I pretend to be a fortune teller in a fantasy world

Chapter 271: Huge Debt, Light Blue Heart

In this world, since it is an archive world, and since he is Su Li, he must be the Creator.

Therefore, he will definitely be hinted not to mess around this time.

And the fact is exactly the same.

All aspects of the situation truly showed that he could not mess around at all, but truly 'listening to the results' told him that the outcome was already determined.

Nie Xiaoqian, Yan Hongye and others will all die.

So what does it matter whether you mess around or not?

Su Li meditated on the scene at Hangu Pass in the Huangji Jingshi Shu, and at the same time, he tried to activate the ability of Tianji Listening.

He originally wanted to see what was written in the book on the other side, but this time, perhaps because he was in the 'archive world', he opened the Huangji Jingshi Shu and Huangji Jingshi Shu in a very bizarre way. With the 'Tianji Listening' function, his vision suddenly experienced a very strange change.

At this moment, his vision seemed to have been raised to a whole new level and height, and he crossed the endless void and saw a magical scene.


Vaguely, thunder appeared in the ears, and light spots exploded in the void from time to time.

Then, he saw in Hangu Pass, a young man in white holding a creation pen and a page from the Other Shore, trying to describe something.

Su Li thought for a while and then directly zoomed in a little closer.

Is he afraid of being discovered by Su Wangchen?

He is not afraid, because he doesn't care. First of all, if he were an enemy head-on, Su Wangchen would have already taken ten Hidden Dragon Pills.

Ten Hidden Dragon Pills This is an unimaginable level because Su Wangchen already knows that the Heavenly Dao of this world has always wanted to make Guixu repeat the prehistoric times!

And he dares to speak out to the system unscrupulously, which is already very scary!

Whether this is intentional or not, the truth involved is horrifying!

Assuming that this statement is unintentional, this shows that ten Hidden Dragon Pills can definitely transform intelligence to an unimaginable extreme!

Even the way of heaven can be calculated at will to the extreme!

This means that Su Wangchen is completely unscrupulous to a certain extent!

And based on his performance, is this the case?

For now, that is indeed the case!

Therefore, just with the ten Hidden Dragon Pills, you can imagine how incredible his intelligence is!

Su Li himself only took three Hidden Dragon Pills.

After three Hidden Dragon Pills, he knew he had reached a certain limit.

In the archive world, when he didn't have enough knowledge, he took three Hidden Dragon Pills. At that time, he just wanted to eat people.

Su Li didn't know what Su Wangchen had become after eating ten Hidden Dragon Pills, but he had an idea of ​​what he would become like.

Maybe, the Su Wangchen before taking these ten Hidden Dragon Pills was still Su Li.

But after eating it, Su Wangchen was no longer him.

This is actually more like a kind of self-salvation, or like a split personality.

One person split into two people.

And what is Su Wangchen's situation now?

Su Wangchen was like a gambler. He gambled wildly and excessively, resulting in an ending similar to that of wife and family were separated and the family was destroyed. Then, full of regret, he cut off one of his own hands to make it clear that he would never gamble again in the future.

As a result, that hand grew into a brand new Su Wangchen, who stopped gambling at all.

But the original Su Wangchen continued to gamble wildly, and even found out that the arm he chopped off was surprisingly good at gambling but didn't like gambling, so he would find a way, not only to gamble himself, but also to let that arm Come and pay off his debt!

These are the two paths in life, one thought becomes a god, the other a thought becomes a devil.

Su Li knew himself well, so when he was in the archive world for the first time, he actually thought about a problem. Since it was a virtual reality world, he could completely indulge himself.

You can do whatever dirty things you want!

For example, in the world of archives, you become a god, and then there are seventy-two concubines in the three palaces and six courtyards, living in debauchery every day...

Can he do this?

In the archive world, he can really do it, and it is much easier than meditating on the Chaos Clock to destroy the world!

But he didn't do this, because he knew very well at that time that such self-indulgence could only happen once or countless times.

Once you do it for the first time, you'll never look back.

Therefore, he never thinks highly of his own willpower. He knows that he can't resist such temptation, that is, he can't resist it.

He has always been very self-aware and never thought that he was really an awesome Plath-level figure.

Therefore, when Ning Caichen showed alienation towards Nie Xiaoqian, and Ning Caichen suddenly took the initiative to show kindness, then this could never be Su Li's style.

Because he was self-aware, especially after drinking Jiuyao Wenxin Tea, he had already figured out these things without even taking the first Hidden Dragon Pill.

And if Ning Caichen can draw with the pen of creation, how could he not have taken Qianlong Pill at the time point in this story?

His painting skills have reached a superb level, which is obviously impossible to achieve without sufficient intelligence and without taking Hidden Dragon Pill!

If he had taken the Hidden Dragon Pill and was still so ignorant of himself, then this person could not be Su Li.

It was based on this suspicion that Su Li deduced bit by bit and combined with Tianji's ability to listen, peeled away the key issues hidden in it, and let the truth surface.

This issue is a very critical and fatal issue.

For the same self, one took a path of eternal destruction, while the other chose a path that yearned for the light.

So, how should I deal with myself who has fallen into the abyss of darkness?

