I pretend to be a fortune teller in a fantasy world

Chapter 266 The future has come, Hou Yi is good at shooting

Su Li's whole body felt numb.

This is not to be scared, but to be shown.

At this moment, with this feeling, he really wanted to recite a poem and spit out the fragrance——

Was I such a slutty person before?

No, this is not the fucking me I used to be. This seems to be the thing from the future that came from a time node?

But based on my current stability, I am already as stable as a mountain!

Taishan is still sitting in the restricted area of ​​my memory!

Do I still give myself such a problem?

Su Li simply couldn't think of Sister Qi, no, he couldn't understand it.

Does this question need an answer?

Clearly something needs to be answered.

But the question is certainly not simple—why not?

The answer seems to be obvious, but there are at least several layers involved - you know, what kind of good person can that hot chicken be that can ask such a question?

The person who knows you best in this world is always your future self!

Therefore, if you answer this kind of question without thinking, you can only rely on confusion.

And if it's wrong, it won't be helpful this time.

In other words, even if you are right, with the urine of this 'hot chicken', there will definitely be a next level!

The Tomb of the Great Emperor turned into the exam he hated the most, and it was an exam question asked by the person who knew him best - Su Li felt really tired.

Su Li stared at the book on the other side for several minutes without making an immediate choice.

Is it simple? This question is very simple.

Choice D must be correct, right?

But D is actually the first one to be eliminated.


Because he lives in regret - if he had his life to do over again, apart from finding a way to survive, it would not involve too much cause and effect, and don't fool around!

In other words, it is okay to cheat, but don’t draw too big a pie, otherwise wouldn’t the result be back to the current predicament again?

This is the transit area of ​​the Tomb of the Great Emperor, which is equivalent to an independent time fault point space.

And in the future, he can only rely on the Book of the Other Side to convey information, and even the way to open the information must rely on the word splitting method!

This method is something that even the gods cannot understand.

Because those gods can only recognize a limited number of Chinese characters.

This way of transmitting information actually implicitly illustrates a problem - the past for the future (that is, Su Li's present) cannot be changed at will, and it has an upper limit.

Therefore, the role of the book on the other side is reflected.

The influence and scope are very limited.

It's like he went back 20,000 years ago. What impact can it have?

Unless the causal value is arranged and forcibly intervened, the places that can be changed are indeed very, very limited.

Of course, even if there are no restrictions, can he change it at will?

No, because his future is extended based on past development, just like a house is built with an unstable foundation, and then the foundation is dug out and rebuilt?

This is unrealistic - all that can be done is small-scale repairs without damaging the foundation of the house.

This is the case at this time.

Although he despised the future 'hot chicken''s flirtatious behavior, it did not prevent Su Li from answering the questions seriously.

Because he also knew very well that relying on divination this time would be useless. What he relied on was his true intelligence at this moment.

The reason why option D cannot be selected is that this is where the Great Emperor's tomb is located, and it is most likely the corresponding world of the story background of Lan Ruo Temple, Nie Xiaoqian and Ning Caichen - an independent small world, and it will definitely be integrated into it next The small world in the forbidden area of ​​​​memory is returned to the return to ruins.

This is the option that most directly corresponds to this cause and effect, but this fatal disaster of life and death comes from this option!

What did he regret most before?

I regretted telling a lot of stories because of my loose tongue, but the real reason I regretted it was that Xia Xinyan, Mu Yuxi, and Meier were all killed this time.

Why are Mu Yufei and Xia Xinning begging him not to kill indiscriminately?

Because all the loved ones around me are dead.

With nothing to look forward to and a heart filled with despair, what's the point of being alive if he doesn't kill everyone inside and destroy the world?

Therefore, Xia Xinning not only protects her sister Xia Xinyan, but also protects Xia Xinyan from going crazy!

However, neither Xia Xinning nor Mu Yufei mentioned this.

But Su Li had read Mu Yuxi's life files for the next seven days and knew part of them.

So, why the regret, why are the eyes full of blood and tears?

