I pretend to be a fortune teller in a fantasy world

Chapter 1096: Meditation on the Light, the Dharma of Heaven and Earth

Originally, Quede had been repelled by such an attack.

But at this time, when Loulan Fengqi and Loulan Fengyu appeared, everything immediately changed in a terrifying way!

The appearance of the two people seemed normal at first, but soon became very strange.

As soon as the figure in the void appeared, it took on the shape of a combination of wind and cloud similar to Feng Chaoge and Yun Nichang.

Even, this form is even more terrifying.

This is a double helix causal pattern similar to DNA.

When such a form appeared, the figures of the two people and the human head and snake body were twisted together to form a moving and rotating double helix structure.

And the series of base pairing patterns in these structures are like the combinations of innate hexagrams.


The stacking changes and combination changes of these hexagrams are all presented in this double helix structure.

Not only that, in the series of causes and effects between Loulan Fengyu and Loulan Fengqi, there are even reflections of two extremely familiar old friends——

The shadows of these two people are none other than Yun Qinghong and Yun Qingxuan.

This situation is simply beyond imagination, even weird and bizarre.

Loulan Fengyu is Loulan Fengqi's sister.

Yun Qingxuan happens to be Yun Qinghong's sister.

It seems that the two are very similar in terms of identity and family relationship.

Let’s look at it from another angle – Meng Siyun is also Meng Siyan’s sister!

In the fantasy world of the past, Su Li initially called Su Ho sister. Su Ho was indeed the sister and Su Li was the younger brother.

Later, some causes and effects changed, so that Su Ho became a sister, or a 'daughter'.

These are sudden changes between cause and effect.

Even at that time, Su Li didn't notice anything wrong.

Nowadays, Loulan Fengyu and Loulan Fengqi have evolved this mysterious spiral structure change, which even shows the changes in the hexagrams of the Yi Jing!

In the hexagram, the shadows of Yun Qinghong and Yun Qingxuan were also projected, which was already very unsettling.

Of course, if it were just a scene like this, it wouldn't necessarily be scary.

What makes people fearful is that after these shadows gather together, the two sides combine, and then the true aura of the emperor is revealed.

Just like the arrival of the real human emperor Nuwa, she directly broke the rules of the combined state of Feng Chaoge and Yun Nishang.

After these two people didn't show up, Feng Chaoge and Yun Nichang's combination of wind and cloud and the method of transforming imperial energy into dragons were unparalleled.

But when Loulan Fengqi and Loulan Fengyu used their methods, Feng Chaoge and Yun Nishang immediately seemed to be stripped of some rules, separated from their own imperial will, and no longer contained charm.

As a result, the two people's imperial Qi dragon transformation state also declined directly.

Not only that, when Feng Chaoge and Yun Nishang returned to normal and once again transformed into a man and a woman holding hands in the void, their faces were obviously pale.

At this time, Loulan Fengyu and Loulan Fengqi, who had completely merged and evolved on the other side, formed an equally invincible god.

This is the true God.

In front of such a god, all other existences are as vulnerable as ants.

Loulan Fengyu and Loulan Fengqi formed such a structure and merged in an instant.

After fusion, the two become one body, evolving the chaos of Yin and Yang and the Five Elements and Bagua.

The terrifying Tao is like the chain of order of heaven and earth, and the rotating DNA structure is like the materialization of the chain.


When such a chain of order condensed in the void and was drawn towards Feng Chaoge and Yun Nishang, Feng Chaoge and Yun Nishang could not even move.

The two of them were completely restrained, completely suppressed, and completely locked by the mysterious rules, unable to resist, and unable to resist.

At this time, not only these two people, but everyone else at the scene, even Que De, Su Wangchen, Zhuge Qingchen and Zhuge Wuwei, were unable to interfere - it was not that they were locked, but that this kind of cause and effect happened, as if Not in the same space, not even at the same point in time.

