I pretend to be a fortune teller in a fantasy world

Chapter 1098: The Book of Changes reveals the secret of soul imprisonment, Qiudao clarifies his will

Li Juan has always been very cautious about this kind of terrifying cause and effect!

Therefore, Li Juan's state is not so natural.

Of course, on the surface, ordinary beings wouldn't see anything wrong with her.

But Hua Qiudao is different.

Hua Qiudao hardly uses his eyes to see people, but looks with his heart.

Look at it carefully, even a movie-star-level performance is still useless.

Hua Qiudao said softly: For this kind of thing, if you want to get in touch with the cause and effect, but don't have the courage to take responsibility, it can be said that you are too worried about gains and losses.

Such caution is not wrong in itself - but...

You have blocked me with this blockade for so long.

Since you want to cooperate with me, you should naturally know what kind of person I, Hua Qiudao, am.

As a result, your performance at this time is really too narrow-minded.

Do you think I will use methods similar to the truth to frame you, or even lead you into a pit of fire?

You really don’t understand me, Hua Qiudao.

In other words, if you use your thoughts to define me, Hua Qiudao, as a person, it is a kind of narrow-mindedness and short-sightedness.

Hua Qiudao's words were very direct.

That's what he thought in his heart, and that's what he said.

Li Juan disagreed - as a woman, a woman who had used her body in many ways, she sneered at Hua Qiudao's words.

As for men, there are not many who speak nicely, and there are even more who are sanctimonious.

As for Hua Qiudao--perhaps he was much better than the average man, but it was nothing more than that.

Sometimes, not being promiscuous does not mean that he is a good man. It is very likely that he does not have the thief heart at all, or that he has the thief heart but not the thief courage.

For Li Juan, all men are just 'men'.

She wouldn't really take a high look at her from the bottom of her heart.

Cooperation with Hua Qiudao really depends on Hua Qiudao's ability in the I Ching.

But at the same time, Li Juan also felt that it was not that she couldn't do things without Hua Qiudao - just as she said, it was just that some things became more complicated.

She hates complicated things, but she will never stop doing them just because they are complicated.

There is still a difference between the two.

Therefore, she could listen to what Hua Qiudao said, and she could agree with it a little, but she didn't take it seriously.

You probably really got one thing wrong - you should also understand what kind of existence I am!

Since I can suppress you, I can naturally recreate you, or even create a causal existence similar to you.

You know the current affairs, I said, you may live a good life, and our cooperation will indeed have a good result.

But if you don't understand the current affairs, then I will only be in trouble.

And after this exchange, I have become extremely certain and certain that you are no different from other people.

They all have the same high self-esteem, self-righteousness, machismo, and even serious discriminatory tendencies.

So a guy like you who looks like an antique should actually go to hell!

As Li Juan spoke, her emotions suddenly seemed out of control, and she began to show an obvious tendency to attack.

Hua Qidao was thoughtful and took a careful look at Li Juan.

Li Juan's existence at this time has a very special identity, and she is a body condensed by light and shadow. Her appearance is very similar to Immortal Light Blue.

Normally, no one knows her identity.

But Hua Qiudao is indeed different.

He had already recognized Li Juan's true identity and origin, but he did not express it clearly.

At this time, he saw something new.

As he pondered, there was some shock, some horror - and a moment of disbelief.

It seems that he never expected that at a critical moment, he would 'see' something different through his own 'heart'.

This scene left Hua Qiudao with a look of deep sadness on his face after being shocked.

The moment Hua Qiudao's emotional change appeared, Li Juan was immediately shocked.

Immediately, her face suddenly turned gloomy, and she yelled sternly: You - did you notice it?

Li Juan's voice was sinister, even a little strange, and it was obviously different from her previous voice.

This sound is more like the sound made by the Emperor Soul Mother Insect.

Hua Qiudao sighed softly and said: You suppressed me for endless years, which seems to be just a short time, but the level of time and space is endless. In these endless years, even if I really didn't know anything at the beginning, then at this time You will also know something.