At this moment, Su Li had basically determined something like the level of realm and the level of life foundation in this world.

Su Wangchen's level 37 living system is not as good as his dead level 11 system with a 4-star level.

Moreover, Su Wangchen probably didn't even know that the 'Tianji Listening' function had been turned on, and he could even peek into the communication process between Su Wangchen and the system.

This is Su Li's greatest heritage now.

This is a conclusion drawn from considering Su Wangchen's motives completely in the worst direction.

So, assuming that this time he was in such a situation, it was Su Wangchen's intention!

Yes, even if it is intentional, what will happen?

Because Su Wangchen is a coquettish and arrogant person, no one will ever think there is anything wrong with any of Su Wangchen's actions. But there is one person who will, and this person is the other Su Wangchen, that is, Su Li.

So, therefore, Su Wangchen unscrupulously said that he had eaten ten Hidden Dragon Pills, and Lian Tiandao wanted to get Honghuang out of Guixu and make Guixu truly Guixu!

Suppose this was said intentionally!

So why do you say this? Who should I tell it to?

Obviously, given Su Wangchen's intelligence, doesn't he know that his communication with the system is actually only known to him and the system, but not to any other gods or even the will of heaven that exists in the laws of heaven itself? ?

And if he meant to say this, he must tell Su Li.

So, what did Su Wangchen do?

When you started to let Nie Xiaoqian die, you started to attack Nie Xiaoqian. Why did you do it then?

Could it be that he was testing whether 'Su Li' was here?

At that time, Su Li wanted to intervene, but an invisible force stopped him from interfering.

At that time, he thought it was Ning Caixu, the actor who played Ning Caichen. Now it seems that it may or may not be the case.

Regardless of whether it is true or not, but if this is a judgment to determine whether 'Su Li' has come or not, then what did Su Wangchen do next before he started to say that 'Tiandao' hopes that 'the prehistoric times will happen again'?

Before that, Su Wangchen did something.

When Nie Xiaoqian turned into a fierce spirit and rushed towards him, Su Wangchen suddenly manifested a skeletal face half burning with blood-colored flames. It looked like a face that had been burned by a fire and was disfigured, plus the blood-stained skull mask. cheeks...


At that time, Su Wangchen suddenly screamed wildly, then moved the disfigured skeleton's face close to Xiaoqian's face, bared his teeth, and exposed his fangs like a zombie.


Nie Xiaoqian screamed in fright and took several steps back, almost staggering and falling.

Then, at that time, Su Wangchen put his hands on his hips and laughed wildly like Master Xing with his hands on his hips!

At that time, Su Li saw this scene and couldn't bear to look directly at it, thinking that Su Wangchen was a mentally retarded idiot250!

Then, if Su Wangchen had already eaten ten Hidden Dragon Pills at that time.

So is he really stupid?

What did he do at that time?

Su Li recalled carefully.

After that scene, Su Wangchen specifically mentioned some lines from Westward Journey, saying that Nie Xiaoqian's crush was a peerless hero and that one day he would ride on the colorful auspicious clouds...

Nie Xiaoqian sighed at that time: I'm afraid I guessed the beginning, but not the ending.

This sentence is obviously Su Wangchen's deliberate guidance.

So, what is the ending of Westward Journey?

The ending is that the Supreme Treasure carries the golden hoop on his back, puts on the tightening spell, and then embarks on the road to obtain scriptures.

And when he left, Zixia and Sunset Warrior pointed at him and scolded him, Look, that man looks like a dog!

At that moment, Su Li's heart trembled inexplicably.

If Su Wangchen really did it on purpose, there are three pieces of evidence.

The first one is that the scary ghost manifests his identity in black robe and exposes himself.

The second one made Su Li pay attention through the complete reversal of his personality and the temptation to secretly manipulate her.

The third one is to tell Su Li that Su Wangchen is now a dog. Is this implying that Su Wangchen is like a Supreme Treasure, wearing a tightening curse? So this is a cry for help?

Then why can’t this kind of thing be said in reality but in the archive world? And it's so obscure?

Su Li couldn't help but think of the word splitting game that Su Wangchen played with him.

This may be the only way to communicate in a special way.

Of course, the Book of the Other Side is also possible, but it must be extremely restrictive.

If this is the case, then the world will be even more dangerous.

Of course, in addition to this, there is a third level!

The third level is the scariest.

The third layer is built on the first and second layers, that is, Su Wangchen set up the first and second rounds.

The goal is game three.

What does this mean?

That is, Su Wangchen's first-level purpose is real, and the second-level purpose is a supplement to the first-level purpose. If the first purpose fails and the second purpose manifests, he will have a 'reversal' room.

But the actual purpose is that the third level purpose, which is similar to the first level purpose, is that Su Wangchen wants to resurrect the system.

Because Su Wangchen killed the system, Su Wangchen, without the system, encountered an unprecedented crisis, a fatal crisis.

So he needed to find a way to restore the system, so he locked the control of the dead system, including the core permissions 'Light Blue', and cut out a brand new one that had no 'causal connection' with him. He himself, that is, Su Li, left the system empty to Su Li.

