I pretend to be a fortune teller in a fantasy world

Chapter 264: Born to die and massacre the geniuses

Su Ye glanced at Su Li lightly and said, You still want to know why?

Su Li said: Yes.

Su Ye said: There is an answer in a certain layer of my memory restricted area. Do you want to see it?

Su Li said: If you can take a look, then take a look.

Su Ye said: You can see it, but I won't show it to you.

Su Li glanced at Su Ye inexplicably and said, Then don't look at it.

Su Ye said: Nirvana is never a bad thing, it's just that you can't go on this road. There are thousands of geniuses in this world, and how many of them will eventually go down.

As the saying goes, The great sound and the sound of the elephant are invisible. Since there is extreme yang that generates yin, and there is extreme yang that generates yin, there is also life toward death and death toward life.

Su Li said: I understand the truth, but I feel a little disappointed.

Su Ye said: If you can be disappointed, he will die a worthy death. If you want him to die a more worthy death, learn the body skills well - have you learned the body skills he taught you?

Su Li remained silent.

Su Ye said: If you can't learn it, remember it completely, right? After you go back, let the immortal strongman behind you help you understand and improve the quality of this movement.

Just like the Tianshu Ancient Town Tianji Divine Technique and Tianji Galaxy Blood Fiend Soul Refining Technique that you are performing now, which came from me.

I have reached the level of perfection now, but you have actually cultivated it to the level of 'gong ginseng creation'.

Su Li said: I learned it. But when did your Tianshu Ancient Town and Tianji Xinghe techniques reach the level of proficiency? Didn't you just enter the palace?

Su Ye said: I'll be a little stronger and give myself some face. Do I have to expose this?

Su Li said: Since when did you want to save face?

After Su Ye was silent for a while, he asked: In the Guixu era, at that time point of Leifeng Pagoda, I didn't exist at that time? Who was I then?

When Su Li heard this, he suddenly felt bad.

Now that he hears the words 'Leifeng Pagoda', he wants to go back in time and blow his own dog's head off - these are all random thoughts!

If you use this to pick up girls, you haven't been able to kiss her for a hundred thousand years?

As a result, you are not happy enough, and now I have to wipe your ass?

Su Li's mood was a little complicated.

This kind of thing really made him feel a little uncomfortable. Although the memory of the past was gone, he knew that only he could do such a thing.

Because when he went to the Holy Land of Wanli, he was still doing the same thing, making up random things to get the truth value.

However, he actually restrained himself at that time, and he didn't say it was so serious!

Now, Su Li really regrets his past. If he had spoken less, acted less impulsively, and been more down-to-earth at that time, how could this day have become so difficult now?

In this life, from awakening to now, although he seems to have grown up in a short time, less than two months.

But actually, it’s much more than that!

Because he actually lived a full year longer 20,000 years ago, although the time there could not be refreshed from the system.

In addition, because he often stays on the fourth, fifth, ninth or even tenth floor of the memory restricted area, the proportion of his time is also completely different.

Therefore, this kind of time can only represent the specific time in reality, but it does not represent how long he has lived.

At this time, seeing Su Ye still looking curious about the baby, Su Li couldn't help but want to say the word Fahai, but he held it back.

Don't ask, I'll arrange it for you if you ask.

Su Li responded angrily.

Su Ye said: Why?

Su Li took a deep breath and resisted the urge to beat Su Ye to death - is this something that can be asked casually? Do you want to die?

Su Ye suddenly said: How are you feeling?

Su Li's breath was stagnant and he didn't speak.

Su Ye said: So, you ask me why about Feng Yao? Then I ask you, why is Leifeng Pagoda? Is it 'Fa Hai, you don't understand love, Leifeng Pagoda will fall down'?

When Su Li heard this, his expression suddenly became more exciting, and the muscles on his face trembled uncontrollably.

Good guy - I was so wild before this?

Su Ye sighed: I, Fahai, don't understand love, otherwise Yan Ji would have gotten a bunch of Mr. Bloodline from me and copied a lot of dolls. Of course, I am as humble as an ant, so why should I embarrass the next generation?

