I pretend to be a fortune teller in a fantasy world

Chapter 284 The unity of heaven and earth, the tomb of Emperor Lieyang

Su Wangchen ignored Su Li, but looked at Gongcheng Qingdie and said, How is your situation?

Gongcheng Qingdie shook his head and said: It's a pity that the success fell short.

Su Wangchen was silent for a while and said: It seems that I was a little impatient and missed an excellent opportunity. But it doesn't matter. This time is just to accumulate experience. Next time, we will do it all over again.

Gongcheng Qingdie said regretfully: I'm afraid there won't be another chance.

Su Wangchen said nonchalantly: If I, Su Wangchen, want such things as opportunities, there are still a lot of them. If I can't be Qiye, can't I be the Sixth Path? If I can't be the Sixth Path, then I'll be from the older generation. Either way.

Or, in the future, it can be anything from Eight Sorrows to Nine Yaos.

Su Wangchen said, looked at Su Li again, and said: I have the Moonlight Treasure Box, and you can't stop me at all, so you don't need to say any threats. The remaining rare merits and karma will be given to you. Bury with the immortal light blue.

Su Li gave Su Wangchen a cold look and took a photo of the ancient book page in his hand.

But Su Wangchen actually took out the moonlight treasure box and took a photo of the page.


Su Li's page was immediately knocked back and fell into Su Li's hands again.

Not only that, the Zhuxian Sword on that page also changed from the activated state to the inactive state.

If it wants to be reactivated, Su Li needs to release the power of cause and effect and the power of blood to destroy it.

This situation seemed to be beyond Su Li's expectation, so Su Li showed a look of surprise.

But at this time, the public Qingdie and Su Wangchen in front of Su Li suddenly fell into pieces and disappeared in an instant.

This situation is very sudden, but it is not death or annihilation, but leaving directly.

Su Li seemed to be stunned and regretful for a moment, but his expression was very calm.

Then he looked at Su Yumu. At this time, he was just about to walk towards Su Yumu, but the void, including the city without tears, suddenly collapsed and collapsed.

It's like the dream world or the real and virtual file world is shattered.

In Su Li's ears, there was no longer the sound of thunder or the rustling of books.

Huangji Jingshi Shu is almost half destroyed.

And his current state has not yet broken away from the state of 'unity of man and nature' and 'unity of heaven and earth', so he still maintains the intellectual state of the limit of ten Hidden Dragon Pills.

But he knew that once he exited this state, he would not be able to keep up with Su Wangchen.

Moreover, the next scene is actually more critical.

Coming to this point is not Su Wangchen's problem, but a problem that both of them need to face.

Su Li couldn't understand it before, but now Su Li understands everything.

Of course, if he couldn't keep up with Su Wangchen's pace, Su Wangchen would definitely kill him, replace him, and face it alone.

Now that he had followed, Su Wangchen had made another extremely crazy choice.

Su Li also recognized this choice.

This choice was also the last choice that Su Li had chosen before.


After the void exploded and the entire environment collapsed, the world in front of Su Li was annihilated, and he reappeared in the area where the Nether Sea was.

In the area where the Netherworld Sea is located, a glow envelopes all directions.

In the rays of light, Su Li himself seemed to have evolved into a source of hope, resurrecting and rising amidst the ashes transformed by the Nine Transformations of Nirvana.

In other words, he has never died, because the paper substitute who entered the tenth floor came back at the critical moment.

When he didn't have any trump cards, everything was different after he returned.

Now, the Nine Transformations of Nirvana plus his own source of hope appear in the eyes of others, it is him who is resurrected and resurrected in hope.

But in fact, this is not the case.

Whether it was self-destruction or something else, it was all because he had seen through this situation and made a response.

Similarly, it was also because Di Ting heard part of the truth, plus the information he had previously seen about Mu Yuxi's life file for the next seven days, and the information he obtained after checking Zhuge Wuwei's life file.

Taken together, he already has some ways to deal with it.

He couldn't kill Su Wangchen.

But he can kill his inner demons.

He is Su Wangchen, and Su Wangchen is also him. No matter how you kill him, you can sometimes be materialistic, but this world is idealistic.

Therefore, he killed his inner demon, and whether Su Wangchen died or not, he would be severely damaged.

At the same time, Su Li knows how to Return Butterfly and Transform into Cocoon!

Su Wangchen manifested the Nine Transformations of Nirvana and even killed the god, just to make him, Su Li, cooperate with him and kill himself!

Either kill yourself, or be killed completely by him and forcibly deprive the system of Jianmu and Lingxi Heart.