It's because this story shouldn't be told.

Now, the future self gave the present self a chance - a chance to answer a question, but he ended up telling this story at the beginning? Are you continuing to use the wireless matryoshka doll to insert yourself into it?

Suppose that he in the future has a chance to change his destiny, give him a choice now, and let him decide the beginning of his past - if he chooses this opening.

In the future, he will definitely vomit out a mouthful of old blood, kneel on the ground and kowtow: Brother, I kneel down and kowtow to you, please be a human being? I have worked hard until now to fight for a glimmer of hope. Did you ruin it for me again?!!!

Could this be the case?

Su Li didn't know.

But even if there was a chance of one in a trillion, he couldn't be careless.

Wrong is wrong - but option D, the information related to the Tomb of the Great Emperor, must not be contaminated!

Not only must the corresponding cause and effect not be contaminated, but the corresponding cause and effect must be eliminated.

Su Li thought of this and suddenly felt vaguely that he had grasped something.

If I choose the right answer, then this time, let me play the role of the 'Black Mountain Old Demon' (the Supreme Demon) and complete the engagement with 'Xia Xinyan' (Nie Xiaoqian).

Xiaoqian was originally married to the old demon from Montenegro, wasn't she?

And once Nie Xiaoqian finally 'returns to the sun', the three of Que Xinyan will be completely integrated, right?

So, can 'Ning Caichen' come out this time? I'll be the one to play, right?

Then, there is my own true character - the Emperor of Heaven, a passer-by?

And then there's Yan Chixia, the demon slayer, right? The Xuanyuan Heavenly Evil Sword is all assigned to me.

Xia Xinning is right. If I were not me or in the 'Guixu Ruins World', I could use my trump card.

So, from now on, I have to prepare here to direct and act in a TV series. And just like, those previous 'editing' exercises are a familiar process.

You used to make clips and ‘short videos’, but now you want to start a series?

So, Hou Yi's Daohen Shooting Sun will also be arranged in the end?

So, Qingyun Tomb...is actually the first floor of my memory restricted area? The second floor? It should be the first floor.

Even if it is not now, it should already be in the future, so after this, Qingyun Tomb will become an independent small world on the first level of my memory restricted area.

Perhaps, it's still too whimsical and too taken for granted.

However, the possibility is not impossible. Let's see.

After Su Li thought about it over and over, his mood gradually calmed down.

Then he looked at the four options:

Now, the options are as follows: -

A: Fairy, please don't ask me where I come from. My hometown is far away.

B: Fairy, there was once a true love...

C: Fairy, after a hundred years of cultivation, we can cross the same boat, and a thousand years of cultivation, we can sleep together...

D:...The protagonist of the story is named 'Ning Caichen', and the heroine is named 'Nie Xiaoqian'. The story takes place in Lanruo Temple...

Su Li gathered his thoughts and directly chose 'A'.

I would rather make up nonsense than make up stories and legends.

You don’t need to hug your thighs, but you can’t continue to step on this kind of sinkhole.

The thoughts condensed, and a big red 'A' appeared on the page of the book on the other side.

Su Li's breathing stagnated at that moment.

The next moment, all the words on the other shore book disappeared.

Then, a line of text appeared above - Congratulations on your answer - correct.


Su Li breathed out a breath, and his whole body felt much more relaxed.

At this moment, cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

He looked at the Book of the Other Side again. On the Book of the Other Side, a message appeared: If you answer correctly, you will be rewarded with a ‘projection’. Please read it carefully.

Su Li concentrated and held his breath. He knew that answering correctly was equivalent to establishing some kind of cause and effect, so he could get a piece of information and guidance.

Therefore, Su Li concentrated on staring at the book on the other side without daring to be careless.

At the same time, he also maintained a state of meditating on the Huangji Jingshi Shu and made himself appear in the state of Yuqing's clone to keep himself calm at all times.

At this time, a faint light and shadow suddenly appeared on the other side of the book.

Light and shadow enveloped Su Li in an instant.

