I pretend to be a fortune teller in a fantasy world

Chapter 1,133 Qiudao is revealed and the Human Emperor is strong

Qi Fengyu, the Fairy of Blue Water, still looked at Su Li with disdain - it seemed that Su Li was extremely generous when he said such words.

Think it over before you say it? Say it again? Are you threatening me? Do you know who you are in my eyes?

Qi Feng spoke coldly and had a very contemptuous attitude.

This kind of contempt is not pretended, but real contempt.

Su Li didn't take it seriously. As the Lord of Heaven, Qi Fengyu's time to dominate Heaven was not long, but it was by no means short.

And how could a being who could serve as the 'Lord of Heaven' in a terrifying force like Heaven be Yi Yu?

This kind of existence is domineering and powerful, which is its true nature.

Therefore, relying on her strong strength, realm and combat power, she looked down on Su Li at this time, which was completely within Su Li's judgment.

Not to mention, Su Li possesses three thousand avenues - these three thousand avenues are particularly powerful in the world of Heavenly Law and Rules in the Great Plane of Babel, but their real power lies in the prehistoric system.

Therefore, as long as Su Li mobilizes any of the three thousand avenues, his combat power in this world will not be weak.

However, exposing his own Three Thousand Avenue level background just for a mere woman?

This is obviously not worth it.

At this time, Qi Fengyu's attitude was like this, while Su Li just nodded indifferently and said: Judging from the behavior of the Blue Water Fairy, generally speaking, in your eyes, I, Su, am just a clown? An ant? A weak dog?

Qi Fengyu said coldly: It seems that you still have some self-awareness.

Su Li said: It seems that Fairy Bishui's vision is really high, and her own knowledge is really far-term.

Qi Fengyu frowned slightly and said in a deep voice: Su, I advise you not to be ungrateful! Originally, according to my idea, I suppressed you directly, and then exposed your ugly intentions, vicious and dirty purposes on the spot, and Project this scene to tell the world.

Let all beings in the world know that you, Su Li, are just a person who is just trying to gain fame and fame, and you are just improving your own strength through various evil means such as combining Tao and replenishing yin and yang!

However, Brother Akimichi mentioned your situation and said that you were more or less responsible for him, so he didn't target you so much, and even said some kind words to help you, so that I wouldn't target you too much.

According to Brother Akimichi, every existence has its own way of survival. What you do is just your way of living and has nothing to do with me!

But this time, you have set your sights on me, Qi Fengyu. Do you want to capture me, Qi Fengyu, and then seize my power in heaven?

It's simply wild ambition and wishful thinking!

As you said, you are worthy of being nothing more than a rotten dog or an ant? !

Qi Feng's words were as fierce as ever, and they also contained deep murderous intent and hatred.

This kind of behavior is obviously like the extreme hatred of a loyal woman towards a scumbag.

Su Li was even a little surprised, where did this kind of hatred come from?

Could it be that this is a top boxing master who has learned it by himself?

Su Li said calmly: This is the second time you have humiliated me with such words.

Qi Fengyu sneered and said: So what if I humiliate you? You came to the door. I asked you to leave before to save your face, but you refused to leave.

Now, why are you still unhappy?

After saying that, Qi Fengyu snorted again and said: If it wasn't because Brother Qiudao didn't want me to embarrass you, I would have directly suppressed you and destroyed you this time!

Now, why don't you thank Brother Akimichi properly?

Otherwise, with an ant and dog-like existence like you, you would have been killed hundreds of millions of times by my eyes!

Qi Fengyu spoke again, still extremely contemptuous and still extremely condescending.

Su Li smiled and said calmly: The third time.

Qi Fengyu sneered: So what?

Su Li did not respond, but said: For the first time, this is my direct exposure of the disdain in your heart. At the same time, it is just my humble statement, but it is obviously very rude to take other people's humility for granted.

There is no need to say more about the second and third times.

While speaking, Su Li directly manifested the aura of Pangu's bloodline and the extremely huge Pangu's will.

The moment this aura and will appeared, Fairy Bishui's face suddenly became extremely ugly.

However, at this time, Su Li didn't say much.

Because Pangu's will and Pangu's bloodline directly evolved the almost substantial ancient imperial will and imperial blood heritage.

This kind of real thing, in the world of heavenly rules and regulations in the great plane of Babel, shocks the world and the people, but here, it is as natural as the arrival of a saint!

