I pretend to be a fortune teller in a fantasy world

Chapter 273: Destroy the world, finally see Qinglan


Su Li watched this scene silently.

This scene seemed familiar, as if I had experienced it before.

Su Li recalled the past and quickly found a similar scene in his memory.

Outside the Jingyang Village in the soul-soothing secret realm that I had experienced for the first time, there were ruined monuments and abandoned graves, and an old lady on crutches...

At that time, the people around him were Su Li, Yun Qingxuan, Zhuge Qingchen, and Meier.

Now, the people around him are Ning Caichen, Yan Hongye, Zhuge Liuyun, and Nie Xiaoqian.

Ning Caichen is played by 'Su Wangchen/Su Li' and 'Ning Caixu', Yan Hongye is played by Yan Hongyue and Yun Qingxuan, Zhuge Liuyun is played by Maura and Hua Liuyun, and Nie Xiaoqian is played by Que Xinyan and Ning Cai Played by Jian.

Life is like a reincarnation, and there is never anything new in this world or under the sun.

As soon as the crutch was thrust out, the old lady did not attack again. Instead, she turned around, inserted the crutch directly into the ground, raised her hand to condense a large amount of paper, and began to burn paper on the ruined tomb.

Buried in the barren tomb was the baby with 'immortal bones', which was Su Li's physical body 20,000 years ago.

And now, who is buried in this barren tomb?

Different scenes, but the same interpretation.

The old woman's crutch was standing upright, and it contained wisps of extremely terrifying and sinister aura.

And the ghost papers she burned burned with strange red-green flames, much like the creepy will-o'-the-wisps in tombs.

After the groups of flames burned, they soared into the sky and flew hundreds of meters high, forming red and green blood-stained human heads in the void. They laughed sadly and their voices were hoarse and ferocious.

For this scene, let alone the endurance of ordinary people, even Su Li's third field of vision felt vaguely chilly.

These evil things have the ability to confuse the mind and soul. At the same time, they will breed fear in people and amplify it to the extreme, so that people will be confused, the spirit will fall into a state of fear, and the body, mind and soul will become alienated. For protection, it becomes extremely vulnerable.


Grandma, let them go, they are all Xiaoqian's friends.

At this time, Nie Xiaoqian bowed to the old woman and begged in a mournful voice.

The old woman seemed not to hear, completely immersed in her own personal emotions.


Suddenly, the old woman let out a hissing cry, as if she had been disturbed in some way.

Then she suddenly screamed out of fear, despair and madness: You should die quickly!

If you don't deserve to die, you should die quickly!

The lonely souls, demonic obstacles, resentments, and inner demons left in the world will all go to death.

Ghost, ghost, burn faster, and die faster.

The old woman was mumbling incoherently, and at the same time, a pair of cloudy eyes glowed with a faint green light, like the eyes of a wild cat in the dark, looking a bit eerie.

At this moment, as the old woman suddenly roared like this, Yan Hongye seemed to be catalyzed by some kind of magical aura, and her eyes suddenly turned green.


At that moment, the aura all over her body suddenly swelled, and her whole body felt as if it had been invaded by evil spirits in an instant, and she lost control.



A sharp, harsh and echoing laugh suddenly came from Yan Hongye's mouth, and then her long hair, which had been tied up, suddenly spread out.

At that moment, her aura was ferocious and powerful, and her entire robe seemed to be dyed with a layer of red light.

Her hair was dancing wildly, her clothes were flying, and her whole person exuded an extremely terrifying and ferocious aura.

Zhuge Liuyun and Ning Caichen seemed to be affected and were stunned for a moment.

Nie Xiaoqian directly manifested the power of Taiyin, rolled up a layer of light curtain, and suddenly enveloped Ning Caichen and the four of them.

The power of Taiyin is sacrificed. Heaven, earth and the underworld obey my orders.

Nie Xiaoqian evolved her own yin power, combined it with the magic formula, and gathered the endless lunar power to form a protective light curtain, while resisting the overall crushing impact from the powerful treacherous realm.

Su Li's vision was not affected in any way.

But he could tell that there was something unusual about the situation at the scene.


