I pretend to be a fortune teller in a fantasy world

Chapter 282: Sacrifice of life and death, imperial sacrifice to purify the world!

Lie Yongsheng's words made all the gods present change their expressions.

At this time, they seemed to have thought of something extremely terrible, and some gods showed deep despair and sadness in their eyes.

Ru Xiang Zuolong's face had already turned deathly gray. He looked at Zhuge Jiufeng and Xia Xinning and sighed inexplicably.

Zhuge Jiufeng's face was cold, but he didn't speak.

Xia Xinning took a deep look at Que De, raised her hand slightly, but ultimately did not make a move.

Quede shook his head and then took out a mirror.

But he did not destroy this mirror, but just held it in his hand.

As Lie Changsheng spoke, he smiled ferociously, as if he was very high-spirited.

In other words, it's not high-spirited, but it's the return gesture of a domineering strong man.

Under such circumstances, whether it was the black blood stone tablet, the state of rising flames emanating from himself, or the eternal aura of the soul emanating from his whole body, all these changes made this world... It's completely different.

There was deathly silence between heaven and earth, and the passage of time seemed to have been interrupted at this moment.

From the mysterious illusion derived from the original The Way of Time Tracing, to the small world environment of the archive world, to a small totem area derived from Lie Xuanji's dantian, and finally to the powerful one today. The divine realm is shrouded.

Therefore, no one knows what the current environment is, whether it is an illusion or reality, a dream or reality.

Because, for Meng Qianqiu, the death of Meng Qianqiu in the dream is just that he left the dream world, but the dream world itself will not change.

Unless Meng Qianqiu dies in reality, the dream world will collapse.

However, life and death in the dream world will not involve reality. However, all the gods can see the current situation. I am afraid this is not just a dream world.

In addition, the three souls of Yani, Bing Fenxiang and Meng Qianqiu have all been cut off, whether in dreams or reality, the results are already different.

What happens in dreams may also happen in reality.

But if they die in a dream, if it happens again in reality, they will not be able to escape because everyone at the scene knows that whether it is an illusion or a dream, the simulation is the future!

Therefore, regardless of whether the current environment can be seen or not, everyone present is in a bad mood.

At this time, Lie Shengsheng was full of energy, and his soul escaped from his body, forming an unspeakable terrifying force that overwhelmed all directions.

At the same time, he had already caught the beating heart in his hand, and at the same time he had also grabbed the mysterious jade piece.

After the light and shadow of the jade piece was erased by him, it turned into a green piece of wood the size of a finger.

This wood is obviously what Lie Yongsheng calls the 'building wood of life', and the beating heart is obviously the 'heart of consonance'.

After getting these two things, Lie Yongsheng began to put the two things together, and then his eyes fell on Meier, the dead soul tea can.

You want to stop me? I haven't suppressed you. I'm just waiting for such an opportunity. But I originally thought that such an opportunity would take a long time to come, but I didn't expect that this time, it went surprisingly smoothly!

Hahahahaha, I didn't expect you to be the biggest contributor!

As Lie Yongsheng spoke, his extremely ferocious eyes suddenly revealed a killing light.

The light condensed and turned into a killing splendor, which spurted out fiercely, directly spraying towards Mei'er.

But at this moment, Mu Yuxi, who seemed to be stuck before, suddenly flashed out, pulled out an afterimage, and raised her hand to directly extinguish the killing light of destruction.

Then, Mu Yuxi pulled Mei'er up, and the colored light rolled around her body, covering the tea can of dead souls. It gathered into a palm-sized flaming tea can, which fell into her palm.

At this time, Mu Yuxi glanced at Na Lie Yongsheng faintly, then ignored him and focused her eyes on the dead soul tea can in her hand.

Mei'er, why are you doing this?

Mu Yuxi sighed softly.

We can't let him succeed. We can't. Something bad will happen.

Mei'er's voice was a little weak.

Don't worry, the young master is here, nothing will happen.

Mu Yuxi's tone was very calm and indifferent.

Mei'er sighed softly and said: It seems that we still can't fight. This time, Su Li...

Mu Yuxi said: Don't worry, it will get better gradually. The time for growth is still too short. Moreover, now that he has such ability, he is already very, very powerful. On the contrary, it is us who are dragging him down.

Meier sighed: It's all my fault.

