I pretend to be a fortune teller in a fantasy world

Chapter 1,116: Compromise and give in, the staunch human emperor

The Emperor Soul Realm was known to Su Li.

It would be too hypocritical for him to pretend to be completely ignorant of this matter.

When Ao Zaidao heard this, he suddenly became a little nervous: It is indeed a matter of the Emperor Soul Realm.

Su Li remained silent and did not answer immediately.

This matter can be big or small. Even he, Su Li, can't decide it, and he can't decide it casually.

Ao Zaidao pondered for a moment and then said softly: What happened in the Emperor Soul Realm is actually the continuation of the cause and effect of this time axis, and it is also a direction of growth.

Without the previous growth method, a new growth method is naturally needed, and the Emperor Soul Realm is this method.

However, you couldn't get the benefits this way before, and strictly speaking it was really unfair.

But the cause and effect in the Emperor Soul Domain this time is related to outside the territory, which can be regarded as a breakthrough and attempt.

On my side, of course I hope that Su Renhuang can agree, because with your talents and abilities, you will get great benefits in the Emperor Soul Realm. Facing the world of Heavenly Dao rules has many benefits.

In fact, judging from the current situation, everyone should unite and deal with the outside world in a unanimous manner.

Otherwise, it will really be a case of both prosperity and loss.

This is actually the reason why our Dragon Clan is willing to come forward.

The dragon girl itself is not precious, and the marriage itself is not humiliating, it can even be said to be a high achievement.

But Qin Mo, the two dragon girls, are indeed very precious.

In fact, Su Renhuang also understood in his heart that the Dragon Clan really paid a lot for the training of these two people.

In addition, the Su Renhuang did not like those dragon girls who did not interfere much and did not pay much to train them.

As for the Emperor Soul Realm, in the final analysis, these dragons don't actually have to do it. For the dragons, there are no benefits if they succeed, but there are only disadvantages if they fail.

But the Dragon Clan still did it, after all, they still considered the big picture.

There was indeed a problem with the timeline, but it has now been repaired. In fact, Su Renhuang had more or less contact with this aspect, and had some contact with it. Therefore, Ao opened the skylight and spoke frankly.

Ozai Dao indeed said some very heartfelt words.

Su Li took a deep look at Ao Zaidao and said thoughtfully: This matter is actually not something I can agree to if I agree to it. Emperor Ao also understands that what I represent is not just me, Su Li.

Ao Zaidao smiled slightly and said: Of course Ao knows this, but for now, he just wants to hear Su Renhuang's opinion and Su Renhuang's views.

If Su Renhuang does not object, then the Emperor Soul Realm will be opened, then it will be opened.

If turned on...

The connection between the prehistoric royal family and the Chinese ancestral land may be reopened.

Su Li pondered for a moment, pacing back and forth, but still didn't give an answer.

At this time, he actually had his own judgment, but he did not make a judgment.

It wasn't that he was indecisive, but Su Li still wanted to hear Immortal Qinglan's opinion on this matter.

Immortal Light Blue now exists in the system panel and has always been with Su Li.

And today's Su Li is actually a very complete Su Li.

Therefore, when it comes to choices, Su Li needs to pay attention. Is he going to explore more details and make concessions and sacrifices, violating some of his own bottom lines?

Or should we continue to maintain our bottom line, not make concessions, and be tough on some things?

If it were the second option, then it would be impossible to fully explore the underlying issues.

Su Li had a thought, and in his meditation, the immortal light blue figure had condensed.

It's just a meditation area, not even a memory forbidden area or a system panel.

This is similar to a kind of consciousness sea and soul sea space. It is also a derived ability after Su Li obtained the 'meditation' ability, and it is also part of the foundation of Tianji Divine Calculation.

This kind of meditation is naturally immune to prying eyes and penetration.

Immortal Light Blue, do you have any opinion on this issue?

Su Li spoke softly and asked Immortal Qinglan with the voice of his soul.

The immortal light blue projection is still unparalleled in beauty. Even if the projection is standing there, it is still heroic, still stunningly beautiful, as peerless and independent.

