I pretend to be a fortune teller in a fantasy world

Chapter 272: The fish is dead and the net is broken, intercepted on the road

In the northern suburbs of Wuli Town, there are sunset and barren mountains.

In this era, the Luoxia Barren Mountain was called ‘Jiu Yao Mountain’.

In Jiuyao Mountain, there is the ancient temple Lanruo.

Behind the ancient temple, there is Cui Wei, which is thousands of feet long and hanging with thousands of layers. Thousands of feet of Cuiwei peaks and ridges are steep, with thousands of overhangs and deep ravines and cliffs.

Green moss and green moss pave the shaded stones, and ancient junipers and tall locust trees form a large forest. In the depths of the forest, listen to the secluded birds, and their clever voices are worthy of their singing. The water flowing in the stream is like jade, and the flowers falling by the roadside are like piles of gold.

The terrain of the mountain is so bad that it is unbearable to walk on, and none of the ten steps is even. There are many thorns beside the road, and green graves are everywhere on the mountain. The dust is billowing and no one has arrived, and the strange rocks are dense and frightening.

After Su Li's vision wandered high above the barren mountain for a while, he came to the high altitude where Ning Caichen and the four of them were.

This time, Su Li had reached an altitude of more than 30,000 meters and did not land immediately because he had some problems to analyze further.

By this time, his heart had completely calmed down.

System upgrades and star promotions are not only his own sublimation and enlightenment, but also prove that his previous feeling of continuous 'transformation' and progress is real.

As for the owed secret value and cause and effect, this is a hidden danger left behind by the directional refresh, the realization of the truth and the void, and a series of big commotions at that time.

He didn't have many ideas about directional refresh, but when the Heaven-Slaying God and the Immortal-killing Sword Formation penetrated a large area, he had actually thought about the situation of being heavily in debt.

And the reason why it didn't appear was just that the system hid all this and silently shouldered everything.

Of course, Tongtian Killing God may have also experienced the situation of fighting to support war, otherwise he would not only owe so much?

Now, he understands all this when he uses the core authority to restore the system to 'normal'.

Debt 263.1 billion!

And if the system can bear such a high debt when it is in a dying state, how much debt will Su Wangchen, who can drain all the blood from the system, have?

This must be a terrible number.

Although it is said that there are more than 263.1 billion Heavenly Secret Values, based on the calculation that 5 million Heavenly Secret Values ​​can be exchanged for 1 point of Karma Value, it has reached 52,626 points of Karma Value.

In other words, more than 50,000 causes and effects.

Adding in the additional 9,319 causes and effects, there are almost 62,000 causes and effects.

But in fact, it cannot be calculated like this. Whether it is converting 1 point of causality value into 5 million points of divine destiny value, or converting 5 million points of divine destiny value into 1 point of causality value, the reason why it can be converted is just that the system forcibly increases it to help him level up. It's just a function of cause and effect.

With this function, the system is actually taking the blame.

And the weekly limit is 10 points of cause and effect.

According to this conversion, not to mention whether the system itself can withstand it, in the current environment, with 62,000 causes and effects, it will take 6,200 weeks to repair it.

Counting seven days a week, if the system's ability to deal with such hidden dangers was relied upon, it would take one hundred and nineteen years to pay off!

Moreover, this requires corresponding divine value or causal value to convert.

In fact, the system can only be restored if the true destiny and cause and effect work together, and then the destiny returns to heaven, and the cause and effect equalize the cause and effect.

So, can I get a loan?

How is the loan repayment?

Obviously, it won't work, even if you use Tianchi Blood River to mortgage the overdraft in advance, it won't work.

By doing this, Wangchenhuan will become independent, and the system will be equivalent to being mortgaged!

Moreover, Wangchenhuan Su Wangchen, if Su Wangchen is the boss behind Wangchenhuan!

As long as he dares to mortgage or borrow money, the system will be liquidated directly. At that time, it will be truly finished.