The energy at the scene was soaring, and in the dark and evil energy that was destroying all directions, countless evil spirits took on ferocious appearances and engulfed Ning Caichen and the four of them one after another.

It seems that as long as they kill four people, they can obtain some kind of terrifying information.

Su Li has not yet figured out what the cause and effect is and how to replace it.

But he knows one thing, as long as the development of the plot leads to an ending different from the development of 'Su Wangchen's Demonic Reform', it will be fine.

But what did Su Wangchen's magic change become?

Su Li didn't know.

And in this world, only those people who heard it at the beginning know it, and even if those people know it, they may not know it now that they have entered this archive world and returned to the timeline of the 'past'.

So what is the plot like?

Since it is a magic modification, it will definitely be different from the original work.

So, is it necessary to change the direction of development of the original work?

Su Li only thought about it for a moment and then gave up.

Because whatever he can think of, Su Wangchen can definitely think of.

In this case, no matter what he does, he will definitely fall into Su Wangchen's plan.

So, what should we do to make it possible to gamble?

If an ordinary person wants to play with gods, how should he play?

There is a classic saying on the Internet in the past life: Never argue with an idiot, because he will bring you to the same level as him, and then defeat you with his extremely rich experience as an idiot!

Su Li is ready to be such a fool now.

This game is Su Wangchen's game, but it is also his own game.

Su Wangchen had only one purpose. If one of the nine archive worlds won, he would win all of them, but he hoped for a win-win situation between the seventh and the first archive world.

So, how to eliminate Su Wangchen’s choice?

Just kill him in the other eight worlds.

So can he enter the other eight archive worlds?

he can!

So does Su Wangchen know that he can do it?

Su Wangchen most likely knew, but Su Wangchen believed that Su Li would not interfere because he, Su Li, could not escape from Su Wangchen's restrictions.

But can he break away now?

It is possible to break away.

Because he had unilaterally severed any causal connection with Su Wangchen.

Therefore, Su Li was ready to fight.

Is the archive world destroyed?

It doesn't matter, it's just the world of archives after all.

The archive world is made for destruction.

This is the core way of earning fortune points and causality points in the system.

But as long as the archive world does not 'cover' reality, then in reality, these gods do not need to die, because these things have not happened in reality, because everything that happened in the archive world has not begun to be truly covered.

And when it comes to real coverage, some people who didn't participate are just a dream.

Of course, all this still depends entirely on the will of the Creator.

Who is the Creator?

It was Su Wangchen, but it was also Su Li.

But the core is still Su Li. Su Wangchen doesn't know that if the system is alive, he, Su Wangchen, is the core rights holder, that is, he, Su Li, has nothing to do.

But I'm sorry, the system died and you changed your name to Su Wangchen, so you are no longer the owner of the system.

The owner of the system is only Su Li.

So, you want to replace me, Su Li, and make me Su Wangchen to take the blame for you?

So whimsical!

While Su Li was deep in thought, the old woman's turbid, green eyes glanced into the void from time to time, as if she could see Su Li.

This scene is extremely similar to before.

However, Su Li already knew that this was not due to sensing, but in the previous scene, Su Li and the old woman looked at each other, but this time, Ning Caichen did not look at the old woman.

But the old woman herself also had a mysterious feeling, and she also felt that someone should look at me in the future, but why the hell didn’t that person show up?

Could the future be different from what I expected?

With this in mind, the old woman habitually looked at the 'foreknowledge' in the dark, so she looked somewhere.

And that place was exactly where Su Li's field of vision was at this time.

Su Li didn't know about this situation in the past.

However, while the system's heart of the world returned to normal and replaced the convincing people with reason, the system still gave him part of the ability to listen to the secrets of heaven.

Not all of them, but the system must have advanced a lot of Tianji Values ​​and Karma Values, and permanently added some of its functions to the ‘Heart of the World’.

Moreover, 'Heart of the World' is not a passive ability, but Su Li can clearly sense this scene at this time.

In this regard, he was not as stupid as Su Wangchen thought. Of course, he also knew that he might not be as smart as he thought.

