I pretend to be a fortune teller in a fantasy world

Chapter 274: Fighting against madmen, only fools

Xiao Qianlan, who was less than ten centimeters tall, glanced at Su Li from time to time with a look of fear and fear in his big, dim eyes.

The look of fear and fear that originated from instinct deeply stimulated Su Li's heart.

This is not just the light blue shadow that was killed 'three times', nor is it just the system that keeps saying, 'My name is Light Blue, and I will protect you for the rest of my life.'

This is a living life!

Especially the secret plea for help of Yu Xi Yu Xi Nai Ruo is even more helpless in helplessness.

Historically, Yu Ji was Xiang Yu's wife. She had a loyal character and stayed with Xiang Yu in life and death. When Xiang Yu was defeated and besieged on all sides, she committed suicide and followed her, leaving behind a legend of Farewell My Concubine.

All of this actually hints at Yu Ji's fate.

What about the light blue case?

The first was Mu Yuxi. When the system lit up a star, Mu Yuxi appeared, but then, Mu Yuxi sometimes existed and sometimes did not exist.

What happened?

During this period, he, Su Li, refreshed Tianji Mall.

At that time, Mu Yuxi asked him to find Mu Yusu.

At that time, the system had already upgraded to two stars.

This is because the system itself was worried about an abnormality, so it cut out the second life force and evolved Mu Yusu.

But Mu Yusu's whereabouts are also unknown.

Next, the third Zhuge Yunni, who was on the 18th level of Soul Cleansing, appeared.

Zhuge Yunni, known as the ‘Tianji Taoist God’.

Where did this existence come from?

Regardless of her origins, the reason during this period was that Su Li gathered hope to break through the darkness.

At first, when passing through Lihe Village, I saw a scene of darkness that was enough to burn my heart and bones, and when I saw the little girl's body turned into a glass bead after death.

Instead of massacring villages or towns, he quietly cleared away all the weird things near the villages to make these villages safer.

In his mind, those ordinary people were ignorant, ridiculous and pathetic.

But in his eyes, he is not an ant, but a human being.

The general environment is like this: when things prosper, people suffer, and when things die, people suffer.

So you are mocking the ignorance and ignorance of the people?

He, Su Li, would not do this.

Not only did he not look down on ordinary people at all that day, but he behaved very politely. At that time, he was worried that his aura would impact those ordinary people, so he spoke softly and restrained his blood.

Even after he left, he hunted down all the weird ones in the vast area where Lihe Village was located, so that ordinary people could live for a few more days without worries. But he never thought at all that those people were actually not ordinary people, but The really hidden bosses of the weird faction and some god-king level experts are hiding here, waiting for the Qingyun Tomb to open.

Those beings could easily kill him or make him suffer a little.

But he didn't take the initiative, so those people continued to treat him as ordinary people and treated him with respect.

After that, after he returned to the place of murals, he gave Mu Yuxi and others each a glass bead, which was the source of hope.

He even gave Feng Yao, his ‘enemy’ at that time, a source of hope.

After that time, the system seemed to suddenly become stronger.

After that, powerful items appeared in the system one after another, such as Qingdi Palace and other heaven-defying existences. It was also at that time that Zhuge Yunni, the Taoist God of Heaven, gradually appeared.

After the system rose to four stars, the City without Tears began to transform, and the City Without Tears began to form a whole with the City Without Tears in Mingshan Mansion.

But this time, a girl named ‘Su Yumu’ appeared in the City Without Tears.

This is the clone cut out from the fourth of the corresponding four stars.

Therefore, sometimes simple things are often very simple. Su Yumu is actually Mu Yusu, which is Mu Yuxi.

It's just that the system is them, but they are not the system.

They were just a layer of protection around Su Li that existed because of the system.

A certain kind of communication can be formed more clearly every moment.

Even when he is lonely, stay with him.

At this point, it is actually very easy to understand why the system is burdened with so much debt?

Because, even if it was the first time that Mu Yuxi took the initiative to use herself as a cauldron for Su Li to take supplements, wasn't this a disguised sacrifice of herself to make Su Li stronger?

If he hadn't had that 'harmony' experience, could he have truly transformed and grown up at that time?

At that time, he was actually still unable to practice.

You can already imagine how difficult it will be to get started!

Now, all of this has just turned into a Yu Xi Yu Xi Nai Ruo He.