Furthermore, he couldn't help Su Wangchen settle the cause and effect because it was not his cause and effect, and he couldn't solve it!

What he wants to balance is his own cause and effect, just like the cause and effect of Su Ye 20,000 years ago, those, not the cause and effect of 60,000 years and 100,000 years.

Maybe, but if you don’t owe it, then it’s not!

The 263.1 billion he owed was for purchasing the Huangji Jingshi Shu and One Qi and Three Purities techniques and upgrading these techniques.

There are also more than nine thousand causes and effects, which are owed by the Tongtian Qingdi Palace, Zhuxian Sword Formation and others for their power.

These are his secrets and causes and effects, and these are the things he wants to level with.

Therefore, the 'Qingyun Tomb' is the place where Feng Yao and Feng Caiwei are tested, and the 'Grand Emperor's Tomb' is the place for inspection.

Therefore, there should be two causes and effects in this place. All he needs to do is to release the cause and effect of 'Houyi Daohen'. He cannot eliminate the cause and effect of A Chinese Ghost Story!

But, he can wreak havoc!

As long as the plot is distorted and the story told by Su Wangchen is abnormal, that will be fine.

The logic of this story can be destroyed directly!

This would of course alert the enemy and let Su Wangchen know that he knew.

But if Su Wangchen took ten Hidden Dragon Pills, wouldn't he know that Su Li already knew about it?

In terms of intelligence, he no longer has to compare with Su Wangchen, because there is no comparison at all!

Therefore, destroy it this time, and then let Su Wangchen find a way to balance the cause and effect on his own!

When the time comes, all the gods will not benefit from him this time, and some of the 'hopes' are found to be 'mirror flowers, water moon', which will be enough for Su Wangchen to deal with!

Lies will eventually come out sooner or later!

This time once I pinch his seven inches or even strangle him to death, he won't be able to take over the system.

Then, he will lose control of the system, and my system will return to normal. At least it's not black and white.

And his system is completely unusable!

In this way, he will continue to explore my background before he is absolutely sure.

This is my respite period to seize this time. I need to develop quickly to be qualified to deal with the threat from him.

As for whether he will die or not?

He won't, because in his eyes, I am just a reckless man, a mortal and a fool. 250 He and I died together, just like gods and mortals perished together, and he thought he was too much at a loss.

Actually, it's almost like this. I don't care if he dares to fight to the death, but he won't give in!

But if he dares to kill Mei'er and Mu Yuxi before he can seize the system permissions and revive the system, I will fight to the death.

My intelligence is not as good as his, but I have no inhibitions. If you kill my Taoist companion, I will die together. Once you lose this opportunity of mine, you will completely lose the last chance!

When I went back in time and deduced the past, Light Blue appeared the first three times, but she stopped talking the third time.

After the third time, the system became completely silent.

And Tianji Listening allowed me to know part of the real information. It is still possible that he manifested it deliberately, but he may have imagined that I could peek into part of the truth through the Book of the Other Side. But he didn't know that through the ability of Tianji Listening, I could peek into everything .”

So, I will completely serve the system first, and I will balance my own karma first. I can even promise part of the royal family's position, just like Quede's Reincarnation Palace.

The royal family will eventually be born.

Then as long as I can do it, it's better to give it to you directly than to sell it all by yourself, Su Wangchen, and let everyone work for you and serve you alone!

So, you arranged for me to perform this time, right? I still have a trump card in my hand.

Xia Xinning is right. Some trump cards may only be used once in a lifetime, but where to use them, how to use them, and in what capacity?

This time, if I were an old demon from Montenegro, I would let you know what it means to be a good old demon.

This time, if I were Qiye, I would let you know what it means to be a prodigal son.

This time, if I am still Ning Caichen in the end, then I will let you know what the real wild waves are.

While Su Li was pondering, he gradually recovered a lot of information.

At the same time, he looked at the huge debt on the system panel and began to think about the corresponding method of repayment.

It's still the same idea as before. Apart from Tianchi Blood River, only in the archive world can you make more money.

