I pretend to be a fortune teller in a fantasy world

Chapter 1,115 The dragon's blood is boiling, the foundation of dragon transformation

There was silence in the main hall of Dragon Palace.

The atmosphere was quite harmonious.

In addition to Ao Zai Dao, the four Dragon Emperor Dao Ancestors were also present at this time.

Even the two dragon girls Ao Qin and Ao Mo were somewhat concerned about this scene.

Ao Zaidao wanted to know about Su Li's current blood condition, but he didn't have any information and couldn't detect Su Li's information.

It is even more rude to explore this at will.

Su Li pondered for a moment, then nodded and said with gratitude, Emperor Ao is interested.

Ao Zaidao smiled and said: This is still a bit offensive to the Su Renhuang.

Su Li smiled in relief and said, Emperor Ao, please take a look.

While speaking, Su Li mobilized part of his bloodline power to circulate around his body.

This part of the bloodline power is exactly his own Pangu bloodline.

This time, what he was planning to manifest was also the Pangu bloodline.

He had already awakened the Pangu bloodline a long time ago, and it was indeed intentional to take advantage of this opportunity to present it.

This not only increases the weight of oneself, but also increases the weight of the identity of ‘Lord of Heaven’.

The significance and impact of this will be extremely far-reaching.

Su Li's Pangu bloodline has reached the level of perfection, and now it can even transform to the level of proficiency.

This is a huge leap. Once it is crossed, it will definitely lead to huge turbulence and extremely shocking visions.

Now, with the help of this opportunity, it can kill two birds with one stone and play an unexpected role.

After Su Li mobilized Pangu's Qi and blood, layers of extremely terrifying blood shone all over his body.

That kind of bloody light is like the backbone between heaven and earth in chaos, like the sky rail that can support heaven and earth, which is extremely shocking to people's hearts.

Not only that, the meaning, Taoist aura and special chaotic order contained in this blood light are particularly shocking.

Su Li's Qi and blood continued to sublimate, creating layers of mysterious totem visions, among which it seemed as if the true ancestral dragon from ancient times was resurrecting.

Its powerful vitality and life origin shocked and trembled even Ao Zaidao and the four dragon emperors.


The next moment, Su Li's aura suddenly climbed to the extreme, and many ancient totems seemed to have directly turned into reality.

The totem of the five-clawed golden dragon and the phantom of Panhuang even seemed to have solidified.

Such momentum soared into the sky, and even the entire hall was almost broken through.

The entire ancient palace was shaking, and the entire Dragon Palace felt as if a magnitude nine earthquake had occurred.

Such changes are indeed shocking.

What is even more shocking is that Su Li's momentum and vitality are as if the real prehistoric royal family has completely arrived, and the whole world of great struggle has begun at this moment.

Such movement not only shook the Dragon Palace, but also all the practitioners in this hell.

They all showed horrified expressions and looked at the giant totem of the Human Emperor, the Dharma of Heaven and Earth, and the invincible giant figure of Pangu above the Dragon Palace.

At that moment, all living beings in the world could not help but want to kneel down and worship.

After a long time, the atmosphere calmed down.

Many practitioners would like to know whether this scene was presented by the Su Renhuang, and if so, what terrifying level the Su Renhuang's combat power has reached.

If so, did Su Renhuang have a conflict with Dragon Palace, was it a display of strength, or was it a transformation in strength?

No one knew, but the speculation and gossip aroused by this incident caused a stir.

The truth is naturally found in the Dragon Palace.

Su Li's display of Qi and blood was not the limit.

But this is part of his performance, and it is also deliberate.

This kind of background is completely under the control of the system and will not be lost.

So energetic...

After a long time, Ao Zaidao still couldn't help sighing and sighing, and at the same time he was also shocked to the point of numbness.

This kind of strong Qi and blood, this terrifying dragon soul foundation and dragon vein foundation far stretched out so many levels of him.

If we really want to compare dragon veins...

Dragon Palace is probably not worthy enough to even carry Su Li's shoes.

The existence of the Dragon Palace actually imitates the cause and effect of the Chinese Dragon Clan, and this is also the true heritage brought back from the Chinese ancestral land during the anti-counterfeiting campaign.

Now, even after so many years, Ozai Dao still found that the level of condensation of his blood was far inferior to that of the Su Renhuang.

