I pretend to be a fortune teller in a fantasy world

Chapter 1338: Everything in the past is a prologue

In the sea of ​​souls, it gradually became quiet.

Changes over the years, a drop in the ocean, are still continuing.

It is said that time is ruthless, but if one stands in the years and looks at history and the future, he will find it.

Time is never ruthless.

Su Li watched quietly, feeling the mysterious vision and the dimension of time being divided into two by him, and suddenly understood something.

Why can he still improve at the top level?

Because he has stood on the only height.

Everything in the past is just a prologue.

It was me in the past, it is me now, and it will be me in the future.

The lost self, the id, the superego.

This is the meaning of heaven to me.

And the cause and effect of all this lies in Ling Yun Ting Xiao.

In the past, or in the future, the heavenly court's cause and effect was the top priority. If the heavenly court was the effect, the current heavenly court should be the cause.

Understanding cause and effect, it is never the future that is known, but the past.

It exists in the present, but solves the cause and effect of the past or the future. Whether a cause and effect is in the past or in the future depends on the current attitude.

After that realization, Su Li became somewhat enlightened.

Gradually, this transformed mind followed suit.

Those missing geniuses, I finally know where they have gone.

“In fact, they have always been there, but not in the past, not in the present, and not in the future.

But there is truth and emptiness in the way of heaven, so they exist in truth and emptiness.

This Zhenxu is also the rule that the alien race wants to control, and it is also the rule that the alien race wants to come to. Once Zhenxu succeeds, then there will be a foundation for Guixu, and then... the arrival of the Great Desolate will be unstoppable.

And the prehistoric era that comes will not be the real prehistoric era, but the prehistoric era that will be replaced by the so-called Guixu royal family.

Su Li gradually understood these starting points and the cause and effect.

After understanding, he understood even more that the cause and effect of Ling Yun Tingxiao could not be let go.

This has nothing to do with authority, but an erosion of the foundation.

The other party does not have the authority, but the other party can encroach on the territory, right?

What the other party did was an erosion of territory.

No wonder this so-called return to ruins, catastrophe, and fate cannot be solved. It turns out that the fundamental crux is here.

And besides Ling Yun Tingxiao, there are many other changes.

Then now, I will go and take a good look at the cause and effect.

After this cause and effect, the time has really come.

Hongmeng Research Institute, the real game is about to begin.

Su Li's eyes became much firmer.

Then, he felt relieved, and the next moment he looked at the immortal empress Fang Yuening beside him.

Su Li, are you okay? How come this sea of ​​souls has undergone such a huge change? Have you gained great benefits? Is this... safe?

Empress Fang Yuening couldn't help but asked with concern after Su Li's expression calmed down.

Su Li nodded and said: No need to worry, everything is better than ever. As for that clone, it is also me, and it is very stable. It can just solve a very important cause and effect, so there is no need to worry.

Hearing this, Fang Yuening breathed a sigh of relief and said, As long as there is no abnormality, I have also gained great benefits this time, but I am also a little uneasy, just worried that it will have some bad influence on you.

Su Li smiled and said, Don't worry about this. From now on, we can just be more casual.

Fang Yuening said: Your recent actions are indeed not very normal, and you have a lot of real resources, so you still need to pay some attention.

Su Li smiled, he was very calm about this.

Afterwards, Su Li left the soul sea.

After returning to reality, Su Li returned to school very low-key.

As soon as Su Li returned to school, he met Feng Qianqian who was very concerned about his actions.

Seeing Feng Qianqian again, Su Li found that this girl had grown up a lot, and her temperament and appearance had improved a lot.

She's really transformed into a woman. Her temperament is really good, and her figure has gotten better.

Su Li sighed in admiration, and there was a little more appreciation in his eyes.

But that's all.

From his point of view, it is impossible to be attracted to ordinary mortal women. This is just pure appreciation.

Su Li, you finally returned to school.

Feng Qianqian had a smile on her pretty face and a sweet and sweet voice.

Feng Qianqian's behavior made many young men and women on the tree-lined road look at Su Li strangely.

Although a lot of things happened to Su Li, Su Li even became very rich.