Now, as long as Su Li continues to grow and activate the system, the authority will be taken back when the system is revived.

After Light Blue is resurrected, he will be snatched away.

And the life of his tool man is coming to an end. This is the situation of Hua Zili and Hua Ziyan. They are already two complete people.

Whoever dies then, the other one will earn blood!

Such a truth is undoubtedly very, very cruel and cruel.

But whatever the truth is, is it the first, the second, or the third.

It doesn't matter, because Su Wangchen ignored a very crucial point!

After condensing many thoughts, Su Li's vision gradually became clearer.

At this time, he looked at Su Wangchen, who was holding a fortune pen and writing the book on the other side, and his field of vision gradually narrowed to three feet above his head.

At this time, Su Wangchen still didn't notice anything.

Not only did he not notice anything, he also opened the system panel.

However, the system panel at this time was already dark, just like Su Li's system panel, completely without luster.

However, Su Li saw that the functions on the system panel were not very clear in detail.

Although it is not clear, it does not have the function of heaven's cause and effect, nor the function of heaven's listening.

At the same time, none of those functions has a star rating.

Even the system itself doesn't have stars.

When Su Li looked over, there was still a faint force of thunder exploding where Hangu Pass was located, as if there was some chaos in time.

Su Li looked at the level of this gray-black system. He could clearly see that the system level had reached level 59.

This was a level that even Su Li could not imagine.

But at such a high level, just like Su Wangchen himself complained about Qian Lan, not even a single star was raised.

It seems that this time, just in case, I still have to take away his secret value, and then I will pretend to help him open the 'Archival World'.

It's a pity that because he is me, I can't be too malicious, otherwise the system functions will be abnormal.

But he can't personally participate in this matter. I designed a puzzle for him. If he answers wrongly, it means he will encounter danger when he goes in, so he won't be allowed in.

This is for his own good. Then I will make a photocopy directly through the file and he can just go in and make a photocopy.

Unfortunately, I no longer have a real body, only a spiritual consciousness exists.

If not, it wouldn't be a big deal to retrain them.

So, for this question, let's set up a few traps and try them on him to see what level of intelligence he is currently at.

Soon, Su Wangchen wrote the corresponding title on the other side book.

Then, he started to connect to the second question.

The second question was quickly set by him.

At the same time, he also set the corresponding answers and results.

However, after setting it up, he fell into deep thought again.

According to his situation, the possibility of getting the answer right is very slim, but what if he gets the answer right? He is very rational, but more emotional, which is something I don't have.

So, we still need to take precautions.

If the answer is correct, I'm afraid he will notice it and even think that I am full of malice... But is this what I want? Yes or no?

“So, what you leave behind needs to be just right.”

But it doesn't matter. Since he is the 'soul of heaven and man containing the source of hope' that I cut out, he must be a person who values ​​emotions. I will live towards death and fulfill him with death. This does not violate the principles of the system. .”

But, it seems to be a success, but it is actually for the follow-up plan... But is this my original intention? Yes or no?

The system is dead, but depending on his condition, he can still get items out of the system. There should be hope of resurrecting the system. Let's give it a try.

Light blue, light blue, where is my light blue?

Maybe...just think about it by chance. Maybe I am lucky after all, right?

As long as he is busy running around and repairing time faults, he will definitely not notice this.

Of course, it doesn't matter if you notice it. It doesn't matter. I am him in the past, present and future, so he won't doubt it. After all, I am his 'future'.

It doesn't matter if you have doubts. It's easiest to do things by yourself and forgive yourself, isn't it?

In this way, all hidden dangers can be eliminated.

Furthermore, the message in the book on the other side will definitely change due to my situation and will be erased. It seems that I told him some truth, but in fact he can't get anything.

Even if you can actually get a glimpse of it one day, there are still many traps in it.

So, no matter what, I actually don't have any losses. Let's give it a try. There's actually no big loss if we give it a try. It's just a few billions of chance points. Killing a bunch of those despicable bastards is enough. .”

Su Wangchen thought in his mind.

These are not words spoken, but the voice of his heart, his thoughts in a systematic meditative state.

But apparently he didn't know that by meditating on past experiences, Su Li also turned on the 'Heavenly Secret Listening', and with the blessing of the 'Creator' of the archive world, he was able to listen to this scene in the past.

It can be seen from this that a wise man will make a mistake every time he thinks.

And Su Wangchen was so smart, even if he had thought of everything, would he have thought of 'Tianji Listening'?

Would you have thought that the system could be upgraded to 4 stars at level 11?

What's going on with the system star upgrade? How did you get a star?

Su Wangchen obviously didn't know this.

When people don’t know, they will have big cognitive misunderstandings and defects.

At this time, it has nothing to do with the level of intelligence.

Therefore, if you really want to surpass Su Wangchen, you can only use the ability of 'Heavenly Secret Listening'.

Will the ability to listen deeply be discovered? !

What if we add a system with four rising stars? !

At this moment, Su Li was completely sure that the system with stars would instantly kill the system without stars!

The system of rising stars is the correct usage of the system!

Moreover, when using the system, you must believe in the system and not let the system believe in you. According to what Su Wangchen said, he is one of the system's selectors and the more suitable one.