However, the good thing is that a bloodline like Su Renhuang is himself the ‘Lord of Heaven’. This is actually the foundation of the world of Heavenly Rules in the Great Plane of Babel Tower.

Ao Zaidao was very pleased, but also a little helpless - if he had protected such a Su Renhuang from the beginning, how could the world of Heavenly Rules in the Great Plane of Babel be as unbearable and bad as it is now?

On the contrary, constantly harvesting Su Renhuang is the greatest harm and the most wrong decision!

Among them, it must be that those in the Great Plane of Heavenly Rules World of Babel fell into the trap of those Imperial Races, which resulted in internal fighting.

Ao Zaidao quickly considered this - this judgment is exactly the most reasonable.

Because in the end, after all the calculations and layout, he persecuted his own ‘Lord of Heaven’. Wasn’t this a trap set by the enemy from outside?

too strong!

This Qi and blood is so pure!

This kind of quality is at least five levels higher than our bloodline and dragon vein levels. In front of such dragon veins, we are as humble as ants.

If he hadn't been kneeling for many years because of his old bones, this time the old dragon wouldn't be able to bear the majesty and would have to kneel down. Alas.

The four dragon emperors could not help but speak one after another at this time.

Or sigh, or sigh.

But his words were all full of respect for the Su Renhuang, even - respect and awe!

When Su Li saw this scene, his mood was slightly complicated - if he had shown any ability before, he would have been snatched away by endless means, and would have been coveted by all kinds of people...

But now, the Pangu bloodline, one of the most precious bloodlines, has been shown to be absolutely valued and respected.

Not only did I not think about harvesting, I also thought about regrets, thinking about not being able to harvest anymore but to support and protect them!

This is the difference between outsiders and our own people.

Before, he had been giving so much, even if it was the source of hope, but he was still regarded as an 'outsider' by the world of heavenly rules and regulations in the great plane of Babel Tower.

But now, he won't even give anything anymore. Instead, he just thinks about all kinds of destruction, just because he is 'one of his own', and he will be protected, supported and guarded.

Everything, in the final analysis, is still those few words - people who are not of my race must have different minds!

Su Li regained his bloodline and regained his composure.

His attitude was calm and indifferent, and he was not at all arrogant because of his bloodline, nor was he arrogant.

He only responded with a gentle smile to Ozai Dao's praise and the emotion of the four old Dragon Emperors.

This kind of Qi and blood is far beyond imagination. In this way, as long as this Qi and blood transforms again, it can actually suppress Dao injuries temporarily.

If combined with Tao Yin and Yang, it would be even more capable of transformation and even erase some Tao injuries.

Ozai spoke.

Su Li said: He Dao has to make the last decision after all. Moreover, it is quite unfair to the two dragon girls Ao Qin and Ao Mo.

In fact, the reason for this marriage is not really for marriage, but because some of the qualifications of these two dragon girls are indeed very suitable for the practice system of my ancient royal family.

At this time, Su left Chenggong.

When Ao Zaidao heard this, his eyes lit up and he said: Thanks to Su Renhuang's appreciation, that is indeed the blessing of the two dragon girls.

Saying that, Ao Zaidao immediately glanced at Ao Qin and Ao Mo.

Ao Qin and Ao Mo immediately bowed and said softly: Ao Qin and Ao Mo, pay your respects to the Su Renhuang.

Su Li nodded and said: Well, since Emperor Ao has agreed, from now on, you can follow me in practice.

Ao Qin and Ao Mo did not hesitate and saluted again, respectfully expressing their determination to serve the Su Renhuang from now on.

Seeing that Ao Qin and Ao Mo knew each other so well, Ao Zaidao was quite satisfied with these two dragon girls.

As for the other two dragon girls, he couldn't say he was disappointed - the main reason was that Su Li was not happy, so he was not qualified to enter here, so he did not follow them and had been sent away before.

Ao Zaidao said: The Su Renhuang's bloodline is extremely powerful, and it is still in a special state of perfection. It seems that it will not be far away to break through again and transform into new qualities.

This time, the Hualong Pond of the Dragon Palace is actually an extremely mysterious and powerful place of opportunity, which contains the information intercepted by many previous 'time and space combinations'.

Nowadays, although the cause and effect of the 'Union of Time and Space' has been repaired, the underlying foundation is still there.

If Su Renhuang doesn't mind it, he can use these foundations to transform his bloodline first, and then refine the dragon crystal.