But not many people know.

Moreover, Su Li is very low-key. Now that he has returned to his original nature, even his temperament is no longer obvious, so he is still not that eye-catching.

But in Feng Qianqian's eyes, all the brilliance in the world is not as eye-catching as Su Li.

Well, I see you look a lot better. You've been having a good few days.

Su Li smiled.

Hearing this, Feng Qianqian smiled bitterly and said: There is indeed some progress in cultivation, but... there is one thing, I'm afraid I still need to ask Su Li for your opinion.

Feng Xixi said, and then mentioned Rong Danni's matter.

Speaking of this, Feng Qianqian also looked a little ashamed.

At the same time, there is also some weakness.

In this matter, she deeply felt one thing - manpower will be exhausted.

Many times, a person's growth is always cruel.

Did a lot of wrong things at the wrong age.

By the time I truly understand many truths, those big mistakes have been made and there is no chance to look back.

In this world, there are really very few people who can turn back.

Not everyone has the opportunity and qualifications to turn back.

More than 99% of tragedies originate from this.

If you take the wrong path, you will regret it for the rest of your life, and you will never be able to look back.

I don't know how to comfort her, but she has really grown up and become sensible.

I think that although she did not resist various temptations and did many wrong things, her nature is not bad.

Those who had committed many evil deeds did not suffer any evil retribution. On the contrary, it was young people like her who made mistakes and had to spend their whole lives to atone for their sins.

And this, in the final analysis, is actually not guided by a correct belief.

It is caused by not having the right culture to nurture.

When you are still very innocent and simple, without a lighthouse or light, these things will inevitably happen in many cases...

Feng Xixi tried to plead for Rong Danni.

Su Li looked at Feng Qianqian seriously.

He suddenly discovered that Feng Qianqian at this time was indeed very attractive.

I just hope that you can help her, Su Li. I know that you are very capable and have extremely high medical skills... As long as I can help her, I am willing to pay any price for it.

Feng Xixi spoke again.

Su Li smiled and said: Feng Qianqian, you should know that Rong Danni actually has many shortcomings, and she used to be narrow-minded and even had some vicious characters.

Although she was indeed led like this by bad habits, she did have many problems of her own.

There are indeed many people in this world, but most of them are actually good and have not reached her level, right?

Feng Qianqian opened her mouth, wanting to say something, but in the end nothing came out.

Su Li added: I can help her, and I don't need you to pay anything. However, you have to understand one thing - there are many causes and effects in this world that really don't need to be saved by others, but need to be saved by yourself.

So what if we face death?

If you face it positively, there are still many things that can be done.

If the heart is not dead, the Tao will not be born.

Su Li still agreed to Feng Qianqian.

Although Su Li's impression of Rong Danni was indeed not good at all.

Even before, Rong Danni kept taunting him in front of Chen Siyu and treating him as a punching target.

But as a human emperor, you still have to have a pattern.

Moreover, Su Li believed that Rong Danni should have grown up after having truly experienced life and death and being able to make Feng Xixi plead like this.

Facing the despair of death is always the fastest way for a person to grow soberly and mature.

Su Li, thank you.

Feng Qianqian bit her lips lightly, feeling very moved.

Su Li smiled and didn't say anything, but said: You can arrange a place and prepare a pair of silver needles. I'll just give her acupuncture.

Feng Qianqian said: Then let's go to my house, my grandpa still wants to meet you.

Su Li nodded.

Next, Feng Xixi told Rong Danni the good news.

After receiving the news, Rong Danni was still a little unbelievable and a little worried - can it really be treated?

Although she couldn't completely believe it, she could only grasp it as a life-saving straw.

After all, Su Li's medical skills had reached an inhuman level. She was extremely powerful, and she knew it.

Chen Siyu was also relieved.

She didn't dare to express her worries - after all, who wouldn't be afraid of being infected with this disease?

But Rong Danni is already like this. If she showed it, wouldn't it make her too sad?

For the sake of sisterhood and loyalty, she still suppressed the fear and uneasiness in her heart.

at dusk.

In Feng Xixi's villa.

