I pretend to be a fortune teller in a fantasy world

Chapter 1,340: Tai 1 dies, Taichu rises

Enlightenment at the edge of the cliff.

The moon and stars are few and far between, and magpies are flying south.

Su Li's figure had gathered out of Hua Taichu's soul sea, and stood quietly beside Hua Taichu.

He had his hands behind his back, and his figure had solidified.

Hua Taichu's soul sea has been opened by his sword and expanded with the Great Destiny Technique.

There, it can almost form a world, with a vast space, and it can become a sea of ​​kendo souls.

This is the foundation he left to Hua Taichu. Even if Hua Taichu cannot leave much cause and effect from the truth and emptiness, Hua Taichu's future will not be bad.

Not to mention, Su Li believed that Hua Taichu's future would not be bad.

Time passes little by little.

The time to realize Zhenxu does not last long, in reality, it only takes a moment.

However, because he had gone through two lives and was involved in the cause and effect on the world of Heavenly Rules in the Great Plane of Babel, Su Li did not let all this happen in an instant.

To bear the cause and effect of two lifetimes at a momentary point in time requires a heavy burden.

And precisely, Hua Taichu is not short of time at present, so in reality, time passes.

After a full day and night passed, Hua Taichu's body and temperament had undergone substantial changes.

He is still the boy, but he is no longer the boy he once was.

Su Li watched quietly.

Everything that Hua Taichu experienced was reflected in every detail in his great destiny and reincarnation arts.

If he hadn't been interested in peeking into more of his personal privacy, Su Li would have known everything about Hua Taichu and his Taoist companions.

What Hua Taichu is experiencing in the real world is real life, but it belongs to Hua Taichu's future brought by Su Li.

This means that this so-called real life has been refined and turned into reality, and it has been completely transformed into reality. It has become a dream and a realization of reality and reality.

Seeing that Hua Taichu's Qi and blood gradually changed, and his temperament and life essence levels improved qualitatively, Su Li knew that Hua Taichu was about to wake up.

Chao Wen said.

It's okay to die at night.

For Hua Taichu, this is far more important and unforgettable than hearing the Tao.

Another hour later.

The sky turned white.

The night passed away again, and the light of dawn began to fill the sky.


Hua Taichu woke up.

He opened his eyes, and the depth and sadness in his eyes were extremely moving.

But in this sadness and desolation, there is also deep confusion, confusion, and deep sorrow.

A young man whose eyes were engraved with all the misfortunes in his life and even in his soul.


He took a long breath, then silently raised his head and looked around.

Finally, his eyes fell on Su Li.

At this time, Su Li had already materialized into reality. He was handsome, extraordinary, free and unrestrained, but there were some subtle differences from Su Li's original appearance.

In other words, at this time, Su Li's temperament was calmer, more dignified, and more airy.

This is Su Yan's image.

And now, he is Su Yan.

Hua Taichu's eyes fell on Su Li for a while before he came back to his senses, and then bowed deeply to Su Li three times.

Hua Taichu, I met my senior.

Hua Taichu spoke every word with an extremely serious tone.

After experiencing the mortal world of life, everything is in chaos.

At this time, returning to his boyhood, Hua Taichu's heart completely calmed down.

All relatives are still there.

The loved ones are still there.

Regret does not exist.

No big mistake was made.

Everything, there is still a chance to come back.

It turns out that this is rebirth.

A true rebirth worthy of the name.

Really experienced thousands of sails.

It doesn't have to be like this, we are both teachers and friends.

Su Li spoke softly and added: My name is 'Su Yan'. This time, you take her to Shushan, and she will be your little junior sister. Then, carry forward the art of sword control and give her a lifetime of happiness.

Su Li said, patted Hua Taichu on the shoulder and said, Can you do it?

Hua Taichu's eyes became particularly determined: Yes!

Su Li raised his brows and said, It's worth it that I personally take action and give you a rebirth.

Su Li said, and looked at Hua Taichu's fate carefully, and said softly: Your fate has changed, but the trajectory of fate itself is still very solid. If you don't reflect on yourself all the time, it is very likely that you will return to Original point.

I can help you once, but I can't help you many times.

Many of the paths in life are your own choices and steps.

If you cannot completely grasp your destiny, you will definitely be grasped by fate!

Therefore, stick to your own path, stick to your own beliefs, and overcome obstacles along the way.