If the next generation is filial, they will complain about me, which will definitely lead to the disobedience of relatives.

If the next generation is rebellious, they will seize the throne and will surely suffer a bloodbath.

All in all, it is destined to be a not-so-good ending.

Of course, these are not the key points. The key point is that for me, is it okay for women to have a master?

Su Li said: It does make sense. It seems that I am not suitable for raising offspring.

Su Ye said: It sounds like you can raise offspring now.

Su Li: ...

Su Ye sighed softly and said sadly: What happened now, after you leave this place, this time and space fault point will be completely repaired.

In this way, many things will be coherent, but there will also be some memory confusion like a dream-like effect.

There will be a short period of discomfort at that time.

At this point in time, you should not go to the Netherworld Sea, otherwise you may be attacked.

Su Li said: It's just a memory illusion, right? It's actually a real memory, but the reality has changed.

Su Ye said: Yes.

Su Li was silent.

This situation is like the Mandela Effect. In fact, some things are the truth, but the reality is often deviated.

And when people try to prove that reality has deviated, all they can ultimately prove is that their memory is wrong.

Su Ye added: In addition, if you have a stronger foundation for your future practice, remember that you would rather die than do it.

Su Li said: If we don't use the foundation, is it still the foundation?

Su Ye said: If you don't use the foundation, it will always be the foundation. If you use it, it will be a one-time talisman effect.

Su Li said: Some secrets can be used many times.

Su Ye said: Trust me, just once!

Su Li said: Then when can we use such a foundation again?

Su Ye said: You can use it when you are not you, or when you are a small independent world derived from the Guixu era.

Su Li said: Similar to Qingyun Tomb?

Su Ye said: Yes.

Su Li asked again: In other words, some of the nonsense Maura said before came true? So, he is my son?

Su Ye said: Forget it, if you have such a son, I will kill him on the spot even if I am not the guardian.

Su Li: ...

Su Li breathed a sigh of relief and said, That's good, that's good.

Su Ye glanced back and said: This river of blood will be annihilated after you leave. By then, my restricted memory area will be completely lifted.

Su Li said: Then is this good or bad?

Su Ye said: The time is up, do you want to leave? If you don't leave, you won't be able to go back.

Su Li said: See you later in Netherworld Sea.

Su Ye said: Remember to give me a favor. I owe another billion of karma to Que De. If something happens to me, help me pay it back.

Su Li said: Farewell.

In the forbidden area of ​​​​memory, after a dark point brightened, the shadows gradually gathered.

Subsequently, Su Li's figure emerged from it and gradually condensed and walked out.

At this moment, the place where this point is located has a layer of extremely mysterious Taoist aura.

After Su Li came out, he immediately saw his creation pen.

Afterwards, Su Li called up the system panel and took a look at the time - October 13th in the Yunhuang Calendar, 17:45:26:382.

Before I knew it, from the early morning when the system was refreshed, it was the evening.

Su Li raised his head and looked at the sky outside.

In the sky, the blazing sun was only the size of a fist, and it looked a little blood-red.

The setting sun was like blood, and the sunset dyed half the sky red.

Su Li couldn't help but think of Luoxia Mountain.

I thought of Xia Xinning's story about Dayu slaying the dragon.

Dayu killed the dragon, and the dragon's blood spread all over Luoxia Mountain, thus forming Luoxia Mountain.

Therefore, the dragon-buried terrain and dragon-buried terrain he once saw were the real dragon-buried terrain.

The burial place of the dragon and the ruined ancient temple form a pattern of a place where the soul of an evil dragon is buried.

Plus the altar, the dragon-slaying platform, and the terrain with the word ‘death’.

Su Li sorted out his thoughts, and vaguely felt that he had forgotten something.

After pondering for a long time and calling up the system's forbidden information, he suddenly remembered a person who had faded in his memory - Feng Yao.

After remembering Feng Yao, Su Li came to the other side of the bridge and took a look at the painting.

Immediately, Su Li grinned slightly.

In one of the paintings he left behind, he left the word cow and added a fortune-telling pen to form the word 生.

It means: You are awesome, leave a way to survive.

