I pretend to be a fortune teller in a fantasy world

Chapter 1,114 Ten Thousand Dragon Emperors, Matching Dragon Crystal

The ancestors of the four Dragon Emperors showed great sincerity, which really made the surrounding geniuses envious.

However, the enthusiasm of the four people made Su Li speechless.

Is he being humble?

Is he pretending to be polite?

These four old guys already know that Ao Yun and Ao Ying have a bad style and like to mess around, so they still send it to him?

Su Li glanced at Ao Ying and Ao Yun - as a result, the two dragon girls looked shy at this time, trying to resist and welcome, which almost made Su Li break his guard.

This feeling is like meeting Li Juan.

Especially, the look of admiration and longing on the other person's face, and the watery and ardent hope in his eyes...

Su Li felt nauseated and nauseated.

Dear Dragon Kings.

Su Li's tone was a little solemn, and he said seriously: Let's not talk about the marriage. Even Qin and Mo Shuangshu, in fact, Su is not willing to get married.

The reason why I agreed is that the two dragon girls have a strong causal relationship.

Of course this has nothing to do with Dao injury.

In addition, Su did not mean to be self-effacing, but was really not interested in marriage.

If the four Dragon Kings still insist, then Su will have no choice but to cancel the marriage.

Su Li refused directly.

At this time, the four dragon kings realized that they had indeed taken it for granted.

When Ao Ying and Ao Yun heard Su Li's rejection, they almost went crazy with anger!

Although they were very humble at this time, that was only because the four dragon kings were present.

But Su Li is so ignorant of praise, that is what makes them really embarrassed, as if no one wants them.

Moreover, the disgust in Su Li's words and the different treatment of them and Qin Mo made them hate not only Su Li, but also Ao Qin and Ao Mo.

Perhaps, when they are calm, they can think deeply about many things, but at this time, many practitioners are still watching from a distance. They are treated like this, which really loses all face.

Under such circumstances, given the two people's usually domineering and lofty status, as well as the living environment where they usually have a lot of licking dogs, how can they deal with it calmly now.

The two people's faces suddenly became stiff, and their expressions were quite uncertain.

Su Li stopped paying attention to these two dragon girls.

The ancestors of the four dragon emperors also realized Su Li's attitude at this time, and finally understood that they had made a mistake in their thinking, so they immediately apologized and said with a smile: Su Renhuang, don't be offended, it is indeed the old dragons who did not think carefully.

Yes, Su Renhuang, let's go see the Wandao Dragon King now. Before, it was just the above, but now there are some things that need to be discussed in detail.

The black-faced old Dragon King said.

Su Li nodded and said, In that case, I'd like to ask you all, Dragon Kings, to lead the way.

The ancestors of the four Dragon Emperors said one after another: Yes, Su Renhuang invites us here.

The central area of ​​the Sihai Dragon Palace, the forbidden area of ​​the Dragon Palace.

This is the first time for Su Li to come here.

The environment is just like a real dragon palace, surrounded by immortal energy and full of divine power.

It is actually a beautiful and shocking secret place.

They exist in the world of heavenly rules on the great plane of Babel Tower, and they seem to be in a parallel time and space, forming some kind of special parasitic relationship with each other.

It can be separated and independent, or it can be integrated into it.

In short, Su Li could not fully understand how such a territory existed.

Welcome to the Su Emperor.

After the four dragon kings led the way to the core area of ​​the forbidden area of ​​​​the Dragon Palace, two beautiful girls in purple gauze skirts, clad in neon stars, carrying all kinds of auras of creation, came with their feet stepping on the ripples of the water.

In such an environment, although it is in water, there is no pressure and resistance under water, just like in the air.

This was the first time Su Li saw the real Ao Qin and Ao Mo in reality - he had already recognized their identities even when the two people spoke.

Su Li had a very good sense of the two dragon girls Ao Qin and Ao Mo. When he took a look at them, his eyes suddenly lit up.

The beauty and purity of these two dragon girls really touched him.

In other words, the blood of these two dragons is the purest and most perfect.

At this time, at a glance, the images of the two people almost overlap with the images in the simulator life in some aspects.

However, it is not real in the simulator, and the fate of these two people has not experienced those ups and downs. How it will change in the future is unknown.