Every time he saw such immortal light blue, Su Li would always feel a trembling feeling in his heart, but there was no real trembling in his heart.

But that kind of heartbeat is indescribable.

Immortal Qinglan didn't hesitate at all, but said directly: I can agree.

Su Li said: Then the bottom line should also be released?

Immortal Qinglan said: You can also release some at the appropriate time. On the one hand, you can transfer the cause and effect of this release to the 'Lord of Heaven', you can also give it because of the other party's gesture. If your attitude is good, you It's a little 'better' here too.

This is a step up from each other.

After all, your character is a tooth for a tooth and an eye for an eye, but you are also an open-minded person.

Even if you are not the Lord of Heaven, normally speaking, you would be willing to do it if it was consistent with the outside world.

We are also willing to do this.

No matter how dirty this shithole is now, it still sounds like a place to stay.

There is no way, if this place cannot be saved, then everything that follows will be nothing but duckweed in the air.

Appropriate compromise can also better explore the bottom and make better use of Li Juan in the opposite direction.

Don't worry, if your place gradually enters into a 'honeymoon period' with the world of Heavenly Law and Rules in the Great Plane of Babel, Li Juan will take action to sabotage or even interfere.

From Li Juan's point of view, she feels that she is the one who has mastered the truth, so she feels that your so-called identity as the Lord of Heaven is actually false. This is due to the misinterpretation of your background such as the Three Thousand Dao.

But she only knew part of it, not all of it, so she kept the secret instead.

Using these to pull each other apart is the real key to our next bottoming out.

After the Emperor Soul Realm is opened, some soul clan karma can be introduced.

At that time, the cause and effect of some small worlds will appear again.

Immortal Light Blue gives very detailed responses.

In fact, these were also some of Su Li's thoughts, but as for the temporary compromise, Su Li was still a little hesitant.

The scary thing about this world is that a temporary compromise may lead to a complete compromise.

The former sluts clearly demonstrated this point vividly.

This is actually the case even for Li Juan.

Therefore, if there is any discrepancy in this, it will probably be really difficult to turn around.

In addition, Hua Qiudao did not compromise and died.

And are the others temporary compromises or permanent compromises?

Regardless of whether it was true or not, Su Li could no longer trust them, so a 'gap' had been formed invisibly.

And if Su Li, the Su Renhuang, compromises temporarily, once the matter is exposed, can he bear this 'sin' until the truth is revealed?

At that time, if part of the truth is revealed and he surrenders as the Human Emperor, what will the people of the Chinese ancestral land think?

To poke him in the spine and accuse him of selling his ancestors for glory?

Once people's support is lost, it is really difficult to get it back.

Especially, he did such a great and upright job in the early stage.

These were all things Su Li was very concerned about, and that was why he had discussions with Immortal Qinglan.

While Su Li was deep in thought, he conveyed his concerns to Immortal Qinglan.

Hearing this, Immortal Qinglan's shadow solidified a lot.

She stared at Su Li quietly and said softly: Su Li, do you remember the poem Bamboo and Stone?

Su Li responded in meditation: Stick to the green mountains and never relax. The roots are still in the broken rocks. It has been strong despite countless blows, regardless of the winds from east to west, north and south.

Immortal Qianlan added: What about Inscription on the Wall in Prison? It's from Tan Sitong.

Su Li said: There are two versions.

The first version is: I miss Zhang Jian when I look at the door and wait for Du Gen. I am smiling towards the sky with my horizontal sword, leaving my liver and gallbladder intact.

The second version is: Look at the door and cast your toes in pity for Zhang Jian, and directly admonish Chen Shu for being ashamed of Du Gen. Throwing a European knife with his hand, he looked up to the sky and smiled, leaving the public crime for future generations to discuss.

Immortal Qinglan sighed: If the heart is there, the dream is there. Your concerns are indeed justified, because your orthodoxy is to live in the present.

The current words and deeds naturally require great attention and caution.

Caution and trial and error are inherently conflicting and contradictory.

But there is a premise - there is a chance for reversal.

