I pretend to be a fortune teller in a fantasy world

Chapter 1,339: Rebirth at the beginning, refining the true and returning to the virtual

In ancient times, the era of Guixu.

The Hua family is a relatively large family in Shushan Town.

Hua Taichu and Hua Yiling grew up together.

Hua Taichu knew exactly what Hua Yiling was thinking - she longed to step into Shushan, to a wider world, and to truly fly with a sword.

He once promised to help Hua Yiling realize her dream.

But now...

Hua Taichu discovered that there was something he really couldn't do.

What is a sword, what is the sword's intention.

He knew all those principles, but he just couldn't learn them.

Want to learn to sword? I can teach you.

At this moment, a voice sounded in his mind.

This voice was so deafening that Hua Taichu couldn't ignore it even if he wanted to.

He was shocked all over and looked around, with a look of horror on his face, and his eyes were full of surprise and uncertainty.

No need to look around, I'm in your mind, you can try meditating to communicate with me.

The voice spoke again.

You-you-what are you...what?

Hua Taichu was still a young man of seventeen or eighteen years old at this time. He had no courage and no ability.

Overall, he is very ordinary.

A special soul came here unexpectedly.

The voice responded calmly, and then he began to feel the world.

With this induction, he had already noticed some clues.

It's interesting. It contains Guixu, prehistoric times, and the ancient civilization system. This is a world where the Tianta world and the prehistoric world are mixed.

“This is an age of civilization that is trying to integrate.”

Is it a special world created using the ancient 'Heaven' as a test?

Hua Taichu and his group were originally exiled in such an environment, and then their lives were arranged.

Or is this more like the so-called 'Earthly Immortal Realm'?

At this time, after the clone arrived, Su Li realized that he was not a clone, but his 'original body'.

In other words, it is still a clone, but its properties are exactly the same as the original body.

However, this is equivalent to a ‘passing self’, which means the past ‘I’.

Su Li quickly understood this scene.

Moreover, this time when he met young Hua Taichu, Su Li suddenly understood some cause and effect.

He didn't specifically want to help Hua Taichu, but just wanted to change Hua Taichu's fate.

In fact, sometimes it is not difficult to change a person's destiny - just let him go through what he should experience once.

This is the fastest way for a person to grow.

As for whether it can grow...

Su Li didn't think Hua Taichu couldn't.

And among the causes and effects of Hua Taichu's past, his biggest regret was that he accidentally killed his junior sister?

Su Li wasn't too clear about the specifics.

But now he has a very incredible ability.

Just live in the moment.

As for this present moment, one is defined in the past and the other is defined in the present.

The present is the future of the past.

The past is equivalent to the past of the present, or the past of the future.

This means that Su Li defines the past and present, and also defines the future.

What are the benefits of this?

The advantage is that Su Li stands outside the long river of time. If he stands in a higher dimension, he can see all the 'truths' in the past to the present!

Combined with the ability of divine calculations, this resulted in everyone's fate track being almost clearly marked, such as extremely detailed 'files', which Su Li could see extremely clearly.

Of course, this is without Su Li's intervention.

And once he intervenes, it is equivalent to the distortion of time and space disrupting this destiny, causing certain changes and twists and turns in this destiny, and what will happen in the end will become unclear.

At this time, facing Hua Taichu, Su Li almost immediately had a series of Hua Taichu's subsequent causal experiences.

Then, Su Li saw that Hua Taichu had an opportunity and understood the meaning of the sword, but there was something wrong when he made the breakthrough.

As a result, his childhood sweetheart chose not to be a drag on him in order to fulfill him.

In the end, he died tragically in the hands of Hua Taichu.

The cause and effect of this matter was not solved in a short time. It was not until a few years after Hua Taichu entered Shushan that he accidentally learned the truth.

after that……

In short, all kinds of bloody things are flying everywhere.

But is this really bullshit?

Behind all this, a person named 'Jiang Taiyi', who practices the Jiang family's Tianji Dao, is making suggestions.

And now there is a person named Hua Taiyi in the Hua family, who is the puppet controlled by Jiang Taiyi.