Su Li encouraged him again.

Hua Taichu clasped his hands into his fists and bowed again, his attitude more pious than ever before.

There was a hint of admiration in Su Li's eyes: The cause and effect of the Hua family will be left to you. But there is one person in the Hua family, and I will take action.

As for the consequences, just deal with them how you should deal with them.

It doesn't matter what the Chinese family thinks.

I do not care.

And you can distance yourself from me.

Hua Taichu opened his mouth and was about to say something.

Su Li raised his hand to stop him and said: We will have a chance to meet again in the future, and then we can have a good time over wine.

Now, you cannot touch my cause and effect, and you do not need to claim any relationship with me to the outside world.

For the time being, we can just forget about each other in the world.

When Hua Taichu heard this, there were a few tears in his deep eyes.

He bowed again and bowed three times.


Hua Taichu choked up and shouted.

Su Li shook his head and said, Go and walk the way you should.

While speaking, Su Li's figure had disappeared.



Hua Taichu couldn't help but burst into tears.

In his memory, he just wrote Taichu's suicide note with endless regrets.

He is also the last inheritor of swordsmanship.

And now...

He already understood in his heart.

The so-called way of sword control.

Or a series of killing paths.

In fact, they all originate from the ‘True and Void Inheritance’.

The master gave him a virtual reality, and in this virtual reality, it seemed that he created everything.

But in fact, all of this is just living in the master's deduction.

The master deduced his life and gave him the opportunity to change his destiny.

After a while, the tears in Hua Taichu's eyes gradually dried up.

At this time, in the Hua family, Hua Taiyi, who had always been 'gentle and elegant', was already preparing to join forces with Hua Yiling.

This kind of alliance is naturally the beginning of tragedy.

After all, Hua Yiling is not very old. It is a very normal thing for a girl to foolishly sacrifice for her sweetheart.

Which young girl in Huaichun doesn't have such a silly time?

It's a pity that this feeling is just being used without anyone knowing it.

If we do this, it will definitely make him sad. After he is disappointed in his relationship, he will become extremely passionate about kendo...

Hua Taiyi was still guiding, but Hua Yiling's footsteps stopped.

Hua Taiyi's words stopped abruptly, and then he instinctively raised his head and saw a slender man in white clothes with two strands of white hair on his temples.

The man stood quietly beside the Hua family's schoolyard, blocking the path forward for him and Hua Yiling.

“This young master, I don’t know——”

Hua Taiyi hesitated for a moment, then smiled and spoke in a very kind tone.

The one who decides your fate.

Su Li spoke softly.

As he spoke, his eyes condensed, and two terrifying purple lightnings of heavenly punishment suddenly gathered in his eyes.

Hua Tai was startled one by one, and then immediately the souls of the dead emerged, and he wanted to use the strength of the Foundation Establishment Realm.

But, what state is Su Li in?

In particular, his soul foundation has reached the top level, even beyond it by a full three levels!

At this level, in the Guixu world that contains the rules of the 'World of Heavenly Rules of the Great Plane of Babel', his strength has simply increased exponentially.

It seems to be less than one ten thousandth of the reality itself.

But after the addition of the rules of the Guixu world, this side is simply invincible.


What can Hua Taiyi use to resist?

Two purple lightnings suddenly merged into one in the void, forming a terrifying purple light.


The purple light was like a stream of light, extremely dazzling in an instant.

Hua Yiling was stunned for a moment.

Then, Hua Taiyi's head was directly pierced by this purple light.

There was a pop sound.

That was the sound of the eyebrows exploding.

Then there was the sound of the whole head exploding along with the soul.

That blow.

It's more than just earth-shattering.

It was like thunder suddenly rising from the ground and hitting Hua Taiyi between the eyebrows.

Then, Hua Taiyi's entire body was vaporized by purple light.

Hua Tai died in an instant.

A very complete death.

There is no struggle.

Moreover, this way of death is not a simple death.


Su Li's murderous intention contained the ultimate destiny and the power of Tianshu's thunder punishment, and contained the method of killing the main body through the clone.

This kind of clone and body has never been shown in this world of Guixu.

But the clone, someone has already started playing.

However, after encountering Su Li's method, he killed them all with one blow.

What Hua Taiyi, what Jiang Taiyi.

Su Li killed everything related to the cause and effect of 'Tai Yi' with one look.