It's like a person standing on the earth and seeing the starlight emitted by stars a billion years ago - the starlight he sees is the starlight a billion years ago.

If the stars corresponding to the starlight a billion years ago are collapsing or being destroyed, all of this has already happened a billion years ago - now that we have seen it, can we stop it?

You can't stop it, because when you see it, everything has already happened or even happened long ago.

The situation in front of me is the same.

For Su Wangchen and others, the cause and effect they see is the cause and effect that has already happened, even the cause and effect in time, space and even dimensions that do not belong to them.

How to change such cause and effect?

Feng Chaoge and Yun Nishang were still holding hands at this time. Although their faces were a little pale, their expressions were very indifferent.

“My life may not be very long, and even the life that truly belongs to me is really short—but I have no regrets.

There were many regrets in the past, but now, with Yin Ren by his side, this place also belongs to the peripheral area of ​​the Emperor's Blood Flower Sea, to the Netherworld Sea and the Wangchen World.

In this case, if he died here along with Nishang, he could be regarded as dying in peace.

Perhaps, the only pity is that Nishang followed me, but couldn't-

Before Feng Chaoge finished speaking, he was interrupted by Yun Nishang.

No, Chaoge, Nishang has no regrets since she decided to be with you. Even if we only have one breath of time together, it will still be a lifetime of happiness.

The colorful clothes were looking for each other, deserted and deserted, but they finally found their destination - so as long as it is a destination, one breath can still last a lifetime.

This destination is in the Sea of ​​Emperor Blood Flowers, in the Netherworld Sea, in the Forgotten World, and is also in our life experiences, in our memories, and in the depths of our souls.

Life after life, life after life, until death.

Yun Nishang also responded with two sentences, her tone was very firm.

The chain of order of destruction carries the power of annihilation and directly covers it.

At present, the two of them are about to completely break the path and become completely extinct.

But at this moment, a voice broke through the shackles of such a mysterious order.

This voice came from one person.

A person who lives in the Flower Moon Valley.

This person is Su Li.

Su Li is still not strong, but this does not prevent him from becoming stronger.

Moreover, this Su Li belongs to the Su Li who was split from Su Wangchen, and is also the Su Li who was with 'Zhuge Qianlan' in the Flower Moon Valley.

Similarly, it is also the avatar who participated in the connection of cause and effect on the timeline and the cause and effect of the memory restricted area this time.

It's not the Su Li who stands at the top or stands at the end.

At this time, ordinary Su Li walked out.

His voice represents another kind of order and another kind of Tao.

Because - no matter who Su Li he is, no matter what identity he exists.

There is one thing that will never change, and that is Su Li's way!

What is Su Li's way?

Live in the moment, live in reality!

The most terrifying thing about this kind of Tao is that it is like a top. Once it appears, it means that truth and emptiness are out of balance, and it means that dreams are dreams and emptiness is emptiness.

Since a dream is a dream, the cause and effect in the dream is absurd!

Since fiction is fiction, then the fictitious billions of wealth are not worth a dime in reality.

The Wind Emperor and Fairy Nishang are here, how can you be so rude?

Su Li's casual words directly broke the chain of destruction-level order.

Discussing the cause and effect of the soul clan, the attacks of the soul path, spiritual attacks and even soul battles...

No one is willing to fight with Su Li.

Just because Su Li's meditation can meditate on the Chaos Bell, the Donghuang Bell and even the creation of Pangu.

What's more, meditate directly on the saint to reopen the earth, fire, geomantic omen, and destroy all the ways.

When it comes to meditation, the leader of the Soul Clan is undoubtedly the number one person - what is the core cause and effect of the Emperor Soul Clan?

The Soul Clan is the prisoner of the human race and the pigs of the Sin Domain after the death of the human race. The human emperor of the human race is naturally the soul emperor of the soul race.

This identity is still very useful.

Therefore, when Su Li's words came out, it was like waking up someone from a dream.

The shackles of order from Loulan Fengqi and Loulan Fengyu were immediately released.