Mu Yuxi said: It has nothing to do with you, just wait and see. I'm afraid there are more terrifying things to come.

Meier said: I know, that's why I want to stop these things from happening. The key is that it's too early now. It's as if there is someone deliberately pushing, squeezing, or even destroying the rules of heaven and earth. The point of annihilation of the time gap.”

Mu Yuxi pondered for a long time and said: Let's take a look and say, if it doesn't work, there are still a few ways to go. Anyway, I exist like this.

Mei'er shook her head and said, No, I should always be the one who should take this path.

Mu Yuxi said: Then this time, let's go together.

Mei'er said: But, what should he do?

Mu Yuxi said: What do you think he can do if we go out of that way? I'm afraid, he is already ahead of us.

Mei'er looked a little sad, but didn't say anything more.

The conversation between the two people seemed to be reflected in a faint shadow shrouded by the Lost Soul Tea Can, so even Su Li didn't know about it at this time.

However, Su Li had already broken through the confinement at this time.

In fact, the imprisonment is not difficult to break. There is the Huangji Jingshi Shu and the creation pen. Meditation draws such a chain of order in Huangji Jingshi Shu, and then draws the solution to break it in Huangji Jingshi Shu. Law.

In this way, if the solution is wrong, it will be repaired and made right.

For Huangji Jingshi Shu, repairing errors and omissions has obviously become a basic activity.

Su Li had already known how to use this method. Even the scenes of the Exquisite Heavenly Secrets could be repaired before, and the errors of Heavenly Dao in them could be corrected, let alone the shackles of this chain of order?

So Su Li directly drew a wrong solution to break the chain of order, and then after the Huangji Jingshi was repaired, the correct solution appeared.

After the correct solution appeared, Su Li meditated on the Emperor's Book of the World and gathered the power of his bloodline to develop the corresponding totem vision. He naturally and easily broke through such shackles.

After pulling his forehead and coming, Su Li discovered that the shackles of this chain of order were actually a mutated version of Tianshu Ancient Town Tianji Divine Technique, or in other words, the Nine Soul Taboos that were combined with Tianshu Ancient Town Tianji Divine Technique means.

Recommend an app, which is comparable to the old version of the book chasing tool, and can replace all the source books!

When this method was presented, Su Li actually understood whose method it was.

At this moment, when Su Li thought about whose method this was, Lie Changsheng's smile suddenly froze.

An extremely bright light bloomed from his body, and his whole body seemed to burn like a scorching sun.

But in the scorching sun, the scene of him holding a battle ax and beheading gradually emerged.

Then, this scene gradually turned into reality, and the scene where Yamina was beheaded was gradually presented.

Time seems to be going back.

Su Li gasped. He could see that this was a very powerful way to reverse the flow of time.

This is not the method of the Moonlight Treasure Box, but it is better than the method of the Moonlight Treasure Box.

Because the Moonlight Box is a direct time travel, and this method directly makes time go back on a certain person!

Lie Yongsheng's body turned into light, gradually concentrated, then gradually flowed back, and then actually flowed back into the small totem world and turned into a light spot in it.

At this time, Lie Xuanji condensed again, wearing a golden battle armor and holding a red flame battle ax. She was indescribably high-spirited.

After briefly glancing at Su Li and the others, he locked Su Li with a fierce glance.

Su Li's whole body was shaken, and he immediately felt a memory receding rapidly, as if his whole body was moving backwards in the river of time.

After this momentary scene occurred, Su Li felt the Huangji Jingshi deep in his mind move.


There was thunder in my ears again, but this thunder sound was like thunder tearing through the heaven and earth, exploding one after another, very terrifying.

After this thunderous sound exploded twice, the sound of turning books suddenly sounded.

But right now.


Suddenly, Su Li felt a sharp pain in his mind, as if someone had torn a page out of the book he was flipping through.


Su Li felt like his soul had been stabbed by a sword, and his entire body suddenly felt chills running down his spine and his scalp felt numb.

In an instant, the instinct of the Heart of the World was activated. At the same time, Su Li immediately felt a violent shock in the system, as if some kind of blue light enveloped him, locking all the cause and effect in an instant.

At that moment, Su Li came back to his senses, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

But everything in front of him had already returned to normal.

However, Lie Yongsheng's body was torn to pieces and he knelt on the ground. His eyes were straight and round, bulging like the eyes of a dead fish.