Su Li simply applied acupuncture, channeling a ray of spiritual energy to help Rong Danni get rid of the bad luck all over her body, giving her a chance to be reborn.

Rong Danni is like a completely new person who has had her sinews and marrow purged.

After taking a bath in the shower room of Feng Xixi's house and changing into a brand new gauze dress, she looked at herself in the mirror, pure and fairy-like, and burst into tears for the first time.

In the past, even when facing death, it was crying, and it was also crying of repentance.

But the crying now is the dirty crying that looks clean but despises oneself.

She even cried because Su Li's series of performances touched her heart.

It was also a cry of shame.

She trembled when she thought of how she had humiliated Su Li with those extremely humiliating and vicious words.

In the shower, she slapped herself again and again, showing no mercy at all.

Outside the bathroom, Chen Siyu's pretty face was waiting quietly with complicated expressions. She heard the slap, but she remained silent and said nothing.

At this time, she was even a little lucky. Fortunately, she cherished her body and her feelings.

Although she knew that there was no possibility between her and Su Li, she didn't want to lose the qualification to love due to some reasons in the future.

She stood quietly for a while, and then left silently.

In the yard, Feng Qianqian was talking to Su Li.

Danni is recovering physically, but she seems to be mentally damaged.

Feng Xixi was a little worried.

She is strong and will achieve great things in the future.

Su Li shook his head gently.

This Rong Danni was actually better than he thought.

It can only be said that the fate of this kind of girl before was ultimately caused by being tempted.

This made Su Li realize that what Feng Qianqian said before was not unreasonable.

Moral turpitude and lack of faith lead to this result.

Many apparently excellent people end up sinking into indulgence and sensuality, completely losing themselves.

They are just a group of ordinary people. Under this kind of temptation, if they are calculated mentally but not intentionally, who can withstand it?

That's good.

Feng Xixi breathed a sigh of relief.

Immediately, she looked up and saw Chen Siyu walking over.


Feng Xixi said softly.

Chen Siyu nodded, then looked at Su Li hesitantly, and said: Su Li... I... my body... okay?

Seeing Chen Siyu asking so cautiously, Su Li naturally knew what she was worried about.

Su Li smiled and said: Your health is quite good. There is nothing wrong with you. Don't worry. If you are worried, I will teach you a breathing method, which is similar to the method of refining Qi. It has good effects and can prolong life and cultivate one's character. It also has excellent effects on beauty and beauty.”

Chen Siyu's eyes suddenly brightened when he heard this: Really? I'm afraid I'm too stupid to learn.

Su Li smiled and said: No need to learn, I will hypnotize you.

Chen Siyu was stunned: Hypnosis?

Su Li nodded, and then looked into Chen Siyu's eyes.

Chen Siyu instinctively looked into Su Li's eyes.

Then, the brain roared.

The next moment, the method of breathing and exhaling took root, and it was easy to master.

When she came back to her senses, she was still a little dizzy.

When Feng Qianqian saw this, she felt a little envious, and instinctively said coquettishly: I want to learn too, Su Li.

Su Li smiled and said, Okay, you can also learn.

Later, Feng Qianqian also learned it.

Then, she was shocked inside for a long time.

Ancient times.

The era of Guixu.

Hua Family, under the cliff of Enlightenment.

Beside the cold pool, Hua Taichu was quietly comprehending the meaning of the sword.

At this time, a meteor suddenly flew across the horizon.

Hua Taichu instinctively raised his head and looked over.

Seeing this, he was stunned for a moment, and then showed a somewhat surprised expression.

When a meteor flies by, you can make a wish.

But before he could make a wish, the meteor flew towards his eyebrows.

Hua Taichu was stunned at first.

Then he shouted in his heart, Wow!——

Because this meteor flew towards his head.

It was as if this meteor would suddenly smash his head.


Just as Hua Taichu was about to react, the shooting star made a 'boom' sound and disappeared between his eyebrows.

Then, Hua Taichu was stunned and froze in place.

He only felt his brain roaring, and his whole body seemed to be attacked by a sword that originated from the depths of his soul.

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