Not to mention, people know that they are about to die.

Before a person dies, he will see many things that he cannot understand, that he is confused about, or many regrets from the first half of his life.

You will have an epiphany at that moment and let go of all your obsessions.

Although I have not touched this level at this time, I still know the direction of my destiny, or the trend of my destiny.

You can't define it, and I won't change anything - this is my Hua Qiudao heart.

I - accept my fate.

Hua Qiudao said, and then added: In addition, no matter what you show, I will not spread this information out, because it is indeed no longer necessary, and there is no... no hope.

“Success or failure is never what you think.”

At this time, I will still say some words - no matter how you look at them or your mood, it doesn't matter.

I have indeed started studying the Yi Jing very early, and even interpreting it - including the sixty-four hexagrams deciphered by King Wen of Zhou, which was promoted by Su Yan and me.

After all, we lived from that world six thousand years ago and have gone through many histories and dynasties.

Among them, Su Yan actually discovered something very early on, and part of the core secret is——

Hua Qiudao was about to say something, but all the order between heaven and earth seemed to be stuck at this moment.

This is like a natural shield, a special restriction that restricts him from speaking out, or it can be said to be a special kind of suppression or blockade.

Whose method is this?

This was naturally not Li Juan's method, but Li Juan noticed this situation.

How can it be?

Li Juan's emotions were also aroused - you must know that in such a special rule area, it is impossible for special rules other than her to be drawn.

In other words, this is her small world-like domain area - within the rules of her domain, there are unknown rules that interfere?

This shows what?

Does this mean her background has been breached?

She has always done this kind of thing. Now that this unknown situation occurs, does it mean that she is being used to plot against her?

How is this acceptable?

Li Juan didn't believe it at first, but quickly calmed down.

Hua Qiudao - you are very good.

Li Juan's voice was as sinister as ever, but her tone contained a hint of inexplicable joking - as if she had seen through the little tricks played by Hua Qiudao.

Hua Qiudao disagreed and continued: I know your opinion - everything about you is shown through your posture, your unruliness and your contemptuous eyes.

It's shown through your emotions, mentality, and emotions that you hate all men.

The expression of all these lies in the expression of your heart.

Your lack of sincerity is your biggest flaw.

I'll tell you all this too.

As for the core passwords in the Book of Changes—one of them is actually the Juehun Ancient Forbidden Code.

Juehun Ancient Forbidden Su Yan is very good at it, including the method you are using to lock me now, which is actually similar to this method.

At the level of scientific research, this kind of thing is called gene lock, but this is a very external name, and it is also a very superficial and superficial name.

In fact, this kind of lock is more like a criminal cage, with many layers in it.

As for the unlocked genetic lock?

That's just an opened time bomb, an opened temporary cage.

The deeper things are not that simple.

But even so, Su Yan has already figured out a very good banning method through this research. After he cracked it, he locked himself up again.

I tell you this not because I am great, nor to accumulate merit, but through your causal connection with the Soul Clan so that this information can be passed on and let the beings of the Soul Clan know.

Knowing that even if their physical bodies are still there, they are actually just 'sitting in jail alive'.

Not to mention, without the shackles of the physical body, they have actually escaped from the most basic ban and have a real opportunity to transcend.

“As for the secrets on another level—this aspect is already a secret that cannot be told.

I haven't studied these thoroughly yet, but I know that this must be related to the core mythical cause and effect.

In fact, the Hongmeng Research Base already has more evidence for this, right?

Hua Qiudao's tone was very indifferent.

And even when talking about such cause and effect, his mood was so stable that Li Juan was very uneasy - Hua Qiudao was too calm.

She was so stunned that her scalp was numb, and she felt as if this person could escape her control at any time and give her a fatal crisis.

Not to mention, Hua Qiudao's words also made her feel excited. While she was afraid, she also wanted to do some testing and verification.

But it was impossible for her to detect such cause and effect, let alone verify it - this was truly a crazy attempt on the verge of death, and at the same time, there was no benefit at all.

