I pretend to be a fortune teller in a fantasy world

Chapter 267 The devil returns, the blood monument asks for directions

Su Li couldn't help but frown slightly when he saw such an option.

The difficulty of this question is much more difficult than the first question.

Because, the first question actually has one option that is completely different from the other three options.

The other three options all correspond to stories, while the first option is just a song.

Therefore, even by elimination, one of the four options can be easily defined to the first option.

But this question is different.

Because of this question, all four options are lyrics, and all of them are lyrics about ‘brothers’.

Option A comes from Brother Misses You by Jiang Peng.

Option B comes from Brother Hug by Pang Long.

Option C comes from My Good Brother by Gao Jin/Xiao Shenyang.

Option D comes from Brothers by Ren Xianqi.

So, how to choose this topic and where to start?

Su Li couldn't find his direction for the time being.

But can the experience from the first question be used in this question?

Su Li was not sure.

Because although he doesn't understand himself in the future, if he grows up according to his current mentality, in the future, he will definitely be more 'disgusting' than Que De, Su Ye, Xia Xinning and others.

In such a world, it is not easy to truly move forward and protect the loved ones around you.

Now, no matter how high his strength or ability is, there are some taboos that he is unwilling to think about or touch.

For example, what would happen if Meier or Mu Yuxi disappeared?

Or are they all gone?

Not to mention Que Xinyan, even if Que Xinyan is not a woman disguised as a man, he is still a good brother.

This is actually what Su Li least wants to think about.

He did not deduce the next seven days for Xia Xinyan, Que Xinyan and Que Xinyan, but from Mu Yuxi's file information for the next seven days, he had already seen a scene that was not detailed but very miserable.

So, how to choose this result?

As a result, if something goes wrong, a very bad tragedy will occur this time.

Su Li took a deep breath and silently relaxed his mind.

After a while, Su Li started to meditate again.

He first thought about the current situation. His situation was that he was trapped in such a Hangu Pass and could not get out for the time being.

Moreover, if he could not solve that ordinary-looking stone tablet, if he could not find the corresponding 'Yinshan' below it, then he would have no way out.

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And the so-called way out is actually the way to Qingyun Tomb.

But is that the way out?

If you make the wrong choice, it may be a road to a dead end.

Therefore, the choice this time may be like meeting Hua Ziyan for the first time.

Facing the pain and regret in life...

Su Li was silent for a while, and he already had the answer in his heart.

Then, recall the three incorrect answers to the first question.

Option B: Once upon a time, there was a true love...I hope it will be a hundred thousand years.

Option C, a hundred years of cultivation...a look back on five hundred years of previous life...

Option D, Ning Caichen...Nie Xiaoqian...

These three answers, which are of no use in the first question, are actually tips in the second question.

Who has the sincere love for a hundred thousand years?

Who was the one who stood up to Bai Suzhen?

Who will replace Ning Caichen and Nie Xiaoqian now?

It's Que Xinyan.

Also Xia Xinyan and Que Xinyan.

So, back to question two.

Option A is that the brothers are separated by thousands of rivers and mountains and cannot see each other, but in the end they are... waiting for me to come home.

Therefore, if you choose this, Que Xinyan will die.

Option B is for brothers to explode... The word explosion is extremely expressive. Isn't it very slutty? In fact, this is precisely fatal, and then contact the ‘grievances and tears’ in the options...

If this option is selected, it is estimated that something will happen to Xia Xinyan, and she may be harvested and cause her to kill herself to protect her innocence.

Therefore, if you choose this, Que Xinyan will die.

Option C is that no matter how rough it is, no matter how dark or tragic it is, you will still have me by your side.

Choosing this option means that he has experienced darkness and tragedy, and then he will accompany her through it.

What does it mean?

This meaning is worth pondering.

This can basically be regarded as a continuation of option B, but Que Xinyan survived this option.

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Option D mainly talks about a person sacrificing his own happiness for the sake of brotherhood.

Once upon a time, Su Li watched Xiao Qi's MV for Brothers, and the MV was about two brothers [Xiao Qi played two roles].

One is a theater actor and the other is a homeless person, living a very rough life.

Two people fell in love with a girl at the same time, and they decided to compete. The winner could stay and get the girl, and the loser would leave.

In the end, the homeless man deliberately lost the game and let the actor win, and he left them and was destined to continue to wander and become a homeless man (this scene happened to be the lyrics of tramps don't have the luxury of love).