Right now, the system has been upgraded to five stars.

But these five stars are actually not stable, always bright and always extinguished.

So this means that there is another being chopped out of this place. Which one will it be?

There is no doubt that this path was not cut out, but has always been there.

This one is light blue.

That's the elf on Su Wangchen's system.

The point in time here is the past but not the past but only the interpretation of the past.

Just like modern people acting in historical dramas, people are the present people, but the experiences are the past experiences. Re-act it and join the return to the ruins according to the laws of heaven. In the future, the return to the ruins will come back. After the catastrophe, everyone will be resurrected and born together. .

Or, directly obtain the corresponding cause and effect and achieve immortality.

Either way, this is the purpose.

Therefore, this kind of interpretation requires the existence of the light blue elf.

So the Smurfs exist.

But its existence is not stable, and something may happen at any time.

But Su Wangchen didn't care about this. All he cared about was the benefits. And through his previous words, Su Li already knew that some of them were true.

Because Qianlan can't lie, so Qianlan said that she has a debt of 70 billion, which is true.

This is still the secret value, and I don’t know how much I owe in the causal value!

While this amount of debt is one thing, there is something more terrifying that Su Li has to think about!

You know, no matter if it was a proficient level skill or a skill, what value was it in that time?

Not to mention anything else, let’s just say that the real selling price is 200 billion Tianji value and 1,000 causality value.

But how much secret points did Su Wangchen owe Qian Lan?

Seven quadrillion!

This is a mind-numbing number!

Thirty-five thousand copies of this kind of Heavenly Secret Value can be purchased. According to the selling price of the Creation Pen, even if there is a discount in the system, according to the real selling price of Heavenly Secret Value and Karma Value, it is only 2 billion Heavenly Secret Value and 10 points of Karma Value!

How many creation pens can 70 billion buy? Three and a half million creation pens!

Not to mention, this is just a debt owed by Qianlan!

With Su Wangchen's ability, how could he fail to obtain the secret value?

Obviously impossible!

In this regard, just looking at the sudden tragic death of seventeen gods this time and the loss of 10 billion secret points, we can see how terrifying this person is.

This kind of system can guarantee a net worth of 70 billion, and its own net worth is often not much different.

There is not much difference between this and reality. In reality, if someone can borrow 70 billion from a bank, how can his own background be so bad?

Can you afford this?

The name of the reincarnation home in this world is ‘Wangchen Huan’, named directly after him, Su Wangchen!

Regardless of whether 'Wangchen Huan' is related to Su Wangchen or not, this in itself shows how terrifying this person is!

This kind of existence was the reason why Su Li didn't want to meet him head-on.

Because it's far from the showdown time.

But Su Li didn't have any choice, and when he chose to cut off the cause and effect, it was obvious that Su Wangchen would not give up.

At this time, Su Li looked at Qianlan, but Qianlan kept hiding back, although she also gained a lot of cartoons that Su Li had cut out.

But she didn't look. Instead, when Su Li looked at her, she timidly waved her immature little wings that were obviously dull, flew behind Su Wangchen and hid, and then secretly revealed her little head, a little surprised. He looked at Su Li uncertainly and strangely.

She seemed to be thinking why this person had the aura of the master?

Su Wangchen didn't mind either.

After Su Li said the words 'I will protect you when you grow up, and you will grow old with me', he just smiled contemptuously and said, Do you know why I don't care about communicating with you head-on?

Su Li said: I know, because in your eyes, I am just a fool.

Su Wangchen took a deep look at Su Li, pursed his lips, nodded, and said: Interesting, I can recognize this. You should be at the level of the fifth Hidden Dragon Pill.

As he said that, Su Wangchen raised his hand and patted Su Li's shoulder gently. Su Li found that he couldn't avoid it and was easily hit by Su Wangchen.

Did you find it?

Su Wangchen said calmly.

Su Li nodded lightly and said, I see, in front of you, I am as weak as a dog.

Su Wangchen shook his head and said: Although Nie Xiaoqian's words were the 'ending' that I deliberately guided and pointed out. In that ending, the sunset warrior said to the Supreme Treasure, 'That man looks like a dog.'

I want you to be the Supreme Treasure, and I am the Sunset Warrior. I will protect Zixia, and you will protect the road to the west.