Ao Zaidao mentioned a plan to transform and restore Tao injuries.

Su Li thought for a while and didn't agree immediately.

Ao Zaidao further explained: The Su Renhuang can rest assured that the Hualong Pond itself is the place of origin, and the details of it...actually...the Su Renhuang still understands something in his heart.

Therefore, Su Renhuang can use it without any worries.

After all, some things, in the final analysis, are actually your own, Su Renhuang.

When he said this, Ao Zaidao even felt a little ashamed, so he used 'you' as the title.

Su Li thought for a moment, then shook his head and refused: This Dragon Transformation Pond uses the so-called 'real-time update' intercepted information, right?

Since this is against the rules of heaven, even though many details have been left behind, these details are actually dark and rebellious.

If I use it, wouldn't it be the same as those before?

Su Li also didn't expect that the compensation from the world of Heavenly Rules in the Great Plane of Babel would come so quickly, and would also provide him with 'real-time updates' to help him become stronger.

This is too incredible.

But on this point, Su Li had actually considered this aspect, but he thought that the timeline repair had perfectly solved the problem of real-time updates and would never happen again.

As a result, this group of beings still retains a lot of 'inheritance'.

It's like a machine printing money like crazy.

Although the operation was interrupted, the printed items had already piled up.

If you want to spend these things at this time, you should also give them to Su Li?

Su Li really wanted to spend it, but if he spent this kind of money, the identity of the Lord of Heaven would be exposed, and he would be further involved.

This must not be spent.

Therefore, Su Liyi righteously refused.

Ao Zaidao actually wanted to say at this time - Su Renhuang, Su Renhuang, in fact, these things are all yours!

Others may really not be qualified to use it and can no longer use it, but you are the Lord of Heaven. All the intercepted information, the real holder and the real authority are now in your hands!


Ao Zaidao couldn't say this kind of thing.

Su Li's identity as the Master of Heavenly Dao must not be revealed.

Even if - this time some beings glimpse the truth, they will soon be repaired by Heaven and forget this memory.

Only beings like him, Ao Zaidao and the Lord of the Three Pure Realms, can know the secrets of these cores.

Ao Zaidao's expression was a bit exciting, but he hesitated to speak.

In the end, he sighed, and even sympathized with Su Li - the good-natured Lord of Heaven, but now he has been tricked into this, and he is still working hard for the prehistoric royal family!

What would he think if he finally established the prehistoric royal family and then restored the will and heritage of the Lord of Heaven?

However, no matter how you think about it, the prehistoric royal family will eventually be merged into the world of heavenly rules in the great plane of Babel. At that time, the world of heavenly rules in the great plane of Babel will be the real eternal kingdom, the immortal empire, and— —Invincible Imperial Domain.

Ao Zaidao's sigh touched Su Li a little.

Sure enough, this wave of reverse bargain hunting is really amazing.

This can be seen from Ao Zaidao's mentality, attitude and performance.

Emperor Ao, don't worry. Su has gone through all kinds of ups and downs along the way, and his bloodline has never fallen or been wasted.

This time, even if we don’t use those evil origins—could it be that we can’t transform our bloodline?

After saying that, Su Li added: Don't mind Emperor Ao, in fact, the origin itself does not distinguish between good and evil, good and evil, nor can it be said to be unsullied or clean.

But these real-time updates intercepted involve many causes and effects. Even if it is now cleared, others can touch it, Dragon Palace can touch it, but Su really can't.

This is trampling on the blood and destiny of the people of the Chinese ancestral land.

This is going to be poked in the back by the Chinese Ancestral People!

Su Li's tone was very firm.

And the more he behaved like this, the more Ao Zaidao felt uncomfortable in his heart - look at how his own Lord of Heavenly Way was persecuted, yet he was still thinking about the Chinese people of the prehistoric royal family.

It is worthy of being the source of hope, and worthy of being the master of heaven. This layout and mind are really amazing.

Ao Zaidao thought about it and couldn't help but sigh again, then he clasped his fists and saluted, and said: The Su Renhuang Gao Yi, it's Ao who is confused.

However, there is one more thing this time. This matter needs to be decided by the Su Renhuang personally.

Ao Zaidao no longer talked about Hualong Pond, but brought up another thing.

Su Li pondered for a moment, then thought of something immediately, so he asked: Are you talking about the Emperor Soul Realm?

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