I pretend to be a fortune teller in a fantasy world

Chapter 1,136: Pressing forward step by step, constantly giving in

Hua Qiudao suddenly spoke up to stop Qi Fengyu, which completely stopped all Qi Fengyu's murderous intentions at this moment.

At this time, Yu Hua Qiudao's heart was not actually changed because of Li Juan, but his own perception of cause and effect had a very fatal sense of crisis.

In other words, at this moment, Hua Qiudao sensed an unknown fatal crisis - he did not know that the pull of this crisis came from Li Juan, so he almost instinctively combined the series of seemingly threatening words Su Li said before, came to make a judgment.

This direction went so wrong that Hua Qiudao concluded that once Qi Fengyu took action, it was very likely that Su Li would become a hysterical lunatic.

For Su Li, even if he died here, the loss would actually not be too great - not to mention, he was drawn by Pangu's will and protected by the Emperor Fuxi, so he died here What is the probability?

Similarly, once Su Li acts like a madman and immediately reveals all his cards, can Hua Qiudao take over?

At this time, no matter how confident Hua Qiudao is, on the one hand, it is true that he comes from the Chinese ancestral land, and on the other hand, he is real and not false. In other words, his existence has traces in the history of the Chinese ancestral land. It can be followed, rather than being like the prehistoric mythical world, its existence is only derived from myths and legends, and is the product of refining the virtual and restoring the true.

After all, he, like Su Li, is a real person.

As a real person, Su Li is the actual human emperor of the ancestral land of China. In this aspect, Su Li actually has a great advantage.

Qi Fengyu didn't know all this, but Hua Qidao knew the cause and effect.

This is also the core reason why Hua Qiudao is unwilling to present the so-called Three Thousand Avenues of Cause and Effect or the Great Destiny Technique in front of Su Li.

If he doesn't show this ability, it's not that he doesn't have this ability. In fact, he can lead certain entry-level three thousand avenues. But Su Li is the orthodox Human Emperor. Showing these in front of Su Li, isn't it for Su Li? Making a wedding dress?

You know, there were rumors before that Su Li contained three thousand avenues or a corner of the Gate of Creation.

This means that Su Li also has the ability to gather three thousand avenues!

And it is very likely that Su Li even possesses some Three Thousand Avenues, and they are not the ordinary Three Thousand Avenues.

Hua Qiudao's stop made Qi Fengyu feel slightly chilled - she had been trying hard to help Hua Qiudao come forward, but Hua Qiudao kept shrinking?

Moreover, Su Li's ulterior motives were so straightforward, yet Hua Qiudao, her chosen future Taoist companion, couldn't stand up for her?

On this aspect, Qi Fengyu still felt a little uncomfortable deep down in her heart.

Brother Akimichi?

After Qi Fengyu restrained his murderous intent, he still glanced at Su Li coldly with a vigilant attitude, and then looked at Hua Qidao with a very puzzled look.

Feng Yu, what this person said before was not a threat. The cause and effect he mentioned about the Emperor Soul Sin Domain can be brought over. When the time comes, the entire heaven will really be devastated!

Destroy what you can't get - this person's method is very similar to Su Wangchen's back then. After all, they once existed as one body, so it's not surprising to do such a thing.

Hua Qiudao gave a look in his eyes, and Qi Fengyu couldn't help but tremble in his heart.

Immediately, her face became a little colder.

However, she still couldn't believe it - how could a waste like Su Li be so powerful, how could he bring havoc to heaven?

Qi Fengyu expressed her inner doubts with her eyes.

Hua Qiudao pondered: The greatest hope often also contains the greatest evil. This is the cause and effect of things that must be reversed. This Su Li has already turned hope into a destructive level soul poison. This fact is actually in Tongtian The world of the laws of heaven in the Great Plane of the Tower has already been revealed.

It's just that although this kind of thing has been harvested due to the restoration of the timeline, he has mastered this ability and is very likely to produce this variant of soul poison again at any time.

Moreover, behind him this time were the emperors who wanted to see bad results in Heaven.

If you take action easily this time, it is very likely that some bad effects will be left behind and the consequences will be confirmed.

At that time, we were passive.

Qi Fengyu pondered for a moment, gradually recognizing what Hua Qiudao said.

