao marks in the void exploded, and the Dao of Heaven seemed to have collapsed.

An extremely terrifying aura filled the air.

Among them, the white-robed Xuanyuan Sword Soul combined with the dark gray. After merging together, Su Li's handsome appearance in white robes was restored.

At this time, Su Li was like a truly peerless jade, whose appearance completely covered all the light in the world.

This scene also stunned everyone present.

This change is really terrible!

He sacrificed himself completely, his soul was completely destroyed, and yet he was still alive?

Not only can he survive, but his abilities in all aspects have also improved?

No one can imagine such a change.

Su Wangchen, on the other hand, still just looked at it coldly. In his opinion, these fancy things had no meaning. Even the so-called Heavenly Sword coming to the world and the peerless killing power of Xuanyuan Tianxie Sword, to him, There is no big effect.


The flames were still burning brightly, and even more terrifying power was escaping in all directions.

In the flames, the mysterious Nine Transformations of Nirvana manifested.

Su Li's figure went through nirvana again and again, and nine levels of transformation were quickly superimposed.

After the ninth level of transformation, all the flames were extinguished, and the huge heavenly sword fell into Su Li's hands at this time.

Su Li's figure regrouped and pointed at Su Wangchen with his sword.

At this time, Su Li had completely reborn from Nirvana and undergone unprecedented transformation.

His realm of refining the void and combining the Tao has directly transformed from a small accomplishment to a great accomplishment.

And his transformation through the Nine Transformations of Nirvana this time has also broken some unspeakable taboo.

That was some kind of taboo, and he broke it inexplicably this time.

But what this taboo was, Su Li didn't think about it. He didn't use this 'special state' to think about it.

Because at this time, he even knew that in his current state, the system was taking advantage of him.

However, this time it's not just the system that's taking the blame, but he himself is also taking the blame.

He was completely united with the system and was working hard at the same time.

What happened in this scene was very impactful.

The scenes seem extremely complicated, but they all happen in an instant.

Su Wangchen didn't take it seriously either, his eyes were cold and murderous intent was evident all over his body.

Su Li suddenly re-evolved the ultimate killing path that unites all methods in the Xuan Xin Mysterious Technique.

With such an extreme killing method, Su Li evolved the method of returning the ninety-nine to one, using his soul to take over the previous blow from the Heavenly Sword, allowing this murderous intention to originate from himself and bear it from himself.

At the same moment, the entire star field seemed to be dark for a breath.

During this breath, Mu Yuxi loosened her guard over Mei'er and turned into a stream of light and shadow towards Su Li.

Among Mu Yuxi's figures, there seemed to be not only herself, but also some other strange women.

However, Su Li no longer paid attention to these.

He evolved the Mysterious Secret of Mysterious Heart which is at a superb level, evolved the Nine-Nine Ultimate Path where all methods are unified, and also evolved the ultimate life-and-death murderous intent.


When this murderous intention came out, time had completely stopped.

With this murderous intention, Su Li did not kill Su Wangchen, but he killed himself.

I, Su Li, at this moment, slay my demonic heart. From now on, I will never give birth to inner demons again, and I will never be fettered by inner demons again!

For this reason, the sky and the earth are dark and yellow, and the universe will witness it!

I, Su Li, am willing to kill my inner demons and go to hell to atone for Yu Xi, Mei'er and Que Xinyan's sins forever in exchange for their eternal happiness.

At that moment, after Su Li made a great wish in his heart, he used the Heavenly Evil Breaking Heaven and the Way of Nirvana to kill the ultimate super kill of The Mysterious Secret of Mysterious Heart!



When that sword comes out.

Su Li finally shed tears for no apparent reason.

The sword is Moye Sword.

The heart is Sutianxin.

At this time, he had completely understood.

Two lines of tears fell, and his body was suddenly annihilated together with the golden Xuanyuan Tianxie Sword.

However, what was annihilated along with it was far more than just Su Li, there was much more.


When this murderous intention killed Su Li's inner demon, what Su Li didn't know was

Mu Yuxi's figure enveloped him at this moment and landed on Su Li.