At the same time, the light on his body had completely dimmed, and a bloody mouth exploded in his dantian, and all the intestines inside flowed out.

However, he did not bleed.

The whole person seemed to be a decayed corpse that had been hollowed out long ago.

He just knelt like this, motionless, without even a trace of divinity in his body.

Instead, Lie Xuanji next to him had already withdrawn her hand towards Su Li.

In his hand, on a pale yellow page, there was a portrait of a man in black clothes and a mask with a ghostly face.

Na Lie Xuanji raised her hand to grab the portrait and put it directly on her face.

The next moment, Lie Xuanji's golden battle armor and the red flame battle ax in her hand seemed to be blessed with a layer of immortal divinity.

This scene made everyone present feel numb.

A kind of fear, as if dominated by death, enveloped the hearts of everyone present.

At this time, Su Li was actually out of control, and he was holding the Five Fires and Seven Birds Fan and the Creation Pen in his hands.

But he didn't act rashly.

He walked out step by step and stood beside Mei'er and Mu Yuxi.

At the same time, he did not call up the system at this time, but directly locked his eyes on the man in black robe and mask with a ghostly face.

There is no doubt that this person is Su Wangchen.

At this moment, Su Li did not have inner demons in his heart, but others did.

And as long as someone has inner demons in his heart, he can take advantage of the situation to revive him.

What's even more terrifying is that whether it's Meng Qianqiu, Yami Ling (Yani), or Bingfenxiang, they are all cages.

These gods have all been stripped of their souls in the archive world, and they have been stripped nine times. They have been exposed for a long time!

Not to mention this, I am afraid that when the archive world was cut, it was already planted in a cage.

Even earlier, they had actually become pawns without knowing it.

Recalling the scene where Yami Ling showed off the Eighty-nine Mysterious Skills with great pride, the corners of Su Li's mouth couldn't help but twitch slightly.

Unless you practice the Eight-Nine Mysterious Skills to great perfection, you will be imprisoned and harvested!

Moreover, even if you have reached a great level of cultivation and face the immortal-killing flying knife, it will be one knife at a time!

This Su Wangchen dared to pass on part of such a skill, and these gods also dared to practice it. I don't know how many heads they have.

Not to mention having a soul, he is immortal. If he dares to practice this kind of technique, if he dares to jump into the ancient law of cause and effect, aren't he waiting to be killed like a pig?

But at the same time, it was precisely because of this that Su Li felt extremely numb, because he already knew that Su Wangchen definitely had the immortal-killing flying knife gourd in his hand.

Would Su Wangchen dare to use this kind of thing?

Dare to use it!

But, if he has something like this, who can still hunt him down?

Could it be that the pursuit was fake?

No, the pursuit is definitely not fake. So, at this time, Su Wangchen is going to...

Su Li felt a little awe-struck, and then, without any hesitation, his eyes locked directly on Su Wangchen, who had transformed into a man in a black robe and a mask with a ghostly face.

Su Wangchen's move was not only vicious and cruel, but also directly forced Su Li to have no way to retreat!

Because others don’t know who the man in black robe and mask is, but Su Li knows that the man in black robe and mask is actually Su Li himself!

However, Su Wangchen did not reveal Su Wangchen's identity at this time. Instead, he used the identity of the man in the black robe and grimace mask. On the one hand, he got rid of the identity of 'Su Wangchen'.

Moreover, if things get serious in the future, Su Li will take the blame!

At this point, Su Wangchen has not forgotten his calculations. He is really vicious and ruthless, killing people in series, leaving no one with the ability to fight back.

The entire scene became even more silent.

Under such circumstances, Su Li even felt that no one present could be Su Wangchen's opponent.

But Su Wangchen was already so strong, but it was obvious that he was not doing well and was living a very miserable life. Why was this?

Did he discover unimaginable dangers during his deductions and prepare for a rainy day, so he transformed in advance?

Or did he discover through deduction that he would definitely die in the future, so he tried every means to design such a game, just to achieve the ultimate goal?

While Su Li was deep in thought, Su Wangchen just glanced at Su Li lightly and ignored Su Li.

He raised his hand to grab it, and a black blood tablet fell into his hands.


The next moment, he took the black blood tablet and looked directly at Mu Yuxi and Mei'er.

Mei'er and Mu Yuxi were so shocked that they had no power to resist. They immediately turned into a ball of purple light and were about to be sucked away!