And the system is already willing to die for him at any time. Why is such a system worth trying to steal from you, Su Wangchen?

As a result, you want the system to trust you, instead of you trusting the system?

You upgraded the system to the terrifying level 59 and still can’t get a star?

So, no matter how high your level is, if you can’t do it, you just can’t...

Comparing this situation, Su Li couldn't help but think of his own current state and level of life.

He is still considered to have no realm now, but because of the extremely high level of life foundation, now he is standing and letting the former Hua Yunxiao Yun Wanchu kill them, and they can't break his defense.

And if he were to attack the former Hua Yunxiao and Yun Wanchu, he would be able to kill them instantly with just one look.

Su Li had already tested this point in the battle with the weird Tianjiao. He showed one ten thousandth of his strength, but he killed the weird Tianjiao with one punch.

Then Su Wangchen is so smart, I guess he must have discovered that the way to open the system is wrong, or he has reached a dead end, thinking that the system cannot be upgraded until it reaches level 100.

So he thought that my system can be used, but the level is not high, and it also has no star rating.

But he doesn't know that there are actually secret values ​​and cause and effect, and if you add one thing, you can rise to the stars.

But it is a pity that he completely lost just that kind of thing. Therefore, it can be basically determined that his purpose was game one or game three.

The so-called Game 2 should be true, but if you do it yourself, you will not survive.

There are always many things in this world that we can choose to forgive ourselves for, and there are also some things that I will choose not to forgive myself for.

When you abandon your own conscience and bottom line and completely degenerate into a devil, on this day, please don't complain about the world and the harsh conditions of the world. Because even if you were me, I would leave you!

You deserve the so-called betrayal of everyone, the so-called betrayal of everyone! It's not the world that's wrong, it's you who are wrong!

No matter whether this time is right or wrong, I, Su Li, will make a clean break with you!

From now on, no matter whether you are sincere, kind or friendly, you have done this to put me in danger of life and death and a dark abyss. You even directly used 'File Copy' on me, forcing me to temporarily The soul of the activated system was taken away...

Then I will never forgive you.

In your mind, the system is just a tool, an object that can be used at any time. Even if the system is not a child, if it can grow up, it will become your inflatable doll, a tool for venting!

But in my heart, even if she is dead, she is the most precious existence in my heart. Her existence is even more important than my own life.

The system is willing to die for you.

However, I am willing to die for the system, to win favor and to fight for hatred. Is it because the system failed to meet certain conditions of yours in the end that you hate the system? If this is you, then you are no longer me!

With this kind of me, I will despise myself for being dirty and disgusting!

When I got the system, I had already thought that the dragon slayer would eventually become an evil dragon?

My answer at that time was a firm no!

I won't be that dragon!

Perhaps, I am also hypocritical because I am not you, and I cannot personally experience your pain. Just like you are not me, and you cannot understand the pain in my heart after the deaths of Meier Mu Yuxi and Que Xinyan.

And if they die, I may also go crazy, become a demon, and kill the world.

But will I really?

I thought, I really can't.

Because, while they are alive, I will hope that the world will become better, and I will run towards the light and strive for a better future.

But if they don't exist, then the meaning of my existence will be meaningless.

Then destruction is not my goal, giving up is.

I will no longer seek revenge on the world, because when I give up fighting for the world, I think it should be the greatest revenge on the world.

That, perhaps, is the greatest evil the world is about to face.

Will a dragon slayer eventually turn into a dragon? I won't.

So, I always believe that hope stemming from true love can create miracles!

And you have always believed that despair that is willing to be dark can definitely create hell!

So, from now on, you and I will completely cut off the cause and effect!

Su Li closed the third field of vision and tortured his body, his heart, and his soul.

Then, he made the most determined and powerful voice in his body and mind.

At that moment, Su Li seemed to suddenly be freed from the shackles of this third field of vision.

It was as if suddenly, my body, mind, and soul experienced an inexplicable sublimation.

The colorful rays of light are like the laughter of children, the happy laughter of the light blue elf, the sound of rustling quickly turning the book, and the long sighs of the mysterious man and woman. Sounds of emotion sounded at the same time.

disappeared at the same time.

At that moment, Su Li's eyes suddenly glowed.

That kind of brilliance comes from the unknown void and disappears from the unknown void.

But Su Li found that his system panel appeared on its own.

On it, there is a beautiful light blue shadow.

The shadow was a little blurry.

But those shadows soon and suddenly manifested a poem.

This poem, which Su Li liked very much in his previous life, comes from Xiang Yu's Gaixia Song.

The strength is overwhelming and the energy is unparalleled. When times are unfavorable, good things never fade away. Nothing can be done if the glory is not gone! Yuxi, Yuxi, what can I do!

When such a poem appeared, Su Li was stunned for a moment, and then realized that this might be some kind of prompt given to him by the system.

He used to like this poem very much, and he also specially made an ancient and modern translation of this poem.

This is a magnificent song that can shock the gods and weep ghosts. It expresses Xiang Yu's resentful and helpless mood when he was surrounded by the Han army.

It seemed that he was in the same desperate state of mind as he was facing foreign enemies and Su Wangchen's murderous situation.