Sometimes, the smarter people look, the more they look like idiots. They are usually crazy and heartless. It is always those people who can stand up at the real critical moment.

Just like Su Wangchen, who is full of vulgar words and can't bear to say anything, I am afraid that no one knows that this person can eat ten Hidden Dragon Pills and is the kind of invincible wise man whose intelligence is completely exploded.

Su Li met the old woman's miserable eyes, but his mood did not change. He actually wanted to gather a murderous intention to kill the old woman.

But even though he was no longer affected by this state, he still did not interfere easily.

It was just starting now, and he was ready to continue taking a look.


At this time, Yan Hongye, who had already appeared abnormal, suddenly released a large amount of blood from his body, and his blood-colored hair grew directly, and it became more and more vigorous.

Immediately, the raging flames burned and enveloped her whole body. Her whole body seemed to be undergoing some kind of Nirvana transformation in the flames.

In the flames, her blood was like a waterfall, and red hair grew all over her body, which made her look a bit like a monster.

In particular, her face became ferocious and red-haired like a demon monkey, which was even more terrifying.

Ning Caichen's pupils shrank slightly, he stared at Yan Hongye, and then focused his attention on the old woman again.

But Nie Xiaoqian's face was pale, but she continued to form seals, condensed the magic formula, and exerted the power of Taiyin to block the invasion of the fierce evil aura.

Zhuge Liuyun tried to release the Mysterious Heart Magic, but his strength was not enough. The power of the Mysterious Magic dissipated almost as soon as he released it.

He was so anxious that cold sweat broke out on his forehead, and even the process of casting the spell was chaotic several times.

If you can't do it, just let me do it!

In Zhuge Liuyun's mind, Hua Liuyun said in a deep voice.

Maura said: Does this mean I give up the opportunity completely?

Hua Liuyun said: If this continues, you use your Shisha Shinto inheritance, and I use my Mysterious Technique inheritance, and they conflict with each other, making me increasingly unable to cope with the situation. This old woman is very powerful and difficult to deal with.

Maura said: I won't interfere, but don't exclude me, okay? It's impossible for me to give up completely. My adoptive father is still there, so of course I have to protect him.

Hua Liuyun said: You have to understand that there is no adoptive father or the emperor's son here. There are only Ning Caichen and Nie Xiaoqian, and some are watching Zhuge Liuyun and Yan Hongye.

Maura pondered for a while and said: What will be the result if... we can't continue?

Hua Liuyun said: Such competition is like an independent time and space in an independent small world. There are many possibilities, and we are just one of them. If it fails, what do you think will happen?

Maura said: Then do I exist among the other possibilities?

Hua Liuyun said: There may be, or there may not be, but are you sure that the you here is not your true body? And, don't you here have any other clones to speak of? Once you die, you are dead. Are you wearing the right clothes?

Maura said: Although I don't want to admit it, this is indeed the truth.

Hua Liuyun said: This is indeed a fact. So, what will happen if it fails?

Maura said: You go ahead, I can only believe you now, but I hope you remember one thing and don't go too far, otherwise everyone will die.

Hua Liuyun said: Don't worry, I'm not an idiot. I hope this experience goes smoothly instead of dying midway.

Maura said: Okay, then I will give up for the time being and be completely marginalized. You come! But if I succeed in the follow-up, I will be credited with my great contribution!

Hua Liuyun said: If I guessed correctly, Hongye should be my Taoist companion Yan Hongyue, so we could have been in tune with each other, but because of your experience, problems arose.

Maura said: No, you may be mistaken. Yan Hongye is unlikely to be the one you think, but should be the one next to my master, the former prodigy Yun Qingxuan of the Ancestral Dragon Demon Sect. .”

When Hua Liuyun heard this, he glanced at Yan Hongye in the distance inexplicably. At this time, Yan Hongye had just begun to transform into the Ancestral Dragon Demon.

Hua Liuyun said in a deep voice: You shouldn't have participated like this this time, it's a bad thing.

Maura said: You understand it very well?

Hua Liuyun said: How do you think my name and Yan Hongyue's name compare to the two existences this time? Do you think we understand or do you understand?

