I pretend to be a fortune teller in a fantasy world

Chapter 265: The throne is not guaranteed and a way out is hard to find

Su Li glanced at Zhuge Yunmeng and said, Has my strength increased?

Zhuge Yunmeng said: Hasn't your strength increased?

Su Li said: Then just say yes.

Zhuge Yunmeng said: What, do you dare to do it or not? Aren't you the only one who knows such a mysterious language?

Su Li did not answer immediately, but looked at Zhuge Yunmeng and said, You are Qi Yunmeng, right?

Zhuge Yunmeng said: Qi Yunmeng no longer exists, only Zhuge Yunmeng.

Su Li said: There is one thing that you probably all know - it is the past story of 'Dayu's flood control'.

Zhuge Yunmeng's face darkened slightly and said, What do you want to say?

Su Li glanced at Xia Xinning lightly and said, Shen Xia, how about you tell me this story?

Xia Xinning said: Okay, anyway, this is what I heard from someone once.

Xia Xinning spoke calmly, and then said loudly: When Emperor Yu was regulating the Huaihe River, 'Wuzhi Qi' caused mischief, wind and thunder roared, and the wood and stone roared. Emperor Yu was very angry and summoned the gods. The god Yinglong captured Wuzhi Qi.

Although Wuzhiqi was caught, he was still fighting and jumping around, and no one could restrain him. So Emperor Yu locked his neck with the Juehun Ancient Forbidden, pierced his nose with a golden bell, and suppressed him at the foot of Xuanwu Mountain.

Su Li had long known that this myth and legend had been spread, and couldn't help it.

That's why Xia Xinning was made public - because everyone present must be familiar with this story if they come to the Emperor's Tomb.

After all, the experiences of Emperor Wang and Turtle Ling in Qingyun Tomb, the tomb of the Great Emperor, simulate the experience of Yu the Great in controlling floods.

It was because Emperor Wang and Turtle Ling caused such a fuss and actually became emperor that all the gods today followed suit.

Therefore, it is strange that there are still people who don't know about this matter - Su Li also just broke away from this strange group of people.

Su Li glanced at Zhuge Yunmeng and saw that her face was very unhappy and ugly, but he just sneered and continued: The so-called 'Wuzhi Qi' is actually a kind of water demon!

Its shape is like an ape, with a flat nose, a protruding forehead, a white head and a green body, and blazing eyes.

Its head and neck are hundreds of feet long, and its strength exceeds that of the ancient giant elephant. It often makes waves in the river and harms the people.

Zhuge Yunmeng said in a deep voice: What do you mean?

Su Li said: Is the lineage of Wuzhi Qi still there? Please tell me, is your 'Qi' a surname or an inheritance?

Zhuge Yunmeng said: You are going to any lengths to frame someone up!

Su Li said: What, do you dare to do it or not? Isn't it possible that only you, 'Qi Yunmeng', can have such a mysterious inheritance?

Zhuge Yunmeng took a deep breath and said: The Emperor is worthy of being the Emperor, he is really powerful!

Zhuge Yunmeng's voice emphasized the words 'Prince of Heaven' every word.

Su Li said lightly: It's just average, not as good as your Qi Yunmeng!

Su Li also emphasized the word 'Qi' in 'Qi Yunmeng'.

As a result, after another brief confrontation, Zhuge Yunmeng was completely suppressed.

Zhuge Yunmeng took a deep look at Su Li and said in a deep voice: It seems that you have learned all about Nether Sea, Su Ye and Su Taiqing.

Su Li said: No, they actually learned from me, and you will learn from me in the future - remember to repay more karma after learning.

Zhuge Yunmeng sneered and said, You don't represent Wangchenhuan. I just admit that I owe you karma, but can you take it back?

Su Li said: Are you willing to give it a try?

Zhuge Yunmeng immediately stopped talking.

It's impossible to admit it. It's impossible to admit it in this life. I can only say a few harsh words to vent the depression in my heart.

Su Li glanced at Que De and said: I'm sorry, I don't have the chance to draw the karma directly from you - but in the future, whoever dares to owe me karma, I will directly deduct Wangchenhuan's share of the Tianchi Blood River's income. , you can just go and collect the bill.”

