I pretend to be a fortune teller in a fantasy world

Chapter 1,135 Qiudao counterattacks, Li Juan takes action

Under the attention of the Blue Water Fairy Qi Fengyu, Hua Qidao still did not accept Su Li's bet as she had hoped.

Hua Qiudao pondered for a moment, then said calmly: First of all, I have never seen your reincarnation authority, nor do I approve it, let alone regard it as a bet.

Even if you have it, if you use it as a bet, it is disrespectful to the authority of reincarnation.

Not to mention, whether there is or not is not up to you.

I don’t even bother to do this kind of method that doesn’t respect cause and effect and life.

I'm betting on fate with you, it's just our own cause and effect.

Are you using the heritage of the Chinese ancestral land that you carry to take advantage of you to suppress me?

Regardless of success or failure, for me, I am burdened with unknown sins, and the gains outweigh the losses.

Do you think I would do this kind of thing?

You have set a trap yourself, and you want me to jump in and let you control and slaughter me?

Sorry, I'm not that stupid.

Hua Qiudao not only retreated, but also spoke in a high-sounding way.

However, these statements seemed very reasonable, but they could not cover up the cowardice in his heart.

At this level, if you are afraid, you are afraid, and you cannot hide it.

Su Li said: The so-called bet is just an expression of self-confidence. Since you said so, let's just bet on fate. You call yourself the Taoist of the Three Thousand Dao Dao and manifest the foundation of the Great Destiny Technique. , see how you take charge of the Three Thousand Avenues.

If you can be recognized by the Three Thousand Dao, then you are indeed the person in charge of destiny. Then, I, Su Li, recognize you as Hua Qiudao and recognize you as the Taoist Ancestor!

Su Li spoke again.

Hua Qiudao said in a deep voice: Do I need your recognition as a Taoist ancestor?

Su Li said calmly: I'll talk about it after I think about it - are you sure you really don't need it?

As Su Li spoke, he glanced at Hua Qiudao meaningfully. At the same time, when he looked at the Blue Water Fairy Qi Fengyu again, his eyes also had a hint of teasing.

Qi Fengyu, the Fairy of Blue Water, really hated Su Li's look. She wanted to take action, but after thinking of a series of previous experiences, she held back.

At present, it seems that Su Li is not as bad as she thought, and Hua Qidao does not seem to be as good as she thought.

Hua Qiudao took a deep breath, then calmed down and said calmly: Su Li, Su Renhuang, you are worthy of being harvested countless times. Now you have grown to such a level. I admit that I Some underestimated you.

Moreover, this time because I care about Feng Yu, my mentality is more or less unbalanced, and caring makes me chaotic. Therefore, I am led by your words to cause and effect, and I am bound by inertia.

This was my mistake.

But now, I have figured it out. I am full of energy and humble.

True perfection does not appear to be perfect.

As for me, whether I am the Taoist, whether I am the Lord of Destiny, etc., you really don’t need to decide, and I don’t need to show anything to prove it to you.

When you recognize me, my existence does not need to be proven to you, you will still recognize it all.

And when you don't agree with me, no matter what I do, no matter how good I am, you can always find flaws to target - when I am trying to prove that I am the Taoist and use this to convince you and make you give up. By the time, I was actually at a disadvantage.

Hua Qiudao is worthy of being Hua Qiudao. After saying these words, he immediately regained his position despite the headwind.

Not only that, these words made Qi Fengyu's beautiful eyes look a little brighter and a little more favorable.

This is courage, this is mind, this is vision.

When Su Li heard this, he felt a little regretful - Hua Qidao didn't take the move.

This is a bit of a pity.

However, this is also within the scope of Su Li's judgment - Hua Qiudao is Hua Qiudao, especially this more powerful Hua Qiudao, which cannot be easily defeated by a few words!

If this is the case, Hua Qiudao has long been devoured by the world of heavenly rules in the Great Plane of Babel, so that not even the bones and dregs are left. How can he still have the ability and status he has today?

Even if the real Hua Qiudao did become a Taoist this time, it was still Hua Qiudao's own dedication and sacrifice - if he was unwilling to die, even Li Juan could not truly kill him.

The Hua Qiudao that Su Li is facing now is such a terrifying Hua Qiudao that reverses cause and effect. How can it be easy to deal with it?

Su Li took a deep look at Hua Qiudao and said, Don't do to others what you don't want others to do to you. Then, Hua Qiudao, what was your previous so-called proof and bet? What was your purpose?