The normal translation he once gave to this sentence is: He is so powerful that he can shake mountains and rivers, and he is so extraordinary that he is unparalleled in the world; the world is unfavorable, and the black horse will no longer run. What can I do if the horse stops running? Yu Ji, Yu Ji, what should I do?

Its more modern translation is: I used to be so awesome, but now I have too few ideas and I am being chased for debts everywhere. What should I do if my BMW runs out of gas on the way to escape and there are no gas stations nearby? ! It seems like I can’t run away. My wife, what should I do? !

Su Li immediately thought of this situation through this poem.

However, for a moment, he suddenly felt that the system... this system... was a little naughty.

So this is?

System wife, what should I do?

Light blue little dear, dear, what should I do?

Su Li thought for a while and tried to ask in his heart.

That poem is very vague.

But at this time, when Su Li was thinking this, suddenly, those vague words and confused auras all gathered together, and all converged on the dark stars on the system panel.

Suddenly, Su Li discovered that his system had gained a star!

【Life File System☆☆☆☆☆(Light Blue)】

Level: 12

Secret value: -500 million.

Causal value: -150.

Function 10: Tianji Listening (Permanently activated) (Passive): In this world, there will always be a pair of eyes that can see the light from the darkness. Qinglan is willing to forever suppress the Lost Territory, and act as the master's eyes among the black kites, helping the master see the way forward, so that the master will no longer be confused from now on. Instructions for use: I am Qianlan, master. Qianlan has done it for you, but master, where are you? )

When Su Li saw this scene, his heart trembled.

Qian Lan is asking where her master is.

But, does she know that he is also asking: Qinglan, where are you?

Black kite?

Inexplicably, a trace of indescribable sadness grew from the bottom of my heart.

At that moment, even though Su Li was in a very strange 'third vision' state, he knew that he must have shed tears.

Because the third field of vision has become a little blurry, it is eyes blurred by tears.

After a while, Su Li looked at the only five lit stars on the black and white system, and fell into a long silence.

He was not an idiot. From the fact that Su Wangchen kept asking the system to advance the secret value and causality value before, he already understood that this was probably how the system was used to death by Su Wangchen.

But now, he didn't ask for anything, he just made some ambitions in his heart. As a result, the system was upgraded.

When debts are upgraded, the system takes the initiative to take on debts to upgrade and increase stars.

Why, because I am afraid that he with four stars may still be in Su Wangchen's scheme and cannot be suppressed!

So at this time, the system that had just regained consciousness sacrificed itself, and it was basically finished.

Just like this time, the system's move should have completely crushed Su Wangchen's plan.

Why does the system do this?

Just because he, Su Li, had made a great wish in his heart that he would not be an evil dragon, so the system foolishly came up with such information.

This is such a...silly girl.

I, Su Li, am so virtuous and capable!

If I were the kind of person Su Wangchen was, wouldn't you be completely committing injustice by doing this?

Although I am very touched, you will definitely suffer a loss if you act like this, girl!

Su Li murmured in his heart. He stared at the system panel for a long time, and it took a while before his blurry vision gradually became clear.

At this time, he vaguely seemed to see a vague figure smiling sweetly at him.

That was a very real feeling.

Moreover, in this sense, he had a vague illusion that the figure was somewhat familiar.

However, the moment this feeling appeared, the figure immediately collapsed like a frightened rabbit.

Su Li sensed the surroundings again, but could no longer sense any familiar aura.

At this time, he looked at the system panel again.

The five stars on the system panel are still bright, but all other functions are dim. The tenth function has also disappeared.

It's as if it never existed at all.

However, Su Li knew that this function had been permanently activated. In his heart, including the 'sweet smile' he suddenly saw before, it was all presented by the function of 'Tianji Listening' .

Otherwise, with his ability, he wants to peek into the system?

That is obviously unrealistic!

When interacting with the system, time is always stagnant.

So when Su Li came to his senses and closed the system panel, Su Wangchen in white robe was still writing the book on the other side.

At this time, Su Li discovered that his vision was a whole world and was no longer limited to Su Wangchen.

Therefore, he changed his angle and calmly glanced at the book on the other side written by Su Wangchen with a very indifferent attitude.

In Su Li's eyes, Book of the Other Side directly manifested its prototype, which was the killed stand-in paper man.

Yes, the paper substitute, one of the ten paper substitutes, was killed by Su Wangchen and condensed into the pages of the Book of the Other Side.

And in this piece of paper, half of his face is condensed.

Therefore, in Su Li's eyes at this time, Su Wangchen had been disfigured, his flesh and blood was curled up, and he looked a bit ferocious.

However, he recovered quickly and is still recovering slowly.

The ink dipped in the pen of creation is his own blood.

But the written content is constantly changing, as if restricted by certain rules.

In the book on the other side, a very strange scene appeared.

And this scene is completely presented in the visual scene of Su Li's passive ability 'Tianji Di Ting' combined with the Huangji Jingshi Shu.

In other words, Su Li's two abilities restored the truth of the Book of the Other Side!

Book from the Other Side: I once received an adventure, or rather, it was not an adventure, but... an unprecedented crisis, and I may be the chosen one.