So why does the archive world make more money?

Because there is a big commotion in the archive world, there will be a lot of cause and effect involved, but because he is the creator, the creator, so he will gain a lot of cause and effect and secrets.

To the outside world, the archive world is just an illusory deduction and does not exist.

But for Su Li, the place where he exists is also the present, so it is also 'reality'!

So, in this way, his system can make a lot of money in the archive world!

But by the same token, what is the investment in the function of Zhenxu Realization?

That is, if you spend part of the fortune points, the income will have an upper limit. When it reaches a certain limit, it will generally collapse.

This upper limit should be related to the star rating and level of the system and the star level of Zhenxu's own realization.

But what the specific upper limit is and how much it is, Su Li cannot judge.

In an archive world without the participation of gods, the loss of the secret value would probably take 100 million to activate.

The archive world with the participation of gods basically does not start with a few hundred million, it should be a base of 1 billion.

How is this billion determined?

Because, although the archive world is a simulated change in the real world, they are actually all 'fiction', and only one of them really exists!

That's him, Su Li!

So what if we want to allow the archive world to develop completely?

That is, the funds advanced by the system are all fabricated out of thin air anyway, and the cause and effect that can ultimately affect 'Su Li' is the real profit!

Therefore, in the archive world, you will not lose money no matter what. You will make money no matter what. It is just a matter of more or less.

In this case, what the system pads out will be recycled when the file ends, and additional income will be accumulated, and Su Li will be given a part of the reward!

How to determine the standard of 100 million and the standard of one billion?

Once upon a time, Bing Ling, the master of the Ice Palace, cut off half of his divine origin and gained 300 million divine points.

Su Wangchen killed gods everywhere, with an average of 500 million per god.

But Xia Xinning once cut off part of herself, but she got 600 million!

Then, the most powerful person at the level of gods may be around one billion, and will basically not exceed it.

Therefore, as long as the Tianji value reaches the one billion mark, the True and Void Realization function can be activated.

Under the gods and guardians, no need to ask, they are all at the ninth level of the Infant Transformation Realm. The three sources and five sources of transformation, the three paths and five paths of creation, no matter how they are divided, the corresponding heavenly secret values ​​​​can be cut out are very limited. .

Basically it will not exceed 30 to 50 million.

Generally, three to five million is the limit.

This can only show that the gap between the ninth level of the Infant Transformation Realm and the guardian level is so huge that many geniuses are far from reaching their limit.

This can be seen by comparing Feng Yao's strength with that of Hua Zili, Su Ye and others.

Therefore, as long as you seize the opportunity and kill randomly, you will indeed be able to gain a lot of weight.

What Su Ye does is to open several file worlds at a time, try various things in them, then choose the best solution, and then use that method to cover reality and kill indiscriminately in reality!

The impact of such a result can be imagined!

In the world of archives, there is no loss in blood.

But in reality, it may lead to bankruptcy!

Therefore, the system encourages people to be more reckless in the file world.

Moreover, Su Li also thought that after he demonstrated countless ways to destroy the world in the archive world, would the heaven of this world be more tolerant and fraternal towards him?

Because, there is a being who can destroy the world in a casual deduction, and he is also the inheritor of the royal family, so others are afraid of him?

Once or twice is an accident, but what about eight times out of ten?

Su Li thought about it and felt that this possibility was very high.

After some thinking, Su Li gathered his mind and returned to the state of being unable to do anything without thoughts and actions.

He no longer thinks about the future, because he must grasp every present and every moment.

While he was meditating, Su Li's vision gradually gathered, and he looked down high in the sky, and then slowly landed.

From a distance, he noticed that the atmosphere among this group of people was quite harmonious.

However, Yan Hongye seemed to be quite dissatisfied with Zhuge Liuyun for making Nie Xiaoqian's jade sculpture smoke, so she often deliberately made things difficult for him.

Under such circumstances, Zhuge Liuyun could only please explain.

Su Li's vision quickly followed this group of people. After all, they were the 'protagonists'.