Quede's face darkened and he said, Why?

Su Li said: Why do you mean it? ************ or that painting?

Que De said immediately: It's settled. Anyone who owes you Karma will directly take it away from the income of Tianchi Blood River. I will collect the debt and ensure that no one can refuse to pay it back.

Su Li glanced at Zhuge Yunmeng and said, Do you still have any questions?

Zhuge Yunmeng suddenly stopped talking.

Su Li glanced at Zhuge Jiufeng again and said, What do you mean?

Zhuge Jiufeng said: Idiot, what do I mean to tell you this? Directly put all the karma on you, and then let you pay the karma to me. This is my behavior.

Su Li was speechless and said, What's the difference between this and robbery?

Zhuge Jiufeng said: It's faster to snatch this, but everyone will know about you soon.

Su Li was speechless.

Zhuge Jiufeng said: It seems that speaking like this is more popular with the royal family? Both Que De and Xia Xinning are trying it, and they have gained a lot of benefits. I am considering whether to test it for a while. Are you worthy of me?

Find a place where we can have an in-depth discussion?

Su Li: ...

Xia Xinning glanced at her from a distance and said: Peerless beautiful phoenix, hurry up and try it! Anyway, you are a devil, you are weird, you have tried snakes, foxes, so it would be good to try phoenix.

Su Li glanced at Xia Xinning, this brother-in-law really didn't deserve to be a father-in-law!

Su Li ignored Xia Xinning, and then didn't bother to pay attention to that female exile Zhuge Jiufeng!

He looked around - in his eyes, the groups of practitioners were all quiet at this time.

Su Li glanced at Tianjizui again, and his mood gradually calmed down.

The secret value is about to reach 1 billion.

Fortunately, the causal value is still 0 points.

Su Li looked at the sky - the setting sun had already set.

The system time came to around 18:00 in the evening.

Su Li saw that no one had any doubts, and there were no blind characters coming out to provoke, so he glanced at Mei'er, Mu Yuxi and others.

The Emperor's Prince.

Maura immediately ran over with a look on her face, and her attentive attitude was simply staggering.

Su Li nodded, not unhappy because Maura was like this.

In terms of Mora's ability, maybe she just wants to live a slightly better life.

Su Li looked at Mu Yuxi and Mei'er and said, I'm going to open the Great Emperor's Tomb. Are you going this time?

He knew the two people's choices, but still asked.

Master, wherever you go, Yu Xi will follow you.

Mu Yuxi said softly.

Mei'er said: Me too. This time, Su Li, you don't have to worry about us.

Su Li thought for a while and looked at Xia Xinyan again.

Xia Xinyan was slightly stunned, then responded with a peaceful smile.

Su Li then looked at Zhuge Qingchen, Yun Qingxuan, Que Xinyan, Que Xinyan and others. After seeing that their eyes were extremely firm, Su Li walked towards the two statues on the edge of the Netherworld Sea.

Looking at the whirlpool door in the middle of the statue, Su Li looked calm.

Through the whirlpool, you can see that the scenery inside is even more beautiful and fairy-like.

But Su Li knew that this was probably just an appearance.

But no matter what, at this point, he had no choice but to avoid it.

Su Li approached the Whirlpool Gate and immediately began to form seals.

This process is not complicated, but it has been modified by 'Tongtian', so all Su Li needs to do is to condense the 'Hunyuan Qi' in Tiangang Creation Hunyuan Qi and form a talisman using mystical means of channeling. Just type in the text.

This time there is no blood sacrifice or any overly complicated operations.

Of course, there is also a murderous intention hidden in this door. If you force the door to break through, even if it breaks through the sky and the earth, the door will still be like nothingness and there will be no reaction.

Because this place is equivalent to a void projection and does not really exist.

What Su Li did at this time was to turn this area into a complete entity and form the Void Gate.


As a series of talismans entered it, the gate of nothingness gradually condensed into a huge light gate.

The light door is closed.

And on this huge light door, there are ancient words faintly flowing past.

This was a type of writing that was similar to oracle bone inscriptions. Su Li recognized two of the characters, like 'Southern Sky', but because they were very vague, he couldn't be sure.