Then, as expected, 'him' from the future appeared and responded.

I just put away the word cow, and then I spent a mountain with someone standing next to me - what does that mean?

What it means is: if you use the Creation Pen as your backer and if you treat yourself well as a human being, you will become an ‘immortal’. If you are not a human being, even if you have a fortune pen, you will still be a cannon. If you don’t have a good luck pen, then you are a kǎn, and the character ‘凵’ is the frame of the word ‘fierce’, which is the same as the word ‘倵’ in ‘bumpy’. At the same time, it also represents the ‘Kan’ in the universe at this time, which means he was given a ‘Kan Gua’!

A ridge, a low, uneven place, a pit!

The main hexagram and the guest hexagram are both Kan hexagrams, the hexagram image is water, and the yang number is 2. Two drops of water together are still water, which means that the dangers and difficulties of both sides are still dangers and difficulties together.

Xiang said: A bright moon shines in the water, but only the shadow is missing. The foolish man went to get the treasure, but he touched it all in vain.

Su Li understood it at a glance.

After understanding it, he almost exploded with anger!

Good guy, I was asked to leave a way out, but in the end, I was scolded and humiliated, and it was completely inappropriate for me to seduce his uncle!

Su Li couldn't help but want to spit out the fragrance!

After a while, Su Li raised his hand to grab the good fortune pen. As a result, he discovered that the good fortune pen was a drawn good fortune pen, not a real good fortune pen! ! !

“Fuck—your sister!”

Su Li almost vomited blood.

Stealing the chicken is losing the rice!

Su Li's face was as black as coal, and he silently looked at the painting carefully a few more times. The more he looked at it, the angrier he became - the fortune pen was gone!

It’s been drawn into the scroll!


Don't be angry, don't be angry!

I should think this way - I go back to the past now, and I want to hammer myself to death! So I may think the same way in the future, so I may not be doing a good enough job now!

Ahhhh--I feel bad just thinking about it!

It's really hard for me!

Su Li sighed, feeling a little melancholy at the same time.

In my current situation, do I want cynicism? Want to be sarcastic?

What I want is guidance!

Give me a clear way!

It's like if I go back to the past, I will definitely remind myself not to talk nonsense and mess with cause and effect!

Su Li felt very complicated.

Then he thought about it carefully and felt that if he went back to the past, it would be better not to remind him, and let his past self continue to be wild and reckless, and he would be completely honest after being severely beaten a few times, so as not to lose his memory.

Thinking of this, Su Li inexplicably compared some of the possible collapse of his mentality in the future...

For a moment, Su Li was speechless.

These are all sins caused by the me in the past, what does this have to do with the me now!

If you can come here in the future, don’t you know how to help me?

If you hold me up, I can pee three thousand feet in the wind!

After Su Li analyzed his mentality comparing the past, present and future, he didn't know what to say for a while.

Su Li sighed, and took a look at the Tianji value on the system panel. Then, Ju Zhihua couldn't help but tense up.

900 million!

too fast!

I can't bear this going on!

The only comfort is that the causal value is 0 points.

Su Li couldn't calm down. He picked up the painting and prepared to put it into the Qiankun Ring.

At this time, he suddenly realized that the painting could not be included in the Qiankun Ring, as if it was 'stabbed' by some taboo.

Su Li's heart trembled, and then he remembered that his Qiankun ring was originally given to him by Hua Yunxiao and has never been replaced.

And this Qiankun Ring has been following him all the way.

In addition to the Qiankun Ring, there is also a bow and arrow - Baiyu Demon God Yaoguang Bow.

Moreover, the piece of clothing he was wearing, the Hui Ling Bichen Armor, was once given by Feng Yao and was a one-star sacred weapon.

But this clothes not only fits well, but also has a strong defensive effect.

On the contrary, Baiyu Demon God's Yaoguang Bow and the Qiankun Ring are a bit useless.

After Su Li pondered for a moment, he placed the things here. After condensing a spiritual energy into a robe, he entered the fourteenth floor of the memory restricted area and cleaned it carefully.