And what will Su Li do next?

It's similar to 'one person plays two roles', and one of them must deliberately lose the competition, but this loss must be sufficiently 'real'.

Therefore, this competition will be between him, Su Li, and the one competing against 'Ning Caichen' is 'Nie Xiaoqian'.

What he wants to do is to thoroughly arrange things in Qingyun Tomb through the Huangji Jingshi Shu.

It must not only smooth out cause and effect, but also make everything in the past, present and future conform to the rules of heaven and earth.

Therefore, the answer to this question is D.

In addition to this judgment, the phrase one person plays two roles in the 'MV' is actually a hint.

Su Li exhaled a breath, then stared at the book on the other side, then silently gathered his obsession in his heart, and chose D.

When the bloody D symbol was filled in on the page of the book on the other side, the book on the other side did not reveal right and wrong, but another new line of text.

Su Li.

When you solve the mystery on this page of the book on the other side, the era that belongs to me, Su Wangchen, will be annihilated forever.

There is no self in this world. It existed in the past, does not exist now, and will not exist in the future. Therefore, there will be no self in the past.

And now, you have made the right choice. You have caught up with me and covered me on this timeline. I am really relieved.

Whether hope stemming from true love can create miracles, I really don't know, because I don't have any hope.

But I know that the darkness born of hatred will definitely create an abyss.

Su Li, my life is extremely long and extremely short.

This area is the only stretch of time and space that I can maintain.

And the reason why you are here is because I borrowed the power of the system I have left.

The system is actually dead a long time ago and was used to death by me.

I once received an adventure, or rather, it was not an adventure, but... an unprecedented crisis, and I may be the chosen one.

This is just my guess.

When I had the adventure, my qigong had been practiced to the point of my spine and I could no longer continue. I, you, should still have an impression of this.

But what happened after that, do you remember?

A total solar eclipse and a tengu swallowing the moon happened at the same time.

That day, I saw it in the setting sun...

That day, I activated the system, and I had a total of... opportunities. At that time, I...

But...I didn't survive.

The last... opportunity, I started to repair my destiny, started to use the Huangji Jingshi Book I bought from the system mall to check for gaps, and started to continue painting murals...

I calculated everything, and then gave the system after death to my next life. Yes, my next life, Su Wangchen, is actually still myself, but it is not me anymore.

After reaching this point... I am completely powerless.

Su Li, don't believe in the future because there is never a future.

But the time gap in the past has always existed. It was the modification of the rules of heaven as you grew up.

So, you have to remember that any point in time you are at is the present moment you are at!

This is the core advice I gave to Que De, Xia Xinning and others! I just hope they can tell you!

Even now, I have been regretting and thinking of ways to save it, but I have never been able to do it.

Today, this is a brand new troubled world, a dark era, an era of cloud waste, an era that requires pioneering and opening up wasteland instead of clouds.

Even under the current circumstances, even I am still just an ant.

But I have finally pushed this era in the right direction. When you make any choice, remember the series of judgments you made this time, and you will basically not go astray again.

Besides, don't believe it.

Su Li looked at it, and suddenly, the page of the book The Other Side exploded.

At the same time, Su Li discovered that the entire space had become obviously unstable.

Su Li sighed silently, then called up the system panel information and tried to record Su Wangchen's information on the system panel page.

But this time, this information was not recorded.

And just when he wanted to record it, he naturally forgot the information.

So much so that, after being stunned for a moment, he walked towards the stone monument.

At this time, patches of blood appeared on the originally ordinary stone tablet.

This is a heavenly blood monument.

The blood tablet contains a series of extremely magical and strange words.

There is a lot of very specific information recorded on it.

But this information is all information from the future that has not happened yet.

Su Li glanced briefly and didn't look again.

Because the information on the blood tablet is what will happen next in Qingyun Tomb.

Just a glance at these things is enough.

Su Li silently remembered this information in his heart. Then, when he looked at the blood monument again, many chains of order appeared on the blood monument.

At the same time, a blue door to the void appeared on the blood monument, and the door led to the end of the Tianchi Blood River.

At this time, Su Li looked at the Void Gate and felt a little more enlightened.

After Su Li hesitated for a long time, he walked in through this door.

Hua Hua Hua

Between heaven and earth, there seemed to be the sound of turning pages of books again.

But this time, the sound of thunder was no longer mysterious, but came from the Blood River area.