Maura said: I don't care if you know better, but I know that no matter how you understand, none of you understand it as much as the Emperor. Since the Emperor recognizes our participation, this is an opportunity. Okay, I believe you once, I hope you Don't mess around, or I will kill myself as 'Zhuge Liuyun'.

Hua Liuyun said unhappily: Are you still doing this?

Maura said: I'm not as smart as you, and I don't think too much. If it doesn't go my way, I will destroy it. I actually want to understand some things. Whether Zhuge Liuyun exists in this world does not affect Nie Xiaoqian and Ning Cai. Chen's emotions are trending!

Therefore, you have to understand one thing. The real Son of Destiny, or the Lord of Destiny, has always been the Emperor of Heaven and not any other existence.

So I am ready to commit suicide at any time.

Hua Liuyun said in a deep voice: You are acting recklessly and don't follow the rules at all!

Maura said: About the rules? Participate in the set of processes you carefully designed, and then be played by you like a fool. After being betrayed by you, will you continue to provide you with the original life energy of heaven and fortune? I, Maura, can't Smart, but never consider myself particularly stupid!

You have to understand that the nature of playing clones is similar to how it was played in the beginning. Those who know how to play use clones to deceive other people's true bodies, and then use their original bodies to kill other people's true bodies...

There is no need to use such methods now. I just don’t follow your methods.

Want to fish? Not only will I not take the bait, but once I realize that I am about to take the bait at the critical moment, I will destroy myself so that you can get nothing.

So, take care of yourself!

As Maura said, she still silently released her 'soul control' on Zhuge Liuyun.

However, he still left 10% of the core control after all.

This is enough to complete Zhuge Liuyun's self-destruction at the critical moment.

This exchange between the two people naturally fell into Su Li's Heart of the World induction.

Just like this, Su Li couldn't help but look at Mo La in surprise. This Mo La was really daring, and he understood it very clearly even though he didn't know the plot!

Yes, I can't play you, but can I smash the plate?

You lose anyway. If I admit defeat and smash the plate, what benefits will you lose?

Is this really my seed?

But it doesn't look like it, so ugly and so vulgar...

If I had a son like this, which of my fellow Taoists would eat too much soy sauce? And be so dark?

Su Li murmured in his heart. At this time, he also noticed something slightly wrong in Ning Caichen's expression.

He brought up the system panel and meditated on the Huangji Jingshi Shu.

There is no problem in using it this way, and it is also good for the system. It is equivalent to him, Su Li, working hard to practice the Huangji Jingshi Shu, which is a good thing.

Therefore, Su Li has been more proactive in this regard.

At this time, after meditating on the Huangji Sutra and calling up the system panel, Su Li discovered that Ning Caichen had gone through the system Light Blue and heard what Maura and Hua Liuyun said, and he couldn't help but be startled.

Then he immediately started communicating with the system elf.

Su Wangchen thought in his mind: Tiehanhan, don't even Mo La and Hua Liuyun know about the progress?

System Light Blue: Master, the story told by the master must be collected into the ruins and form a reproduction process of an independent small world. The cause and effect involved is too great. So the corresponding future information will naturally be erased.

Only when the complete legend of 'A Chinese Ghost Story' appears in Guixu, will future generations discover the ruins of Guixu, such as Lanruo Temple.

Otherwise, this return to ruins comes from the past, how can it be connected with the future?

Su Wangchen wondered: This Maura should not be my seed. When I deliberately took the tenth Hidden Dragon Pill to break the limit, I actually exploded something. During this period, I had no mother time with Maura. There has been a connection with the goddess.

System Qianlan said aggrievedly: Master, the master is so smart and doesn't know it. Qianlan is a fool, so he definitely doesn't know it either.

Su Wangchen said dissatisfied: It's not that you don't know, you are not willing to help me advance the fortune value of Tianji. You are a little rich woman. Please help me take a look. I intuitively feel that this Maura has something to do with me, right? I am very important!

But this is really not my kind! Goddess of Time, bah, ignored me. Although I succeeded in attacking her mind, she killed herself without knowing what went wrong.