At this moment, Su Li's consciousness seemed to suddenly travel through time and space, returning to a certain point in the past.

At the same time, he seemed to be able to see and sense mysterious scenes.

This is a state similar to ‘third vision’.

It does not exist on its own, but it can see and hear information about everything happening in this world.

This time, Su Li couldn't even control himself. Instead, he suddenly flew towards the dark place with purpose.

Soon, Su Li came to a place he was slightly familiar with - he had never been to this place, but he knew it because he had seen this place several times.

This place is Tianji Pavilion in the Tearsless City of Mingshan Mansion!

After Su Li's 'third vision' came here like God's vision, the scene became even closer.

Later, he came to Fukong Mountain Fukong Tower.

In the floating building, Su Li actually saw Zhuge Qianyun and Zhuge Qiyan!

Su Li's vision fell on them, but they didn't feel anything.

At this time, Zhuge Qiyan obviously had not developed feelings for him yet, so she was very capable and calm.

And Zhuge Qianyun has not been shot out of Tianshu's eyes at this time!

When Su Li looked over, Zhuge Qianyun had already begun to sigh and said, It looks like chaos is about to happen again. The slaves of the Sin Realm will be slaves forever.

When Zhuge Qiyan heard this, her beautiful eyes suddenly turned red, and her eyes were filled with tears, and she said, Miss, there will definitely be hope.

Zhuge Qianyun sighed, turned around and said, How has Meier changed?

Zhuge Qiyan said: I moved my heart.

Zhuge Qianyun said: Even if the soul is washed by heaven and the marriage ends, can't it be changed?

Zhuge Qiyan said: She is hopeless, and the mud cannot hold up the wall.

Zhuge Qianyun paced back and forth for a moment, then continued, sighing in a deep Chinese language: How miserable is the fate of the people, how sad it is to be supreme every time.

When Su Li heard this, his heart was struck by lightning, and he was shocked to the point of falling apart!

Because this is not a poem. There is no such poem in the history of Chinese civilization!

This is homemade!

What's more important is that Zhuge Qianyun's words are extremely standard!

Su Li has no physical existence, and his whole person is nothingness!

But even so, he felt as if his mind had been struck by lightning - is there anyone in this world who can write poetry?

How high is this writing level?

Moreover, this poem seems simple, but in fact it is majestic. It fully expresses the sadness of an emperor who pities the common people but is unable to change them.

How many times of supremeness and how much sadness, which means that despite living several lives as great emperors, they cannot change the miserable ending of the common people, so they are full of helplessness!

Su Li's whole body was trembling - if he could have a body.

His mind was buzzing and he couldn't calm down at all.

At this time, after hearing these words, Zhuge Qiyan opened her mouth lightly, but did not speak. Instead, she immediately closed it again, and closed it very tightly.

Zhuge Qianyun sighed: Continue to pay attention to the breath of that beautiful mysterious runic language.

Zhuge Qiyan said respectfully: Yes, Miss.

Zhuge Qianyun said: You can read it to me again in that mysterious rune language.

Zhuge Qiyan said: This feeling can only be remembered, and the heir should die... I am at a loss.

Zhuge Qianyun frowned and said in the mysterious rune language: Your pronunciation is not accurate.

Zhuge Qiyan was helpless and said with a wry smile: Miss, Qiyan thought in her mind that she should be very standard and perfect when speaking, but when it comes to her mouth, it is not accurate. Miss, Qiyan is also very helpless.

Zhuge Qianyun nodded, and tried to say in the language of that mysterious rune: This feeling can only be recalled once, and it has been learned for a few years... It is already reckless.

She repeated it several times in a low voice, and immediately frowned several times, and then said helplessly: It is true that I have been thinking about it in my head, but when it comes to my mouth, something is wrong. Oh, I really want to listen to it again. Ah, it’s a pity, it’s a pity that it’s hard to have another chance.”

Zhuge Qiyan sniffed, frowned, and complained: What kind of rune language is this? It is really anti-cultivation and anti-law language!