Don't give any more chances!

Perhaps, in the future, the Jiang family will have various names like Jiang Taiyi appear.

However, this core cause and effect 'main line' was destroyed by Su Li at this moment, and he shot directly from the clone to the main body, and passed through it directly.

at this time.

The Chaos Sea area where the Guixu world is located is the territory of the Jiang family.

In the forbidden secret room, Jiang Taiyi, who was chatting and laughing with Jiang Tianshu and Jiang Wannian of the Jiang family, suddenly froze in his eyes.

Then, a piece of terrifying purple lightning suddenly exploded between his eyebrows.


The next moment, purple electricity exploded all over his body, and his soul roared miserably in the purple electricity. He struggled, but was killed in an instant, and his soul was scattered and turned into ashes.

Jiang Taiyi, in this way, purple thunder and lightning appeared all over his body, and was turned into ashes by the purple thunder and lightning.

At the same time, in a secret place, an ancient tomb, and an ancient tower.

The same thing was happening to several young figures who were also like Jiang Taiyi.

Purple electricity exploded and purple fire burned.

The soul is scattered, the ashes are destroyed!



what happened?

Enemy attack!

Who is it, come out!

Senior, what do you mean by shrinking your head and tail? You might as well come out and see me!

Hua Yiling stared blankly at the empty area around her, and then she was so horrified that she let out a scream of terror.

The screams attracted countless members of the Hua family to watch.

Because it all happened so fast, no one even saw clearly what was happening.

After Hua Taiyi's death, even the traces and breath of his Qi and blood had completely disappeared.

Therefore, everything looks very harmonious.

Hua Yiling's scream still attracted the attention of many people.

Many members of the Hua family flew over immediately.

Even the elders of the Hua family were also alarmed.

Not far away, Hua Taichu also noticed it and immediately flew over at great speed.

Su Li smiled slightly at Hua Yiling, and without explaining anything, his figure moved and disappeared from here.

As far as his Three Thousand Avenues are concerned, the Great Space Technique, also known as the Great Void Technique, can move through the space at will.

In this world, he no longer needs to be polite.

Originating from imperial power, fate, reincarnation and even the assassination of time.

This is the most direct way for him to clean up the 'worms'.

Use a hunting method similar to 'real-time update' to hunt enemies.

This is the core purpose of Su Li's existence in this world as 'Su Yan'.

Right now, Jiang Taiyi is the first, but he will never be the last.

Su Yan left.

The entire Hua family fell into deep uneasiness.

Come without a trace, go without a trace.

Hua Tai was killed as soon as he said kill, and he was so mysterious.

Many people in the entire Hua family were tense.

Many Chinese disciples are even more uneasy and a lot more cautious.

Among them, Hua Taichu was not included.

Hua Taichu had memories of the future and knew exactly what Hua Taiyi was.

However, when Hua Taiyi died, he also felt a little regretful - he was not able to take revenge with his own hands.

Jiang family.

Hua Taichu murmured in his eyes, and then he silently came to Hua Yiling's side.

Hua Taichu, there is something I want to tell you. In fact, I have never liked -

Hua Yiling still wants to carry out the plan.

However, when she was looked at by Hua Taichu's deep and bright eyes, she couldn't continue speaking no matter what.

Without you, my life will not find any meaning. I will die directly in front of you.

So, don't think about stimulating my talents by asking me to give up my feelings. In this life, seize the day.

Like is like, love is love.

We live well, love well, love ourselves and all the people in this world.

The sword is for protection, not for life.

Hua Taichu took the initiative to walk over, took Hua Yiling's hand, and hugged her into his arms.

Hua Yiling was completely stunned.

Today's Hua Taichu still looks young and immature, but it suddenly makes her feel extremely at ease and safe.

It was as if this was a man who could stand up for her.

With him like this, his charm suddenly increased by more than ten thousand times?

This made Hua Yiling unable to say cruel words anymore, let alone do cruel things.

My way is the way of the sentient sword.

Hua Taichu looked at Hua Yiling tenderly.

When Hua Yiling heard this, her delicate body trembled, and her soul felt like it was being resonated.

At that moment, her heart trembled, and then her thoughts of fulfilling Hua Taichu disappeared, and she instinctively threw herself into Hua Taichu's arms.

She never wanted to let go of this embrace.

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