That kind of majesty, that kind of momentum, even Qi Fengyu, the Lord of Heaven, couldn't help but want to kneel down and worship!

However, at this time, Su Li restrained these bloodline auras and imperial auras.

He put his hands behind his back and completely ignored Hua Qiudao. Instead, he looked at Qi Fengyu indifferently with a superior attitude and said: You are humiliating the emperor. You speak without restraint. This is taboo.


Su Li spoke coldly.

The voice at that moment also contained the substantial will of Pangu.

At this moment, no matter how stupid Qi Fengyu was, he completely understood that Su Li's arrival was definitely not Su Li's own purpose, but was invited by Emperor Pangu!

And since it was Emperor Pangu who invited him, no matter what Su Li's purpose is this time, it will never be too selfish or have too many private purposes.

Because this is equivalent to having an additional layer of official status, such as a feudal official, an inspector or an imperial envoy of the imperial court!

How could something go wrong with such a being, such as a walking promotion or one holding the 'Sword of Shang Fang'?

At this moment, Qi Fengyu's mood suddenly became extremely bad, and her face became even more ugly.

But instead she fell silent.

Su Li looked at her coldly, with an ant-like attitude in his eyes, and a heartfelt emotion of 'pity'.

It seemed that in Su Li's eyes, Qi Fengyu was just a pitiful creature!

A poor man who was deceived and fell into a life-and-death crisis without realizing it.

At this time, when the inspector came to save her, she was still stubborn for the liar and trap without knowing it. She also had a conflict with the inspector, and even wanted to kill the inspector!

This is simply insane!

In fact, this is indeed the case.

In Su Li's cold eyes, Qi Fengyu was as strong as Qi Fengyu. At this time, he could not help but lower his head slightly, and then said softly: I'm sorry, Fengyu made a mistake with his words earlier, and I offended many people. Please forgive me, Su Renhuang.

As Qi Fengyu spoke, she cupped her fists and saluted, enduring the strong nausea, and her attitude became sincere and pious.

She could take it up and put it down - no matter how disgusted she felt in her heart, she still showed her attitude on the surface.

Su Li ignored Qi Fengyu and focused his gaze on Hua Qidao's face.

Su Li's eyes were as calm as ever.

Hua Qiudao, who came into contact with his gaze, showed no emotional changes.

If Su Li hadn't experienced the cause and effect of Hua Qiudao and knew very clearly that Hua Qiudao transformed into Tao on the timeline, then at this time, he would have thought that the Hua Qiudao in front of him was Brother Hua.

Everything is almost completely similar.

Su Li couldn't find anything wrong even with his Tianji sensing instinct.

Therefore, facing Hua Qiudao like this at this time, he had nothing to say.

Hua Qiudao is still as heroic as before, with the same confidence in his eyes as before, and with the power of good fortune, he is as majestic as the sea and unfathomable.

Those wise eyes are as bright as the eternal stars.

Su Li, the past karma has been completely ended here. In the past, I gave you a lot of help, and you also gave me some relief.

My ability to escape from the world of Heavenly Rules in the Great Plane of Babel is indeed related to your salvation.

Therefore, the help I once gave you and the help you gave me are completely severed from each other.

When Hua Qiudao opened his mouth, he felt the flavor of Taoism, which was completely similar.

Even Su Li's powerful passive ability - Tiandao Listening, couldn't detect anything wrong.

Unfortunately, Su Li's intention was very clear - the Hua Qiudao in front of him was no longer the Hua Qiudao before.

Since they are not, no matter how similar they are, they cannot be respected by him.

Su Li did not respond, but simply said indifferently: So, for the sake of this Blue Water Fairy Qi Fengyu, will you, Hua Qiudao, become an enemy of me, Su Li?

Hua Qiudao pondered for a long time and said: Yes, the past causes and effects are wiped out, so all the subsequent causes and effects are just the beginning.

Su Li said: Since you already have ideas and decisions, I naturally won't say anything.

Hua Qiudao said in a deep voice: Su Li, Su Renhuang, I understand the purpose of your visit this time. Not only do I understand it, but Feng Yu also understands it very well.

Therefore, there is no hope for you, just give up and stop struggling in vain, it is meaningless!

Feng Yu is a very independent person who can distinguish right from wrong. She will never listen to others or be easily influenced by you.