However, Su Li didn't pay attention to this - at this moment, there was almost everyone's attention. Not to mention that he couldn't recognize it clearly, even if he could recognize it clearly, he wouldn't talk nonsense anymore.

From now on, what he has to learn is to keep his mouth shut. Even if the past 'story' has been circulated, he will not speak easily again.

While thinking, after Su Li punched in the last mark, the door finally opened with a rumble.

The moment the door opened, the rumbling sound and the mysterious 'rustling' sound came again.

Su Li immediately realized something.

He calmly sensed the system panel, and the 'True Void Realization☆☆☆' function on the system panel actually began to flicker.

Su Li understood something immediately.

After he opened the huge light door, Zhuge Jiufeng, Su Ye, Su Taiqing and others immediately appeared next to Su Li.

Su Taiqing said directly: You go in first, I won't go this time.

Su Li looked at Mei'er and Mu Yuxi and said: Come to my memory restricted area, I will take you with me -

Su Taiqing said: Go in separately. If you take them in through the memory restricted area, you will get lost.

Su Li glanced at Que De, and Que De said, That's right.

Xia Xinning said: The memory restricted area is temporarily sealed. Don't cause trouble. In addition, don't open the first three floors of the memory restricted area. Of course, you may not be able to open it after entering. In short, no matter whether you can open it or not, don't touch it. .

this point is very important.

Su Li said: Why didn't you tell me before?

Xia Xinning said: It's the same now.

At this time, a god roared: Whether we can get in or not, don't waste time, hurry up!

Su Li followed the voice, but couldn't pinpoint who was speaking. He couldn't help but raised his hand to block the entrance and said, Does anyone know who is urging you? Send me a message. After confirmation, I will give Tianchi Blood River as an extra gift. A chance to realize it, only for the top three——

Before Su Li could finish speaking, he received more than thirty messages.

After Su Li responded to the records one by one, he agreed to give each of these people the right to experience the blood river.

Then, Su Li glanced at Xia Xinning and said, Let's do it, Tianqixing Bai Changsong.

Hearing this, Xia Xinning silently glanced at Bai Changsong from the Tianqixing Tianyi Soul Clan not far away, and said, Are you going to die on your own, or should I kill you so that you can't enter the world of Wangchen?

Bai Changsong has white hair and a white beard. He looks loyal and honest, but he didn't expect that he would be targeted as soon as he caused trouble.

What’s more, he didn’t expect that many gods would sell him out just because of the extra qualifications he gained from the Tianchi Blood River!

And looking at the situation, if Su Li promised ten or eight times, a god would probably jump out and kill him immediately.

Bai Changsong's face was very ugly, and he said angrily: Do you want to kill the gods to establish your authority? Do you want to warn the other gods not to be cruel to the prince in the emperor's tomb? Is that how it goes?!

Xia Xinning said: It seems that my words are not very effective.

Xia Xinning said, just as she was about to take action, suddenly, Bai Changyi, the strongest god of the Tianyi Soul Clan next to Bai Changsong, suddenly flicked his finger, and a blood drop suddenly flew out and hit Bai Changsong hard on the back of the head.

The ghost on the back of Bai Changsong's head was instantly shaken out. Before he could react, the blood beads directly turned him into blood mist and powder.

At that moment, the blood bead obviously became much more vicious and terrifying.

At the same time, the soul energy on Bai Changyi's body immediately began to gradually transform towards the divine soul aura.

Xia Xinning took a deep look at Bai Changyi and suddenly said: Gao Ming.

Bai Changyi smiled lightly and said, This time, I would like to thank the Emperor for his kindness.

Su Li glanced at Bai Changyi calmly - this soul clan god wanted to break through, transform his soul, and refine the gods around him to death, so he secretly drove him to jump out and provoke him, but after being taught a lesson by him, he immediately reacted Take action to kill this god.

It seems that the overall situation is taken into account, but in fact, he resorted to borrowing a knife to kill people on the spot.

He still killed the person himself.

But the reason and nature of the killing were completely different, and Su Li was responsible for the cause and effect.

Just from this breath of excitement, Su Li knew that he was actually at a disadvantage.

But it doesn't matter - whether it's a chess piece or an abandoned piece that pops out, just kill it.