Su Li's eyes froze for a moment, then returned to normal.

On the contrary, Ao Qin and Ao Mo, who were glanced at by Su Li, suddenly showed a bit of shyness and affection of girls, which made people even more heart-warming.

If in the fantasy world of the past, it was the first time he met a pair of stunning girls like Ao Qin or Ao Mo, such a beautiful and unparalleled woman, it's hard to say that Su Li would also want to take a good lick of them. dog.

But now he has read thousands of sails, and his mind has long been neither sad nor happy, nor dirty nor pure, and has transcended certain other shores. Therefore, what he has in his heart is only the good feeling of cause and effect in the simulator, and the good feeling in reality. Just a hint of appreciation.

Su Li nodded slightly towards the two women, and then stepped into the forbidden area of ​​the Dragon Palace under the respectful welcome of the two dragon women.

In the forbidden area of ​​the Dragon Palace, there is an extremely magnificent hall. Like the Golden Palace, it is magnificent and resplendent. It is also filled with various crystal-like carvings, which makes the whole hall shine, as if it is made of endless carved and polished soul beads and glass beads. generally.

That kind of luxury is beyond words.

The aura of spirituality mixed with divine power and immortal power also makes people extremely relaxed and happy.

Such an environment...

It is really ingenious, uncanny and amazing.

The heritage of the Dragon Palace can be seen through such a forbidden hall.

In the main hall, Ten Thousand Dragon Emperor Ao Zai was sitting quietly above him.

Ao Zaidao, the Ten Thousand Dragon Emperor, the oldest Dragon Emperor.

Its name comes from the word Zai Dao in Wen Yi Zai Dao.

Ao Zai said, his white hair flowing like a waterfall, looking very uninhibited and indulgent.

His face is like a crown jewel, but his eyebrows and beard are all gray - he looks like a handsome and extraordinary middle-aged man with white beard, white hair and white eyebrows, giving him a unique charm.

His momentum is restrained, and there is no trace of Taoist charm flowing through his body, and the glow is contained, but on the contrary, it gives people a real feeling of being clumsy and skillful, returning to nature.

He sat quietly and showed no aura, but his clear but deep eyes were particularly memorable.

Su Li raised his head, and the first thing he paid attention to was not Ao Zaidao's appearance, white hair and eyebrows, but his pair of deep yet exceptionally clear and bright eyes.

When he met such a pair of eyes, Su Li's heart couldn't help but feel a little turbulent!

Su Li couldn't help but look slightly solemn - you know, it's almost impossible for Su Li in a meditative state to be touched by the existence below the peerless top!

But being touched at this time just shows that this Dragon King of Ten Thousand Daos is really not simple.

At this moment, Su Li has understood that - while he still contains the cause and effect of the 'Lord of Heaven', and when he has not been targeted yet, he will gradually come into contact with some real upper-level people, and at the same time, he will also deal with some Cause and effect that the higher-ups should deal with.

Just like this time, the Dragon Clan's proactive overtures - even if they are the Dragon Clan's genius and the Dragon Son and Dragon Girl, the Dragon Clan can abandon them at any time.


Vaguely aware of it, Ao Zaidao was also quite shocked.

But I soon felt relieved.

As an Eternal Dragon King, he is naturally very powerful in terms of character.

The same was true. The moment they looked at each other, he knew that Su Renhuang's character was extremely strong.

This is also how Su Renhuang was able to make progress in adversity without being defeated in various previous difficulties.

Such a being, no matter whether the talent is poor or good, whether it contains Tao damage or not, cannot easily perish.

After understanding this and thinking about Su Renhuang's identity as the 'Lord of Heaven', Ao Zaidao no longer had the slightest doubt - in fact, he had some doubts about Su Li's identity before. 'Attitude.

However, even if Su Li is not the master of Heavenly Dao, he is still happy to see success in helping Su Li heal Dao injuries through Ao Qin and Ao Mo's special physique.

Relatively speaking, even if he does not have the identity of Lord of Heaven, Su Renhuang's identity is still very important, and Su Renhuang's attitude is naturally also very important.

While Ao Zaidao looked at Su Li carefully, he instinctively glanced at Ao Qin and Ao Mo.