So at that time, Su Li couldn't actually open the system, but Su Wangchen could use it.

But Su Wangchen couldn't handle many things by himself, so he didn't use force and gave Su Li a chance.

Su Li also seized this opportunity.

Therefore, there is such a scene.

In the previous archive world, the Nine Transformations of Nirvana and the nine kills were manifested. It was Su Wangchen who taught Su Li this method of self-destruction to become stronger.

Su Li himself knows the Return to Butterfly and Transform into Cocoon Technique, so he has already mastered this Nine Transformations of Nirvana.

Even what he knows is the deeper level of things in Huangji Jingshi Shu.

But this kind of thing is just a cage and is not easy to use.

However, after self-sacrifice to the Xuanyuan Evil Sky Sword to burn his soul, at the critical moment, Su Li sensed Qingshuang's call, which was the divine blessing of the Sky Sword.

That also made him realize that he still had another ability that he had ignored, the Master of Ten Thousand Dao Swordsmen!

The Lord of the Heavenly Sword, the heart of the sword is clear, and the way of the sword is connected to the gods!

After this point was manifested, Su Li's sacrifice turned himself into a peerless sword soul, which instead merged with Xuanyuan Tianxie Sword in one fell swoop.

All this appeared in listening.

At the same time, Su Li also heard the existence of Gongcheng Qingdie and Qingshuang.

Therefore, Su Li immediately understood that the place where the Great Emperor's Tomb was located was the place where the Qingshuang Sword Tomb was located in Yun Qingxuan's memory restricted area.

Therefore, the previous killing round was not truly completed.

After knowing this, Su Li was ready to further advance the layout development in his current state.

Su Li already knew what Su Wangchen wanted to do.

Not only did he know, but he also agreed with Su Wangchen to do this.

Therefore, it is self-evident what will happen next.

After Su Li's figure regrouped, he couldn't help but look at Mu Yuxi who was not far away from him.

Su Yumu and others disappeared.

Qiye and Gongcheng Qingdie are also gone.

However, Mu Yuxi, Meier and others were all there.

When Su Li looked over, Mu Yuxi's body was obviously much thinner. Su Li could vaguely see the outline of Mu Yuxi's extremely thin body through Mu Yuxi's light purple gauze skirt.

Although Mu Yuxi had a voluptuous figure before, she was also slightly plump, but now, she is very skinny.

This is almost a loss of potential.

Mu Yuxi was still a clone created by the system, and she also had the background of a Tianji Taoist such as Zhuge Yunni, but even so, she had already fallen into such an unbearable situation, let alone the system?

This time, I'm afraid the damage to the system is beyond imagination.

Su Li still did not open the system panel, but looked at Mu Yuxi and Mei'er with affectionate eyes.

At this time, Mu Yuxi and Meier both responded with sincere and sweet smiles.

At that moment, Su Li's heart suddenly felt extremely perfect and complete.

He is still in a state of unity of heaven and dao. In this state, which is like the absolute sage and abandonment of wisdom, he can still see through everything.


In the distant void, the endless snowfield seemed to collapse and disintegrate at the end of the sky.

At the same time, a light curtain appeared in the void. In the light curtain, the environment of the Tianji Pavilion area that Su Li was familiar with appeared.

That's where the floating tower is located.

Originally, the City Without Tears had already covered this area.

But at this time, the void broke, and dark abyss and canyons appeared, making the floating building independent again.

At the same time, the part of the City without Tears that originally existed in Mingshan Mansion also collapsed, falling into the dark abyss, and was covered and buried by thick snow-capped glaciers.

This thick and terrifying glacier is obviously tens of thousands of years old.

This is truly an eternal glacier.

The glacier manifested, and the giant city without tears in the extremely cold area also collapsed and sank into the endless dark abyss. It was also covered by this terrifying eternal glacier.

After the glacier covered it, goose-feather-like snowflakes fell from the void.

Snowflakes quickly covered the glacier, forming layers of vast and thick snow.

Snow covers the sky and the earth, making the entire environment covered in silver.

In the resentful academy, light suddenly condensed, and a man in golden armor emerged from it.

After the man appeared, he looked at Su Li from a distance through the void light screen, with a bloody sun aura in his eyes.

He was holding a red flame battle axe, and his eyes showed an extremely cold and ferocious look.

Su Li, we will see you later!

Every word the man spoke, his voice was as loud as a bell, shaking the world and causing an avalanche of destruction.

But he didn't care, his eyes were still locked on Su Li.

No, we can meet now.

Su Li spoke calmly.