Zhuge Qianyun said: Maybe it is an inherited language from before the Taichu era.

Zhuge Qiyan said: The Taiyuan era or the Guixu era?

Zhuge Qianyun shook his head and said: There is no way to deduce it. Maybe it came from some legend about 'the sky and the earth are black and yellow, and the universe is vast' before the Guixu era. But in this case, I only noticed it through a few words in Fragments of the Book of the Earth. A clue.

As for inference, it is definitely not possible. Okay, keep paying attention, maybe you can find some breakthroughs.

By the way, are they planning to seize the No. 92 Soul-Suppressing Monument this time? Please pay attention. If there is any news, send a message to me. I will go and see the soul-crushing monument at that time.

This time, I always feel that I have a great causal connection with this soul-crushing monument.

Thinking about it, I have cut off the cause and effect for three thousand years, but I didn't expect that I am still inexplicably involved. It is really weird and incredible!

Zhuge Qiyan was thoughtful, and suddenly said as if on a whim: The destiny has changed, the future has come, no cause and effect is not no cause and effect, it is just called 'no cause and effect', the young lady is just deceiving herself.

Zhuge Qianyun smiled and said, Little girl, you have grown up.

Zhuge Qiyan was immediately overjoyed and did not say anything about her sudden whim. She said with a smile in her beautiful eyes: That's because the young lady taught her well.

Zhuge Qianyun was just about to speak when suddenly she let out a soft 'eh' sound.

Immediately, her expression suddenly became solemn, and the seven-color plum blossoms bloomed in her eyes. At the same time, her eyes suddenly focused into the depths of the void.

It was as if that glance had already seen through the future, locking the invisible light and shadow in the void on the spot.

At the same time, at the same moment, Su Li's eyes suddenly met Zhuge Qianyun's eyes in his absent-minded state.

They were a pair of colorful eyes that were so beautiful that his heart trembled!

At that moment, Su Li was shocked, his heart thumped, and his expression suddenly changed - of course, he had no expression at this time.

However, he suddenly realized that he had been discovered by Zhuge Qianyun!

How strong is Zhuge Qianyun at this time?

So - Tianji's banishment to immortality has really reached the level of 'immortal'?

So, the word immortal written on the mural by my future self refers to Zhuge Qianyun?

Su Li was extremely moved, and he couldn't calm down anymore, but the scene of 'peeping into the past and future' brought by the Book of the Other Side still existed and did not disappear, so he continued to watch.

But this time, Su Li didn't look at those eyes again - because they were so beautiful that he couldn't breathe and couldn't control his mind at all!

Su Li's eyes were divergent, as if he couldn't see everything around him. His pupils were no longer focused. In this way, the terrifying pressure suddenly disappeared.

At this time, Zhuge Qianyun had already retracted his gaze and sighed softly: Sure enough, the future has come.

You actually want to drag me into the game?

Can you withstand the disaster of destruction?!

Zhuge Qianyun said, and then he was ready to raise his hand to destroy the void light and shadow in the void.

But at this moment, she suddenly raised her head again and looked farther away.

Farther away, a snowfield seemed to appear. In the snowfield, a man in blood robe stood quietly, holding a giant axe.

Has the source of evil revived? Why is Mu Qingya still hesitating?

Zhuge Qianyun frowned, and then a divine flower flashed in his eyes. The divine flower flew out and fell like a law in an instant, sweeping across the empty snowfield.

The entire snowfield suddenly collapsed.

But, at this moment, the collapsed snowfield suddenly turned into a dark light and shadow, covering it fiercely.

Dark light and shadow immediately covered the floating building, turning Zhuge Qianyun's colorful gauze skirt into only black and white.

At that moment, Zhuge Qianyun's face darkened, and then a ray of light bloomed, and in the shock, the dark light and shadow was forced back.

The next moment, the dark light and shadow collapsed.

However, there was a faint trace of blood on the corner of Zhuge Qianyun's mouth.

This blood stain, with a little bit of gold, looks shiny.