Then, he withdrew his gaze, with a hearty and bright smile on his face.

Su Renhuang, the condition of your Dao injury is indeed not very stable, but based on careful judgment, it is not particularly serious.

Obviously, you have a lot of opportunities to advance and transform in A Chinese Girl World this time, which will be of great help to you.

Ao Zaidao saw some clues.

Although Su Li performed very poorly, he also presented a very bad situation.

But Su Li's xinxing cultivation is too strong, and this ability is too strong, which will naturally cover up the severity of some Tao injuries.

This was exactly what Su Li wanted to show. Now that it was so 'real', Su Li thought that no one would be able to see it clearly in a short time.

As a result, Wandao Dragon King Ao Zaidao saw through this part at first sight.

This is part of the truth. Throw out part of the truth to cover up more truth. This was the method of the previous superiors.

It is also the favorite method used by Li Juan, Hu Chen and other beings.

After scheming people, others still feel that they are very smart and have a sense of accomplishment.

At this time, Su Li used the same trick.

This is his growth.

Su Li showed a wry smile and said: It seems that nothing can be hidden from the great Wandao Dragon King.

Ozai said with a smile: According to this trend, if you can grow faster, you will probably gradually suppress the injury before it worsens, and then recover on its own.

If so, it is truly unprecedented.

You are the first person to truly recover from injuries.

Ao Zaidao sighed.

Su Li shook his head and said: Although the idea is good, it is very difficult to implement, and there is almost no hope. Moreover, this transformation must exceed the deterioration of the Tao injury, and every step is like a chasm.

Ao Zaidao actually agreed with Su Li's statement, but he did not say it clearly.

It all depends on man-made efforts, especially since the Su Renhuang is so extraordinary, so amazing and talented, it is actually only a matter of time before he rises or even recovers and repairs his injuries.

Even in Ao's view, Ao was more confident than Su Renhuang.

Su Li sighed softly and said: Thanks to Emperor Ao for being so considerate, Su can't underestimate himself. No matter whether he can handle it or not, he still has to fight hard after all.

Ao Zai said: In this case, Qin Mo Shuangshu can help Su Renhuang - Su Renhuang does not need to mind or refuse.

You know, only by surviving can you have a future.

The future of Su Renhuang is limitless, and the causes and effects of its influence are unpredictable.

A true man should be informal and not stick to trivial matters.

With that said, Ao Zaidao looked at Ao Qin and Ao Mo again and said, Qin'er, Mo'er, are you two willing to serve the Su Renhuang and agree to this marriage?

When Ao Qin and Ao Mo heard this, their pretty faces turned slightly red, and their hearts felt like deer pounding at the same time.

How could they not know about Renhuang Su Lisu? How could they not know about it?

No matter how malicious and ridiculous the stories of Su Renhuang were in the past, they were not without their own judgment.

And whether it's Love Shakes the Nine Heavens, or the mountain village world, or even some of Su Meng's causes and effects, as dragon girls, they still pay attention to and understand it.

For the Su Renhuang, they had deep respect and admiration for him.

Now that I was asked, my heart suddenly went up and down, excited and shy.

Qin'er Mo'er is willing, everything depends on the ancestor's decision.

The two responded quietly, trying hard to hide their excitement in their voices.

When Ao Zaidao heard this, he immediately stroked his gray beard and laughed.

Su Renhuang, it's better to choose a day than to hit it. How about holding the engagement ceremony at the Dragon Palace this time?

Ozai said with a smile.

As he spoke, he joked: When the time comes, after you join the two dragon girls and recover some of your Tao injuries, Ao will then take you to bathe in the Hualong Pond in the forbidden area. At that time, it will be you who crosses the dragon gate, and everything will be lost. It’s time for transformation.”

As he spoke, Ao Zaidao lowered his voice and used a special method to transmit the message to Su Li: Su Renhuang, this is also some compensation given to you by those special beings. This time the cause and effect involves the timeline, it is inconvenient to say more details. , but you know more or less.

Among them, there are indeed many things that you have transgressed.

Regarding this matter, even if we don't know each other before we fight, now we can just smile and forget the grudges. What do you think?

