I pretend to be a fortune teller in a fantasy world

Chapter 1,097 The Dilemma of Qiudao, the Code of the Book of Changes

Putting aside the reality, Li Juan's gains this time were indeed great in her opinion.

This kind of gain actually made her suffer a huge loss, but she believed that the biggest difference from others was that she looked at the long-term and the future, rather than the immediate small profits.

Therefore, even though she was badly hurt and even lost a lot of benefits and exposed some information, her mood was quite good.

As long as Hu Chen rises, it will be the time of real harvest.

Using the special method of the mind's eye, he observes all laws, establishes a Taoist system, and rules the world. At the same time, he lays eggs with a chicken and kills with a knife.

Nature can be utilized to the extreme in all aspects.

There are probably only two people in the world who can grasp all the details.

One person is naturally me, Li Juan, and the other person is also me, Li Juan.

Li Juan felt very smug in her heart.

Her original anger and unwillingness after being damaged gradually dissipated - just because of the ability corresponding to the intercepted 'simulator', she was particularly excited.

Because she knew exactly what this thing was.

Isn't this some kind of 'return to zero' origin that was stripped away at the beginning?

This thing, combined with some artificial intelligence and the laws of heaven and earth, has evolved to such a point. This is simply a great surprise.

For Li Juan, she even felt inexplicably happy and grateful!

Can you not be grateful?

If she were to split off a ray of returning origin, she would definitely not be able to cultivate such a ray of origin to such a powerful and heaven-defying level.

However, after the other party takes action, she can let the other party control it without any damage, and let the other party cultivate and strengthen her origin, even to an extremely heaven-defying point. When the time comes, it will be enough for her to directly pick the fruit.

This point is very consistent with her usual methods, which is one of the reasons why she is very satisfied.

This time, with such an answer, Li Juan no longer paid attention to this abnormal cause and effect, but instead focused all her thoughts on the execution of Hua Qiudao.

As for Hua Qiudao, Li Juan has been eyeing him since Hua Qiudao rescued Jiang Luan.

It's just a pity that there has never been a good opportunity before.

But Hu Chen led a wave of cause and effect, so that she seized this opportunity.

With a smile on her face, Li Juan condensed a virtual clone figure. After the figure traveled through the void, she appeared in the void of the Nine Tribulations Soul Locking Law.

Here, the same figure is shackled by extremely complex chains of order.

All around the chain were mysterious purple-red flames.

The flames burned blazingly, and the chains of order emitted green-purple light from time to time.

The stream of light was bright, and the blue-purple arc light was a bit cold and dazzling from time to time.

After Li Juan's shadow appeared here, she stood quietly on the law of order, looking at Hua Qiudao who was chained in a scornful and overlooking manner, with an undisguised look of amusement in her eyes.

What, how are you thinking about it?

Li Juan's voice had a hoarse, cold and hazy mysterious atmosphere.

At this time, she existed in a shadow state.

The shadow looks exactly like the applied Immortal Light Blue.

However, Immortal Light Blue always wears a white gauze skirt or a light blue gauze skirt, while she wears a black gauze skirt.

It looks more mysterious and full of temptation.

It's just that for Hua Qiudao, these are real, not to mention that her existence is a bit illusory, and Hua Qiudao obviously cannot be tempted.

Hua Qidao just glanced at Li Juan blankly and still didn't give any response.

But Li Juan didn't take it seriously, but spoke very smugly.

Hua Qiudao, in fact, we can definitely cooperate. I have never denied this - as long as we cooperate, it will be a perfect beginning and a perfect ending.

You know what I hold, and you should also know my identity and the meaning of my existence.

Li Juan spoke.

Of course, this clone of hers is a very special existence.

At least so far, no one knows what this existence is.

However, Hua Qiudao obviously knew - after all, he had been trapped here for so long and had been in contact for so long, how could Hua Qiudao not know?

You sold your entire human life in exchange for the identity of the Soul Clan, and you want to become the Mother of the Earth...

They even use a reproduction model similar to that of the Zerg to survive and make themselves immortal.

The so-called Emperor Soul Mother Insect just believed in your series of methods and was copied by you in reverse.

So, with your identity, aren’t you the Soul Mother?