Hua Qiudao said calmly: It is indeed because of my desire to protect Feng Yu. Care will lead to chaos, so I regard you as my opponent.

But now it seems that you are actually not worthy of being my opponent, or in other words - I have never regarded you as an opponent in the first place.

Su Li said: Oh? It seems that you really think highly of yourself. Is this the proof that Fairy Bishui mentioned that you have no self-knowledge?

Hua Qiudao didn't take it seriously and said: The reason why I don't regard you as my opponent is because - you are really not qualified! In fact, the only ones who are qualified are Yinghuang or Su Wangchen, but they are definitely not you.

When Su Li heard this, he wasn't angry at all.

Hua Qiudao in front of him didn't seem to know that he had been controlled by Emperor Ying?

Or is it known, but the cause and effect is obscured subconsciously?

Change only at critical moments?

Su Li couldn't be sure, and this matter had nothing to do with him. He would not deliberately use this to attack Hua Qiudao.

Su Li was calm.

After Hua Qiudao said this, Fairy Bishui took it seriously. At the same time, Fairy Bishui gradually lost her patience, and her eyes became colder and contained blazing murderous intent.

I asked you to leave, but you were stubborn.

Fairy Bishui spoke calmly, obviously she might take action at any time.

This time, Su Wangchen didn't stop him, but just watched calmly.

Su Li's expression was equally calm, and he said unhurriedly: Since you are not qualified and not qualified enough, then why are you taking such pains to drag Fairy Blue Water to wait here?

Why did you first use your plans and traps to provoke me into a fight, and then after I figured out your tricks, you were too timid to fight with me, and instead came up with some nonsense?

A truly strong person dares to face the dripping blood and face the tragic cause and effect.

And you are indeed a little short of courage, courage, and self-confidence.

You claim to be the Taoist of the Three Thousand Avenues, but you can't even demonstrate the basic Great Destiny Technique of the Three Thousand Avenues. Are you really orthodox?

No matter how pretentious you Hua Qiudao is, you can't stop everyone in the world from talking.

After Su Li said these words, Hua Qidao's expression became a little unnatural again.

Although Fairy Bishui prefers Hua Qiudao, she cannot be completely indifferent to Su Li's words.

Likewise, Qi Fengyu, the Fairy of Blue Water, couldn't help but said coldly: First of all, Su Li, don't judge a gentleman with a villain's heart! It's not the intention of Brother Qiudao to come here, but I want to see how you conquer. What kind of ability does a person who commits obscene acts have, what kind of courage does he have to come here with such ulterior motives!

Secondly, Brother Qiudao came here not on his own initiative, but because he was called here by me. He came to accompany me to see how shameless you, a Su Renhuang, are.

So, who do you think you are?

Will Brother Akimichi take you seriously?

What Fairy Bishui said was indeed true.

And that seems to be the case.

However, this kind of cause and effect of her own initiative only needs a little traction.

If Hua Qiudao hadn't taken the initiative to lead this cause and effect, how could Qi Fengyu, the Fairy of Blue Water, know the purpose of Su Li's coming?

If it weren't for Hua Qidao's 'embellished' remarks, how could Fairy Bishui have such a bad impression of him, Su Li?

Su Li would never believe it if Hua Qiudao didn't lead him.

This kind of cause-and-effect competition is the real core purpose for Hua Qiudao. How can he allow others to destroy it?

However, Su Li knew this but would not say anything more - at this time, even if his analysis was sound and he exposed all the background and purpose of Hua Qiudao, Qi Fengyu would not believe it.

Even if there is a little doubt, Hua Qiudao will immediately make up for it.

This will lead to another result - Qi Fengyu trusts Hua Qidao more and hates Su Li even more.

A stubborn person often needs to break through the southern wall before he knows how to look back, even if it is already too late to look back at that time.

Only after experiencing a real beating and understanding the cruelty and reality of the world can we understand whose purpose is sincere and whose purpose is ulterior.

At this time, what is needed is a true pair of eyes.

It's a pity that Qi Fengyu, the Fairy of Blue Water, is good at everything, but she only has a weak mind - or in other words, Su Wangchen is probably the only person with strong mind ability.

In addition, no one can resist a being like Hua Qiudao who attacks his heart!

Su Lidan glanced at Qi Fengyu, and his eyes became even more indifferent.