Miss? This-

There was a look of horror in Zhuge Qiyan's beautiful eyes, and her expression immediately became extremely solemn.

The secrets are chaotic, and the future has changed! Someone is trying to deduce me? Ha, I haven't encountered this in many years, do you want to take action?

Zhuge Qianyun immediately closed his eyes.

The next moment, a third eye suddenly opened between her eyebrows. This eye also showed seven colors and seven pupils.

Moreover, this eye is erect.

When she opened one of her eyes, the Taoist light in the world seemed to suddenly lose its color.

The laws of heaven and earth seem to have stagnated.

At this moment, Zhuge Qianyun developed the art of Tianji, destroyed the Tianshu Ji Dao, and manifested the dark abyss of the Ji Dao.

There is no doubt that the dark abyss is in the Tomb of the Great Emperor.

However, when the dark abyss in the emperor's tomb had just manifested, and when Zhuge Qianyun had just evolved into the blazing sun, a man in golden armor holding a bow and arrow appeared at the bottom of the dark abyss.

Guixu Dao Mark's 'Hou Yi Shoots the Sun' (priced at 10 Karma Value, 10 Million Heavenly Fortune Value): After use, the Dao Mark scene of 'Hou Yi Shoots the Sun' will appear in the 'Qingyun Abyss' and enter the scene. The creatures will transform themselves into the scorching sun and be shot by Hou Yi...

At this moment, Su Li was shocked to find that Hou Yi's traces in his Tianji Mall had disappeared.

He originally planned to manifest himself in the tomb of the Great Emperor, but in the end, he actually used it on his own at this time.

Su Li immediately thought of the scene where he was meditating on Hou Yi shooting the sun and shooting Zhuge Qianyun to his knees.

For a moment, Su Li suddenly didn't know what to say.

He sighed softly in his heart and silently sang a black man's coffin-carrying music to Zhuge Qianyun——

It turns out that you were killed by the real sun of ‘Houyi Shooting the Sun’ Daohen, not the murderous intent I was meditating on...

Put it this way - I thought about Pangu killing Su Ho, and I guess... Su Ho got cold.

At this moment, Su Li had ten thousand grass and mud horses galloping past in his heart.

Sure enough, if you go out to hang out, you will have to pay it back sooner or later.

He thought about the beginning, thought about the process, and calculated various uses of Hou Yi's shot of the sun's path mark. The result - Hou Yi's shot of the sun's path mark was inspired here.

One sigh, two lines of hot tears, three sighs, four sighs, five body parts falling to the ground, six successes, seven ups and eight downs, and ninety-nine times ascending to heaven.

Then, and then no more.

Su Li watched silently. The next scene was obviously from the scene Zhuge Qianyun endured.


He was relaxed at that time, but Zhuge Qianyun here was miserable.

Su Li could already imagine what would happen to Zhuge Qianyun who was shot by the real Hou Yi Dao Hen.

Su Li couldn't bear to look at the next scene.

Therefore, Tianji's banishment to immortality and his dethronement obviously started from this moment.

At this time, Zhuge Qianyun sneered: Tianji soul battle? Qingyun Abyss battlefield, manifest!

As she spoke, her third eye suddenly rose into the sky, and the resulting extreme blazing sun burst out with the ultimate killing power of the blazing sun, and split into two, directly burning the dark abyss of Qingyun Abyss. dry up.

At this time, Zhuge Qianyun even thought that if the opponent still had the strength to resist, he would evolve three blazing suns and four blazing suns, until the nine yangs of the extreme sky would cross the sky and incinerate all things!

But as soon as this thought manifested, the man in golden armor actually evolved the ultimate divine killing method, the soul-killing magic, and instantly condensed the soul-killing arrow and shot it towards her heavenly eye.

She didn't care much about that blow, but she didn't expect that the blow penetrated the void, entered reincarnation, entered the Tianshu Soul Palace, and penetrated into the depths of her soul.