As for the so-called soul mother, the space in her belly is actually the soul tomb, the soul-suppressing tomb.

Tomb of the Great Emperor, Mother Earth.

What else do you need to do with these?

In fact, it is not necessary.

If you don’t know it exists, you won’t know it and you won’t be interested in knowing it.

And those who know, like me, will either be suppressed and harvested by you, or completely assimilated by you.

Hua Qiudao still spoke, but his tone was very natural and casual, completely disregarding life and death.

When Li Juan heard this, she couldn't help but applaud and said: Yes, yes, you still have the highest consciousness - it's a pity that the bones of the other people are not as hard as you, otherwise it would be very interesting.

Of course, that Yun Shiyin is indeed rebellious, but it has nothing to do with me.

You don't understand at all - all of that is just a false shot on my part.

If not, how to attract the attention of those high-level officials?

In fact, I have already planted the true root, and it is almost bearing fruit.

I am looking for you now to ask you for the last time and give you the last choice.

This time, if you cannot seize the opportunity, you will never get another chance.

You should understand - opportunities are really rare!

Since I can cultivate so many causes and effects, it is actually not too difficult to cultivate an identical but obedient you - I really just don't want to make it too complicated. After all, I have been tired for these endless years. Sleepy, tired.

Hua Qiudao glanced at Li Juan and said, If it's as simple and easy as you said, you can train another one instead of keeping me, Hua Qiudao, locked up all the time.

In addition, you are indeed very powerful, but you are by no means the most powerful.

You have indeed mastered many of the origins of time and space, and even understood some of the meanings of the timeline - but it is still just an illusion.

In other words, there is more than enough success and more failure than there is, and there is more than enough success than failure.

In this case, you can hardly achieve anything great.

When Li Juan heard this, she frowned deeply and said in a deep voice, You probably want to try what it's like to live but not die.

Hua Qiudao disagreed and said: All the pain in this world is just the suffering of the six consciousnesses. Beyond the six consciousnesses, what kind of feeling can you let me, Hua Qiudao, taste?

The taste itself is no longer a taste, it is just a taste.

Since I am beyond the six senses, how can I care about your series of punishments?

You can give it a try and see which one is more powerful, your methods, or my Hua Qiudao's bones are stronger.

When Li Juan heard this, she stared at Hua Qiudao.

After a long time, she gradually withdrew her threatening gaze.

The chains of order can lock Hua Qiudao's people and even Hua Qiudao's soul, but they cannot lock his heart.

What is the heart?

The heart is neither the heart nor the mind, but a state, a special state of transcendence.

Even the soul is just a description and a manifestation of the heart.

What is the heart?

When you put your heart into it, the heart appears.

If you don't use your heart, if you don't have a conscience, you won't have a heart.

Hua Qiudao's knowledge in this aspect far surpassed that of Li Juan.

Therefore, Li Juan cannot lock Hua Qiudao's heart, just like a renounced person cannot hold the heart of his lost love.

Hua Qiudao, you are really disappointing and stubborn. You have to know that every decision you make is related to the present and future of the endless soul of your Chinese ancestral land.

Li Juan retreated and took the next best thing and threatened her with the three souls and seven souls of the Huaxia Ancestral Tribe.

Hearing this, Hua Qiudao just snorted and said contemptuously: That is not the endless soul, but the soul of endless injustice. Since you know this, you should understand that it is not that the time has not come for retribution. Good and evil will be repaid in the end.

Hearing this, Li Juan clicked her tongue twice and said: What you Hua Qiudao sees is just a small profit in front of you. You don't understand what the Great Wish Technique is at all, and you don't understand what...

Forget it, even if you say so, you won’t understand.

You will only feel that the so-called living in the present and grasping the petty gains in front of you is the real way.

Besides, good and evil will be rewarded in the end - that's just the incompetent barking of incompetent people.

I have only heard two sentences - good people don't live long, but disasters live for thousands of years.

And, 'Eel, even if you are hungry, you will eventually find it - Bao.

If you want to try it, I can let you taste the seafood.

Li Juan said, and even teased twice.

Hua Qiudao's breathing quickened a little - not because of excitement, but because of anger.