After scanning Qi Fengyu, his eyes fell on Hua Qidao's face.

At this time, Hua Qiudao was very similar to the original Hua Qiudao in all aspects of temperament, almost to the point of being 100% real.

Su Li felt a little sad, but he still said, Hua Qiudao, it doesn't matter if you don't regard me, Su Li, as your opponent, or if you regard me, Su Li, as your most feared opponent.

But - this time I put my words here!

As long as I cannot complete the cause and effect task drawn by Pangu's will and the human emperor's lineage this time, then I will definitely draw some sin realm cause and effect, and the emperor soul cause and effect will come here, completely smashing and destroying this place.

For me, being eye-catching in the ancient mythical world, many of the causes and effects are actually very simple - if it cannot be used by me, it will be destroyed, which is better than falling into the hands of the enemy.

This is my consideration as well as that of Emperor Fuxi and Emperor Pangu.

If I lose this time, there will be no loss for me - I have actually obtained the benefits that I should get in advance. My realm has been raised to the level of Daluo Jinxian in one fell swoop, and I have returned to the rules of heaven in the great plane of Babel Tower. In the world, I am still the Emperor of the Soviet Union, still highly respected, and highly respected by all the people in the ancestral land of China.

And you, Qi Fengyu?

I believe that the world of Heavenly Rules in the Great Plane of Babel must very much hope to see Heaven fall into their hands.

At that time, Emperor Fu and Emperor Pan also hoped that the Three Saints would personally take action to destroy the Heavenly Palace. They would rather have all the immortals destroyed and all the Buddhas be robbed than let the Heavenly Palace fall!

And at that time, you - Qi Fengyu, will be the eternal sinner of the entire prehistoric mythical world!

Su Li was very direct, telling the final result word for word.

This is not the worst outcome.

The worst result is that the Heavenly Court is taken over by the world of Heavenly Rules in the Great Plane of Babel, and the entire prehistoric mythical world is swallowed up and eaten away by the World of Heavenly Rules in the Great Plane of Babel.

As long as this balance is broken, the world of Heavenly Rules in the Great Plane of Babel will rise completely and become even more powerful.

At that time, the prehistoric mythical world became less and less capable of resisting.

The key to this balance lies in heaven.

However, due to some causal reasons, existences such as Panhuang, Fuhuang and the Three Quasi-Sages could not take action at this time.

Hence, the current embarrassing scene.

The relatively acceptable result is to destroy the Heavenly Court. At that time, the world of Heavenly Rules in the Great Plane of Babel will certainly not gain any benefits, but the prehistoric mythical world will also suffer heavy losses.

This is the result of not killing the enemy but losing eight thousand to oneself. This result is definitely not good.

The best result is, of course, to work with Su Li to draw the cause and effect, and then have Su Li draw the cause and effect and take charge of the heaven instead. On the one hand, he can solve the cause and effect of the 'heavenly catastrophe - the destruction of all immortals and the disaster of ten thousand Buddhas' in the ancient mythical world. On the one hand, being in a relationship with Su Li is equivalent to giving Su Li a benefit.

However, Qi Fengyu, who was caught up in the cause and effect of emotions, could not see this at all.

When Qi Fengyu heard what Su Li said, she finally stopped restraining her murderous intent.

As expected, he is the legendary source of sin, a ferocious and vicious person! Wants to seize my power in heaven? I guess those beings sent you here because it was inconvenient for them to come forward due to their own karma problems, right?

When the time comes, they will kill the donkey, and who will you be?

Just cannon fodder!

You lackey, I will destroy you this time!

Qi Fengyu was about to take action immediately.

Wait a minute! Feng Yu, don't be impulsive!

At this time, Hua Qiudao was stunned for a moment, and a gray air suddenly flowed in his eyes.

Then, he seemed to have some changes, and actually directly stopped Qi Fengyu from attacking Su Li!

At this moment, Su Li clearly noticed that special aura - it was Li Juan's unique aura.

At this time, Su Li was also a little bit dumbfounded - Li Juan was afraid that Su Li would expose the Three Thousand Avenues such as the Great Destiny Technique and cause big trouble here, so that all her previous efforts would be wasted...

Therefore, at this moment, I couldn't help but control Hua Qiudao and retreat!


Does this make it easier for him to capture the Blue Water Fairy?

Su Li felt a little strange and speechless - at this moment, Li Juan became a very useful chess piece!

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