When Su Li walked into the blood river, the Supreme Demon at the end of the blood river raised his head and glanced at Su Li calmly.

Su Li was slightly silent and nodded.

After the demon in the sky roared slightly, the chains all over his body began to break away.

At this time, Su Li actually had several options.

First, his body can be transformed into the Black Mountain Old Demon to undo the cause and effect this time.

Secondly, he can transform into Ning Caichen to equalize the cause and effect this time.

Third, his true body is his real body, and his clone transforms into Ning Caichen, and then puts on a good show.

Fourth, his body can transform into Yan Chixia and use Xuanyuan Tianxie Sword.

This is another option.

Moreover, I am afraid that he will face similar choices in many things to come.

But this time, Su Li chose the third option very easily.

Therefore, Su Li began to sit down at the end of the blood river and remained indifferent to the blood rolling around him and the lightning and thunder.

In Emperor's Classics, as Su Li gradually meditated, he tried to incorporate part of the plot of A Chinese Ghost Story and at the same time summoned Yuqing, Taiqing and his external avatar.

This time, Yuqing's clone has no emotions, and it is Yan Chixia who is meditating.

The Taiqing avatar is meditating on the Black Mountain Old Demon.

What Su Li was meditating on was himself.

Incarnate outside the body, the person meditating is Ning Caichen. The reason why he chose this is because he needs to be used in the next situation.

This time, during meditation, Su Li had already begun to combine the Emperor's Classics and directly asked the three clones to meditate eighteen times.

This is not a heavenly soul-cleansing technique, but after meditating for eighteen times in succession, under the blessing of the Emperor's Sutra, Taiqing's clone directly entered the demon, transformed into the Taishang Demon, and in an instant, entered the Tianchi Blood River' The Supreme Demon's body.

The Supreme Demon sank directly into the depths of the blood river and disappeared.

At that moment, Su Li temporarily lost control of the 'Taiqing clone' again.

At the same time, Ning Caichen, who had transformed outside his body, suddenly stood up. Before he could look around, he was suddenly swept away by a bloody light and disappeared.

Su Li knew that at this time, 'Ning Caichen' had already gone to Qingyun Tomb. Moreover, this Ning Caichen was not the Ning Caichen who had no power to restrain a chicken.

This time, Su Li also temporarily lost the ability to 'incarnate outside the body'.

Next, Yan Chixia, the avatar of Yuqing, appeared. He stretched out his hand and directly used the Xuanxin Secret Art to summon Xuanyuan Tianxie Sword.

At the same time, this clone also disappeared on the spot.

Su Li also lost the ability of 'Yu Qing Clone' at this time.

The remaining clones of the Supreme Purity were not used because the Master of the Supreme Purity, Tongtian Cult, had previously recreated the Zhuxian Sword Formation on the first and second floors of his memory restricted area.

Now these two places need to be ‘suppressed’.

Sure enough, when Su Li thought of this, the ability of the 'Supreme Purity Clone' was temporarily locked and could not be used.

Su Li just thought of the substitute paper man, and then he discovered that the ability of the 'paper man substitute' was also locked.

Why lockdown?

Because the time gap where the paper substitute went to the 'Tenth Floor' seemed to have encountered some kind of situation at this time.

As a result, Su Li discovered that he was now unable to use either the One Qi Three Purities technique or the External Incarnation and paper substitute abilities.

However, Su Li was no longer worried.

Next, it’s Su Li’s own ‘role’.

Su Li didn't care much about this because he played himself as he was.

Combining the traces of Dao marks in the Tianji Blood Monument, Su Li made some judgments in his mind that the Creation Pen should have modified the Creation Monument and the Book of the Other Shore this time.

Although Su Li could no longer remember what information was recorded at the end of the book, Su Li could still remember all the information before answering the second question.

Therefore, Su Li already knew how to deal with it.

Su Li took a breath and then looked at Tianji Mall.

In the Tianji Mall, the Creation Pen lay quietly in it.

Su Li looked at the countless mysterious areas at the end of the Blood River, and then walked in.

There, it was once the place where the Supreme Demon was imprisoned.

But now, Su Li walked in directly with his own body.

(PS: This chapter involves a lot and is very difficult to write, so it is a little short, only less than 5,000 words. I will try to update more during the day. Also, I am very grateful to book friend 'The God of the Month' for the 2000 starting coin reward for support. Thank you very much to book friend 'Spukgestult' for your support with a 700 starting coin reward~)

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