I just didn't expect that this kid is here this time. Well, I should take care of him.

Qianlan said: Master, Qianlan already has a debt of 70 billion, and if the Goddess of Time is involved this time, it will only be more. Also, this kind of debt will be deducted from some interest, and this kind of interest will be deducted The logic that comes from the core of the system is collected, so...it is now beyond our means.

If this continues, Qian Lan will not be able to be his master's Taoist companion, but will only get smaller and smaller, and will never grow up.

Su Wangchen said: Okay, I understand. I will raise you as my daughter until you grow up, okay? Well... let's do this. I will sort out the memories of Peppa Pig and cut them off. , imprinted into the Huang Ji Jing Shi Shu, let you take a good look at it, okay?

Qianlan said: Huh? Really? No, no, Master, it's better not to do it.

Su Wangchen said: It's okay. Sooner or later, the prehistoric era will return and the great world will rise. At that time, we will directly stand at the highest position, and Hongjun and Pangu will stand aside. At that time, everything was not ours, so we were still afraid of the destiny. How many saints should be chopped down?

Nowadays, gods are still worthless. A net worth of one billion is only 40 to 500 million, which is too low.

Qianlan said: Well, then Qianlan wants Bear Infested: Fantasy Space instead of Peppa Pig. I'm tired of watching Peppa Pig. It's too childish.

Su Wangchen said: Oh, little Qianlan has grown up, and she still dislikes Peppa Pig for being childish. Before, she used to make dinosaur noises every day and imitate dinosaur speech like George. I said that was not a dinosaur noise, but a dinosaur noise. Pig snort.”

Qian Lan was a little shy and embarrassed: Hehe, will the master agree or not?

Su Wangchen said: Okay, let me think about it. Alas, I still have to activate the chip to search. It's too troublesome.

Qinglan said: This is necessary, and this is what the master has prepared. If this is not preserved, the master will forget where his roots are in the future.

Su Wangchen said: What kind of roots do you need? None of this bunch of rubbish can achieve anything, which makes me have no foundation at all. What a quota of 1.7 billion, bah.

Qinglan said: Master, don't say that. After all, it is impossible for everyone to be the chosen one among the chosen ones.

Su Wangchen said: Forget it, let's see now, what's going on with Maura?

Qianlan said: Okay, Master.

As Qianlan said, the elf's body seemed to turn into a wheel of fortune, with extremely mysterious changes manifesting in it.

The astrolabe rotated, and a mysterious light blue halo appeared in it.

In the halo, there is a vague passage of time.

But as this passed, a large amount of blue blood kept rolling.

Among them, blue foam was continuously produced, and when these foams flew out, they were immediately shattered.

Qianlan's body, which was originally about a foot long, was shrinking rapidly.

But in an instant, Light Blue had become less than twenty centimeters long.

Moreover, she seemed even more childish.

However, Su Wangchen just watched calmly. At that moment, in the state where time was frozen, Su Li felt it was more terrifying than ever before.

The light blue astrolabe, while rotating, gradually calmed down, and a ghostly shadow seemed to appear in it.

Su Li vaguely saw the figure of a familiar woman among them. The figure looked a bit like Mu Yuxi, but she quickly disappeared.

Su Li almost immediately thought of the last line of Yu Xi Yu Xi Nai Ruo He in the 'Gaixia Song' that the system had manifested earlier...

Could that be...

In terms of the system's IQ, it may not mean 'Honey, what should I do?' but rather 'It's raining, what should I do?' or something like that.

This poem was written by Xiang Yu when he was in desperate situation.

In other words, Qian Lan encountered an unprecedented dilemma.

So this is the system asking for help!

Su Li tried to control the system to stop, but he couldn't control it.

Because Qian Lan is alive, and the authority of the living Qian Lan lies with Su Wangchen.

Regardless of whether Su Wangchen let him see this scene on purpose or if Su Wangchen didn't know about it, Su Li couldn't tolerate it!

This is forcing him!

Or maybe it's a warning to him!


At this moment, the vortex manifested by Qianlan exploded.

As soon as it exploded, a blue liquid spread all over the system panel.

The light blue elf became less than ten centimeters in size.

