I pretend to be a fortune teller in a fantasy world

Chapter 1,134 The Autumn Road Attacks the Heart, the Battle of Destiny

When Hua Qidao heard this, he was not angry. Instead, he looked at Su Li with a very pitiful look.

That look also contained deep compassion.

Qi Fengyu, the Fairy of Blue Water, became very angry when she heard Su Li's provocative and disdainful words!

Su Li! What are you talking about? You are simply looking for death!

Qi Fengyu lost her composure - the key point was that in Su Li's words, she was said to be worthless!

As the Lord of Heaven, how could Qi Fengyu suffer such humiliation?

She originally looked down on Su Li very much, but now Su Li's words were completely unacceptable to her.

Therefore, she didn't say much and took action directly.

She gathered endless immortal power and formed a ray of rays of light, which was like a five-color divine light and rushed toward Su Li.

This blow was so powerful that it contained a destructive level of terrifying power, but it would not harm the rest of the void.

This force locked onto Su Li almost immediately.

If this blow hits Su Li, then Su Li will definitely have his spirit shattered and be killed on the spot.

It can be said that Qi Fengyu was absolutely merciless when he took action.

However, when Su Li faced such an extremely fatal blow, he did not panic at all.

In fact, he didn't even have the intention to take action.


He used the orthodox imperial way to define this world as 'empty', then the empty is empty and the real is real!

So, can virtual things really damage real things?

It's almost impossible under normal circumstances.

Just like the continuous bombardment in movies and TV series, or the chaos caused by natural disasters and man-made disasters, will it affect the life and death of people in reality?

Obviously not.

Even if people in reality are immersed in the scene through a similar 'virtual' method, it is not actually a real participation.

Su Li lives in the present and directly gives such a definition to heaven.

At present, the entire world of Heavenly Rules in the Great Plane of Babel or the world of prehistoric mythology is based on this stance.

The foundation is there, and Su Li is not dead, so the real things are still the foundation, and they are still the foundation.

It is impossible for the other party to really do anything to get him.

Sure enough, Su Li had no idea of ​​taking action, as if he couldn't resist and waited for death.

However, this peerless murderous intention naturally came into contact with an invisible force after coming into contact with Su Li.


This force vibrated spontaneously, and then all the impact of Qi Fengyu's blow dissipated.

A ripple appeared around Su Li.

Other than that, nothing unusual happened.

In fact, Su Li hasn't suffered any harm yet.

The source of that power was undoubtedly not the rules defined by Su Li, but came from the 'Shen Nong Cauldron' lent to Su Li by Human Emperor Fuxi.

At this time, the Shennong Cauldron flew out on its own with a buzzing sound, spinning slowly around Su Li, and at the same time a wave of green light rippled out.

The green light is not green, but a bright life color fairy energy.

This is a breath similar to the origin of all things, the mother energy of all things, like the energy of the origin of immortality, dense and comfortable.

With this immortal aura permeating the air, Su Li possesses the majesty of an emperor. Like a true emperor, he is unattainable and his majesty cannot be desecrated.

Su Li glanced at Qi Fengyu indifferently, then glanced directly past Qi Fengyu, and his eyes fell on Hua Qidao.

Qi Fengyu couldn't help but feel a little dull, a little unbelievable, and even showed deep suspicion and disbelief after seeing the scene of Su Li's tail hammer changing.

Immediately, she seemed to have thought of something, and sneered: I wonder how a despicable being like you can be so courageous, holding such a magic weapon!

Oh, do you think that if you have a magic weapon, you can sit back and relax?

Judging from your experience and years of practice, if you don't have these magic weapons to protect you, a waste like you, even a random immortal soldier and general in my heaven, can gradually take you down and suppress you!

Su Li, I don't want to completely fall out with you this time, but this is heaven and you are not welcome here!

Since you believe that you are the emperor of the prehistoric royal family, you have some self-knowledge and leave directly!

Otherwise, don't blame me for using my magic weapon to completely break up with you. At that time, you won't have any dignity!

Your magic weapon is indeed impressive, but it’s nothing more than that!

For the sake of Brother Hua Qiudao, you, Su Li, get out of here!

Otherwise, this time I will make you completely hate this and leave you with a lifetime of ridicule and infamy!

Fairy Bishui continued to give orders, and even turned her spearhead completely against him.

This time, Su Li didn't even reply to half of Qi Feng's words from the Blue Water Fairy.

He had already seen how stubborn and self-righteous this woman was.