Hua Taiyi of the Hua family has already been controlled without knowing it.

There seemed to be a light and shadow in front of Su Li's eyes, as if he could see the future all the time, seeing the outline of destiny.

At this time, he finally understood that once a person can live in the past and present or the future of the past at the same time, then all the cause and effect between the past and the future can be controlled.

“That’s the deep meaning of real-time updates.”

Real-time updates are only for personal profit, but if this ability is used to repair fate and the way of heaven itself, it is an extremely terrible repair method.

There is nothing wrong with this ability itself. What is wrong is that some beings use it to satisfy their selfish interests and seek various benefits in wrong ways.

As the Human Emperor, I have the authority to reincarnate. Now I understand that this method should be used to save the way of heaven, save the common people, and those who truly turn themselves into light.

How can someone who works for everyone be allowed to freeze to death in the snow?

Su Li suddenly understood.

Only after entering this real past, or even the era of mixed civilizations returning to ruins, did he truly understand that there was no problem with the 'fusion' of civilization itself.

The problem is that in this development, a series of people with ulterior motives and ulterior motives have emerged.

In the end, it turns out that the development of civilization is not about unity, but about cannibalizing each other.

In the final analysis, it's just that - luring the wolf into the house.

It's really a realistic version of the story of the farmer and the snake.

Isn't this snake the civilization over there in the Tianta World?

Su Li reached this era and became a part of the Heavenly Dao of the era, and he immediately gained enlightenment.

These things come from rules and self-knowledge.

Likewise, when he looked at Hua Taichu again, there was a lot more recognition in his eyes.

At this time, Hua Taichu was still very immature.

But that's okay.

Just give him a chance to see the future.

It's just a matter of refining the real and returning it to the imaginary. For the real experience, turn it into a dream demon for him and let him experience a life like Zhuang Zhou's Dream of a Butterfly.

In an instant, Su Li already knew how to do it.

In Hua Taichu's life, he had no intention of hiding it at all and directly gave him a chance.

Thoughts flashed across his mind, and Su Li's figure appeared in Hua Taichu's soul sea.

At this time, Hua Taichu's soul sea was still very dilapidated, like a pulpy rice field, unsightly.

After Hua Taichu's consciousness gathered together, it was also condensed here - this was also due to Su Li's help, otherwise he would not be able to condense his consciousness.

This...this senior...

Hua Taichu hesitated for a moment, probably seeing clearly that the place he was staying in was very dilapidated, so he blushed a little.

This young man still wanted to save face, knowing that he was poor and had sloppy qualifications.


Su Li nodded and said: This should be regarded as a cause and effect between us. Now it is settled. Don't ask about the reason, and don't care about the result.

I'll give you a chance, are you willing to take it?

When Hua Taichu heard this, he was stunned.

It was probably because of Su Li's mysterious, powerful and terrifying aura that Hua Taichu realized that if the other party really wanted to do something to him, he would probably not be able to resist it.

And since the other party said this and didn't force it, it just showed that this was indeed an opportunity.

Hua Taichu thought of Hua Yiling, and the hesitation in his eyes immediately became firm.


Taichu is willing to seize this opportunity, as long as he doesn't do anything harmful to nature...

Hua Taichu agreed, but still made his position clear.

Moreover, he said these words very sincerely and sincerely.

Su Li took a deep look at Hua Taichu.

Look, this is Hua Taichu.

Even though he actually knew that he had probably encountered an 'adventure', he was still able to maintain his original intention under such circumstances.

A successful person is often impeccable in every detail. Such a person should not have ended up like that.

But that should indeed be part of his growth.

In that case, I'll give you a 'rebirth'.

Su Li looked at Hua Taichu with deep eyes and said, I will grant you a rebirth.

Hua Taichu was in a daze when he heard this.


Hua Taichu was completely dumbfounded.

Su Li said: Literally, rebirth. I will create a reality and let you live in it for a lifetime, or two lifetimes, until you die. When you wake up, you will know your future destiny.

After knowing your future destiny, how you face your destiny is up to you.

When Hua Taichu heard this, his eyes suddenly widened.