Real information: I once received an adventure. Or rather, it was not an adventure, but the world we live in has encountered an unprecedented crisis, and I may be the chosen one.

Book of the Other Shore (real information): This is just my guess.

The Book of the Other Shore (true information): When I had the adventure, my Qigong had been practiced to the point of my spine and I could no longer continue. I, you, should still have an impression of this.

The Book of the Other Side (True Information): But what happened after that, do you remember?

The Book of the Other Side (True Information): A total solar eclipse and a tengu swallowing the moon happened at the same time.

Book from the Other Side: That day, in the setting sun, I saw...

True information: That day, in the setting sun, I saw the blazing sun beheading people, and I saw the heavenly soul-crushing monument. The place where I landed was very familiar to me, and it was very close to me.

Book of the Other Side: That day, I activated the system, and I had a total of... opportunities. At that time, I...

Real information: That day, I had an adventure and activated the system. The rest was that I had a total of four opportunities to travel through time. At that time, I collected all the Chinese legends, poems, songs and other information. After storing it in the system, I chose Used the opportunity to travel through time!”

The Book of the Other Side: But... I didn't survive. The last chance to travel, I started to repair my destiny. I started to use the Huangji Jingshi Shu I bought from the system mall to check for deficiencies and fill in the gaps. I started to constantly The inference from the mural...

Real information: However, out of four opportunities, I used two time-travel opportunities and I failed to survive. However, I survived the third time-travel opportunity, but it was very unsatisfactory! So I am preparing to use the last time-travel opportunity. , I did not start repairing my destiny, but started to use the Huangji Jingshi Shu I purchased from the system mall to check for deficiencies and fill in the gaps, and started to make deductions based on the murals. However, Huangji Jingshi Shu is only entry-level, and the level It’s too low, and I have no way to upgrade this book. What’s even more terrifying is that I still have no way to upgrade the system. If I use all the capabilities of the system, I will soon be discovered by the gods.”

The Book of the Other Shore (real information): I have calculated everything, and then given the system after death to my next life. Yes, my next life, Su Wangchen, is actually still myself, but it is not Me.

The Book of the Other Side (real information): After reaching this point... I am completely powerless.

Book from the Other Side: Su Li, don't believe in the future because there is never a future.

Real information: Su Li, you still have a future, but I can't let you have a future, otherwise where will I go?

The Book of the Other Shore (real information): But the time gap in the past has always existed, so any point in time you are at is the present moment you are at!

Book from the Other Side (real information): This is the core advice I gave to Que De, Xia Xinning and others! I just hope they can tell you!

Book from the Other Side: Even now, I have been regretting and thinking of ways to save, but I have never been able to do it.

True information: Even now, I have been regretting and thinking of ways to remedy the situation. How can I resurrect Qianlan? Because without Qianlan, I know that even if I use all means to take ten Qianlong Pills, I still can't. There is no way to control this situation that is out of control. For the sake of that first lie, I have now lost countless stories to make up for it. So, you must work hard. If you don’t get up, how can I continue to be free? Don’t worry, I will finally I will give you a good home in Wangchenhuan, and then I will be Su Li, you will be Su Wangchen, and you will be the helmsman of Wangchenhuan.

Book of the Other Shore: Today, this is a brand new troubled world, it is also a dark era, it is an era of cloud waste, it is an era that requires pioneering and opening up wasteland instead of cloud-

Real information: Nowadays, this is a brand new troubled world, and it is also a dark era. It is an era of Yunhuang. It is an era that requires pioneering and opening up wasteland. It is also the era of Emperor Yun. The royal family is rising and thousands of races are standing in large numbers, but they must be united. If we hope to break the darkness, we must do something by inaction, and the fittest will naturally survive, survive from the laws of darkness, and bloom from the light.”

The Book of the Other Shore (True Information): Even under today's circumstances, even I am still just an ant.

The Book of the Other Shore (real information): But I have finally pushed this era in the right direction. Follow-up, as long as you make any choice, remember the series of judgments you made this time, basically I won’t go astray again.”

Book from the Other Shore: Besides, you must not believe the emperor.

Real information: In addition, you must not believe in the future, and you must not believe in Su Wangchen! You must believe that as long as you, Su Li, exist, you will be the royal family! If you rise, the royal family will rise! If you fall, the royal family will fall!

Su Li read The Book of the Other Side from beginning to end.

Then, this information naturally turned into various symbols and imprints, and silently flowed into Su Li's 'Tianji Listening' function, instead of being stored in the system panel paging.

At this moment, Su Li understood Su Wangchen's true plan.

It was also confirmed that Su Wangchen even knew that he, Su Li, could upgrade the system to stars, but he didn't know that Qianlan had a hand in it.

It's not that System Light Blue has reserved a hand, but that System Light Blue has been working hard to refresh the function of 'Tianji Listening', but it has been unable to be refreshed, so when it finally prepares to accumulate resources and refresh it, it is ready to give Su Wangchen a surprise. He tried to please him, but was used to death by Su Wangchen.

So this feature is gone forever and ever.

But this function is now available.

All conspiracies were revealed directly.

Is this function easy to use?

This feature is certainly useful.