This is why good words cannot persuade a damned person.

At this time, even Su Li wanted to let go and let Hua Qiudao take care of him. When the time comes, Qi Fengyu loses his position as the Lord of Heaven and is exploited by Hua Qiudao. The end will be extremely miserable!

However, he had promised Pangu's will, and he had promised the Human Emperor Fuxi. In addition, this time he still needed to explore the foundation of cause and effect and accumulate the foundation for the third reincarnation.

Otherwise, he would never touch such disgusting things.

No one would be willing to do this kind of 'self-humiliating' thing.

Not to mention, this starting point is indeed salvation.

As for attacking the heart with harmony, it is indeed based on the premise of salvation - if this woman is not too difficult to persuade and communicate, why would such a method be needed?

Now that he was in contact with her, Su Li was disgusted by such a tough-headed woman. He had already sentenced him to death for any reasonable plan!

Su Li directly faced Hua Qiudao - relatively speaking, Su Li was more afraid of Hua Qiudao.

Qi Fengyu may not be able to do anything to Su Li, but Hua Qiudao is different.

Because Hua Qiudao has the background of the Chinese ancestral land - and it is a special existence, an existence that can reverse cause and effect.

Su Li, I advise you to give up! In the world of Heavenly Dao rules in the Great Plane of Babel Tower, you actually already have quite a few Taoist companions, and you don't need Fairy Blue Water, right?

Why are you so scumbag?

Why are you so overestimating your capabilities?

If you look back at your life, you have struggled all the way from being an ant, and every step has been full of hardships and hardships. Is it really worth it?

Moreover, along the way, there are painstaking efforts everywhere, but there are backstabbings and even betrayals everywhere.

Are these really worth it?

In the final analysis, you are just an insignificant existence between heaven and earth. You are just a pawn and a supporting role. You only get a little chance to control your destiny and have some value to be squeezed out.

But after all, you...have no value anymore.

On the contrary, I, Hua Qiudao, am the real destiny, the real ruler, the one in power, and the ridge of heaven and earth!

Hua Qiudao spoke again.

As soon as he opens his mouth, it is fate and cause and effect, even compared to the ridges of heaven and earth.

Su Li sneered and did not respond.

Hua Qiudao said calmly: Over in China, I have obtained the inheritance of ten thousand immortals and ten thousand Buddhas, and have the merits and virtues of Gongshen!

Not only that, I also lead the Taoist heritage of the world of heavenly rules in the great plane of Babel Tower, as well as the Taoist heritage of the prehistoric mythical world, and have the Holy Dao Guan Guan.

You have no qualifications and no background.

Hua Qiudao said, looking at Su Li very directly.

Su Li did not avoid Hua Qidao's gaze.

But he saw the true invincibility and invincible confidence in Hua Qiudao's eyes.

Hua Qiudao is still invincible, but he is no longer the old brother Hua, but more terrifying than the old brother Hua.

The old brother Hua Qiudao was good at everything, but he lacked only a trace of desire.

But now Hua Qiudao is more complete, more like a normal person, but also more terrifying!

Hua Qidao stopped Qi Fengyu beside him from continuing to speak, stepped forward and stood in front of Su Li.

Su Li, you have really - passed away.

And I, Hua Qiudao, am the true leader of the times, a leader recognized by the endless world.

I know you won't believe me when I say this - but I can show it to you.

Now, even if I seek death myself, I will never die! Not only will I not die, I will also have greater opportunities and adventures.

While speaking, Hua Qidao directly sacrificed his soul.

It was a boy who looked to be only six or seven years old.

But when the young man manifested, he directly killed himself in front of Su Li - using the Dao Transformation level self-killing method.

Killing one's own soul is simply seeking death, and it is also the only way to escape death.

However, the moment Hua Qiudao's soul cut himself off, the endless power of merit immediately swept over him, like a thunder cloud and storm.

Not only people contributed, but the entire heaven gathered together. Endless fate, luck and other terrible fortune secrets, Tao principles and fairy lights all converged into reality and surged towards Hua Qiudao.

In just a moment, Hua Qiudao, who was about to lose his soul, was naturally interrupted from the process of self-destruction. Then, nourished by such a foundation, his soul instantly became stronger.

Compared with before, at this moment, the amplification intensity of its soul has changed by more than 30%, and its overall combat power has increased by at least five times!

You know, given Hua Qiudao's current background and strength, what is the concept of suddenly increasing his combat power by five times?