For someone like him, saying insulting words is not considered humiliating.

But if you make fun of this Huayue incident, it will definitely be as angry as scolding a bald donkey at a monk.

However, Hua Qiudao's mentality was still very stable. He was just a little bit off guard and quickly returned to normal.

Li Juan sneered and said, I won't criticize your serious attitude.

I hope you take action and cooperate with you. In the final analysis, what I value is your understanding of the secrets of heaven and the Book of Changes.

Li Juan said, and then sighed, her expression returned to normal, and she was no longer so frivolous and impetuous.

In these endless years, I have also studied the Book of Changes.

After Emperor Fuxi studied the Bagua, King Wen of Zhou interpreted it and developed sixty-four hexagrams.

Modern people have studied the double helix structure of DNA through scientific and technological means.

I have carefully studied these from top to bottom, from simple to complex and then to simple.

Many causes and effects have actually been engraved in our genes, and the details in those genes - do you know what they are?

Li Juan spoke calmly, and when she asked Hua Qiudao, she no longer cared whether Hua Qiudao responded.

Li Juan then responded: The ancients mentioned that Tai Chi generates two rituals, two rituals generate four images, four images generate Bagua, Bagua generates sixty-four hexagrams, which can derive all things!

So, is there any relationship between these four symbols and the four bases? What would it look like if the four symbols were used to represent codons? So, I divided the four bases of ucag in RNA into Taiyin and Shao. The four images are Yin, Shaoyang and Sun.

As a result, guess what, the sixty-four codons correspond perfectly to the sixty-four hexagrams of the Book of Changes!

From this point of view, it is obvious - if you want to understand the profound and unpredictable heavenly book 'DNA', you must first understand the seemingly extremely simple heavenly book The Book of Changes. This may be a shortcut, as A very special being said, use the Book of Changes as the key in your hand to open the door of DNA's life!

Moreover, after endless years of research, I have discovered that the genetic code derived from the Sixty-Four Hexagrams of the Book of Changes is not only neat and orderly, but also found defects in the original code representation, as well as the mutation of higher biological codes. It can be explained!

Therefore, I personally believe that the consistency of the two symbol systems of the Sixty-Four Hexagrams of the Book of Changes and the genetic code can lead to a reasonable hypothesis, that is, there is a cryptographic system expressed through material and immaterial information. All life in the universe can be represented by the sixty-four symbols of this system. In ancient Eastern culture, this code system is the Book of Changes, while in modern Western science, this code system is the DNA genetic code!

All the rules I constructed are based on these sixty-four passwords, so I can control many sources of reincarnation.

And you - Hua Qiudao, you will be such a key, but I can also use your key and get another one.

Li Juan said word by word.

Hua Qiu said: Do you want one? It's not enough. A few more might be a way out.

Li Juan said: I thought you would say that I am worthy of Ji Ba.

Hua Qiu said: I mean it in a positive way. The hexagrams and genetic codes you mentioned have actually been studied by someone before, and the conclusion has been drawn long ago. It's just that at the same time as the conclusion was drawn, the researcher It’s gone.”

Li Juan said: You mean, I am taking a path of 'losing' myself? Are you caring about me?

Hua Qiudao sneered: The original researcher was Su Yan.

When Li Juan heard this, she was shocked and said: How is it possible? He is just the result of the real cause and effect of refining the void!

Hua Qiudao disagreed: I, Hua Qiudao, have spoken my whole life, but I have never told any lies. Since you already believe it in your heart, why do you still refute it verbally? This is really meaningless to you and me.

Li Juan fell into silence.

Hua Qiudao said in a deep voice: The genetic code, or the deep-level superimposed code of the Yi Jing hexagram combination, in the final analysis is a kind of shackles - together with the cause and effect of the sin domain, you are actually far from seeing it.

All I can say is that now I have seen a little bit, and even the tip of the iceberg is an exaggeration.

But just a little bit, I felt...

What do you think?

Hua Qiudao was silent.

Li Juan was very anxious and wanted to know, but she was ready to interrupt the information at any time - because she was also afraid and worried, worried that this was a cage of truth, and that once the terrifying cause and effect of the I Ching code was exposed, she would be Pull it in immediately!

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