This time, he did not sweep out any light-point cages. The Qiankun Ring and Baiyu Demon God's Light Bow may have slight flaws, but it is not a big problem.

It is equivalent to saying that there will be no problem this time.

Even so, Su Li already had some shadows.

After thinking about it, Su Li brought these things to the ninth floor of the memory restricted area, and sat down silently, using the Xuanxin Secret Art to condense the Xuanxin Thunder Flame, and use his own energy, blood, and abilities. , began to try to temper the Qiankun Ring and Baiyu Demon God Yaoguang Bow.

During this process, Su Li continued to meditate on the Emperor's Book of Worlds to try to transform the Qiankun Ring and the Baiyu Demon God's Shining Light Bow.

In this way, the time is actually not long.

Because it was on the ninth floor of the memory restricted area, it took Su Li about half a day to process all of this.

This time, Su Li also refined the Heavenly Secret Sacred Jade given by Zhuge Qingchen into the Qiankun Ring, so that this time after his Qiankun Ring was 'cleansed' by the Huangji Jingshi Shu, There are no flaws either.

Su Li couldn't tell exactly what grade it was, but it was already pretty good.

In addition, Baiyu Demon God Yaoguang Bow has transformed a lot.

Because this thing is a counterfeit soul-soothing secret treasure. Now after Su Li remodeled it, the entire bow has undergone earth-shaking transformation.

This is especially true after the blessing of Qi and blood and the 'cleansing' of the Huangji Jingshi Shu.

Of course, the one with the best effect is the Hui Ling Chen-avoiding Armor, which is almost equivalent to a 'consecration'.

At this time, Su Li realized that the thing Feng Yao had casually given as a gift was really a good thing.

It was precisely because of this that Su Li felt quite sad.

After putting on the Hui Ling Bichen Armor and the Qiankun Ring again, Su Li held the bow in his hand, vaguely having the illusion of shooting an arrow through the blazing sun in the sky.

Therefore, through the memory forbidden area, Su Li held the Baiyu Demon God's radiant bow and looked at the bloody setting sun in the sky.

Suddenly, a red cloud floated across the sky, blocking the scorching sun.

Su Li couldn't help but laugh - was he following his heart or was he guilty of being a thief?

When Su Li collected the painting again, there was no obstacle this time.


Exhaling a breath, Su Li returned to the third level of the memory restricted area.

Here, time passes for more than two hundred breaths.

In the outside world, time passes very briefly.

Therefore, after Su Li adjusted, he opened the third level of the memory restricted area and walked out calmly.


The moment he came out, Su Li's figure pulled out an afterimage.

Where he originally stood, an afterimage suddenly disappeared with a loud 'pop'.

This scene immediately plunged all the practitioners surrounded by darkness into a state of deathly silence.

Who did it?

did not see it.

Not aware of it at all.

Perhaps he did this on purpose, just to frame us and blackmail our destiny.

Isn't the Su family bad at this kind of thing?

It seems that the practitioners around him are going to be blackmailed!

It's true that I didn't find it. As a god with a trace of the soul, I didn't find it.

At this time, discussions were heard from all directions.

After Su Li came out, he suddenly attracted everyone's attention.

After Su Li glanced over, he realized that the number of cultivators from the Tianhe tribe alone this time exceeded 100,000.

This time, it's not all gods.

There are not many gods, only five to six hundred in number.

There are only more than a thousand guardians.

The rest are all geniuses and some secondary geniuses with ordinary strength.

These numbers are not too scary, they add up to over 10,000.

The remaining 80,000 to 90,000—

Those are practitioners of the Nascent Soul or even the Golden Core Realm, referred to as ‘Xinnen’.

Moreover, these newcomers all look like they are very worried about me.

When Su Li saw these people, these practitioners actually looked at him provocatively - looking like that, they still wanted to come up and fuck him!

And some female cultivators even flirted with Su Li's chest, showing off... coquettishly.

Su Li was also extremely speechless.

This is not only true for the Tianhe tribe, but also for special beings such as those strange and evil spirits.

These existences now dare to appear openly and are not afraid of being destroyed, which shows that they also have a foundation.

Su Li didn't take these provocations too seriously.