Immediately, he started meditation directly and meditated on the soul realm battlefield.

After the Soul Realm battlefield was manifested, it also turned into a snowfield, which was actually connected to the snowfield of the man in golden armor, forming a whole.

In an instant, Su Li appeared in the snowfield and appeared in this soul realm battlefield.

After Su Li stepped into this place, holding the Heavenly Book of Killing Immortal Sword, he seemed to want to kill this man in golden armor.

This man in golden armor was obviously Su Wangchen who had escaped earlier.

However, at this time, Su Wangchen once again transformed into Lie Xuanji's appearance, looking powerful and powerful.

Shameless talk!

Really? Then let's fight!

Su Li raised his hand and released the pages of the Heavenly Book, and the Immortal Killing Sword on the pages was about to be killed.

At that moment, the golden armored man's face darkened, and he raised his hand and threw a rope.

The sound was golden, like golden silkworms twisted together, but its power was extremely astonishing.

The moment the rope appeared, it was instantly wrapped around Su Li's body.


Before Su Li fell down, Su Wangchen's body suddenly shook after releasing the rope. One of his legs suddenly seemed to be broken, and he knelt on the ground on one knee.

In his hand, a bamboo stick appeared. The bamboo stick was inserted into the ice and snow ground to support his body from falling.

Light blue blood continued to flow from his mouth, and his whole body was shaking violently, as if he couldn't bear it anymore.

Su Li wanted to take action, but at this time he was trapped by the rope and could not escape at all.

This rope is a magical rope that binds immortals.

As for what Su Wangchen was supporting his body, Su Li recognized it at a glance. It was the Seven Treasures Tree.

However, I don’t know if these ‘imitations’ are genuine.

But whether it's an imitation or the real thing, if it's used at Su Wangchen's level, it's still a debt.

Because, it was obvious that Su Wangchen no longer had any divine value or causal value.

So as long as this battle continues, Su Wangchen himself will collapse.

Su Li was tied up with the immortal rope and couldn't move, but he could meditate.

So he meditated on the half-burned Huangji Sutra, and after using the Xuanxin Secret Art, he condensed the purple thunder tribulation flames and burned the vast snowfield.

The snowfield is huge and seems to contain the extreme cold power of the eternal glacier. In fact, it is obviously empty.

Under the flames of Su Li's Thunder Tribulation, this glacier and snowfield quickly disappeared.

At the same time, at the entrance area where the Great Emperor's Tomb was located, the two statues that resembled Pangu and Hou Yi seemed to be struck by destruction at this moment. Suddenly, there was a 'pop' sound and they exploded into powder and disappeared.

The originally existing light blue vortex door in the void suddenly opened directly at this time, revealing the scene inside it.

It was a scene of a wasteland burning with flames, containing an ancient ruins-like atmosphere. It was mysterious and powerful, shocking and moving.

Su Wangchen, who was kneeling not far away, was suddenly swept away by a purple butterfly shadow. After being swept away violently, he rushed into the flame area.

Su Wangchen was forced to run away and was the first to rush into the tomb of the Great Emperor.

The door to the Great Emperor's Tomb was also fully opened at this time.

At the same time, the geniuses guarding the major star regions and the place where the soul-crushing monument is located looked at the scenes that happened on the soul-crushing monument, showing various expressions such as happiness, satisfaction, greed, madness, etc., and here Shi Ye rushed into the whirlpool one after another.

At this time, the passage to the Soul-Suppressing Tomb has been opened, and the door to the Great Emperor's Tomb has also been completely opened.

After Su Wangchen was swept away by the butterfly shadow transformed into a green butterfly, he immediately lost track of him.

The Immortal Binding Rope on Su Li's body suddenly started to burn at this moment, and soon turned into a piece of purple talisman paper, which was burned into ashes.

Sure enough, it is not a real fairy binding rope.

Therefore, the Seven Treasures Tree in Su Wangchen's hand is not the real Seven Treasures Tree.

However, Su Wangchen manifested himself in this way just to serve as some trump cards for himself after escaping into the Tomb of the Great Emperor.

Su Li's figure moved and stood up from the ground.

Su Li.


At this time, after Su Wangchen disappeared, everyone returned to normal.

Meier and Mu Yuxi rushed over immediately, crying until the pear blossoms dropped.

It's okay, just wait for me and I'll get rid of him.

Su Li spoke softly.

Meier and Mu Yuxi immediately stopped crying. Although they were very reluctant to leave, at this time, Mu Yuxi understood some of Su Li's thoughts better.