Don’t you just want to use the mind-attacking techniques and reincarnation mind-attacking methods of Emperor Ying?

No way!

Feng Yu will not give you a chance!

She will not have the slightest fondness for you, nor will she give you the opportunity to use any means such as Zhenxu Tianjin to confuse your mind, nor will she secretly take any pills for you to take advantage of.

Specifically speaking, the only method you want to use is nothing more than Hedao, which is to conquer physically first and then kidnap him morally!

For you to use her as your next target of harmony and humiliation to transform your own Tao and improve your own cultivation, I combined all the possibilities with the help of heaven and earth to help her deduce all the possibilities. sex……

So, you have no chance!

Not to mention, Feng Yu is the most noble fairy in my heart, and I will never allow any existence to tarnish her!

You can not!

Any other existence will not work!

Hua Qiudao seemed to have said something sincerely.

After all, the meaning of these words is to discourage Su Li's enthusiasm and mess up Su Li's mentality.

At the same time, this sentence also completely tore apart Su Li's purpose, and presented it in front of Qi Fengyu, the Fairy of Blue Water, in an extremely realistic and comprehensive manner.

Su Li frowned slightly and looked at Hua Qidao with a meaningful look.

Qi Fengyu, the Fairy of Blue Water, stared at Su Li with extremely disgusted and indifferent eyes. The suppressed murderous intent in her eyes could hardly be suppressed.

Su Li said: When Emperor Pangu persuaded me to come, the cause and effect of the solution was actually Hua Qiudao.

Hua Qiudao is no longer the invincible Taoist ancestor, but has been invaded by the world of heavenly rules in the great plane of Babel Tower and has become a real puppet prison.

Even he himself didn't know it.

This actually happened three months ago.

And I arrived exactly three months ago.

After I arrived, only the Human Emperor Fuxi came to greet me. After that, I practiced with Emperor Fuxi for three months. During this period, many emperors came and gave me elixirs such as ginseng fruit, Taiyi elixir, Taishang Jindan, and flat peach. Panacea.

Emperor Fu even taught me how to refine the Bitter Pill.

These things, if you are willing to investigate, are indeed no secret.

In saying this, I just want to say that what I want to do is indeed not too concealed - but what I want to do is not the goal, the result is the goal.

Your existence is just derived from myths and legends, and is illusory.

And I, Su Li, did grow up from an ant, but I am the real human emperor of the ancestral land of China.

Cause and effect such as harmony is really just a last resort.

But now that it's been revealed, it doesn't matter.

For me, whether the virtual mythical world exists or not has little impact on me.

My ambition is for humanity to prosper.

My status as the Human Emperor is also the result of the test of heaven and earth.

Are you, Qi Fengyu, and you, Hua Qiudao, qualified to define the cause and effect of my Su Li? Are you qualified to define my character, Su Li?

Do you even have the qualifications and courage to define the 'real' Human Emperor like me, as a virtual existence like you?

As you said before - who do you Qi Fengyu and Hua Qiudao mean?

Are you worthy?

Every word Su Li spoke was like the thunder of heaven, shocking the deafening and enlightening!

As Su Li said, is he in a hurry?

He's not in a hurry.

Is he afraid?

He is not afraid either!

After all, to Su Li, the world of prehistoric mythology is indeed just a world that grew out of a fictional mythological system. It was the growth of the small world of the heavens that refining the void and returning to reality.

Others can create such a world, and Su Li can actually create it too.

This won't work, it's just him creating a new one and then covering the world.

Real power, in this regard, is always higher than imaginary power!

Not to mention, Su Li still controls 50% of the reincarnation authority - at this time, he has three thousand avenues, and the other 50% controlled by Li Juan will definitely cooperate with him, Su Li, to do something.

Otherwise, if his Three Thousand Avenues were mobilized and exposed, Li Juan could only watch helplessly as these good things fell into the hands of others.

In other words, at this time, Su Li could even use Li Juan as a back-up to cause trouble and as a gun.

Therefore, Su Li was not lying to Qi Feng at all.

As for the ability to speak Qifeng language?

That’s not necessarily the case!

After all, Su Li still has the Shennong Cauldron in his hand!

What is this?

This is the real top magic weapon.

In addition, the power of magic weapons such as Pangu Ax and Xuanyuan Sword in this world...

There is no need to say more, they are definitely king bombs!

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