When Su Li heard this, he was silent for a moment, and then said softly: This matter comes down to the last word.

Although I do not agree with the marriage, I am not opposed to it either.

If the two dragon girls are willing to follow me, of course I would like it.

The matter of harmony is not suitable today after all, so it can be postponed for a while.

As for the engagement—this matter must be put aside for a while.

After all, I actually have a wife, and there are also some emotional causes and effects that have not been resolved well.

After all, it is not good to rush into an engagement at such a time.

It is not good for Ao Qin Longnu, Ao Mo Longnu, or the other beauties around me.

So, what I mean about this is that if they are willing, I can get along with them as friends for the time being and get to know each other better.

If the Tao couple relationship is confirmed in the future, it will not be too late to get together again.

If everyone cannot agree with each other, the matter will be dropped.

As for the Hualong Pond, there is no need for it.

Hualong Pond is the inheritance of the Dragon Clan, and for me to be involved as an outsider is a real trespass.

As for the matter at the top, I personally feel that whoever wants to compensate should step forward, and Ao Huang does not need to be caught in the middle and be in a dilemma.

Su Li's tone was very direct.

He can give some face.

But just smile and let go of grudges with those higher-ups?

Are you making an international joke?

If he agrees, how can he be worthy of the system, how can he be worthy of the endless tribesmen who died in China, and the endless soul tribe who were harvested?

Not to mention, if this is agreed, who are Ao Qin and Ao Mo?

Hasn’t it become a trading item?

In the simulator life, Su Li clearly knew how great the two dragon girls Ao Qin and Ao Mo were.

He agreed to the marriage not because he wanted to sleep with the two sisters, but because he wanted to save them and bring these two outstanding women into the camp of his ancient royal family.

That's all.

Of course, if we really like each other, it's not unacceptable.

But Su Li knew very well that with his current temperament and abilities, unless something extremely touching happened to him, he would probably be emotionally involved.

As for Dao injury - Dao injury is not the real reason at all.

Even the Ten Thousand Dao Dragon King can tell that there is a certain probability that he can suppress Dao injuries through his own rapid growth, and even recover himself. Naturally, others can think so too!

Why is this?

In the final analysis, it is still caused by some disadvantages of the hidden identity of 'Lord of Heaven'.

At least, if this identity, which was originally false but was regarded as 'real' by these beings, was recognized by them as the Lord of Heaven, what would the injury be?

Can Dao Shang kill the Lord of Heaven?

Obviously it's impossible.

The reason why Su Li was bound by Daoshang at this time, in their view, was that Su Li himself did not know his identity as the 'Lord of Heaven'.

If one day he recovers and awakens, this injury can be reversely suppressed on its own, and even recover quickly.

Su Li had not thought deeply about these before, but now that he was facing Ao Zaidao, he naturally understood it in his heart.

The smile on Ao Zaidao's face froze slightly - it seemed that he never expected that Su Li would really not give him face.

He sent two top dragon girls, and was even willing to hand over his own dragon crystal and Hualong Pond to help Su Li recover from his injuries, but in the end there was no room for 'negotiation' at all?

But Ao Zaidao was not angry. Instead, he cursed the higher-ups in his heart - these bastards had harvested Su Li too hard. How could the source of hope and the Lord of Heaven be so angry?

This is forcing honest people to a dead end, completely touching or even crushing Su Li's bottom line!

Okay, let's go with your idea first, Su Renhuang, but if you have any needs, you can bring it up completely. We, the Dragon Clan, will go all out and fully cooperate!

Ozai's attitude improved again and he really wanted to make friends.

When Su Li saw this, he felt a little relieved.

Ten Thousand Dao Dragon King Ao Zaidao is still very courageous.

If people respect me a foot, I will return a foot to others.

Su Li is this kind of person.

Thank you Emperor Ao for your understanding.

Su Li clasped his fists and spoke sincerely.

Ao Zaidao laughed and said: It should be! Although there are some changes in some aspects, the sincerity of the Dragon Clan is real.

Su Renhuang, please circulate your Qi and blood first, let them boil, and reveal the essence of life and the original aura of essence and blood.

Ao could also deduce the changes in the dragon crystal and provide the most suitable part to Su Renhuang to repair his injuries.

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