We are about to enter Jiuyao Mountain ahead, but this road, why did it suddenly change?

At this time, Yan Hongye no longer blamed, but suddenly asked in surprise.

When Su Li heard this, he immediately focused his vision and looked in front of Yan Hongye.

A group of four people, everything was obviously fine before.

But as soon as Su Li's vision caught up, the four of them came to a dark, desolate place of ruins surrounded by white mountains and black water.

Su Li knew that piece of black water. It was the Wusang River in Lihe Village, Wuli Town. It was a black, winding river.

In the past, Su Li had hunted Wei Wei among them.

Now, Su Li actually saw such a river?

This river is wider, more mysterious and vast than the previous river.

The mountain in the distance was covered with a layer of silver frost, and seemed to have some changes from the mysterious 'Jiu Yao Mountain' that Su Li saw in his field of vision at first.

Maybe...grandma opened the mysterious realm...are you here?

Nie Xiaoqian hesitated slightly and murmured softly.

As she spoke, she suddenly looked at Ning Caichen and Zhuge Liuyun and said, I'm sorry, I didn't expect that grandma would come here so quickly and cause trouble for you.

Ning Caichen said: If it's just a mere monster, it's nothing to worry about.

Zhuge Liuyun said: When the time comes, Hongye and I will join forces and use the Mysterious Heart Magic to kill that grandma directly and teach her that there is no return.

Nie Xiaoqian couldn't bear it and said: Actually, grandma was influenced by the Black Mountain Emperor...

Ning Caichen said: There seems to be a lonely tomb over there. Let's go and take a look.

Nie Xiaoqian hesitated to speak.

Yan Hongye glanced at the creation pen in Ning Caichen's hand, and said thoughtfully: Xiaoqian, don't worry about him, let's go.

Nie Xiaoqian's pretty face turned red and she said softly, Who, who cares about him?

Yan Hongye said lightly: Yes, it is true that no one cares about him.

Zhuge Liuyun said: Of course Hongye cares about me, Zhuge Liuyun.

Yan Hongye said: Really? Then first explain the reason why Xiaoqian's blue jade sculpture will shine?

Zhuge Liuyun said: Isn't this... I have explained it ninety-nine times? I really, really, really only have you Hongye in my heart.

Yan Hongye said: How is the progress of your practice?

When Zhuge Liuyun heard this, he immediately lowered his head and said with a smile: Well, we still can't understand what the life level is, so we can't understand the mystery of Xuanxin Divine Art yet.

Yan Hongye said coldly: So, when you finally realize it, you can tell me this again!

Zhuge Liuyun choked and couldn't say a word.

While the group was talking, they had already entered a dark area.

Time seemed to suddenly turn into night.

And in the dark night, after passing through the darkness, a ruins appeared in front, and there was an alley in the ruins.

In the alley, there are piles of ashes.

These ashes have already been burned and have accumulated a thick layer on the ground in this alley.

When you step on it, a lot of black dust will fly up.

In such an environment, Su Li could see clearly through his third field of vision, but the light there was black and white, making it look very eerie.

Is this a powerful and strange realm?

Are forces from the strange side blocking the way? Or is this Dryad Grandma? The subordinates of the old demon from Montenegro? Have you started in advance?

Su Li glanced at the progress on the system panel. The progress of the eight file worlds was moving forward steadily. The progress in Chengdu was almost the same. It was hard to tell which one was running the fastest.

But the giant monument in the first archive world is already stained with blood.

This proves that the fallen have appeared.

The remaining seven are all very normal, as normal and stable as if they had been rehearsed.

After Su Li pondered for a while, he continued to watch silently.

The experience of this scene was slightly familiar, but he didn't think much about it.

At this time, Ning Caichen was very close, and any thoughts were very dangerous.

After Ning Caichen and the four of them passed through the alley, they arrived at the foot of the gray barren mountain.

The originally long distance seemed to be shortened all of a sudden.

But here, there are many more deserted tombs.