A true and false story emerges!

Live a realistic life in it?


Hua Taichu thought of many things in an instant.

His heart was beating wildly.

But he immediately hesitated: Senior, in this way...will there be any changes in reality, or...if I live in an illusion, reality is dead...

Senior, Taichu is not afraid of death, but he does not want to abandon Yi Ling...

Hua Taichu was not excited by the unexpected encounter, but could not let go of reality, or was worried about reality.

Su Li looked at Hua Taichu with a half-smile.

Hua Taichu gradually lowered his head and blushed.

I'm sorry, senior, Taichu Hutu, rebirth... Taichu probably already understands the meaning of rebirth.

It's like Zhuang Zhou dreaming of yellow beams and butterflies.

You are too stupid to make your seniors laugh.

Su Li nodded and said, Well, everything will go very quickly next.

Su Li looked at Hua Taichu, and then he instinctively used the Great Time Technique and the Great Destiny Technique.

Then, he directly performed the technique of Zhuang Zhou Mengdie.

Then, Su Li reconstructed the mystery of the timeline that he could control into a trace of cause and effect related to Hua Taichu, and then combined it with the stories of Hua Taichu he had experienced, giving Hua Taichu two lives.

Normally, a lifetime is about the same.

This life is Hua Taichu's life of practicing Gujue swordsmanship.

But this was far from enough for Su Li.

Therefore, Su Li also added that part of Hua Taichu's life experience in the world of heavenly rules in the great plane of Babel Tower.

Send Buddha to the West.

After Hua Taichu has the memory of that life in the world of the great plane of the Babel Tower and the rules of heaven, everything will be completely different.

At that time, Hua Taichu.

That is the real power, or at least it can be an excellent help!

As for whether Hua Taichu would be disloyal?

Su Li didn't care at all.

Hua Taichu's character is here, can this be changed?

Even if he is not loyal to Su Li, Su Li doesn't care at all.

Su Li does not need anyone's loyalty. He only needs this person to be willing to transform into light and save the heaven and earth. That is enough.

Hua Taichu sat quietly by the cold pool.

And Su Li had no intention of continuing to follow Hua Taichu and be Hua Taichu's grandfather.

He comes in the form of a clone, and he can refine the void and return it to reality.

Although he is in a void form at this time.

Therefore, after solving the cause and effect of Hua Taichu, Su Li was ready to take a good look at the world, and then set the cause and effect status for several entities to prevent their cause and effect from being blocked.

Once these are fixed, the rest is no big deal.

At this time, Hua Taichu sat quietly in the cross-legged position, but in the sea of ​​souls, he had been involved in the 'reincarnation' of cause and effect.

Hua Taichu, who was in reincarnation, suddenly returned to 'reality'.

The mysterious 'senior' has disappeared, but left behind a special sword intent.

Later, Hua Taichu understood the meaning of the sword and became the swordsman genius of the Hua family.

However, three years later, he and Hua Taiyi had a conflict.

Hua Yiling and Hua Taiyi are getting along.

Hua Taiyi destroyed him.

He had a breakthrough in understanding the sword intention and realized the soul of the sword. In a rage, he killed his betrayed childhood sweetheart Hua Yiling...

The tragedy of life begins here.

After that, he practiced hard all the way and set foot on Shu Mountain, establishing a great reputation in this world.

On Shu Mountain, he met his little junior sister who was very similar to his childhood sweetheart.

But at this time, this world began to be invaded and eroded by alien races.

Countless tribesmen died tragically one after another.

Unable to bear it, he practiced hard on the sword and set foot on the alien battlefield.

In order to achieve his mastery of swordsmanship, the little junior sister died in his hands in the same way.

He finally understood that he had mistakenly blamed his childhood sweetheart and killed his junior sister.

Therefore, he put all his thoughts on fighting against the aliens.

In the alien world, he met a girl who was very similar to his childhood sweetheart and junior sister.

He clearly knows that many causes and effects are actually just traps, but because of the guilt in his heart, he silently accepts and protects them silently.

Watching her smile, he could only end up committing suicide.

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