However, what she is still confused about is - Su Li is not that strong. As long as she takes action, she has absolute confidence that she will kill Su Li with one blow!

And a dead existence, or an existence that has been completely destroyed, even if it is just a part of it, it will definitely hurt the bones.

Is it necessary to be so afraid of such an existence?

Of course he has some trump cards, but if he kills the opponent before they can use their trump cards and nip all possibilities in the bud, wouldn't it be enough to eliminate the root?

Fairy Bishui once again passed her doubts to Hua Qiudao.

Not only that, she even felt that Su Li's ability could not show the terrifying details of the soul poison variant again.

Moreover, if this kind of soul poison is harvested once, it must have been thoroughly studied, and naturally it will not have much impact.

“Feng Yu, this Su Li is not as simple as you think.

After all, when I provoked him to ask for a fight, I actually wanted him to fall into the trap - under normal circumstances, any being who was influenced by my words would probably start a fight.

But he did the opposite and actively invited me to fight, which directly broke my arrangement.

You saw everything that happened next.

Feng Yu, you also know what my abilities are - not even the Great Plane of Heavenly Rules of Tongtian Tower can suppress me or restrain me, but he can contain or even influence me, which is enough to show that he is not simple.

Furthermore, affairs in heaven are complicated and complicated - do you think Emperor Pangu and the Human Emperor are stupid people?

If he wasn't stupid, why would he send this person to solve this problem?

That must be because he has special abilities and is confident enough.

If we cannot deal with it carefully, we will most likely fail or even be completely manipulated!

Hua Qiudao's analysis once again made Qi Fengyu's suspicion and discomfort dissipate. The original dissatisfaction with Hua Qiudao also disappeared immediately.

At this time, she calmed down and realized that she was used to being superior and did not respect her opponent.

Also, an existence that can rise up from among the ants, even take charge of the Chinese ancestral land, and become the human emperor of the Chinese ancestral land, and is harvested repeatedly in the world of heavenly rules in the great plane of the Babel Tower, but can still jump sideways repeatedly, this is Is it really simple?

Not to mention, behind this person, there are rumors that there is a powerful Immortal Light Blue who is comparable to a quasi-sage or even a saint, protecting the Tao...

At this moment, Qi Fengyu also vaguely felt that she was taking things for granted and being a little unreasonable.

But it is absolutely impossible for a being like her to apologize or submit.

Likewise, Qi Fengyu restrained her last murderous intention and calmed down, but her attitude was still as cold as frost.

Hua Qiudao saw the changes in Qi Fengyu's demeanor and emotions.

At this time, upon noticing this change, Hua Qiudao couldn't help but feel relieved and breathed a sigh of relief.

It seemed that all considerations were considered by him and Qi Fengyu as a whole. In fact, he just didn't want to destroy Heaven, because that was his real goal.

As for speaking Qifeng language?

He didn't think much.

Qi Fengyu glanced at Hua Qiudao seemingly casually, but there was still a hint of gratitude in her eyes.

Hua Qiudao responded with a look of shame - this meant that he did not take responsibility for this time and did not stand up for her, so he was very ashamed.

Qi Fengyu felt a little warmer in her heart, and her eyes looking at Hua Qidao were naturally a little gentler, and even her frosty attitude melted a lot.

And this tenderness, just like hibiscus emerging from clear water, is unparalleled in the world's shyness, but it also makes Hua Qidao's heart full of a sense of accomplishment.

Su Li was actually aware of it at this moment.

However, he did not use the ability of divine calculation, nor the ability of divine listening.

He is open-minded, has no worries, and has no worries.

I don’t want to listen, I just don’t want to understand the relationship between the two of them - after all, because there is a causal bond, and although Su Li has not been married to Qi Fengyu, the Fairy of Blue Water, if there is one in the future, this will When you see such a scene, you will feel uncomfortable to some extent.

Although the two of them didn't do anything intimate, there was already a hint of mutual affection.

Su Li was originally planning to sacrifice the Pangu Ax, but because Fairy Blue Water did not release the ultimate move, he naturally suppressed the idea of ​​sacrificing it.

At this time, Qi Fengyu gathered her thoughts and her eyes fell on Su Li again.

If it weren't for Brother Qiushui, you would probably be dead by now.

There was no murderous intention in Qi Fengyu's words, but his attitude became as cold as ice again.