Su Li's eyes narrowed and he shouted: Stop!

The black blood tablet in the hands of the man in black robe did not stop at all.

At this time, Su Li's eyes condensed, and while meditating on the Emperor's Book of Classics, he directly condensed a page of the book and tore it off as well.

The tear caused Su Li's soul to feel severe pain, but he still held it back.

After tearing off a page, the page instantly turned into substance, forming a yellowed page of an ancient book.

The pages are blank.

Su Li's eyes were cold as he looked at the man in black robe, and then he touched the pen of creation and was about to draw the nail-head Seven Arrows book on the page.

What this means is actually quite obvious.

The man in black robe was Su Wangchen, so why didn't he understand what Su Li meant?

He raised his hand and shook, the light on the black blood monument flashed, and the purple light that Meier and Mu Yuxi transformed into froze and stepped back.

At this time, Su Li raised his hand coldly, took back the yellowed book pages and creation pen, manifested the Five Fires and Seven Birds Fan in his hand, and fiercely swatted it at Su Wangchen.

Su Wangchen stood there calmly, letting Su Li slap him with a fan, but his whole body did not move at all.

I have Wind-Fixing Beads and Fire-Fixing Beads. What can your Five Fires and Seven Birds Fan do to me?

Black-robed Su Wangchen's eyes condensed, and his two eyeballs turned into Wind-Fixing Beads and Fire-Fixing Beads on the spot.

When his two eyes turned into such beads, Su Li's whole body shuddered.

What's even more terrifying is that Su Wangchen turned on the system directly while speaking, so his words were almost said in a state where time stopped.

At the scene, only Su Li could hear it.

After he finished saying this, he shut down the system, but others did not know what he said.

Su Li's Five Fires and Seven Birds Fan is a locked attack, targeting Su Wangchen alone. Therefore, the effects of the killing intent and the five fires burning souls released only target Su Wangchen alone.

But now it suddenly failed, and his loss was in vain.

10% of the essence soul, 10 million fortune points, and 2 points of causality.

These losses are not significant.

But at this time, Su Li did not have a clone. In the scene just now, he sacrificed his blood to the clone and killed Meng Qianqiu.

At that time, Meng Qianqiu had already seen something and wanted to remind him.

I'm afraid, this was a premonition he had before his death, so that he could glimpse some truth.

Su Li actually had some guesses, but he didn't think too deeply.

However, it's not that he was unprepared. As long as he grasped the core things, there was still a way to deal with this game.

Su Li did not open the system.

At this time, he had a hunch that he couldn't open the system in front of Su Wangchen, otherwise he would be tricked.

Although Su Li didn't know what the cause and effect was, the benefits brought by the 'heart of the world' made Su Li understand that sometimes things can be done and sometimes things cannot be done.

Su Li looked at Su Wangchen calmly and said, I really can't do anything to you.

Su Li directly put away the Five Fires and Seven Birds Fan, and at the same time took out the Creation Pen again.

That page should be a page from the Heavenly Book.

Su Li didn't take it out not because he didn't want to take it out, but because if this kind of thing was robbed, Su Wangchen could also use it!

The reason why Su Wangchen didn't grab it before was because his creation pen had already landed on the page of the Book of Heaven.

Su Wangchen's eyes were fixed on the creation pen in Su Li's hand, and it took a while before his eyes calmed down.

He calmly grabbed the beating heart and the green wood, then raised his hand to absorb it and blended it into his eyebrows.

Then, he opened the system panel again, so that time stopped again.

After a moment, he looked at Su Li calmly and said, Do you know what Jianmu and Lingxi are?

Su Li said: I don't know.

Su Wangchen said: My system was activated and upgraded by you. Now with Jianmu and Lingxi, the transformation of my system is beyond your imagination.

Su Li said: No matter what you say, I believe it, so just keep talking.

Su Wangchen was silent for a while, then said: Why don't you take a look at what's going on with your system now? Your Heavenly Secret Value and Causality Value have been drained, and you just used the Five Fires and Seven Birds Fan? Didn't you say you won't let it? Does the system sell blood?

Now, it's sold!

Su Li said: I don't have this intention. It doesn't matter what the result is. If you have the intention to let the system sell blood, then even if the system does not sell blood, the system will still sell blood.