Many vague and mysterious fragments appeared in the exploded astrolabe.

However, some mysterious lights and shadows manifested in those fragments were instantly absorbed by Su Wangchen's Tianshu Divine Eye, hoping to absorb them into their origin.

Not only that, he gathered the power of Xuanxin to collect all the light blue blood and drank it as a delicious drink.

At that moment, Su Li's mentality was about to explode.


Su Li condensed his endless obsession, swept the Emperor's Sutra between his eyebrows, meditated on the system in Emperor's Sutra, and at the same time, with the authority tone of absolute command, removed the origin of these mysterious fragments and the massive amount of light blue blood. sucked back into the system.

But at this moment, Su Li discovered that his system debt suddenly increased from 263.1 billion to 433.9 billion!

An instant increase of 170 billion.

The moment this happened, all Su Wangchen's movements stopped, and then a strange smile appeared on his face.

Immediately, his Tianshu Eyes gradually opened, he glanced at the elf in his palm with a smile, and said: Look, isn't there someone here to pay the debt?

As he spoke, he muttered to himself lightly: Don't think too much, I actually told you that I am you in the future.

Therefore, everything I do must be right. There is something wrong with Light Blue in the future, so this fatal crisis must be reversed.

And what I do is let you carry part of it while you suck her blood, essence, and soul.

To me, she is more like my daughter, and to you, she should be your Taoist lover Yuxi.

But whether it can be the case depends on whether you can keep her.

I don't care whether she dies or not. Do you understand?

Su Li concentrated his vision and remained silent for a long time without answering.

The answer is to be trapped in a cage.

Because he couldn't be Su Wangchen's opponent.

So if you say any angry words or communicate with him, you will definitely lose more.

As for carrying the Karma and Divine Value, Su Li didn't care because Su Wangchen owed 70 billion.

And he has more than 400 billion.

Why did Su Wangchen let him, Su Li, take on the debt?

It's simple because he, Su Li, is an upright person and will not choose to kill himself unless he pays off his debt.

This is a fatal weakness of his character. Of course, sometimes honesty and trustworthiness can indeed be a fatal weakness.

However, this is also a kind of temptation. Although he bears it this time, as long as he doesn't respond, he will be dark, and Su Wangchen will be bright.

He responded, he was Ming, so he might not be able to fight in secret, and fighting openly would be even more hopeless.

Therefore, Su Li not only did not speak, but remained helpless and thoughtless.

Su Wangchen waited for a moment, but received no response, and the unruly and indifferent look in his eyes disappeared a bit.

Master, Qianlan is so sleepy, as if she's sleeping.

The light blue elf was yawning and was skinny, looking like he was severely malnourished.

Su Wangchen smiled and said: What are you sleeping on? Wouldn't it be nice to sleep with the master in the future? Well, you have wanted to watch Peppa Pig for a long time? This time, will the master let you watch the second episode?

The light blue elf immediately said happily: Thank you, Master, Master is really great.

Su Wangchen said: Next time, help the master to refresh some good things. Well, like this time, let's refresh the general Mo Xie sword.

The light blue elf thought for a while and said, That one is very expensive. I don't think I can get it.

Su Wangchen said: Why don't the master sell his blood?

The light blue elf said: That won't work. Let's sell blood to Light Blue. Although it will make him smaller, Light Blue can't let his master get hurt.

Su Wangchen said: Little Qian Lan, you are so kind. Don't worry, the master will treat you well all your life. When you grow up, the master will marry you as a Taoist companion and pamper you for the rest of your life.

The light blue elf blinked his big, somewhat sunken and dim eyes: Master, light blue is going to sell blood right now to help the master bring out the general Mo Xie Jian.

Su Wangchen said: Come on Qian Lan, the master is waiting for good news from Qian Lan.

The light blue elf immediately started refreshing again.

Su Li took a deep breath. This was a naked conspiracy, forcing him to show up!

And the methods are extremely cruel and vicious!

Su Li meditated on the Huang Ji Jing Shi Shu and recalled the previous scene in the book, which stopped the passage of time. At this moment, his consciousness was completely condensed.