Meier may not know, but she also knows what to do and what not to do at this time.

Master Su, I'm sorry.

Yun Qingxuan spoke in shame. At the same time, she also stared at the entrance of the Great Emperor's Tomb. She saw her mother and saw her mother rescue the man in black robe.

So, the mother has indeed come together with him.

It has nothing to do with you.

Su Li glanced at Yun Qingxuan, then glanced at Maura, and said: As for you, come with me. You may benefit from this this time. It depends on your own opportunities.

Maura was immediately overjoyed and said: Yes, the adoptive father of the emperor's son.

Maura said, and gave Que Xinyan a winking look.

Que Xinyan turned her face to the side arrogantly. Instead of looking at Maura, she gave Su Li a thumbs up and said, Six six six.

Obviously, these words and gestures were learned from Zique De or Xia Xinning.

Su Li nodded slightly and now he liked this handsome boy. After all, after Qiao Lian'er, Que Xinyan was no longer fat and round.

After Su Li turned around, he took one step forward and headed towards the Tomb of the Great Emperor.

At this time, Quede raised his hand and threw a mirror over.

Take it and use it first. Inside is the painting you drew yourself.

Su Li flicked the mirror back with a flick of his finger: That's what I gave to you. It's yours. I don't need it. Not to mention, I can't hold the charm in that painting to death.

Su Li said, stepping towards the entrance of the Great Emperor's Tomb.

He no longer had any taboos and took one step forward, using the Kunpeng Xiaoyaoyou movement technique.

With one step, Que De's voice came from behind: Don't go in, you will be in danger if you are in this situation. That being is deliberately tempting you, Prince of Heaven!

Xia Xinning also immediately stopped him and said: Your Majesty, don't chase after the poor bandits!

Su Li said lightly: It doesn't matter, this is the tomb of the Great Emperor, isn't it?

While he was talking, Su Li's figure had disappeared from the entrance of the Great Emperor's Tomb.

Quede and others looked at each other and immediately followed.

In the distance, Su Taiqing shook his head, glanced at Zhuge Jiufeng, and said, Do you still want to participate?

Zhuge Jiufeng said: It's okay to try it. After all, it is an immortal Dao mark.

Su Taiqing said: I said I wouldn't go, so I left.

Zhuge Jiufeng said: You have said this many times.

Su Taiqing said: I can't help it. Someone disrupted time, causing me to say these words several times inexplicably, and I also had the illusion of deja vu. But it's almost over.

Zhuge Jiufeng said: It has nothing to do with me anyway.

Su Taiqing said: How about you find a Taoist companion? I think the Emperor is good. After this transformation, he should be able to give birth to future generations. You can help him give birth to a brood of phoenixes.

Zhuge Jiufeng said: You sold yourself to Wangchenhuan, and then helped me and the Emperor raise our children?

Su Taiqing touched his chin and said, Let me think about it. I will give you an answer after seven days. m

Zhuge Jiufeng's pretty face darkened: I just said it casually, but you still take it seriously!

Su Taiqing said: The Emperor of Heaven often says things casually, but they all come true. Therefore, beings like us, under the law of heaven, and witnesses of the law of heaven, are not just random words.

Zhuge Jiufeng said: You are still the same person you were before, without any change.

Su Taiqing said: Su Musheng, come out and sing quickly.

Su Musheng said: I can't sing, but if I slap you to death with a few slaps, it shouldn't be a big problem.

Su Taiqing said: The older people get, the more they like to brag.

Su Musheng said: You will know if you try it to see if it is a boast.

Su Taiqing said: Forget it, I won't try it. When I saw your attitude, I knew it was okay and left. It's so boring. They are all a bunch of fools.

Su Musheng said: I can't help it, I'm leaving too.

Quede said thoughtfully, I was worried at first, but with the attitude of you two old Bangzi, I feel relieved.

Su Ye said: Oh, I thought my silly brother was going to die, and I was planning to celebrate. But what happened? Judging from Que De's performance, I guess everything will be fine.

It's boring, but I still went to see it, what if he really suffered and died? Isn't it a pity that such a scene is so unbearable?

Zhuge Qingchen said: You are really a tough talker.

Zhuge Ranyue breathed a sigh of relief, and the colorful pupils in his beautiful eyes became more beautiful and brighter: This time, he will definitely be able to destroy that vicious existence to prove the majesty of the Prince of Heaven.

Su Ye glanced at Zhuge Ranyue indifferently, and then walked directly into the emperor's tomb without saying anything.

Next, many gods came to their senses, and many gods immediately ran away, not daring to stay here.