With his current ability, he couldn't determine whether these characters were real rookies or old Yinbi - because in this world, even a strong man like Su Ye would not dare to kill ordinary practitioners at will.

Because maybe he will kill the big boss and cause karma.

Of course, it’s okay not to make a deadly move but to keep a thin line, but if a conflict really breaks out, it’s a must to use a heavy hand!

After all, under normal circumstances, the weak respect the strong more. This is a matter of principle.

At this time, Su Li had almost mastered some of the unspoken rules of this world and was gradually getting used to them.

He will not take the initiative to embarrass the newcomers.

But if you really dare to touch your nose and face, then you will die.

At this time, Su Li ignored everyone's gazes. He raised his hand and grabbed the place where the afterimage had been pierced. After grabbing a broken energy aura, he suddenly began to meditate on the Emperor's Book of the World.

During the meditation, the Tianji listening ability, which was at the level of more than half a bucket of water, was activated almost immediately.

Therefore, Su Li immediately locked onto the cause and effect and heard an aura of provocation and murderous intent.

Therefore, Su Li immediately focused his eyes of heaven and looked at a dark and strange creature in the area a thousand meters in front of him.

This is a mysterious and powerful person, but overall it is not very strong. It is even about a hundred times weaker than the strength that 'Hua Zili' showed in the beginning when fighting Su Li.

Just like this, how could Su Li be afraid?

He did keep Su Ye's words in mind.

But he will not be afraid to continue to show the combat power he has already shown - for example, one ten thousandth of the combat power.

Therefore, Su Li used this kind of combat power at this time.

The Eye of Heaven opened, and the weirdness that didn't exist suddenly appeared.

It was a woman wearing a blue robe. She looked ferocious, with two cat ears, but her face was very thin, with a toad-like bulging face covering her bulging cheekbones. and a skull-like face that had been hacked, making it look something that could only be described as ferocious and tragic.

However, Weiwei has always had a similar tragic look, looking a bit like the vicious ghost in the horror movie Su Li watched in his previous life!

Moreover, this kind of thing has its own mysterious, ferocious and gloomy nature, making it a first-class difficult thing to deal with.

At this time, when Su Li looked over, the weird one also showed an extremely ferocious smile. When it smiled, waves of ferocious Yin Qi flowed out wantonly, turning into a strange storm, as if Su Li was enveloped on the spot like a soul realm.

Another test?

It's just a test for the geniuses of the same level.

Su Li already knew in his heart.

But in this situation, if he doesn't show some strength, the royal family will lose face.

But he can't show too much strength.

So the one-ten thousandth combat power that had been manifested before was just right.

Not far from Su Li, Meier, Mu Yuxi and others looked normal.

Xia Xinyan, Que Xinyan and others are currently no different.

Hua Ziyan is full of energy and has an indescribable temperament. She is like a fairy flying through the clouds. Her aura is so compelling that people can't help but be excited when they see her.

But Su Li didn't pay much attention to her.

Because Su Li noticed Feng Qianwei - beside Feng Qianwei, Feng Cangqiong was holding a spiritual tablet, and there was a portrait of Feng Yao on the spiritual tablet.

At this time, Feng Yao seemed to have a smile in his eyes, his expression was calm, and he seemed to be completely relieved.

Feng Cangqiong looked a little pale and his back was a little hunched.

Next to Feng Cangqiong, Feng Chaoge looked calm, and Feng Han looked indifferent, silently watching the battle between Su Li and a certain inferior genius in the weird one.

Feng Yao's disappearance seems to be a normal thing in everyone's eyes.

But in Su Li's memory, there were two memories - when he had a verbal conflict with Feng Yao, it was actually a verbal conflict with Feng Zhishui, so that Feng Zhishui was killed in the end.

Some of the other words were rejected by Feng Chaoge.

But there is no record of his communication with Feng Yao.

In his memory, the last time he took Su Ye to the end of the Blood River, he saw Feng Yao, and then Feng Yao cast a 'True Void', and in that True Void, what happened before happened That scene.

But now, when he recalled this, he found that everything was very natural.