Even if it succeeds, it only confirms that what Hua Qiudao said is true, and that this truth is the real truth.

And if it fails...

Needless to say, the result is that it directly touches the core taboo of inheritance, and even the core cause and effect of civilization, and may even be the most ancient and core true source of practitioners, human races, and even the three souls and seven souls. was dug out.

This kind of thing is the real way to crack the genetic code and obtain the infinite combinations of the sixty-four hexagrams...

When these hexagrams are combined in a terrifying structure, what is formed is a heaven-defying 'heredity' system, and even genetic mutations, genetic mutations...

What's even more frightening is that once the rules of heaven form such a structure and various combinations, it will be a truly unimaginable huge change.

Among them, once the cause and effect drawn exceeds the limit of the rules, the fate of all pullers will be to be obliterated or even completely erased from all traces of existence in the past, present and even at some point in the future.

You told me this, and what you said seemed to be very heartfelt, heartfelt, and touching.

Li Juan joked, with a hint of contempt in her tone.

Hua Qiudao said softly: You have got what you want. Now, if you want to copy me or defeat my Hua Qiudao's cause and effect, you can take action.

For me, I live for the Tao and die for the Tao. There are no regrets in life.

In addition, as for saving that little pheasant - Jiang Luan, I actually knew from the beginning that I couldn't save it and shouldn't save it, but to me, she didn't do much wrong, and her relationship with Su Wangchen Feelings are true feelings, and giving is also true giving.

Lovers will eventually become friends.

Loved people should not be let down.

Just like the Human Emperor Fuxi came forward to save Mei'er, I, Hua Qiudao, came forward to save Jiang Luan - I will tell you my answer to this point.

The answer is - no regrets!

If it were to happen all over again, if the timeline was covered by cause and effect, this reincarnation would still continue, and the life would still be saved.

Although this way I will fall into your cage and be suppressed by you.

Even so, the Human Emperor fell into her cage and was suppressed by her.

But it's still the same sentence - no regrets! It's still the same sentence - a person with feelings should not be let down.

After saying that, Hua Qiudao took a deep breath and said again: The genetic code - the sixty-four hexagram combination code, presents - the cause and effect of the sin domain. This kind of shackles is locked to the Light Blue Star, and it is also locked to the Tower of Babel. The world of the Great Plane of Heaven's Rules also locks the entire Ziwei Imperial Domain and our earth.

To be specific, everything is one, or - we are just a part of the Ziwei Imperial Domain, and although the world of Heavenly Law and Rules in the Great Plane of Babel Tower is struggling outside, similar to the outer star domain of an alien planet, it is still in this Within the confines of the 'universe', it is still imprisoned.

These can be said. What cannot be said - there is no way to say it.

After Hua Qiudao finished speaking these words, the look in his eyes gradually dimmed.

You are indeed a great being, but great beings often do not die well or die well.

In this case, I'll give you a ride.

Li Juan got the answer - this time she responded calmly.

Hua Qiudao indeed did not use any means, nor did he use any means similar to the truth cage.

In addition, this area was specially strengthened by Li Juan, so there was no backlash.

And if she leaves this area, Li Juan will naturally have ways to eliminate these 'backlashes'.

After Li Juan said this, she looked at Hua Qiudao with some pride.

Hua Qiudao, however, had no mood changes and no longer said anything.

Li Juan waited for another moment, but she could clearly sense Hua Qiudao's will to die.

Hua Qiu said that he wanted to die to make his ambition clear.

This is to say that it is better to be in pieces than in ruins!

I don't believe - I don't believe that you can withstand the pain of locking your soul for nine tribulations and refining your soul with karma! Since you are so great, I will give you the most painful torture. I want to see if your bones can It’s as hard as you said!”

After getting the important information she wanted, Li Juan was no longer polite. Instead of giving Hua Qiudao a happy life, she was ready to inflict all the tortures of reincarnation and hell under her control on Hua Qiudao.

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