Zhuge Qianyun screamed miserably, and the Eye of Heaven exploded on the spot, sending blood mist flying everywhere!

The darkness collapsed, and the remaining blazing sun escaped in an instant.

The next moment, Zhuge Qianyun's face was extremely pale, her whole body was shaking violently, and wisps of ghost light and shadow seeped out from her eyes of heaven, flying into the void uncontrollably, and exploding as if committing suicide.

At this time, Su Li in the void was silently absorbing a large amount of Tianji's original life energy, but his whole person was completely in a state of shock.


Zhuge Qianyun knelt on the ground and was about to be killed almost immediately.

At this time, two sources of hope suddenly appeared in her eyes, and the colorful plum blossoms suddenly appeared.

Among them, Su Li actually saw himself holding the creation pen in the colorful plum blossom eyes, and he was volleying toward him with one stroke.

go back!


Su Li's mind was shaken, and his third field of vision suddenly disappeared.

After Su Li's vision left, he heard Zhuge Qiyan's heart-rending screams.

That scream was filled with unspeakable rage!


Zhuge Qiyan trembled physically and mentally, and immediately rushed over to support Zhuge Qianyun.

After a while, Zhuge Qianyun's abnormality stopped again.

At this time, she looked extremely miserable, and the center of her eyebrows looked as if a bloody hole had been burnt by fire, making her very ferocious.

Fortunately, such an unusually ferocious situation soon gradually recovered.

However, she originally had a faint trace of the vertical eye mark between her eyebrows, but now it seemed to have completely disappeared.

This scene made Su Li unable to calm down for a long time.

Su Li returned to the Hangu Pass, and the information in the other shore book had completely disappeared.

However, when Su Li's eyes looked at the smooth book on the other side, words appeared again.

Su Li took a deep breath, feeling a little heavy.

This time, he and Zhuge Qianyun were no longer involved.

At the same time, Su Li looked at the loss of Hou Yi Daohen - 10 million per second, lasting 30 seconds - continuing.


In other words, in the Qingyun Tomb, has the mark of Hou Yi's Sunshot been manifested? No, Zhuge Qianyun only triggered it, not the only one targeted.

It seems...the other gods will also experience similar scenes in their bodies?

I'll find out when I enter Qingyun Tomb.

Su Li calmed down and meditated for a while, then walked towards the other side of the page again.

This time, the text content on the pages of The Other Side has changed somewhat.

However, it is still a multiple-choice question and you still have to answer it.

I'm not enlightened again, and I can't find a way out? It's so difficult.

what do I do?

Let's do another question.

From now on, suppose that a very good brother of mine is finally going to meet me. Meet on the Naihe Bridge? Meet on the Sansheng Stone? Meet on the broken bridge of the Leifeng Pagoda? Or meet on the Wangxiang Platform? See?

None of this matters.

The important thing is, you are about to meet your brother. What is your current mental activity? Have something to say?

Now, the options are as follows: -

A: Brother, I miss you. How are you in Nagada?

B: Brother, burst out, tell me what's in your heart, tell all your grievances and vicissitudes over the years; brother, burst out, just shed tears if you have them, and shed all the bitterness and bitterness that have been buried deep in these years...

C: When you need me, I will spend time with you. My good brother, when you are suffering in your heart, you tell me...like a glass of wine, like an old song.

D: Forget it. If you can, it can be considered a kind of luck. If a person's heart can only burn out a name. Wherever two people go, holding hands, there is a world.

What is there to cherish in life? Wanderers don’t have the luxury of love. We are brothers in this life, and I will never miss you again in the next life. The drifting river, every night when it rains, reminds me of you.

(PS: The first update of 7,000 words is here~ The number of words in the lyrics is added after modification, and is not included in the text fee~ Please subscribe for full subscription, monthly ticket~ Thank you, dear friends~ In addition, I am very grateful to the book friend 'Yan|Han'500 100 qidian coins reward support~ Many thanks to book friends 'A Fei 945' and 'Meow Star 7758' for 100 qidian coins rewards~)


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