Feng Chaoge and Yun Nishang immediately returned to normal.

At the same time, Su Wangchen, Que De, Zhuge Wuwei, and Zhuge Qingchen returned to normal.

At this time, after Su Li appeared from the void, the scene immediately fell into a state of deathly silence.

Then, all the heavenly fires, thunder catastrophes, dark cracks, chaotic energy, thunder storms, wind and fire catastrophes, etc. in the world returned to normal.

It was as if there was a sudden power outage in a huge virtual reality scene.

Everything is back to normal.

Quede was still sitting cross-legged on the pitch-black coffin. He still looked like a fat man with a dark face and was extremely ugly.

Zhuge Wuwei is still a bad old man with white eyebrows.

Zhuge Qingchen was still standing on the Netherworld Sea, but his aura was still not strong.

As for Su Wangchen...

He is strong, but not strong either.

What's powerful is that his ability to harvest is real to himself.

At least the abilities gained from the simulator are real abilities.

However, the Nine Transformations of Nirvana harvested from the Tianji Soul Appraisal Technique combined with dreams and the many abilities gained after harvesting Jiang Luan seemed to be inexplicably sealed and could not be used at all.

Su Wangchen was extremely fearful, but he didn't show it at this time.

He just watched silently.

Instead, it was Su Li. After those words, Feng Chaoge, Zhuge Qingchen, and Yun Nichang all looked at him with extremely grateful looks.

Que De, on the other hand, looked regretful and had complicated eyes. He wanted to say a lot but couldn't say it, so he could only show a helpless smile.

Zhuge Wuwei lowered his head silently, not looking at Su Li, and didn't know what he was thinking in his heart.

On the other side, Loulan Fengyu and Loulan Fengqi, who instantly broke through the Dao, and even the Daoist imbalance dissipated and returned to their normal forms, were shaken all over, and their eyes showed an extremely incredible look.

The two looked at Su Li stupidly, the light in their eyes was very strange.

Su Renhuang!

How could you, Su Renhuang, appear here? How could you say that you are following the law and destroying the extreme path——

Loulan Fengyu and Loulan Fengqi wanted to ask loudly or even question them almost at the same time.

Because they have experienced the most difficult cause and effect for them to recognize, they even find it very bizarre and weird!

What's more, it is extremely unreasonable!

It's like the entire world's monetary system is clearly recognized, and they have a huge fortune, but in the end it is denied by an ordinary person - all that wealth is actually meaningless, and the real currency is actually some kind of leaves or flowers. hastily?

The key is that this ordinary person also completed the real core transaction with leaves or flowers and plants, showing a value that far exceeds their tens of millions of wealth!

This directly caused their worldview to completely collapse!

And if this person is someone else, they will never even approve or admit it!

But, who is this person?

This person is the Su Renhuang!

The two wanted to say these questioning words, but they couldn't do it anyway.

It's like being cursed or sealed, like being subject to the invisible restrictions of 'the law should not be passed on lightly' or 'the law should not be passed on to the six ears'.

The two struggled for a long time and even tried various methods, but in the end they couldn't make a sound.

Even though he forcibly distorted his soul and will to express the meaning and nature of the three words 'Su Renhuang', after exporting it, it was replaced by three ordinary words.

Such as - what's wrong, do you love me, great, awesome...

Words and sounds like this have nothing to do with the ‘Soviet Emperor’.

Even Que De couldn't understand such a scene.

As for Su Li's identity as Su Renhuang, no one at the scene knew about it.

Or in other words, in the current scene, Loulan Fengqi and Loulan Fengyu knew about it, but they immediately lost their knowledge.

At this time, Su Li walked in the void - not that he had such ability.


At this time, Zhuge Qianlan was actually in a state of 'harmony' with him.

It's just a vassal form that provides him with some special abilities.

Otherwise, Su Li wouldn't be able to walk in such a void at this time.