For those who are determined to achieve greatness, there is always someone who has to be the dog, right?

Su Li said: Yes. If you don't wear the golden hoop, you will be a mortal, and you will not have the power to protect it; if you wear the golden hoop, you will be the Monkey King, and you will have the power to protect it, but you will no longer be able to become a supreme treasure.

Su Wangchen clapped his hands and said, That's right. After all, he still has the intelligence of five Hidden Dragon Pills. Otherwise, it would be too boring to save Qianlan in this round and make everything go as he wished.

Su Li said: Do you really want to be a sunset warrior?

Su Wangchen said calmly: Being the Sunset Warrior, I just want to sleep with Zixia, and I have no other pursuits. Of course, I will give you a chance to choose now, the Supreme Treasure or the Sunset Warrior, choose one.

Su Li said: You choose first. Am I not the source of hope you cut out?

Su Wangchen frowned slightly and said, You have guessed the contents of the book from the other side, right?

Su Li said: Yes, not only did I guess them all, but I also guessed more.

Su Wangchen said: It's interesting. Five Hidden Dragon Pills can actually exert 130% of the intelligence effect. It's amazing. I give you a thumbs up, 666, from Ollie.

Su Li said: No need to test, I will tell you all the truth. When you wrote the book on the other side, I was watching from the side. Why do you think I could get those questions right?

And if I hadn't read the content of The Other Shore's book, do you think I would be so angry and cut off the cause and effect with you?

Su Wangchen clapped his hands and said, Awesome, awesome. They are all true, and all of them are lies. If you talk like that, it would be interesting.

Su Li said: I also find it very interesting.

Su Wangchen said: So, you are still too naive and really need a beating. Let me give you a good beating to prevent you from being beaten in the future.

Su Li said: So, these are all for me.

Su Wangchen said: Yes.

Su Li said: This is good, but I dare not accept it.

Su Wangchen said: It's not that you dare or not, but that you have no choice. The future has already come, and you haven't returned Zhuge Qianyun's eyes. And when you were reading that book from the other side, I will tell Zhuge Qianyun Yun killed. Because Zhuge Qianlan behind her could recognize me.

So I killed her, settled your karma, and wiped out the debt that Qinglan owed due to your incompetence.

Su Li said: Oh, so what I saw was just what you deliberately let me see so that it could penetrate deep into my soul, right?

Su Wangchen said: Yes, when I was a little accomplished in qigong and had some strength, I met a female gambler. In order to make her quit gambling, I cast an illusion. Guess, how did I cast such an illusion? phantom?

Su Li said: I can't guess.

Su Wangchen said: You can guess it, because you and I were both you and me.

Su Li said: Then I will set up an illusion so that she will be doomed because of gambling.

Su Wangchen said: Yes, she is very happy. Her husband is very kind to her, but she likes gambling. One day, she bathed her child. The water in the bathtub was boiled, the temperature was adjusted, and the heater was turned on. Then he put the child in.

As a result, her poker friend came over, so she went to play mahjong. When she came back, the bathtub burned out due to being powered on for a long time, the heater burned out due to a short circuit, and a fire broke out in the bathroom.

Not only did her home burn down, the child playing in the living room was also burned to death. Then, because the fire started in her own home, the entire building burned down. There was an explosion behind and the whole building collapsed.

When her husband came back, he went to find her. She lost tens of thousands and asked her husband to advance the money.

Her husband doesn't go to work to make a better life for her. He already works three jobs and only has less than four hours of rest every day.

This time, her husband directly took a knife and chopped down all the poker friends around her. She went crazy and wanted to divorce her husband until she got the news.

Su Li said: She committed suicide?

Su Wangchen said: You have been tricked again. Are you curious about the ending?

Su Li said: Quite curious.

Su Wangchen said: Well, so that's how those 1.7 billion died.

Su Li said: What do you mean?

Su Wangchen said: I die from curiosity, but also from subjectivity, one-sidedness, and confusion! I am a strong obsessive-compulsive disorder patient, and the other side of me is not serious in this aspect. So I have two personalities. kind.

I think I am too rational about time travel, so it would be safer to leave it to you who are more emotional. But for the first time, you will die in the first sentence!

At that time, I paid attention and turned on the function of 'True Void Heavenly Forbidden'. Then I didn't believe in evil and asked you to try it again, and you died again.

And then the third time, you're still dead!