Here is a mass grave at the foot of the mountain.

There are many, many dilapidated tombs here.

But one of the tombs not only looks very special, but is also very large. There is a broken stone tablet in front of the tomb.

The stone tablet is not only engraved with mysterious runes, but also has a black and white carved portrait on it.

The portrait had already appeared.

But when Su Li's field of vision, including Ning Caichen and others, looked over, the portrait was blocked by the figure of an old woman in a black linen robe.

The old woman was leaning on a cane, her eyes were cloudy, and she looked too old to be true. But the moment she appeared, Su Li recognized her.

The old woman in Lao Liutou’s home in Lihe Village!

He had seen it when he went to Lihe Village!

Now, this old woman is here? To support the cause and effect?

At this time, the old woman obviously didn't know about the existence of 'Su Li'. She took two steps forward with a hunched back, and her gray beard curled up at the corners of her mouth. She looked a little funny because she was an old woman. Isn't it strange that an old woman has a beard?

But since she is a powerful Weird, this is not surprising at all.

At this time, the old woman was leaning on a cane and wearing a gray-black linen robe. She was holding a handful of half-rotten bones and debris in her hand, which she scattered on the ground, feeding six skinny, ferocious and strange afterimages.

Each of these afterimages looks like a bloody skull, rotating and appearing from time to time, and then disappearing from time to time.

At the same time, when it appeared, there were gusts of wind and chill, and at the same time there was a sharp, ferocious laughter.

At this time, the old woman suddenly raised her head and glanced in the direction of Su Li's field of vision, as if Su Li at this moment was the 'red sun' of this world.

The old woman's crutch poked the ground, and after she withdrew her gaze, she glanced at Ning Caichen, Nie Xiaoqian, Zhuge Liuyun, and Yan Hongye.

Finally, her eyes fell on Ning Caichen.

It's good to come, it's good to come.

She spoke softly, her throat seemed to be covered with tumors, and her voice was hoarse and sinister, a bit mind-numbing.

But the moment the voice came out, she raised her hand like lightning and pointed towards Ning Caichen.

Ning Caichen's eyes narrowed and he froze in place, as if he had no reaction at all.

Seeing that Ning Caichen was about to be killed with just one move, Nie Xiaoqian suddenly turned into a ray of purple light and turned into a mysterious warship shadow, blocking the sudden fatal blow.

But at this time, the crutch actually manifested its true form on the spot, and it turned out to be an imitation of the 'God Beating Whip' similar to the 'God Beating Whip'.

Therefore, if this crutch really stabbed Ning Caichen, it would probably be enough for Ning Caichen to drink a pot.

When Su Li saw this scene, he thought of something thoughtfully.

Once, when he was checking Que Xinyan's files for the next seven days, he saw a broken monument showing the murder method.

At that time, it was Que Xinyan who stood up and blocked the fatal blow aimed at him, thus preventing his soul from being cut off.

But, all that will happen in the file in the next seven days.

In reality, that scene did not actually happen, because in reality, Que Xinyan did not participate in such a thing.

But this time, Nie Xiaoqian stepped forward to block the fatal blow aimed at Ning Caichen. What does this mean?

(The second 6,000-word update is here~ The 20,000-word update is completed today~ It’s a bit short, but it took more than 14 hours to write these two chapters today. It’s really difficult to write~ Please forgive me~ Please continue to ask for full subscriptions and monthly passes~Thank you, and, Thank you very much to the book friends 'Reading the Genuine Edition for the Divine Calculation' with a reward of 5,000 starting coins for your support. Thank you very much to the book friends 'Zi~chen', 'Yanhan', and 'Book Friends 201811232133576867' for your support of 600 starting coins each. Thank you very much to the book friends 'Jingyouzhiren' and 'Huanyue'er' each receive a reward of 300 starting coins for their support~ Many thanks to the book friends 'Daxia Can Cook', 'izrail', and 'Book Friends 20200206153720840' for their support with a reward of 100 starting coins each~)

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