But it doesn't matter to Su Li.

He calmly watched the scene in front of him, and finally, his eyes fell on Loulan Fengyu and Loulan Fengqi.

When Loulan Fengyu saw Su Li, she instinctively avoided Su Li's gaze.

This Su Li is not the beautiful and strange man Su Renhuang she met before, but he is still.

It seems that there is a big difference between the two sides.

However, Loulan Fengyu was in neither the mood nor the ability to think too much about cause and effect.

Su Li spoke again at this time: The Netherworld Sea belongs to the Netherworld and is a place of dead souls.

Here, there is no light, so darkness thrives, so demons and ghosts run rampant. This is inappropriate.

Su Li said, and then added: I have a special thought. I love all things in the world, so I named myself 'Su Ye'. Although he is no longer with me, his actions still affect me. I.

He is naturally a part of me.

Although he is now separated from me, I am deeply moved and moved by his words and deeds.

Therefore, I would like to imitate him here.

I, Su Li, am willing to ignite hope and light for the Netherworld Sea. The Netherworld Sea with hope is the Netherworld Sea. The Wangchenhuan with light is Wangchenhuan.

While speaking, Su Li instinctively meditated on the light.

After the light meditation was completed, the huge 90,000-foot-long golden body of heaven and earth appeared behind Su Li.

Meditate on the light, the laws of heaven and earth!

When these two manifested, the light of merit and the source of hope of great love without words, great love without boundaries at the extreme level were directly presented in the world.


At that moment, Hu Chen Yanhua's mind and the corresponding cause and effect all collapsed in an instant.


In the depths of the endless void, part of the cause and effect of the Hu Chen pulled by Hu Chen exploded directly on the spot.

Among them, a blue-black gourd was shrouded in mysterious light and was lit instantly.


Hu's shadow was also burning like a blazing flame at this moment, letting out an extremely painful and shrill scream.

Not just Hu.

Even the cause and effect pulled by Li Juan were all pulled over at this time, and were burned by the flames of the source of light and hope of the 'Dharma of Heaven and Earth'.


The billowing black air and the mysterious aura of the Emperor Soul Mother Insect rose into the sky, raging like wolf smoke.

Li Juan was also at this moment, her body was at the end of the mysterious dark void, blood was spurting out from her seven orifices, and she couldn't stop it at all!

Damn it!

Damn it, actually——

Li Juan's voice was trembling, shrill and full of hatred.

Immediately, she immediately developed the authority and means of the great reincarnation, and looked back at Wangchenhuan.

In an instant, the countless 'mind's eye' karma she had created before, like thousands of hearts, all lit up immediately.

Among them, Li Juan saw some of the 'simulated' information pulled out by Su Wangchen.

This information allowed Li Juan to immediately intercept the changes in the simulator from the endless eyes.

Therefore, almost all of Su Wangchen's simulated messages were intercepted by Li Juan.

At this moment, Li Juan's face was also quite uncertain, but the ferocious and ruthless look on her face was replaced by excitement and indescribable joy.

The next moment, she extinguished all the auras of the heart's eye without hesitation, and at the same time silently cut off all simulation effects.

I didn't expect it to be like this...

From this point of view, this must be the result of the combination of the Great Cause and Effect Technique, the Great Reincarnation Technique, and the Great Destiny Technique with the opponent's mysterious simulator and Heavenly Secret Soul Divination Technique. Is this Su Li's plan?

However, these things were intercepted by me. If I use the Great Cause and Effect Technique, the Great Reincarnation Technique and the Great Destiny Technique to combine with my destiny chart to form a special combination effect...

In this way, the many strange women I have hunted and the experience of poaching their minds to feed the former Su Wangchen can have a perfect reincarnation system. In this way, the cause and effect will be complete, then At that time, everything Hu Chen has will be used by me, and Su Li, Su Wangchen, and even Zhuge Qingchen... will all become pigs raised by me!

Li Juan's mood was extremely exciting!

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