Because Feng Cangqiong has actually been holding this spiritual position since he came to the Nether Sea - but he didn't pay attention.

The fault point was indeed completely repaired.

In their hearts, Feng Yao died long ago.

I came here this time to bring Feng Yao's spiritual status to 'inspect the Qingyun Tomb'. Because Feng Yao's inspection mission had not been completed before his death, Feng Cangqiong helped him complete it.

Su Li withdrew his gaze, his heart filled with indescribable depression.

But when the gloomy energy gathered, Wei Wei let out an unbridled and ferocious smile.

When this kind of weirdness enveloped Su Li and he laughed unscrupulously, Su Li suddenly also smiled.

The smile also became extremely cruel at that moment!

Why are cats and dogs here to plot against you? !

court death!

Su Li's eyes were filled with murderous intent.

At this time, the blue-robed bird seemed to have seen Su Li giving it the same ferocious smile, as if it had been provoked.

At that moment, the strange and strange realm manifested, and the substance-like realm turned into blood.

At the same time, the strange figure suddenly grew in size, turned into an afterimage, and rushed towards Su Li.

With this pounce, it was like the sky and the earth changing color and the void twisting.

Not only is it fast, it also carries the Xuanyin Law of Destruction that distorts the void!

This strange power was so cold that it stung Su Li's mind and soul.

The dark wind roared out fiercely, and the power of destruction and the heavy pressure of death covered it like an abyss.

In just an instant, Su Li felt as if his neck was stuck and his soul was about to be sucked into an abyss.

It can be seen that this weirdness is indeed quite cruel!

Moreover, when its silhouette moves and murderous intent breaks out, its speed is too fast for Su Li to detect it!

However, it doesn't matter.

Wei Wei is faster, Su Li is faster!

In terms of speed, Su Li thinks that he can achieve the best at present!

Therefore, the moment the feeling of being stuck in the neck and pulling the soul into the dark abyss arose, Su Li suddenly took action.

What he condensed was the sword intent derived from the ordinary Mysterious Secret of Mysterious Heart.

The combat power displayed was only one ten thousandth of the combat power.

Qi and blood did not use Pangu's essence and blood, nor did Kunpeng's essence and blood.

What he used was the power of his own blood.

With one sword, Mo Xie's sword focus was concentrated and he shot out. He struck later and arrived first.

At this time, a sharp claw that was extremely dark and as black as ink fiercely grabbed the back of Su Li's head, as if it wanted to directly grab Su Li's brain and heart and devour it on the spot.

However, Su Li slashed hard at the Netherworld claw with his sword, and cut it suddenly with the ultimate power of Qi and blood.


The Netherworld claw was immediately cut off.


Weird roared like crazy, and the bloody field exploded on the spot, forming a destructive storm, all of which surged towards Su Li.

Su Li raised his hand to grab it, and suddenly used his movement skills, like lightning traveling through the bloody field, and suddenly appeared in front of the weird body.


Su Li's hand transformed into Xuanxin Thunder Flame, and instantly grabbed the weird neck, and then violently burst out with the power of blood and endless murderous intent.


The ferocious power of blood and Xuanxin thunder flames exploded, instantly exploding the void.

The earth exploded, and the waves of the netherworld rose into the sky, exploding into huge waves of destruction.

Su Li's Sword of Nothingness dissipated, and Ningxuan Xin Lei Yan's palm turned into a fist, punching out one after another.

Boom boom boom——

In just an instant, Su Li's fist punches were punched seven times in a row.

Each punch was like a crushing blow, punching through half of the void, causing the strange realm to collapse directly.

What's even more terrifying is that even if Su Li's Qi and blood are only one ten thousandth of the evolved level, even if it's his own ordinary Qi and blood, it's still extremely powerful and ferocious at this time.

The realm of this treacherous manifestation, the cold and treacherous aura of Zhiyin, etc., are simply vulnerable.

The ferocious smile on Su Li's face still continued.

Can't you just laugh properly? You still have to come here to plot against me. Even if you succeed, forget it. If you don't succeed, you still laugh at me? You're provoking me!