Making some small concessions and sacrifices for a big opportunity is contrary to orthodoxy, but it is consistent with Datong.

The first version of Inscriptions on the Wall in Prison tells the story of the hope that Kang Youwei and Liang Qichao, who were forced to flee, would be protected like Zhang Jian when they stayed on the run. I hope that my comrades can endure death and wait to complete the great cause of reform like Dugan.

I look up to the sky and laugh, and die generously, because those who leave and those who stay are honest and upright, just like the majestic Kunlun Mountains.

The second version focuses on the theory of posterity.

Are these important?

The rise and fall, everyone is responsible.

However, even ordinary people have responsibilities, so why should we dedicate ourselves to serving our family and country?

Immortal Light Blue's words were firm and resounding.

At this moment, Immortal Light Blue looked like a heroine with heroic appearance, which shocked Su Li - it seemed that he had seen such a radical side of Immortal Light Blue for the first time.

Immortal Light Blue, I don't care about dying to be loyal to the Chinese ancestral land. What I worry about is that once the orthodoxy is infiltrated and destroyed after giving in, and loses part of the authority of the Human Emperor and disappoints the people, what will happen to it? Who can support the dark sky?

I know you can, but I don't want you to support it.

Su Li spoke silently.

As he spoke, he said softly: You should know that when a vessel is full, it will collapse, and you must know that the extreme of things will lead to the opposite. If you do this, taking a step back may seem like a small step, but it is actually a huge ocean.

Immortal Qinglan was silent for a while, then sighed softly and said: I wouldn't say this at first, but since you have already considered this level, then - in fact, the dark sky has been supported.

That one, you actually knew all along.

When Su Li heard this, his heart suddenly hurt.

Su Li's voice trembled slightly: Mei'er? Yu Xi? Which one of them?

Immortal Qian Lan whispered: Mei'er, when the first round of cause and effect ends, her past with you will be cut off. And only in this way can the future between you and her be reopened.

Su Li was silent for a long time without speaking.

Immortal Qinglan added: So, you don't have to worry about being infiltrated, or that you won't be able to handle it, that the orthodoxy will be intercepted, or that something unexpected will happen.

In this world, there are already people who have been carrying the burden forward.

In addition, it is not that I am radical, but that we now must break through the world of big words and the world of white snakes as quickly as possible.

And if these are to be presented and the entrance is opened, the Emperor Soul Realm must be captured.

Compromise is inevitable this time.

The reason why I don't say it is because I don't want you to feel pressured or feel that you are being forced to give in.

However, you think more comprehensively and profoundly than I thought, so this information cannot be hidden from you.

Su Li was greatly shocked in his heart.

The world of big talk, is it the westward journey of big talk?

Su Li knew the answer, but still asked in a trembling voice.

Immortal Light Blue nodded and said: It's like Westward Journey. The Moonlight Box was the core penetration point of the previous system, so this point will definitely be reopened after the timeline is repaired.

By the time……

What will happen then, Immortal Light Blue did not clearly explain.

But Su Li knew how to deal with it when the time came.

Just because, if the world of Dahua is reunited, then this Moonlight Treasure Box, and even the time and space in the world of Dahua, will be the most explosive cause and effect.

The horror of this thing will be unimaginable!

It is even very likely that the Moonlight Treasure Box will appear in a more comprehensive and powerful way this time, and even in a way that contains a timeline.

Big talk, monkey.

If this world is established, then Hu Chen will have a very terrifying background, which will be even more terrifying than the perfect world in Shushan!

Okay, I understand. Immortal Light Blue, thank you for telling me the truth.

Su Li responded in his heart, his tone became much more solemn.

Immortal Light Blue responded softly: Actually, we don't want you to deal with this so quickly.

Su Li sighed in response.

Immortal Qinglan said: What we can confirm at the moment is that Li Juan is building a mysterious layout again. I don't know what it is for harvesting. It has not penetrated yet.

Hu Chen, on the other hand, also intercepted a lot of information due to the completion of real-time updates and continued to transform.