But I never had this thought from beginning to end, so even if the system was selling blood, it still wasn't selling blood.

I believe that with your intelligence, you understand this better than I do.

Su Wangchen said: I have never realized that you are such a hypocritical hypocrite, disguising yourself as the Holy Mother. Don't you think you are really disgusting? Don't your lifelong wishes look like what is written in Ji Xianlin's diary?

Su Li said: That is indeed my lifelong wish, and it has always been my thought. But the seven emotions and six desires boil down to the seven emotions and six desires, and the original heart boils down to the original heart. My thoughts may be really unbearable, but my original heart is still there. This They are real people. What makes people human lies in these basic emotions and desires.

The difference between humans and animals is that humans can control themselves, but animals cannot.

Su Wangchen sneered and said, Haha, how hypocritical.

Su Li said: There are always people who feel that other people's sincerity seems hypocritical, just because they haven't really gone that far into their souls.

However, it doesn’t matter whether you believe it or not, because I have already had a premonition that something might happen next, and it will definitely happen.

Su Wangchen said: Your premonition is about to come true. In this regard, you do have a unique advantage. After all, you are the soul of my heavenly being. After all, you are the heavenly being that I chopped off again 20,000 years ago. Soul. In the past hundred thousand years, I have chopped you off three times, and each time you become more and more perfect and enviable.

But this time, I just need you to cut yourself off.

Three chances, no chance the fourth time.

Su Li said: Your idea is quite good, but I'm afraid you have overlooked one thing: I have gathered the source of hope.

Su Wangchen sneered and said: The source of hope? That peerless defense that is said to be indestructible? Su Li, you are no longer a child, why are you still such an idiot and childish? There is no hope in this world.

Su Li said: The same words are said to you, and they are also suitable for Su Wangchen. Don't be naive. The source of darkness? The source of evil. In fact, there has never been real evil in this world. It's just what you think about yourself. It's just an excuse for indulgence! There will always be light in this world, and light will eventually dispel darkness.

Su Wangchen said: Light cannot dispel darkness. Behind the light, a long black shadow is left. And only darkness covers everything. That is the real darkness. There is no light and shadow.

Su Li said: Things must be reversed at the extreme. Otherwise, the extreme darkness will be the ultimate light.

Su Wangchen was stunned for a long time and said: There is no such thing as the so-called extremes of things that must be reversed, or the extremes of things that will lead to peace. There is only the return of all things to one, the so-called yin and yang, and so on. Those are just the 'two rites' that represent the two rites of Tai Chi. These are the two rites of a lifetime. , then the three gave birth to all things, and finally all things were unified and transformed into chaos. Chaos has no light, and chaos is darkness.

Including the origin of this world, the beginning of the universe is Taiyuan, Taiyuan is Guixu, Guixu is Canggu, and Canggu is darkness.

Su Wangchen said every word.

Su Li was speechless.

In theory, he was indeed no match for Su Wangchen.

What's even more frightening is that this person follows his words, and the laws of darkness manifest when he speaks. As long as he continues to speak, the light will turn into the dark Tao, causing him to be completely synchronized.

Therefore, Su Li just said: Three thousand demon gods have evolved three thousand avenues, and the great god Pangu created the world, so that he has transformed the sun, moon, mountains and rivers. I do not reject darkness. Where there is light, there is darkness, but why does darkness drive out light? I would like to The bright moon, but the bright moon shines on the ditch. If you don't listen, I don't need to say more.

Su Wangchen froze slightly and said: You are so wise, we communicate very well, but you suddenly don't listen? You are not following the rules.

Su Li said: I am a hypocrite, a hypocrite, Holy Mother, what kind of rules do I have to follow? Didn't you expose my true identity? Then what is there to talk about with you? I'm like this, and you hit me?

Su Wangchen was stunned for a moment, and then he stopped talking.

At this moment, he already understood that Su Li would not open the system panel.

Therefore, Lingxi is no longer needed.

As long as Su leaves the system and takes a flash of light, the system will be synchronized.

As long as Su Li's system star synchronizes, he will reach the sky in one step.


It's a pity that Su Li is still too steady.

Is this what such a reckless man should have in mind?

Why don't you act recklessly this time?

Su Wangchen was silent for a long time. After shutting down the system, he looked at Su Li again and said in a cold tone: In that case, I will send you and the others on their way first! I would like to see if you can do it. Which step.