But what's the difference between this kind of function and Qinglan's selling blood to earn money for him to eat and drink happily?

Su Li brought up the system and looked at the system panel again.

It seemed that the system was aware of some of his thoughts, so the Heavenly Secret and Causality values ​​on the system panel all turned to 0 again.

Then when Su Li continued to watch, the secret value became 500 million again, and the causal value was the normal 0 points.

But Su Li already understood in his heart.

At that moment, he meditated on the Huang Ji Jing Shi Shu and said with great piety: Light blue, permanently turn off the 'Heavenly Secret Listening' function.

Light Blue, I know you should be able to sense it, but now I really understand, and I may even know part of your origins.

But don't worry, I won't drink your blood and eat your flesh from now on, never again!

So, this function is invincible, but I know that I can't use it.

I'm not afraid of death, but I won't use your blood money to eat and drink. I can't do it.

So, I would rather die for you, give my last drop of blood, sweat, and tears for Meier Yuxi, Que Xinyan and the others, than let my own people suffer all the time.

This has never been my character, Su Li!

I already have a judgment in my heart and this ability to listen has been partially integrated into my blood. I already know what Su Wangchen is thinking.

Without Tingting, I will definitely not be his opponent, but as long as I believe that hope stemming from true love can create miracles, that's all.

I, Su Li, am not smart or capable, but I can be reckless! I can be unscrupulous, and I can never forget my original intention! Therefore, I can also be fearless!

Qing Lan, take back this function, and take back some functions that will drain your flesh and blood. I don't need these! If I want these functions, what's the difference between me and Su Wangchen?!

From now on, Su Wangchen is Su Wangchen, and Su Li is Su Li, forever and ever. Su Wangchen can never become Su Li, and Su Li will live forever and will never be Su Wangchen!

Su Li gathered his obsession.

In an instant, the system panel shook violently, and the void above Hangu Pass seemed to be about to explode.

This world is filled with endless thunder and lightning.

Su Wangchen below noticed the changes in the world, immediately rolled up the creation pen, activated the archive world, and fled on the spot on a bull.

At this time, Su Li saw him entering this area.

At this time, the system panel in front of Su Li suddenly fell into darkness again.

The five bright stars, although dim, are still lit.

However, whether it was the secret value or the causal value, Su Li was extremely moved.

【Life File System☆☆☆☆☆(Light Blue)】

Level: 12

Secret value: ,9627.

Causal value: -9310.

Function 1: Life files: You can consume the secret value to view the past and present life files of the living body, and can block some fake files.

Function 2: Control the future: You can consume a certain amount of secret points to view the life files of the living body in the next seven days.

Function 3: Tianji Mall: In the early morning of every Monday, the mall will randomly refresh a Tianji item, which can be purchased with Tianji points. Items can be refreshed three times per week (system rebates have been canceled twice).

Function 4: The heart of the world: There is no reason to convince people, and there is no heaven to listen, but you can have the heart of the world.

Function 5: True and Void Realization☆☆☆: Consume a large amount of secret points, lock the time of the current world unchanged, and enter the archive world where Control the Future is in the form of an archive character. During the period of ‘True and Void Realization’, only system functions 1, 3, 4, 6, and 7 can be used.

Auxiliary function bonus file copy...

Function 6: Heavenly Secret Chaos☆☆: Consume Heavenly Secret points to brand the viewed ‘Controlling the Future’ Heavenly Secret files as ‘Deduction Illusion’, and pull the living body into the illusion, experience the illusion, and understand the future Heavenly Secret.

Function 7: Exquisite Tianji☆☆: Exquisite chess game, using the heaven and earth as the chessboard, and the common people as the creation, to evolve the scene (the Tianji points can be consumed, and the Tianji files of Control the Future or True Void Realization must be modified to a certain extent, and then spent The value of heaven's secret is derived from the exquisite chess game, making the chess pieces mistakenly believe that it is on their own whim, resulting in a mysterious connection between heaven and man. During use, it is necessary to determine the equivalence of the souls of the chess pieces to derive the true and virtual intensity of the corresponding scene. The stronger the causal connection, the more heaven's secrets can be obtained The greater the value.)

Function 8: Tianji Star Transformation (Passive) (the system repost function has been cancelled): Star rating is improved, and functions are transformed.

Function 9: Heaven's secret cause and effect (passive) (limit 10 causes and effects) (the system reverse function has been cancelled): Heaven's secret causes and effect, cause and effect expands the heaven's secret, transcends the three realms, and is not in the five elements.

Function 10: Tianji Listening (passive) (the system sacrifice function has been cancelled): In this world, there will always be a pair of eyes that can see the light from the darkness. Qinglan is willing to forever suppress the Lost Territory, and serve as the master's eyes among the black kites, helping the master to see the way forward, so that the master will no longer be confused from now on...

Now, Su Li discovered the true function of the system, and at the same time saw clearly the number of his true destiny values ​​and the number of causal values.

Tianji is worth 263.1 billion in debt.

The vast majority of the 250 billion Heavenly Secret Values ​​are obtained by purchasing the Huangji Jingshi Book, the One Qi Three Purities technique and External Incarnation and using the Huangji Jingshi Book to upgrade various skills. owed.