This attitude is really repulsive to others.

If such data could be presented, Su Li would probably have suffered an astronomical loss.

Su Li said calmly: That's not necessarily the case. You can give it a try and see if the heaven collapses first, the pillar breaks first, all immortals are destroyed and all Buddhas are robbed, or I die first. You are welcome to take action at any time, I Su Li is very stubborn and wants to give it a try.

Qi Fengyu frowned slightly and said in a cold voice: Are you threatening? Or do you want to use this as blackmail? The Su Renhuang, the ancestral land of China, is really powerful, and it is really shameless!

Su Li didn't take it seriously and said: So what if it is? So what if it's not? Anyway, in your heart, I, Su Li, am just a despicable and shameless existence, so no matter what I do, you will naturally dislike it!

Why, you still think that I am just like other beings, humbly and groveling to lick?

Thinking too much.

Now, I, Su Li, live in this heaven!

Now, find me some maids with similar status, status and appearance to you, and serve me well.

As an emperor, this is not too much for me to ask for, right?

Heaven is so high and high, so the etiquette standards are also very high, right?

As the Lord of Heaven, you didn’t understand this etiquette before, but you should understand it now, right?

Su Li sneered, his words joking and sarcastic.

You - you are simply unreasonable!

Qi Fengyu, the Fairy of Blue Water, was extremely angry, her eyebrows stood up and her breathing became violent.

So much so that the murderous intent and anger she had suppressed all over her body surged.

The energy and blood surged, and the phoenix aura and the mysterious ancient water aura were actually extremely profound.

Fire and water have the same origin? The origin of the Tao body?

No wonder Hua Qiudao is so thoughtful.

This is a foundation that is stronger than that of the Emperor Water Tribe and the Emperor Fire Tribe! And it can be obtained gradually by just joining the Tao.

But it requires the other party's willingness...

Hua Qiudao's ambition is to usurp Wang Di's cause and effect?

This is how Emperor Wang obtained the origins of the Five Elements Imperial Clan in the Imperial Domain.

And now, there are similar origins of the Five Elements in Heaven? And they are gathered into one person?

It's a pity that this woman is really a little bit out of her mind - she's just a complete idiot!

A bear is not big, and his intelligence is not good enough!

It would be nice if I could be more thoughtful.

Su Li thought for a long time, and his mood gradually became complicated.

This woman is strong but stubborn, and she hates and likes to be very fiery and extreme.

This kind of existence becomes an idiot after liking people.

And when she hates a person, no matter what that person does, she will not be moved and will continue to hate him.

Unless there is a fatal awakening of life and death, there is no way to wake him up!

How come we met such a weirdo!

Su Li was unable to complain in his heart.

Originally, this matter was not easy to attack, not even the mind.

In the end, I met such a steely ‘straight woman’, which was simply...

Su Li understood the key point in front of him in an instant, and also saw through Hua Qiudao's certain purpose.

Just seeing through it, Qi Fengyu wouldn't believe it even if he tore it open or even if Hua Qiudao was directly exposed.

Qi Fengyu's judgment logic is very simple - Hua Qiudao is the source of merit and virtue, and the way of heaven protects him!

Is this it, with ulterior motives?

This is a real issue.

But the same situation happened to Su Li, but Qi Fengyu just didn't believe it.

This was a serious double standard, and she would even imagine that Su Li's merits and royal heritage were fake or obtained through despicable means, and he was a supported puppet!

Encountering this kind of existence is like a scholar encountering a soldier, and you can't even explain it rationally.

Feng Yu, just do what he said first. No matter what, we can't be rude. After all, we are guests from afar.

Hua Qiudao pondered for a moment, feeling vaguely uneasy again, so he immediately compromised.

The reason for the uneasiness was that it was obviously Li Juan who had taken action secretly.

Su Li saw it clearly, but he didn't show it.

At this time, the more unreasonable and domineering he is, the more Hua Qiudao will be forced to give in.

This is because Li Juan is afraid that Su Li will go crazy and cause all her previous efforts to be wasted...

This incident allowed Su Li to see a new key to breaking the situation!

Perhaps, we can also suppress Li Juan and test her bottom line. As long as the bottom line is reached... then many things will be comfortable!

Su Li was thoughtful, then took the initiative to approach Qi Fengyu and reached out to touch her face.

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