As Su Wangchen spoke, he locked eyes with Mu Yuxi and Mei'er again.

At this time, Su Li held the fortune pen, took a deep look at Su Wangchen, and said, If you dare to move, I will make you regret it!

Su Wangchen said: This time, if I fail, I will be doomed. Then, I will definitely make you regret it!

Su Li said: Really?!

While Su Li was speaking, he condensed the pages of the book again, and raised his hand to draw the Immortal Killing Sword Formation on it with the Creation Pen.

The Zhuxian Sword Formation originally existed in Su Li's memory restricted area. Now, if this sword formation is drawn on such a heavenly book, once it is sacrificed, the heaven and earth will be pierced.

Su Li only drew one Immortal Killing Sword and no more.

Because a sword was drawn, Su Li immediately sensed that the Huangji Jingshi Shu and the layer of faint blue light deep between his eyebrows seemed to be exploding.

Su Li felt a pain in his heart, knowing that he had used too much force and that Qianlan was still in the bag again.

Suddenly, Su Li felt sad in his heart.

An indescribable sadness of being powerless.


It's really too weak!

Really incompetent!

When Su Li looked at the Immortal Killing Sword on the Book of Heaven, there was a hint of sadness in his eyes.

Then, he grabbed the page and looked at Su Wangchen calmly.


Blood flew from Su Li's palm, staining the pages of the book red.

In the pages of the book, the aura of the Zhuxian Sword surges, as if it will burst out from the pages at any time.

After the combination of the Heavenly Book and the Creation Pen, the superb Taoist rhyme in it can be activated at any time at this moment.

Su Wangchen's eyes were calm, cold, aloof, ferocious and crazy.

Haha, what kind of existence do you think I am?

Su Wangchen spoke calmly, and at the same time raised his hand to manifest the red flame battle axe, and struck Mu Yuxi with a fierce blow of the axe.


The void exploded, the energy of destruction crushed all directions, and the endless cages and chains of order turned into a stream of black light, heading towards Mu Yuxi's eyebrows.

Mu Yuxi's eyebrows flashed with blood, forming an icy snowflake shape.

Among them, Su Yumu's figure was the first to manifest, but the moment it appeared, it collapsed into snowflakes.

The next moment, another colorful cloud-like form emerged from it, but at this moment, the colorful cloud-like form also collapsed and dissipated in an instant.

Zhuge Yunni, who was beside Zhuge Jiufeng, condensed, collapsed on the spot, and was about to collapse.

Zhuge Jiufeng's mouthful of blood burned with colorful flames, fiercely covering Zhuge Yunni.

After Zhuge Yunni groaned in pain, he entered nirvana in the flames, but was not annihilated.

At the same time, the black light penetrated the third floor, but the third floor was a painting.

On that painting, there was a light blue light bead similar to the Tears of the Blue Devil.

This light bead, after being hit by the black light, was shattered and annihilated at this moment. Among the light beads, Ning Caijian, a girl in purple gauze skirt, was also annihilated at this moment.

Next, the black light continued to attack without losing its power.

This time, this black light hit a flower.

At this time, the flowers are still in bud.

But soon, the flowers bloomed, and a beautiful little girl wearing a purple gauze skirt grew up quickly.

She looked at the black light quietly without any defense.

But this black light fell behind her eyebrows, and was caught by a girl who suddenly appeared from the void.

The girl was wearing a white gauze skirt, with stunning appearance and extraordinary grace.

After she casually grabbed the black light and extinguished it, she frowned slightly, sighed, and then looked at the girl and said, Yusu, you have finally grown up, haha, it's not easy.

Su Wangchen was obviously stunned for a moment and lost his mind for a moment.

At this moment, Su Li directly threw the page towards Su Wangchen.

At that moment, he really had the desire to either kill Su Wangchen or drag him to death with him!

This person has gone completely crazy.

This is, before the page was released, Xia Xinning's figure suddenly appeared in front of Su Li. At the same time, he directly raised his hand and grabbed Su Li's hand, pressing his hand down from the void.

Xia Xinning's eyes were gloomy, she shook her head and said, Forget it.

Su Li's eyes focused, and then he looked at Su Wangchen again.

The chance is gone.

However, Su Wangchen did not continue to take action.