As for other people's purposes, Su Li didn't bother to care.

However, Su Li kept this person in mind, Bai Changyi.

And what Su Li wanted this time was the death of Bai Changsong, and what he wanted was Xia Xinning's intervention. As long as he achieved this goal.

Bai Changyi seemed to have increased his strength before leaving, but in fact, after entering, his background was still the same, or even lower.

Because that kind of ‘pressure’ is different.

The higher the level you enter, the greater the compression ratio.

When there was no divine soul, it would normally only block ten thousand times the strength (analogy). However, after transforming the divine soul, it directly blocked one million times the strength.

This is blood loss.

However, because no one has been to the Qingyun Tomb, no one knows what is going on inside, which is why Bai Changyi acted like this.

It is your own fault and you will not live!

Su Li responded lightly, while Bai Changyi just smiled and seemed slightly concerned, but didn't care at all about Su Li's disrespectful words.

Su Li opened the entrance, glanced at Su Taiqing again, and then said to Meier and others, Let's go in together.

Meier, Mu Yuxi, Yun Qingxuan and others immediately came over.

Maura watched eagerly, waiting for Que Xinyan, Que Xinyan, Xia Xinning and others to enter before following them into the light door.

After Su Li, Zhuge Jiufeng and his party quickly stepped in, the remaining gods all turned into streams of light and rushed in at top speed.

At this time, there is no more rules to follow. It seems that if you step too late, you will lose many opportunities.

The moment Su Li entered, he put on all the clones and opened the system panel at the same time.

Sure enough, the moment the system panel flashed and the moment he entered the light door, Su Li noticed the time fault point.

Not only is there a break in time, but there is also the mysterious sound of thunder and the rustling of books.

Almost instantly, Su Li meditated on the Huangji Jingshi Book, and at the same time, the ability of Tianji Di Listening was activated with great clarity.

In other words, it is not activation, but the mountain in the painting in his Qiankun ring!

As if the mountain suddenly became real, Su Li was sucked in directly.

In other words, at this moment, Su Li did not enter the Qingyun Tomb, but entered that painting.

As he spoke, when Su Li appeared in the valley area, he suddenly realized that the environment here was indescribably familiar.

It's like returning to Earth.

But why does this earth smell like a light blue star?

Su Li didn't think much when a cow's cry of moo suddenly came from far away.

This cry suddenly woke Su Li up.

Later, Su Li discovered that he had reached the edge of the valley.

On both sides, there are extremely towering mountains.

Ahead is a vast, mysterious plain that stretches as far as the eye can see.

In addition to this, Su Li vaguely heard the sound of wind and the sound of the wind blowing like waves of wheat.

Su Li was still a little strange, but at this time, when he subconsciously looked at the surrounding valley, he saw the word Hangu hidden on the cliff of the valley, and his heart was slightly trembling.

The next moment, Su Li was thoughtful, and then tried to call out the system. As a result, he found that he could actually call out the system.

There are no major changes to the system, and the level is level 11.

The secret value just reached 1 billion, not more, not less.

Su Li silently looked at the functions at the bottom of the system, and then he discovered that the 'True Void Realization☆☆☆' function was completely brightened.

Moreover, it is still shining.

Su Li felt a little strange - obviously, this place was definitely not Qingyun Tomb.

Why does the ‘True Void Realization☆☆☆’ function shine brightly here?

Moreover, the content of this painting was not what he originally painted, but it was changed by his 'future self'!

Well, now that this function is brightened up here, its meaning is already obvious.

But this time, Su Li didn't dare to be reckless, so he thought about it and made a divination for himself to determine the direction.

With this inexplicable mood, Su Li raised his hand and directly gathered his energy to form yarrow, divining his direction.

This hexagram came out to be the wind and thunder benefit hexagram.

The Feng Lei Yi hexagram is a Shang Shang hexagram, which shows the changes in fortune as time passes and dead trees turn into spring.

In this case, it's obviously a good thing.

But Su Li was not sure immediately. Instead, he thought about it in reverse - if I encountered difficulties in the past and I could go back now, what would I do?

I will definitely set up a situation that makes me extremely unlucky, otherwise I will be beaten severely, just like I cheated Su Ye!