You know, a patient with obsessive-compulsive disorder like me will not give up until he reaches the Yellow River, and will not look back until he hits the south wall.

So I keep asking you to test in Zhenxu, but you keep dying to me!

999 times!

That last time, I had no use for you.

I'll do it myself.

I did it myself, and I survived the first time.

Do you know the difference?

Su Li said: You want to overthrow me? I'm on guard! It doesn't matter if I'm not smart, I'm a fool, or I'm distracted by you, but I will strangle 'I am Su Li' to death this time. There’s just no way.”

Su Wangchen's breath froze for a moment, and then he said: Awesome! This operation is so sexy! You just caught you and didn't let go, ignoring everything around you? Then I really can't help it!

Su Li said: When I caught this one, another better one appeared in front of me. When I gave up this one and caught another one, a better one appeared again. If I keep catching this one, I will end up with a Even if he couldn't catch it, he even lost his own one.

However, one of them belongs to me. When I am not greedy, I can hold on to mine, and it doesn’t matter whether I throw away the rest.

Su Wangchen said: Steady, good, not bad. Having said that, the result of that woman is actually quite good. Do you want to know?

Su Li said: I want to know.

Su Wangchen said: She didn't commit suicide because those who were affected by the disaster had their families broken up and their wives separated. They were very pitiful. She had to pay off the debt. So she divorced her husband. Her husband committed suicide in prison, and she moved to another city. , found an honest man to take over. Because she was very beautiful, the honest man gave her very good treatment and responded to her every request, and she successfully drove his parents into a pig pen on a pig farm in the countryside to live in their old age.

Okay, this story ends here.

Su Li said: This is very consistent with your logic. After listening to your story, I guess it will take a long time to dissipate the depression in my heart.

Su Wangchen said: I just want to say that the nature of a country is easy to change and hard to change. What happened in the past will definitely happen again in the future. There is nothing new under the sun.

Su Li said: So what do you want to say?

Su Wangchen said: After I discovered that you would die a thousand times, I decided to kill you because I understood what happened when all the 1.7 billion people who traveled through my time died in Guixu. , because they have all been calculated by the system.

Su Li said: There have never been 1.7 billion time travellers, and I won't believe you.

Su Wangchen said: Do you think I understand you? Even if I didn't have high intelligence in the past, I couldn't understand you, but after ten Hidden Dragon Pills, what level do you think my intelligence will be? I have practiced to this day, killing gods at will, What level of strength does it have?

In this world, it is not because you, Su Li, are here that they believe the royal family exists, but because I, Su Wangchen, exist, the royal family exists!

However, some things cannot continue, do you understand?

Otherwise, you will be the traitor and sinner of the entire China!

Su Li said: Your thoughts jump too fast, and my intelligence can't keep up.

Su Ye said: Do you think there are any good or bad things in this world for no reason? Or do you think you are really the son of destiny and the master of destiny, and there is a beauty in the system who actively throws himself into his arms and is willing to die for you? ?”

Su Li said: It's rare to be confused in life. Even if you know that some things are false, if you pretend to be false, they will become true.

Su Ye said: Like the relationship between you and that Tianji Taoist God? Or the relationship between you and Mei'er, oh, Yao Mo? What kind of existence is Tianji Taoist God? I believe you have noticed it now. If you haven't noticed it, then I won’t say much.

You probably think Meier is the most trustworthy, right? You should know part of her origins, Yao Mo, the most enchanting goddess-level guardian of the Tianyu tribe, right?

In fact, you are wrong. Her true origin is the last bloodline member of the ancient Lost Soul Clan, and her soul has long been possessed by a demon!

Even her name clearly tells you what kind of monster she is!

Were you completely unaware?

And why did she want to become a member of the Tianyu tribe? Just because she wants to be the Empress Nuwa!

Brother, please wake up, where is our foundation?

In China! China is still here, and since there are gods in this world, do you think our own gods really don’t exist?

If you forget your ancestors, you are just a loser who sells your ancestors for glory!

Our real human emperor Nuwa and the royal family are still there, so you let your woman take their place?

Why are you not a rebel?

So what do you think the essence of the system is?

An innocent looking little girl?

Maybe it's just a salted duck egg, with the surface as smooth as jade and the inside so yellow and oily, you know?