There is also the Emperor Soul Realm, which is also undergoing huge changes and has many variables.

At this point in time, it is necessary for you to properly 'cooperate' with the world of Heavenly Rules in the Great Plane of Babel.

Of course, it is of great significance to fully grasp the strategy.

In this regard, in fact, in most cases, there is nothing wrong with your judgment.

Su Li said: Then I will use this state and cause and effect to deal with many things that will follow. If there are any deviations, Immortal Light Blue, you can give some reminders at the critical moment.

Immortal Qinglan said: Of course. For example, this time, even if you don't ask me, I will remind you appropriately.

Su Li gradually calmed down.

Immediately, he dissipated from his meditation.

The beautiful projection in meditation quickly dissipated.

This scene seemed to have happened for a long time, but in fact, it was just a thought.

Su Li came back to his senses and looked at Ozai Dao again. Su Li nodded slightly and his eyes gradually became firmer: Although I don't actually have a good impression of the cause and effect of the Emperor Soul Realm. It's a bit disgusting.

After all, it is filled with too much sin and blood, too much darkness and stench.

There are even the dregs of the Zerg that are constantly wafting through it.

But as you said, Emperor Ao, if one gains, both will prosper, and if one loses, both will suffer.

In the final analysis, even if the people of the world governed by the laws of heaven in the Great Plane of Babel are guilty, they will not be punished to death.

I agreed to this.

I am willing to accept this quota.

Of course, I also hope that the pull from the Chinese ancestral land and the corresponding cause and effect should be completely left to my control.

As the human emperor of the ancestral land of China, I feel that this is what I should and must do to seek some benefits for them.

Su Li made a condition.

When Ao Zaidao heard this, he looked embarrassed.

There are three parties involved in the Chinese ancestral land, but I can't make a promise to you, the Su Renhuang, in this regard.

On the one hand, there is Emperor Ying, who is under the command of the world of Heavenly Rules in the Great Plane of Babel, who is in charge of some reincarnation authorities.

On the one hand, there is the Hongmeng ancestral land.

In the Hongmeng ancestral land, there is the extremely powerful Emperor of the Three Purities.

Also, the prehistoric mythical world system has great control over the Chinese ancestral land. It may not be shown now, but it cannot be ignored.

In addition to these three parties, there are also the Guixu Royal Family and the Wind Clan Royal Family, which also have authority.

There are also the Soul-Suppressing Palace and... some forces promoted from special small worlds.

All of this is extremely complicated.

Ao Zaidao hesitated slightly and gave a very detailed response.

Su Li pondered for a moment and said, What kind of existence is the Emperor of the Three Purities? The Yuan Shen of the Three Purities? Ghost? Xiyi?

When Ao Zaidao heard this, his face changed slightly, and then he smiled bitterly and said: Su Renhuang, the Emperor of the Three Pure Ones... is a special kind of ghost similar to the emperor's soul. The so-called 'ghost' is more or less ridiculous. It's disrespectful. This...is not appropriate and a bit rude.

Ao Zaidao's words were still very tactful.

If this is what ordinary people call the Ghost of the Three Purities, then he will really teach him a lesson - not because he defends the Ghost of the Three Purities, but because he doesn't want to mess with these things and he really can't afford to mess with them.

When Su Li heard this, he sneered and said: I am the Su Renhuang, no matter what I say, they have to listen. This is not my arrogance, but the dignity and inferiority in the Chinese Taoist tradition, which is what it is.

A group of lonely ghosts dare to claim to be the emperor of the Three Purities? It's like a small worm shaking a big tree, it's so ridiculous!

Su Li's series of words showed an extremely strong attitude.

Just these words almost scared Ozai Dao to the point where his legs went weak - Good guy, is this Su Renhuang so strong?

If you don't like the Emperor of the Three Purities, you can't be so direct.

You, Su Renhuang, are not afraid or worried. We are worried and we are afraid!

Ao Zaidao's face brightened.

The four old dragon emperors turned pale, and immediately blocked their six senses, refusing to listen, see, contact, or participate in such horrific topics.

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