Because my past self was hateful and deserved to be beaten!

Su Li thought about this, and then looked at this Shang Shang hexagram - he suddenly had the urge to vomit blood.

Because this Shang Shang hexagram is not divined for himself, but for himself in this place - that is, 'him in the future'.

If it’s the one in the future, it will naturally be all kinds of smooth!

“Then, how can we escape from the sinkhole of being ‘beaten’ and truly find a way out of being ‘beaten’?”

Su Li was thoughtful, and then he looked at a mountain next to the canyon in the distance.

There is a huge monument standing in the mountain - is that a giant monument made by the pen of fortune?

So it’s the Monument of Creation?

Where's the way out?

A mountain is a mountain, and the mountain under the mountain is the source.

There is a secret under the Creation Monument!

The way out is under the Creation Monument!

I see!

At that moment, like a sudden impulse, Su Li suddenly understood something in his heart.

Immediately, he looked at the Tianji value on the system panel - if there is a mountain under that mountain, it must be Yinshan Mountain!

After going there, you can use the True Void Realization function.

Su Li used mystical skills to channel spirits and took a look at the mountain next to Hangu Pass.

Then, as he walked towards the mountain, he stopped again.

The next moment, Su Li concentrated his sword intent and flattened the mountain on the left.

The mountain on the left is a '廻' shaped mountain.

If this part is not cut off, there will be no way out!

Because the mountain on the left is dark overall, it can be regarded as either a 'human' or a 'non-chief' - 'black'.

Therefore, if we do not eliminate it and find a way out, it will become a depose of depose instead of a way out.

It goes without saying what deposed means - that is, he has been deposed from his position as prince.

Are you happy?

Are you surprised or surprised?

After Su Li cut off a mountain on the left, a page from The Other Side appeared.

The familiar pages of the other side of the book lie there quietly.

Su Li raised his hand to me, and the pages from the other side of the book flew over.

Su Li took a look and saw an extra line of words on the page of the book on the other side.

After reading this page, I finally feel so relieved. It's so rare that the stick has opened my mind. I want to wake up with a smile.

Su Li had a dark face and silently put the pages of The Other Shore into the Qiankun Ring.

He sensed the memory restricted area - it completely turned into the dark side and disappeared.

This point is indeed true to what Xia Xinning said.

Then Su Li came to the mountain range on the right and saw the huge stone monument standing in the mountain. He looked left and right, but he didn't find anything about the stone monument that looked like a creation pen.

What's happening here?

Su Li hesitated for a moment, and then tried to open the Eye of Tianshu to take a look, but couldn't see anything.

This is just an ordinary huge stone tablet!

After thinking about it, Su Li took out the Book of the Other Side and took a look at it.

Immediately, the contents of the book on the other side changed again.

I'm not enlightened again and can't find a way out? It's so difficult.

what do I do?

Let's do a question first.

Now, let's say that I have traveled through time and I want to hug the saint's lap. I am a stupid useless person who can't even make basic deductions. Please tell me how I can speak to make myself look awesome. Not only can I successfully impersonate With the help of God, can he still be accepted by the Saint instead of being killed by the Saint?

Now, the options are as follows: -

A: Fairy, please don't ask me where I come from. My hometown is far away.

B: Fairy, there was once a true love in front of me, but I didn't cherish it... As for the time limit, I hope it is - one hundred thousand years.

C: Fairy, after a hundred years of cultivation, we can cross the same boat, and a thousand years of cultivation, we can sleep together on the same pillow. It takes five hundred years of looking back at the past life for us to look at each other in this life...

D: Fairy, before you ask this master any questions, please listen to this master tell you a story. The protagonist of the story is named 'Ning Caichen', and the heroine is named 'Nie Xiaoqian'. The story takes place in Lanruo Temple...

(PS: The third update of 6,300 words is here~27,000 words have been updated today~I beg for full subscription and monthly tickets~Thank you dear friends~Also, I am very grateful to book friend 'ghfndbn' for his 1,500 starting coin reward support~Thank you very much Book friend 'Zhuzu' supports with a reward of 600 starting coins~ Many thanks to book friend 'Moshang' for supporting with a reward of 100 starting coins~)


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