Su Wangchen said, A debt of seven trillion yuan, did you hear it? If you didn't hear it, I will continue to tell you that Qianlan has a debt of seventy trillion yuan of heaven's value and trillions of karma, and she can still do it. exist!

What thing can carry so much destiny value and causality value?

There is only the way of heaven in this world!

Why do you think all those 1.7 billion time travelers died in Guixu?

Just because they believed in the system!

So, don’t blame me for being ruthless and deceiving a little girl without even showing her a cartoon.

I asked, why?

Why should our civilization be invaded by alien civilizations?

Don’t you understand the so-called chosen one?

Su Wangchen said every word.

Those words were deafening.

Su Li glanced at Su Wangchen lightly and said, The story is told very well, I almost believed it.

Su Wangchen said: As expected, you have completely become a lackey under this side of heaven.

Su Li said: You said it at the beginning, let me choose, Sunset Warrior or that dog? I'll tell you the answer, I choose the Moonlight Box.

Su Wangchen's eyes narrowed sharply: What do you know?!

Su Li said: You're not good at acting, don't pretend! Now that I've figured out a problem, it's okay to tell you. I only look at the results, not the process. So no matter what kind of cage you plant, as long as you have a purpose , No matter which purpose it is, it doesn’t matter, I will treat all these purposes as your purposes first, and then I will deal with them.

Su Li said, and then said: I don't want to gain any benefit from you. Do you understand? I won't retaliate against you, because I don't have the ability. If you have the ability, you will probably be beaten badly by reality. Well, when the time comes, I will just see how miserable you are and I will basically feel calm. Maybe I will reward you with a bite of food.

After all, repaying kindness with kindness is what I like to do most, isn't it?

Su Wangchen took a deep breath, and for the first time his expression became a little more solemn.

He narrowed his eyes, but did not speak immediately.

Is it the level of the sixth Hidden Dragon Pill? It's obviously not there yet, and it's impossible with your background and ability... But... it seems that I have indeed underestimated you.

But it doesn't matter, I will treat you as the seventh Hidden Dragon Pill's IQ level, and at the same time, I will lower my intelligence to compete with you.

Su Wangchen took a deep breath and spoke calmly.

Su Li's expression became more solemn and he did not speak immediately.

But at that moment, he was under great pressure.

Su Wangchen raised his hand, pushed the system panel between Su Li and him, and said, Take a good look at what is displayed on it.

Su Li's eyes were empty and he didn't look at the information on the system panel at all. He said calmly: No, there's nothing interesting to see. After all, I'm only interested in my own system panel information.

Su Wangchen said: Qian Lan's information about selling blood to buy the Goddess of Time suddenly collapsed, and then I started sucking blood, but you stopped me.

This is my intention, but if you don’t stop it, it’s true.

Su Li said: I know, forcing me to suck light blue's blood, or forcing my system to suck back light blue's blood, to re-establish cause and effect.

Su Wangchen said: Yes, and the cause and effect has indeed been established, hasn't it.

Su Li said: Yes.

Su Wangchen said: So, the eight archive worlds you destroyed were actually specially prepared by me to use your hands to destroy and hunt down those gods. Of course, because I am you, all of this is mine. The killing game.

Su Li said: Causation has been established, but it is the cause and effect of life and death, not the cause and effect between systems. This sentence has nothing to do with I am me and you are you. Is it clear enough?!

Su Wangchen said: It's clear enough, but do you know that all the secret points you took out of me are the debts Qing Lan has borne for me, so you keep killing!

Su Li said: When it's time to kill, I will definitely kill.

Su Wangchen said: But when you shouldn't kill, I will definitely kill you.

Su Li said: Really? Let's kill them together.

Su Wangchen said: Oh, it's a pleasure to cooperate.

Su Li said: It's a pity. What I was thinking about was to commit suicide together.

Su Wangchen said: I think so too.

Su Li took a deep look at Su Wangchen and said, What kind of personality do you think I am?

Su Wangchen said: With my intelligence, how well do I know you now? How well do I know you? I don't know what your personality is?!

Su Li said: I know you know, and I never even think that you don't know anything. But there is one thing you definitely don't know.

Su Wangchen said: Then tell me.

Su Li said: You don't know, after you killed me, I lost control! In other words, you took the tenth good luck pill because you wanted to transform yourself into me, but what you didn't know was that you took yourself Metamorphosis blew up and blew me out.