Moreover, the Qing Emperor Palace, the massacre in the sky, etc., the fortune value in those scenes was also owed a lot.

This is all silently subsidized by the system.

Su Li used his core authority to call up a hidden system bill...

Only then did he realize that if he continued to suck blood like this, the system would be used to death by him.

And why do high-rated reviews have high ratings?

Because as long as the world is destroyed, a massive amount of secret value can be obtained.

Among them, the system will also intercept most of them and use them to pay off debts on its own.

The remaining fraction will reward him and encourage him.

Therefore, in fact, the system has been losing blood.

But the system didn't tell him whether the corresponding information could be presented based on the system's capabilities?

Obviously it can be presented through the system panel, but the system has never mentioned it.

If he hadn't suddenly noticed it this time, he would probably

Thinking of the scene where the system almost crashed when he tried to continue upgrading the technique of One Qi and Three Purities after the Emperor's Classic had been upgraded a lot...

Su Li suddenly felt very uncomfortable.

If the system were a person, wouldn't it mean that after wiping it like this, that person would be completely wiped out and lose all sense of existence? Sometimes it exists and sometimes it disappears?

Su Li sighed sadly. At this time, he no longer wanted to buy any goods at Tianji Mall.

This is not an extreme thing, but he knows very well that after carrying so much, every purchase is sucking the blood of the system.

The blood river in Tianchi must be drained.

That time, Tianchi Blood River harvested almost 3 billion secret points.

As long as I lead by example, manage the blood river well, and work hard, I will be able to revive the system.

However, there is no loss in meditation in the bill. On the contrary, every time you meditate on the Emperor's Sutra, you can improve your proficiency in the Emperor's Sutra.

At the same time, using the Huangji Jingshi to cooperate with the system's active functions is also the right direction. This has a certain bonus to the fortune value, but this bonus is recorded in the bill, so there is usually no If you turn it on, you won’t be able to see it.”

But it doesn't matter. As long as you don't use the Emperor's Classic to upgrade your skills, as long as you don't refresh it in a targeted manner, and as long as you don't want to buy heaven-defying props, you won't let the system go backwards.

Tianji Mall is equivalent to an investment. Three refresh opportunities...are enough.

“That’s the correct use of the system.”

In addition, my initial judgment about the direction of the archive world was correct. It is for unlimited trial and error! Because the system can guarantee the bottom line, and once it is destroyed, there will be no loss of reality, but a massive amount of fortune points can be obtained!

This shows that God still has a glimmer of mercy after all, giving people a glimmer of hope to avoid destruction!

And what I need to do is to use the most correct way to cultivate the system and raise the system, and then I can truly have a future.

Su Li gradually determined the direction.

Then, he silently glanced at Hangu Pass below, then looked at the flashing purple thunder and lightning, and said: This is when I was meditating on the Huangji Sutra, then, at the same time, at this time I, the heart of the mortal world, am the original version of 'Heaven's Secret Listening' should be activated.

Therefore, the stars on the system panel should also have lit up at that time.

This opportunity is Su Wangchen’s opportunity, and it’s also my opportunity.

At that time, I made a prediction for myself.

Su Li meditated, made a divination, and passed on the past through the Huangji Jingshi Shu.

At the same time, the hexagrams in the Huangji Jingshi Shu directly changed the hexagrams he divined.

From a bad Shuileitun hexagram, he forcibly changed it into the Shangshang hexagram of 'Fengleiyi hexagram'.

After finishing this scene, Su Li pondered for a long time, but did not remind him through the Emperor's Classic of Worlds.

In this place, he can remind his previous self, but the time is too short because the previous self has just entered the 'Qingyun Tomb'.

That's why reminders not only do bad things, but also cause a series of chain reactions.

Moreover, the time fault point here opens the archive world, and he cannot take it by force, otherwise it will only alert the enemy.

gone back.

As soon as Su Li had a thought, all the images disappeared immediately.

The next moment, Su Li's consciousness returned to the third field of vision.

But at this time, he discovered that he could exist independently from Ning Caichen.

He is still the third vision, but it is no longer limited to Ning Caichen.

He can come to anyone at any time.

Su Li looked at the system panel again and the system had turned dark again.

However, the memory he has that is locked into the 'Heart of the World', that is, the 'Tianji Listening', is intact and not affected in any way.

Not much time has passed, let's see what they are doing.

While Su Li was pondering, his vision descended to the heights of the void.

At this time, he saw that Nie Xiaoqian, Yan Hongye, Zhuge Liuyun, and Ning Caichen had already left Wuli Town and were preparing to go to Lanruo Temple. Temple place.

(PS: This chapter has 14,000 words. I have written it since morning. Many parts are very difficult to write. I hope you all like it. I hope you can all subscribe to this book and vote for a monthly ticket. Thank you. Also, I am very grateful to my book friends. 'Qidian Coin reward support~ Many thanks to the book friends 'Yan Han', 'Tianhe Handao', and 'White Film' for 500 Qidian coins each. ~ Many thanks to the book friends 'Zhen Second Hand' and 'Liu Feng Qiuwu' for 200 Qidian coins each. Coin reward support~)

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