The void shook violently, and then, the entire Nether Sea scene was torn apart from here, and then was enveloped by another scene.

The Netherworld Sea disappeared.

Instead of being annihilated, Su Li appeared in a deserted place.

In front of him was the huge Canggu Ancient City of the City Without Tears.

On the ancient city, four ancient characters City without Tears are written in mysterious ancient oracle bones.

In the deserted land at the gate of the city, Su Li was also using the Xuanxin Secret Art, facing the Seven Nights Demon Lord in front of him.

Even when Su Li discovered this scene, the Xuan Xin Mysterious Technique had already been used. The Seven Nights Demon Lord seemed to have been fatally attacked, and it was not Su Li who attacked himself.

Beside Su Li, Su Yumu kept coughing blood, and her whole body seemed to be dying at any moment, but the look she looked at Su Li was so infatuated and affectionate.

Su Li saw Yan Hongyue again.

He also saw Yan Chicheng and Ning Caixu next to Yan Hongyue.

Su Li remained silent.

The Seven Nights Demon Lord opposite Su Li lowered his head, and blood flowed out from his mouth.

This blood is also light blue.

Next to him, a light blue butterfly appeared. As it flew, it transformed into a strange woman with a beautiful figure.

Su Li had seen this strange woman before, and now he saw it again.

At the same time, the piece of jade held by Su Yumu suddenly shattered with a 'click'.

This strange woman is none other than Yun Qingxuan's mother, Gongcheng Qingdie.

After Gongcheng Qingdie appeared, his body staggered and he also spat out a large mouthful of blood.

The blood was also light blue.

At this time, the Seven Night Demon Lord Su Wangchen raised his head and looked at Gongcheng Qingdie, with blood and tears already flowing from his eyes.

He said sadly: We still lost after all.

Gongcheng Qingdie shook his head and said hysterically: No, it's not that we lost, it's that we calculated the time wrong, we calculated the time wrong! Someone must have covered the time fault point, and someone must have changed the time fault point, which caused this Annihilation of all this!”

The Seven Nights Demon Lord shook his head and said: No, it has nothing to do with the time fault point. Even if the time fault point is distorted or completely covered by some cages, it will not end like this. In the final analysis, it is”

The appearance of the Seven Nights Demon Lord gradually changed into that of Su Wangchen, but he no longer continued to explain.

Su Li looked at Su Wangchen calmly, but also did not take action again.

Even in this situation, at this time, he was actually a little exhausted.

And, not only him, but also the system.

It's self-evident what Su Wangchen's situation is.

And Su Li's situation is not much better.

But this is necessary because there is a big fish that has not come out yet.

Because there is a play that still needs to be played.

At this time, the Seven Nights Demon Lord, Su Wangchen, had clearly understood Su Li's thoughts.

Su Li also knew what Su Wangchen was thinking, and he also knew that Su Wangchen knew what he was thinking.

Gongcheng Qingdie sighed: Yes, in fact, even if we did not calculate the time wrongly, we have also forgotten one thing and the hope of the Emperor.

A small book booth used by book lovers before.

Su Wangchen said: A source of hope, a source of hope that does not belong to this world.

The male Qingdie was slightly startled, but then he sighed.

After a moment, she said dejectedly: Wangchen, let's go into seclusion.

Su Wangchen said: Okay.

Su Li said: I'll give you a ride!

Su Li said, raising his hand and taking out the yellowed page.

On that yellowed page, there was a Zhuxian Sword drawn on it, but the sword on this page was already fully activated at this time.

This is a state that has been activated before. Now, you only need to burn the secret value and the causal value to get out.

(PS: The first update will be 10,000 words, and the second update will be before 8 o'clock~ I will continue to cry for monthly tickets, thank you~ I am also very grateful to the book friend 'Tiantian' for the 23,000 book coin reward for support ~ I am very grateful to the book friend 'Yan丨Han' , 'Drunk to Look at the Red Leaves', 'The Governor of Xichang', and 'The Most Lazy' each received 1,500 coins for their support~ Many thanks to the book friends 'Stop Eating Burger King' and 'Tiantian' for their support of 500 coins each~)

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