And what am I? I am your only remaining conscience!

So, why am I interested in that modern woman’s story?

Because that story is you in this world, right? Do you think you can have a happy ending if you change the man to a woman?

Do you think I will be the taker? Still waiting for you to continue to live happily?

No, let me give you an answer now, the answer about that woman.

The man found the woman and said, 'Honey, our family is gone. I am a waste. I didn't take good care of you mother and son, and I didn't bring better living conditions to this family. Let's... let's make peace.'

Then, the woman next to the man scolded the man for being irresponsible and inactive.

The woman felt humiliated, so she took the initiative to divorce the man.

Then the man gave the woman his final deposit.

Afterwards, the woman knew the truth, but the man had shouldered all the debts alone. The woman felt extremely regretful, cut off those bad friends, and worked silently with the man all her life. Finally, she repaid all the debts when the couple grew old. , as a result, both of them died of overwork, but they were extremely loving and solid throughout their lives.

When they died, they discovered that it was an illusion.

Therefore, men no longer respond to women's requests. Love is love, but it is not pampering or pampering.

And women also understand how difficult it is for men to change their minds, turn back, and start a new life.

Then everything will be more beautiful. ’”

Su Li said, then glanced at Su Wangchen lightly, and said: No matter how smart you are, how you plan, how you use your methods, I will keep my original intention unchanged and never forget my original intention.

What did you cut off?

What has been holding you back?

That's your original intention.

If the Human Queen Nuwa really still exists, they will definitely not see life in a world so dark and miserable.

Does the royal family care about the status of the human emperor's descendants as saints?

Empress Nuwa, do they care?

When they reach that position, they still maintain their original aspirations, have a kind heart, and a broad mind. Naturally, they don't care about power and status.

Do I care?

I have many shortcomings, because I always know that I am a human being, with normal emotions and desires, and I can also be lustful and romantic.

But I really don't care about power and status.

I do not bully the good, nor am I afraid of darkness and evil.

I dare not say that I am a saint or a holy mother.

However, you can succeed not because those 1.7 billion are waste, but because you have the original intention.

But now, you have no original intention, and all that awaits you is failure!

As Su Li spoke, he reached out and patted Su Wangchen's shoulder. This time, Su Wangchen's body froze, and he couldn't even stop Su Li's patting action.

You have been smart all your life, but you were confused this time. Qinglan is dead. Such a powerful system has been exhausted by you. You created all this just to resurrect the system.

Because your life span of 100,000 years is almost up, because you have just discovered that without the system, you are nothing!

Did you die twice?

In fact, you didn't die once in the beginning. The reason why you died twice was because, without the system, your intelligence of ten Hidden Dragon Pills was still beaten by the practitioners of this world.

In this world, strong people cannot come out. It’s not that there are no strong people, otherwise the world would have been annihilated long ago.

Have you deceived Heaven?

No, you may live a much humbler life than you think!

Therefore, the royal family exists only because of my existence, Su Li, not because of your Su Wangchen existence!

Want to overthrow me?

Do you want me to enter Wangchenhuan?

Do you even want to use everything, including Mu Yufei and Xia Xinning, to plot against me with absolute sincerity? Want me not to kill indiscriminately?

Do you think you’ll be fine if you set up seventh-, eighth-, and ninth-level killing bureaus here or even use the ‘Moonlight Treasure Box’ as a cover? !

No, I'll let you have your way.

I will kill indiscriminately!

I will destroy the Moonlight Treasure Box. Don’t forget, you are the Lord of Light Blue, and I am also the Lord of Light Blue!

Moreover, Qian Lan is not hiding behind you because she is afraid of me, but because she is afraid of you because she does not dare to show her closeness to me!

So do you think I'm really stupid?

So this time I am not for Mu Yuxi, Meier, or Nie Xiaoqian or Que Xinyan!

Who am I for?

I just want the light blue!

Because, without light blue, I wouldn’t have survived the first day!

I, Su Li, am as you said, as humble as a dog, and my life is as small as grass. What do I have that is worth the systematic plot?

I don’t have it, so if the system treats me well, it’s good, and if it treats me badly, it’s bad!

So, this time, I am Qing Lan and I will fight to the death with you!