Su Li spoke fatally, twisted the hand on Wei Wei's neck, and punched him fiercely, deriving a wisp of Tao Yun thunder power that unified all methods, and directly drove this strange punch into the Netherworld Sea on the spot.


In the Netherworld Sea, the waves exploded, and the strange thing in it was instantly pushed three thousand meters under the water, but the thunder flames all over his body were still burning.


The strange and pitiful screams kept coming, and the sound was shrill and horrifying, like the extremely tragic howl made by the soul after being tortured.

Su Li's eyes narrowed, and he used a nail-headed seven-arrow method on the spot to develop the source of hope.

call out--

The source of hope turned into colorful mysterious light and penetrated the sea fiercely like a sharp sword, killing the strange ghost on the spot.


The ferocious and terrifying weird genius was shaken at this moment, and his miserable voice suddenly stopped, and then he completely evolved and turned into a ball of ashes.

This ashes are also ghost ashes.

But at this time, a piece of paper flew out of this strange place of death.

Extremely clean and clear paper.

Not only that, Su Li also discovered that he suddenly gained 10 million fortune points!

Su Li's heart suddenly moved - this Weigui is worth 10 million heavenly points, which shows that it is very strong!

However, he was still beaten in his hands, completely vulnerable!

This battle is not complicated.

The time lasted, but it was completed in just a breath.

Su Li grabbed the piece of paper with one hand and looked at Feng Qianwei in the distance.

When Feng Qianwei saw Su Li looking over, she immediately showed a shy look, like a thief who had been caught stealing something, and felt very guilty.

Su Li's figure moved and instantly landed in front of Feng Qianwei.

Feng Qianwei's breathing became rapid, her pretty face turned red, but she didn't dare to look at Su Li.

But Su Li looked at the spirit tablet in Feng Cangqiong's arms next to Feng Qianwei.

Brother Feng Yao, have a good trip.

Su Li took a deep look at Feng Yao, then raised his hand to condense the Xuanxin Thunder Flame, burned the paper of hell, and sent Feng Yao on his way.

At the same time, Su Li cupped his fists and saluted Feng Yao.

Feng Cangqiong's eyes were a little moved, but at the next moment he bowed to Su Li with great piety in return.

He was in tears, but he still held it back.

In this world, there are always some memories that are indelible.

Those who should remember Feng Yao will not forget him.

And those who should remember him have long since forgotten him.

The underworld fire is burning, flying and burning in the sky.

At that moment, the bright red flames looked like blooming azaleas.

Your Majesty, it's time to open the Great Emperor's Tomb, right? How long do we have to wait here?

At this time, in the distance, a very powerful King of Weirdness stared at Su Li with a sinister tone.

You don't have to wait, get away as far as you want.

Su Li glanced at the treacherous king and said calmly.

The strange king is a strange person with a soft voice, neither male nor female, and looks a bit cruel.

Hearing this, it was not angry at all. Instead, Jie Jie laughed strangely and said, Okay, I'll just wait a little longer.

Su Li took a deep look at the treacherous king and said nothing more.

At this time, he knew very well that the opening of the Great Emperor's Tomb was irreversible.

Even if he doesn't open it, the entrance will open by itself at a certain point in time.

And if he opens it, he can also make these gods owe some karma.

If he himself has more or less karma, it may not be a good thing, but if he makes others owe him something, it must be a good thing!

After Su Li withdrew his gaze, he looked at the ordinary practitioners around him again.

This time, many unruly ordinary practitioners became more honest.

Su Li glanced at Feng Qianwei, who looked a little depressed, and didn't know what he felt in his heart.

Are you sad that your brother is gone?

Su Li sighed softly.

Feng Qianwei was stunned at first, and there was a look of surprise and excitement in her eyes. The surprise and excitement was obviously because she was very surprised when Su Li suddenly talked to her.

But after hearing Su Li's inquiry, her beautiful eyes suddenly dimmed a bit: So what if I'm sad? Everyone has already taken a dim view of life and death.

Especially this time, I have to go to the Tomb of the Great Emperor, but after going there, there is almost no hope of coming out alive.

Everyone knows it, but everyone still comes.