Su Wangchen, you've had enough!

Su Li finally stood up.

Sometimes sanity is sanity.

But feelings are feelings.

In this state, the only way for him to stay rational was to watch Qinglan being used to death.

But if he leaves the game and participates in this game, he will really come in, and he will no longer be able to influence the other eight paper substitutes!

This was when Su Wangchen realized that the cause and effect had been cut off, and directly froze the passage of time in the archive world, thus forcing him here.

After he cuts off the cause and effect with Su Wangchen, Su Wangchen will definitely know.

But Su Wangchen also didn't know something.

However, these will not affect Su Wangchen's ability.

He didn't know what abilities Su Li had, or what level or realm Su Li had raised that dead system to.

But there are three things he is sure of:

First, the system is eccentric and actively reposts!

Second, Su Li refreshed the Creation Pen that he wanted but could not refresh!

Third, Su Li only took at most three Hidden Dragon Pills, but Su Li took some kind of creation-level pill given by the system!

After all, when he deliberately ate ten Hidden Dragon Pills to blow himself up, blew up the extra parts to form a cage, and transformed into Su Li, it was already destined that Su Li would not be able to escape from his karmic cage.

But now, Su Li escaped.

According to his understanding, Su Li only took three Hidden Dragon Pills and one Marrow Cleansing Pill, so the Marrow Cleansing Pill should actually be the Good Fortune Pill.

That was also posted backwards by the system!


Dare to betray me!

Want to start your own business?

Want to bite me back?! Seize my body?! Dreaming!

Su Wangchen's whole person was almost distorted, but he was very, very calm.

This kind of distortion and calmness are opposites, so that at this moment, he displayed a seemingly calm but extremely ferocious and twisted aura.

At this time, Su Li did not immediately take care of Su Wangchen, but directly meditated on the Huangji Jingshi Book and opened the core system permissions at the same time.

He has no control over the system.

But the star level of his system is high!

He has no authority!

But this is the archive world, he is also the Creator!

It also consumed one billion Tianji points!

And no matter which archive world these billions of secret values ​​are spent on, they are all causally involved for the nine archive worlds.

Isn't this enough?


Su Li ignored Su Wangchen. At this moment, he directly forcibly gathered the power of the Creator and descended into the archive world in the way of heaven.

Sorry, I kill indiscriminately too!

Su Li didn't say much.

As soon as he started meditating, he immediately meditated on the Immortal Killing Sword Formation in the Huangji Jingshi Shu.


The next moment, he appeared above the first archive world like a god.

The Zhuxian Sword Formation rolled up and slammed into the world below!


The world below turned into a peerless aurora of destruction.

At that moment, Su Li saw many strong men raising their heads, with despair in their eyes.

This is a false world, you won't die!

And I will destroy the world with catastrophe!


Su Li directly came to such a world in his own body. At this time, he had no fear or worries, and directly transformed into the appearance of Tongtian and evolved the Immortal Killing Sword Formation!

The Zhuxian Sword Formation was already drawn by him in the restricted area of ​​his memory.

He had spent countless fortune points without even knowing it.

This time, after meditating and combining it with the abilities of the Creator and Creator, it would be too easy to destroy the world.


The sun and moon undergo magical transformations, and blood falls from the sky.

The catastrophe of destruction swept through the endless sword array with murderous intent, the dark wind raged, and the rain of blood flew.

Under the sword formation, Ning Caichen flew out of the sky on his own initiative. After taking a deep look at Su Li, he exploded on the spot and was killed by the Zhuxian Sword Formation on the spot!

This is a paper stand-in.

It was also Su Li himself.

But it’s also Su Wangchen!

But is Su Li afraid?

He is not afraid of death!

He knew very well that no matter how much he was burdened with something, eating flesh and drinking blood would never happen.

So, are you afraid of death if you are in debt?


Instead of living in pain, it's better to die with Qianlan and the others!

Therefore, Su Li acted recklessly!

Lots of choices?

No, you, Su Wangchen, have no choice!

I, Su Li, won’t give you a choice!

I, Su Li, will not follow any layout, procedures, or rules.