But even so, after Mu Yuxi was hit by such an attack, Mu Yuxi herself was fine, but Mei'er beside Mu Yuxi was affected and seemed to be annihilated at any time.

Not only Mu Yuxi, but also Zhuge Yunni, Xia Xinyan, Que Xinyan, Que Xinyan and others seemed to have suffered some kind of chain reaction at this time, and their figures became indifferent and transparent.

Obviously, the murderous intention of this black light was not only extremely implicated, but also affected all the women in Su Li who were involved in the cause and effect of this incident.

Although, strictly speaking, neither Xia Xinyan nor Zhuge Yunni is his woman, the causal relationship between the two parties is too great.

As long as he kills with the Immortal Killing Sword, when Su Wangchen dies, he himself will also be killed, and Xia Xinyan and others who are causally involved with him will also die.

Su Li didn't care about Su Wangchen's life or death.

He didn't care about his own life or death, but he knew that Su Wangchen wouldn't care this time either.

In other words, Su Wangchen cares, but Su Wangchen understands better that he, Su Li, cares more about the life and death of Meier, Mu Yuxi and others, so this is his most fatal weakness, Su Li!

If this weakness is exploited well, he will have a great chance of gaining system authority!

And as long as he gets system permissions, what if he gives Su Li a bright future?

When Su Li had absolutely no way to go, at that time, Mu Yuxi, Xia Xinyan and others were extremely safe and could live happily with Su Li. Isn't this the next best thing? Good choice?

Su Wangchen's idea was very simple and practical. It was based on interests and was the best way for Su Li.

However, he would definitely not give this path now.

At this time, what were Su Li's thoughts?

Su Li can actually activate the Zhuxian Sword.

This Immortal Killing Sword is drawn on the page of the heavenly book condensed from the Huangji Jingshi Shu. What will be the result of this Immortal Killing Sword drawn by the pen of creation once it is activated?

Su Li didn't know.

After activation, will the system crash and die?

The implications of these magic weapons are huge and the power is too amazing, so something must be needed to cover it up.

And System Qinglan, no matter how he transforms, will still silently tell the truth at critical moments and is willing to give everything for him.

However, Qian Lan is willing, but Su Li is not willing!

Therefore, he finally hesitated to break out the murderous intention after being blocked by Xia Xinning.

This hesitation has nothing to do with cowardice and incompetence.

Because, from Xia Xinning's eyes, he saw an extremely sad ending. .

At this time, Quede also sighed, walked over, and said in a deep voice: Let him rise. This is actually an opportunity for the royal family. The royal family needs a brutal executioner, otherwise, the light blue star will not be safe. Transformation continues.”

After Que De finished speaking, Xia Xinning also said with some regret: Prince Tian, ​​look at this side of the world. This is the Netherworld Sea, but if you look at the edge of the Netherworld Sea, look at the world in the sky. It has expanded. Don't know how old it is.

The current starry sky area has expanded to the point where it is approaching the Lieyang Star.

Soon, the Sun Star may be bordering the Light Blue Star. At that time, the Sun Star will be swallowed up, and the plates on the Sun Star will form a continent on the Light Blue Star...

This situation will continue forever.

Obviously, all the races in the sky would not watch the light blue star change like this.

This is still second.

The real key reason...

Just like Quede said, the royal family really needs a leader and a cruel executioner.

When Su Li heard this, he glanced at Xia Xinning and Que De and said nothing more.

He did not speak, because what both of them said was true. However, one sentence in Quede's words was a lie.

And that lie is that the royal family needs such a cruel executioner!

Therefore, if Su Wangchen cannot be eliminated this time, everyone present will be killed.

Maybe Que De and Xia Xinning can survive.

Perhaps, even these two people will not survive.

This Su Wangchen obviously wanted to harvest all the beings in this place, including him, Su Li.

Of course, in order to avoid taking the worst step, Su Wangchen would definitely put forward a harsh condition and then provide some benefits.

The method of giving a date with a stick has always been a very simple but also very effective method.

So what is tapping?

To beat is to make him despair.

What are sweet dates?

Tianzao promised that he, Meier Mu Yuxi and even Xia Xinyan could have a happy ending, such as suppressing him in the Black Kite, or sealing him into a small secret realm similar to Huayue Valley, or even How about being banned from the world of murals and living a life without shame?

Day after day, year after year, life after life, endless reincarnation?

Beyond that, what else?

However, will Su Li agree?