So, it's just that he goes first and I arrive later.

Su Li reached out and patted Feng Qianwei on the shoulder.

Feng Qianwei's nose felt sore and she almost wanted to cry, but she still held it back.

Su Li retracted his hand and said in a gentler voice: Don't worry, it will get better.

Feng Qianwei choked up and said, Well, I, I will try my best.

She just spoke instinctively.

But she actually doesn’t know what will happen if she works hard.

Because at this time, her mind was blank.

When Su Li turned around and left, Feng Qianwei didn't even know.

Su Li came to the sea area where Tianji Pavilion was located.

He saw Su Ye.

Su Ye was as cold as ever. After seeing him, he acted as if he hadn't seen him - he had seen him just now, but now he pretended not to know him.

Su Li also saw Su Taiqing, who was even more cold-hearted, as if he had no emotions. Is this because Taiqing didn't learn it, and he became Yuqing after learning it?

While Su Li was thinking about it, he didn't interfere.

Do you have any more questions? Or are you troubled by something, or do you want to kill some gods or weirdos, of the same level, I can help you kill them.

Zhuge Jiufeng glanced at Su Li and said in a solemn tone.

Su Li glanced at Zhuge Jiufeng indifferently - this mature beauty... the beauty was indeed as plump as a peach, plump and attractive.

However, Su Li didn't think much about it. Instead, he glanced at Xiang Zuolong and said, If I want to kill him, can you help me kill him?

Upon hearing this, Zhuge Jiufeng took a deep look at Xiang Zuolong and said, It seems that you are really dishonest.

Xiang Zuolong never thought that he would be so low-key and suddenly take advantage of him. He couldn't help but glance at Que De strangely - I owe you Karma and I haven't repaid you, so you won't be like this, right?

Xiang Zuolong immediately bowed and saluted: Prince Tian, ​​there must be a misunderstanding in this. Xiang owes the Netherworld Sea 300,000 karma, repay it immediately, repay it immediately!

Quede sneered and said: So, you still want to be a deadbeat? If you go in and die, I will suffer heavy losses. It's better to pay it forward first.

Without saying a word, Xiang Zuolong bowed to Su Li again and then happily allowed Que De to use the power of forgetting the world to draw away the corresponding cause and effect.

In an instant, Xiang Zuolong seemed to have aged three thousand years, his back was a little hunched, and his strength had obviously dropped a lot.

Su Li was thoughtful and finally understood that the list in Que De's words said that Feng Yao was worth making friends with, and among them, the one who had no problem for the time being was Xiang Zuolong.

A god who can act according to the wind, deceive good and fear evil, commit crimes despite the current trend of the royal family?

This is obviously impossible.

At this time, Zhuge Jiufeng's pretty face also had a layer of frost. He glared at Que De and said, One hundred thousand favors!

Just when Que De was about to refuse, Zhuge Jiufeng moved his lips and said one word - and it was an unspoken word.

Okay! Great! One hundred thousand is not enough, I'll give you two hundred thousand!

Que De agreed very decisively. As soon as he received 300,000 yuan, Zhuge Jiufeng took away 200,000 yuan.

Not far away, Su Li noticed that the muscles at the corners of Su Taiqing's mouth twitched and he refrained from speaking.

Su Li was thoughtful, and then asked Zhuge Yunni and Zhuge Yunmeng who were beside Zhuge Jiufeng, Do you have a relative who is Zhuge Yunshang?

Upon hearing this, Zhuge Yunni immediately bowed and said, Young Master, she just changed her name to Zhuge Yunshang. Joining Tianji Pavilion and changing her name is the first step of loyalty.

Zhuge Yunmeng suddenly said: 'Yun Xiang Clothes, Flowers Xiang Rong', isn't this the name you gave her? Now what does this mean? Or did you kill her? So that she could go to Wangchenhuan to offer sacrifices. Improve your combat power?

(PS: The second update contains 10,000 words~ I beg you for a full subscription and monthly pass, please order all the books, thank you~ Also, I am very grateful to ‘book friend 160405225513682’ for the 260 starting point coin reward for support~)


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