Did you see it? You should have understood it completely this time, right? I, Hua Qiudao, am the real master of destiny, the Taoist ancestor of the Three Thousand Avenues!

Even if I kill myself at any time and anywhere, I can be saved by endless cause and effect, chance, merit and other factors, and then I will only become more powerful!

And what about you, Su Li? Apart from being harvested again and again, being kept in captivity as a soul slave and a medicine slave, or even the source of the original Tao Yun and mysteries, what else can you be?

you are nothing!

Really, don’t be so naive. I didn’t give you the title of ‘Human Emperor’, you deserve this position.

The real emperor has the real emperor's destiny, the real imperial power and the destiny!

I won’t mention the emperor’s orders.

Destiny, do you have it?

Do you dare to kill yourself like me?

It's not about defining anything with you, but you really don't dare - as long as you dare to kill yourself, I, Hua Qiudao, will bet my own life on you, you will die!

If you survive the suicide, then I, Hua Qiudao, will immediately transform into a Tao and die.

You dare?

You certainly don't dare!

As long as you agree, even if you have a way to avoid death and fate takes care of me, you will definitely die.

Hua Qiudao said a few words.

And it is still a real layout, Yangmou.

Su Li didn't gamble, so he was naturally even more confused and despised by Fairy Bishui.

If you bet, you will fall directly into the trap and you will definitely die.

Yes, Su Li is bound to lose as long as he bets.

If he kills his own soul here, it is impossible for the heaven in this world to recognize his existence as Su Li - even if he is here to help.

But that's the reality.

Su Li knew very well that in terms of speech ability alone, it was really impossible for him to surpass Hua Qidao.

Su Li had experienced Hua Qiudao's verbal ability a long time ago, and he was extremely good at it.

But if you refuse, there will be no future at all—Bishui Fairy will definitely be a complete failure.

Therefore, Su Li just smiled and said: You set up a plan for me, but after all, you are still afraid that I will grow up, and you still ask me if I dare to use the method of provocation on the surface?

Such a bet is indeed unfair.

Since you think you can control destiny, how about we gamble on reincarnation authority?

Here, I control 50% of the reincarnation authority in reality.

I bet you are a Taoist!

The specific gambling method is——

Didn’t you say that you are the Taoist ancestor of the Three Thousand Dao?

Didn’t you say that you are the master of destiny and the controller of destiny?

In this way, as long as you show the true three thousand avenues of great destiny, great cause and effect, and great reincarnation, then you will win!

Then, the 50% reincarnation authority of the Chinese ancestral land in my hand is yours!

Since you contain the true emperor's destiny and destiny, then this reincarnation authority will definitely take care of you. Therefore, the three thousand avenues of great cause and effect, great destiny and great reincarnation will definitely surrender and be displayed in you! Right? !

In this way, can you let me see your destiny and imperial destiny?

Su Li proposed another bet.

This is a game!

Move from the aspects where you are at a disadvantage to the aspects where you have strengths.

Fairness is still fair - but those few of the three thousand avenues belong to Su Li.

Li Juan knew this.

The existence of Hua Qiudao was actually 'controlled' by Li Juan.

what does that mean?

This means that if Hua Qiudao really dares to gamble, on the one hand he will fail, and on the other hand, if Hua Qiudao cheats, Su Li will show the real three thousand avenues - this is secretly forcing Li Juan to pull the cause and effect.

As long as Su Li exposes his trump card here - Three Thousand Avenues, even if it's just three of them, Li Juan will face the end of being copied by outsiders!

Because, for Li Juan, all the three thousand avenues in Su Li have actually become Li Juan's forbidden possessions, and they cannot be lost!

So, what can Hua Qiudao do if this bet comes out?

Hua Qiudao has only one result, and that is rejection!

And once Hua Qiudao refuses, his 'invincible' and 'perfect' image in the heart of the Blue Water Fairy Qi Fengyu will collapse for the first time!

Sometimes, it only takes one collapse to destroy a person's impression in the heart of the person he likes!

Sure enough, when Hua Qiudao heard this, his face could not help but tremble slightly, and his expression was quite unnatural.

At this time, Qi Fengyu, the Fairy of Blue Water, thought that Hua Qiudao would agree without hesitation - for a true destiny person, he would not refuse or be afraid of any bet or challenge!

How can one care about a being who dares to kill his own soul and is saved by the way of heaven and the source of merit and virtue...

However, Hua Qidao's entanglement and hesitation directly shattered Fairy Bishui's expectations.

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