Su Li took a deep look at Su Wangchen, and then he gathered his energy and soul and said: The mystery of the Xuanxin is that all laws are unified! The Immortal-killing Sword Formation is coming quickly!

As Su Li spoke, his body leaned back, and at that moment, his entire body turned into a golden ball of light.

Performing this move is the true unification of all methods!

He will die!

However, he is fearless.

The four rays of light derived from the Zhuxian Sword Formation swept across this world and enveloped all directions.

At this time, in the sky, a blood monument suddenly lit up with a bloody light of destruction.

In the blood light, the nine blood tablets all re-condensed and turned into strands of ultimate dark demonic energy.

And all the demonic energy gathered on Su Wangchen's head at this moment.

The demon is attacking Jiu Sha, and it is Ning Caichen who is attacking.

I, Ning Caichen, have become a demon because of love.

Have you thought of this plot?

If I don't forget the plot, then you can know the plot through me and the system!

But you are really awesome!

I underestimated you.

But this time... the trial is really worth it.

So, I borrowed your system to open the archive world, activated my system, and then I used the 'Moonlight Treasure Box' in the archives to go back to the past.

Su Li, you are really good this time, and you make me feel at ease a lot!

Grow up well and pay off your debt slowly. If you use this and the Zhuxian Sword Formation, even if you don't kill him, your debt will be in the hundreds of billions!

So, hahahahaha, I lost today's battle before it even started, but I won. Do you understand where I won?

I, Su Wangchen, am the demon in your heart who becomes possessed by a single thought. Of course, you can also be the source of hope that turns me into a god with a single thought. There is no problem with any of your explanations!

Therefore, you have no contact with me.

Although I do have no entity at the moment and the system is dead, this time, you drank the blood of the system and made me bear a lot of karma, so my system is also activated, and some functions can be used!

It's all a system, you pay off the debt, I owe the debt, and if you continue to pay back, I will continue to owe.

You're not done yet.

And I have a Moonlight Treasure Box that can be bought for 500 billion, you know?

So what do you have?

You have to overturn the cause and effect of Westward Journey, but this part of cause and effect, haha, to tell you the truth, you will be very passive whether you push it or not.

So, the result I am waiting for is that you will truly join forces with the powerful people in this world, and then help me work and help me resurrect Qing Lan.

If you do this, I will cooperate with you.

Besides, you'd better resurrect the system as soon as possible. The only person I truly love in my life is Qian Lan.

Besides, I advise you to kill Su Ye. Why don't you read his name upside down? Hahahahaha, isn't it surprising?

Okay, don't be surprised and don't think too much. I was just joking. I lost this time and it was so miserable. Let me enjoy myself.

Of course, if you feel uncomfortable with my carefree life, it doesn't matter, you can do the same!

That little bitch of the system is really devoted to you right now, and keeps lending you money. Judging from your ability to upgrade the system by at least two stars, even if your system is only level 10, you can still lend almost three Quadrillions.

So if you work hard, it’s best to separate the three layers of the memory forbidden zone, create a world like ‘virtual reality’, and summon all the gods in to kill them like leeks.

After all, everyone in reality has been killed by me and turned into a coward, and no one dares to come out.

But if there are benefits to this approach, they will all come out.

They feed their souls, slave their souls, and feed their souls. We feed them. It’s the same thing.

So if you continue to do this kind of thing, well, you are the Holy Mother, you have never been a blood-sucking capitalist.

After Su Wangchen said this, he actually showed a real emoji dog head expression to express the meaning.

Su Li said lightly: It seems that you did lose, or indeed won, but in the way you least expected to win. So, you already need to use these slanderous words to slander me.

Su Li said: So, I'm sorry, in the virtual file world, everything I do is also fake.

It's just a virtual self-destruction of all methods and the Immortal Killing Sword Formation.

Su Li said, his figure moved, he walked out of the golden ball state where all magics were unified, and he put away the ball and the Immortal Killing Sword Formation with a flick of his hand.

Su Wangchen said: But if I don't stop it, it will become true.

Su Li said: Yes.

Su Wangchen said: You are really inappropriate.

Su Li said: There is no way. Only a fool can deal with a madman. You don't have to think that you are a madman, but I will definitely think that I am a fool.

As soon as Su Li finished speaking, Qianlan behind Su Wangchen waved his little wings and said timidly: No, the master is neither a madman nor a fool. He is a good master of Qianlan.

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