There were also some gods and geniuses who were stubborn or eager for a chance of immortality, but they stayed behind one after another and rushed into the tomb of the great emperor.

This time, there was really no problem.

Soon, the entire Netherworld Sea finally became empty.

Moreover, the entrance to the Great Emperor's Tomb also began to rotate and turned into a huge tornado, forming a huge waterspout.

In the Great Emperor's Tomb, the moment Su Li entered, he felt endless flames burning.

And in the midst of the blazing flames, extremely painful and tragic wails could be heard.

That kind of pain was even transmitted to Su Li through some kind of causal connection.

Su Li looked up and saw an extremely huge bloody sun emerging from the endless flames.

In the bloody flames, the huge blood-colored monument suppressed Su Wangchen's body under the blood monument, leaving only Su Wangchen's head exposed.

Next to the giant monument, a giant man with bare upper body and blood-red flames lingering all over his body was holding a battle ax that exuded wisps of immortal aura and quietly locked on Su Wangchen.

Su Wangchen was struggling, but the man with the giant ax looked calmly at all the gods and geniuses below.

At that glance, time seemed to be annihilated, so that all the gods and geniuses who entered this place were silent.

Lie Yongsheng!

Is this a violation of Ji Dao’s creation?

Do you have an almost immortal foundation?

No god knows.

But every god who saw Lie Yongsheng at this time seemed to have his soul cracked.

This is really too terrifying!

Su Li watched calmly as this scene finally came.

Isn't this the real purpose of Su Wangchen bringing him here?

Isn't this the killing scene that he has been cooperating with Su Wangchen to perform until now, and has exhausted almost all his experience?

Is this a murderous scene staged because of Su Wangchen?

Yes and no.

Because this killing round was really about Mu Yuxi, Meier, and his own system!

Because the real purpose of Lieshengsheng is the immortal light blue.

It's a pity that Lie Yongsheng always underestimated how terrible a wise man is.

Su Li, hurry up and take action! Hou Yi Dao Hen, hurry up and manifest it!

Su Wangchen glanced at Su Li, and the moment he turned on the system, he cursed Su Li with his eyes.

Isn't Hou Yi's Dao Mark used? You've already tricked me away, and you still want me to use Hou Yi's Dao Mark?

Su Li was not in a hurry and responded calmly with his eyes.

Use your sister! The previous Hou Yi Dao Mark was imitated by my overdraft system, otherwise Zhuge Qianyun would have been killed and wiped out, right? You can keep up with my intelligence now and you still pretend to be your uncle?

Just as Su Wangchen was halfway through speaking, the system automatically shut down and time stopped and disappeared.


Lie Yongsheng held a giant axe, and with immortal spirituality, he struck Su Wangchen's head with the axe.


Su Wangchen screamed miserably, and then the blood exploded and sprayed in all directions.

In the blood, a beating heart and a piece of green jade were shaken out directly from between his eyebrows.

Su Li's pupils shrank slightly, but he didn't take action immediately.

There is a chance, but if Su Wangchen still designs at such a moment, then he will suffer the consequences.

Su Li glanced at Su Wangchen lightly, still indifferent.

At this time, Su Wangchen looked crazy and ferocious, as if he was a little afraid that Su Li would really join forces with Lie Yang to kill him, so he went a little crazy.


Lie Yangsheng, the God of the Fierce Sun, raised his hand and grabbed Lingxixin and Jianmu.

With just one grab, these two things fell into Lie Yongsheng's hands.

Lingxi Heart and Jianmu are all things that contain immortal divinity. Since I have locked them, they must be mine. How dare you seize them with a useless thing like you?

If I don’t harvest you, I haven’t waited for the best time. Now, hasn’t the time come?

Also, that returning butterfly, come out, want to hide?

Lie Yongsheng said, raised his hand and grabbed the public blue butterfly directly from the void, then raised his hand to gather a blast of destructive flames, directly burning the public blue butterfly.

Nine Transformations of Nirvana? Rebirth of Nirvana? Come on, show me the rebirth!

Lie Yongsheng said jokingly with a sarcastic face.

(PS: The second update is 7,000 words long. I will continue to cry for monthly tickets and full subscriptions. Thank you. The third update will probably be after 12 o'clock. Also, I am very grateful to book friends 'Yang丶zx', 'Nan', 'Metaphysics Cultivation vs Scientific Cultivation' will support you with 200 starting coins each~ Thank you very much to book friends 'Zifeiyu8088', 'Preda', and 'Qiongqiong' for your support with 100 starting coins each~)

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