My only idea is to kill the entire archive world and leave only one, so we can compete head-on!

I still rely solely on my conscience and passion, and just go in and do it!

At worst, they will be destroyed together!

Su Li had already thought of such a response.

It is also a method of removing fuel from the bottom of the cauldron.

Therefore, Su Li directly penetrated this first archive world, completely destroyed it, and turned it into a dark abyss filled with blood and water.

The second world of archives.

The third place.

Such destruction is really fast!

Especially when time is frozen, killing is as easy as cutting grass.

In a breath, the ninth archive world was also penetrated.

In the end, the seventh archive world was left, and the only archive world was left.

At this time, Su Li discovered that the 'True Void Realization' function on his file actually became brighter around the mountain.

This is when the ‘True and Void Realization’ function can be used.

Su Li looked at the shadow of the huge monument displayed on the system panel. The other eight stone monuments were not stained with blood.

Instead, they all exploded.

The remaining seventh stone tablet was stained with blood.

However, the stone tablet seemed to have turned into a giant sky-reaching stone tablet, completely forming an extremely majestic and majestic state.

Su Li was thoughtful and called up the Tianji value on the system panel to take a look.

Suddenly, he felt a lot more comfortable. With this eighth level of destruction, his debt was directly reduced by 400 billion!

The causal value was directly repaid by 8,000 points!

On average, each archive world has 50 billion secret points and 1,000 causal points!

Not only that, the originally dim stars of the system also became brighter at this time.

Together with the 'Realization of Reality and Void' function, it also became brighter at this time.

【Life File System☆☆☆☆☆(Light Blue)】

Level: 12

Secret value: ,9627.

Causal value: -1310.

Function 5: Realization of truth☆☆☆:……

When Su Li saw this scene, he looked at the system panel thoughtfully, and then at Su Wangchen, who was in a frozen state of time and had an equally calm and cold face, with a hint of madness in his eyes.

Light blue, activate the true and virtual realization function.

To enable this function, you need to consume 5 billion Tianji Value. Are you sure?


Su Li directly denied it in his heart.

Then, his figure moved, condensed into a substantial shadow, and landed in front of Ning Caichen.

At this time, he raised his hand and Ning Caichen and others all disappeared.

This void turned into a dark abyss.

The time in the outside world is completely frozen.

But here is eternal darkness.

This is already a battle for system permissions.

You actually reacted. It seems that what Qinglan gave you was the Good Fortune Pill, not the Marrow Cleansing Pill. Do you know how much Heavenly Chance and Causal Value a Good Fortune Pill has? 100 billion Heavenly Secret Value and 1,000 Causal Value.

Su Wangchen said in a deep voice.

Su Li said lightly: I actually don't want to meet you.

Su Wangchen said: I think it's because you are me.

Su Li said: But I'm sorry, I'm not you.

Su Li said, then looked at the little light blue elf who looked at him with a silly face, then looked at Su Wangchen and the little light blue elf, and said softly: Light blue, let me show you Peppa Pig, Fantasy Space.

Su Li ignored Su Wangchen and recalled all the popular cartoons in his past life such as Peppa Pig, Digimon, Bear Bears and so on, and condensed them directly into In the Huang Ji Jing Shi Shu, it was delivered through the air.

Xiao Qianlan's eyes widened and she looked at Su Li stupidly. Then she tilted her head and looked at Su Wangchen again. Then she flew towards Su Wangchen with some fear and landed on Su Wangchen's shoulder. superior.

Qinglan, don't be afraid. I will protect you when you grow up in this life. From now on, you will grow old with me.

Su Li's tone was calm and gentle.

(PS: The first 10,000-word update is here~ I am asking for full subscriptions, monthly tickets and recommendation tickets~ In addition, I am very grateful to the book friend 'For the purpose of reading the original version' of 5000 starting coins for your support ~ I am very grateful to the book friend 'Da Da unexpectedly', ' Jiuhan's starting point coin reward support~Thank you very much to the book friends Liang Xiaofei is not a gentleman, he is not a poisonous husband, and 233 A Leaf Zhiqiu each gives 100 starting point coins for your support~)

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