Su Li would not agree.

Because, if he agreed, then he would not be the Su Li that Meier Mu Yuxi and Xia Xinyan loved so much.

But Su Wangchen never understood this, because he, Su Li, would not agree, and because of his personality, they fell in love with each other.

If he succumbs at will and immediately agrees with satisfaction, I am afraid that that deep love will only turn into nostalgia and nostalgia for the past, and then in this memory and nostalgia, they will all choose to die.

Therefore, there is only one ending this time or Su Li dies.

Or, Su Wangchen dies!

Therefore, what Su Li needs to do is to really take that last step!

Su Li took a deep breath, turned around and patted Xia Xinning on the shoulder, then stretched out his hand to pull Quede's funny beard that twitched from time to time like a mouse's beard.

This left Quede speechless.

But Quede didn't stop him.

Que Xinyan looked at it blankly, with a somewhat sad expression.

Que Xinyan understood something, and her beautiful eyes were equally sad.

Not far away, Xia Xinyan, Mu Yuxi and Mei'er all had beautiful eyes with dull eyes and sad expressions.

Su Li walked towards Su Wangchen step by step and said, Let them go.

Su Wangchen said: It's impossible. Of course, there is a choice. You may have guessed it, right?

Su Li said: I won't choose.

Su Wangchen said calmly: So, you know, there is only one ending for them. If I can't achieve my goal, I have no way out, then there is only a dead end! In this case, I have nothing to fear! Of course, you should also understand something Some things are a dead end for you, but I still have a way out! Do you understand?!

I know what you mean, what you think, and even some of the choices you will make to fight me to the death.

But alas, I have already thought of many ways to deal with this situation.

So, start your show.

Su Li took a deep look at Su Wangchen and said, I won't start from your standpoint anymore, but as such a being and with the relationship between us, I still want to say a few words.

Su Wangchen said calmly: Tell me.

Su Li was dejected and said in the language of the past world: Ten years of life and death are so vast, without thinking, and unforgettable. Thousands of miles of lonely tomb, no place to talk about desolation.

When Su Wangchen heard this, his pupils shrank slightly, and his whole body trembled slightly.

After a while, he regained his composure and said nothing.

However, he still tried to open the system panel, but after hesitating for a moment, he just waved his hand to release a restricted area, covering a small area. This area enveloped him and Su Li.

Like a transparent aperture, outsiders can see but cannot hear their communication.

Su Li knew that at this time, Su Wangchen did not dare to open the system panel easily because he was afraid that Su Li would destroy the system. In this case, he would be very passive and unlucky because of his telepathy!

This is the most terrifying method, and Su Li is very likely to do this when he is crazy.

But at this time, Su Li didn't think so.

He sighed sadly: Su Wangchen, do you still want all tragedies to happen again?!

Su Wangchen said calmly: If it happens again, it will happen again. It's just a pity that I no longer have the conditions to do it again. I have no regrets in everything I do!

Su Li closed his eyes silently, then opened them gently and said, Su Wangchen, please wake up! I will bear my own destiny!

Su Wangchen said: What is my destiny? It doesn't have to be like this, I won't listen to any of your advice!

Su Li said: All of this is my fault. In the final analysis, I, Su Li, should not exist! I have always been you, so I was wrong! Take me back now and let them go.

They won't help you become stronger, they are all innocent.

Su Wangchen said: You are no longer me, and you can't take away my karma if you force yourself to do so. It's useless to talk more. What else is there to show? Let's continue.

Su Li said: Don't you want me? Okay, I will sacrifice it to you now, the Emperor's Sacrifice to Purify the World!

At that moment, Su Li meditated on the fire of karma, burned it in the Huangji Jingshi Book, and sacrificed himself.

(PS: The second 11,000-word update is here~ I am asking for full subscriptions and monthly passes~ The update will start tomorrow~ In addition, I am very grateful to the book friend 'Fengxia Chenjing' for the 1500 starting coin reward for support ~ Many thanks to the book friend 'Spukgstult' 800 starting point coins for tipping support ~ Thank you very much to book friends 'Suddenly Tragedy' 233 starting points coins for tipping support ~ Thank you very much to book friends 'Arrogant Can Lang', 'Miscellaneous Brother, Tool Man', 'Xiaoyinyini', 'Scientific Belief' 'Reward support with 100 starting coins each~)

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