I pretend to be a fortune teller in a fantasy world

Chapter 1,095 The battle of ideas, the end of the top

Everyone has their own persistence.

Everyone who appears in this Netherworld Sea will naturally have a very firm understanding of what they want to do.

Therefore, the start of such a melee is almost an endless ending.

For them, the most tragic thing is not the hatred between each other, but a battle of ideas that has little to do with good and evil.

At least, that's the case for Yu Quede.

He also had his own philosophy in saving Su Wangchen.

This concept, at least at the moment, should be something that no one can understand.

Que De took action and directly communicated with the entire Netherworld Sea, and even mobilized Wangchenhuan's power.

The power of Wangchenhuan comes from ‘Wangchen’. Without ‘Wangchen’, there would be no Wangchenhuan.

Now, in order to keep Wangchen Huan, he must keep Wangchen - at least not to let Wangchen's cause and effect be cut off.

Once this happens, the timeline is connected, the cause and effect are covered, and the world of forgetfulness is gone.

When Wangchenhuan is gone, the kind of merit transactions that exist through wishes and prayers, or wishes and dreams, will be lost.

After all, Wangchenhuan is a place where wishes and dreams come true.

If there is no business, there will be no harm. Wangchenhuan itself is not an evil place - it is the prayer and wish of all living beings.

It can even be said that this is a place of ‘source’ of hope.

Such a place cannot be lost or covered without any foundation or heritage.

He - doesn't allow it.

Therefore, rather than saying that he was guarding Su Wangchen, it would be better to say that he was guarding 'Wangchen Huan'!

But who can understand this?

No one will understand - and those who can understand will be confused at such a moment, simply because such a thing cannot be done to the public, nor can it be directly presented to the public.

Even if it is really presented and made public, sentient beings are not qualified to know it, nor have they the ability to remember it.

Zhuge Wuwei was extremely angry, and his face turned pale after what Que De said. He once again gathered the source of the secrets of heaven, gathered the giant finger of the sky, and stabbed Que De with one finger.

That blow was equally earth-shattering, but its power was no longer as powerful as the previous one.

But Quede faced such a blow, but he just clasped his hands together, like an extremely devout monk, and closed his eyes as if praying.


The next moment, an extremely huge dark light wheel appeared behind Quede.

The wheel of light reflected the heavens, rotating and flowing like the sixty-four hexagrams, and in each hexagram, a strange and terrifying spiral structure appeared.

Among them, the mysterious halo and space-time tunnel-like totems all converged to form the extremely mysterious Wangchenhuan totem.

Wangchenhuan is like the mysterious innate Bagua diagram, but it is not a diagram, but a four-dimensional form of a space body, which looks very bizarre and magical.

After such a light wheel manifests, streams of soul energy containing hope-like soul poison permeate out of it, instantly shining brightly like the blazing sun, bursting out with extremely scorching light.

The light converges into a fist, manifesting the will of reincarnation.

Six Paths - Samsara Fist.

Quede punched.

In other words, this is not Six Paths of Reincarnation Fist, but Six Paths of Reincarnation Power!

This is a manifestation of the essence of power, and it is also a true invincible fist, the fist of heaven!


With one punch, the punch reaches the sky, truly destroying all things.

Zhuge Wuwei's ultimate killing method - the giant finger of the sky, instantly shattered under this punch.

What's even more frightening is that Quede's eyes are equally cold and emotionless at this moment - in a real battle of ideas, this is far more terrifying than the battle between good and evil, or personal hatred.

Because at this moment, Quede will not hold back or show mercy.

Whoever blocks him will perish here!

All of this has nothing to do with the alien race or the battle at the upper level - at this moment, he still adheres to the cause and effect of the Lord of the Netherworld Sea, and is still the Lord of the Netherworld Sea.

So he did not allow the Netherworld Sea to be covered.

This is his persistence, his way, and his foundation.

Therefore, when he took action, he had already closed his eyes and no longer used his eyes to see.

Just because he knew very well that if he used his eyes at this time, he would be attracted by the scene he saw, and his mind would be attacked. He might even be pulled into the path of the 'mind's eye' and be pulled in the opposite direction because of his eyes.

If this is the case, it will only be catastrophic, and the result will become unclear. It may even completely turn into a catastrophe, be completely covered, and disappear.

After this punch shattered the giant finger in the sky, the remaining power of the punch remained unabated. While shattering the void, it directly locked onto Zhuge Wuwei's soul and soul.

One punch contains extremely terrifying penetrating killing intent, and even contains the special meaning of killing the soul.

The fist intention in this contains certain characteristics similar to the sword-controlling technique - not exactly the same, but also mixed with some special connotations.

Locked by such a fist, Zhuge Wuwei will definitely die!


Chi chi chi——

At this moment, a red light exploded in the void again.

This time, a huge lotus flower appeared.

Red lotus!

The bright red lotus that appeared at this time was very huge and bright.

The black and white colors of the entire Nether Sea appear brighter under the red and white light of such a bright red lotus.

This huge lotus really confirms the saying of the ancient poem - the lotus leaves touching the sky are infinitely green, and the lotus reflecting the sun is exceptionally red!

After the lotus materialized, the petals vibrated and split, and pieces of bright red lotus petals flew out, constantly flying towards Que De's Six Paths of Reincarnation Fist.

Buzz buzz-

A dull sound appeared one after another.

Afterwards, there was no violent shock or fluctuation in the void, but instead it was like thunder with heavy rain and small raindrops.

Quede's invincible fist intention, which contained the profound meaning of the Fist of Heaven, was thus dissipated by the petals of this lotus flower.

At the same time, the lotus naturally shrinks and shrinks.

Then, the lotus flower quickly flew to the other side of the void.

The lotus soon fell on the black hair of a woman in a white gauze skirt, forming a beautiful flower decoration.

Next to this woman, also stood a handsome young man in white clothes.

This man has black hair like a waterfall. He looks free and uninhibited, handsome and full of indescribable charm.

At this time, Su Wangchen, who was standing aside, couldn't help but shrink slightly - at first, he thought it was Su Li who appeared.

But after taking a closer look, he realized that that was not the case.

He carefully recalled some of the information in Jiang Luan's memories, and finally determined that this person - was actually the emperor from the Wind Clan royal family!

Feng Chaoge!

And the woman in white gauze skirt next to him turned out to be the protector from the Taiyin Dynasty - Yun Nishang!

Yun Nishang, known as the Nishang Fairy!

These two people came together, actually... targeting him, Su Wangchen?

Que De saved Su Wangchen. Su Wangchen felt a little strange, but he vaguely sensed that he and Que De must have a huge causal entanglement.

Moreover, Que De comes from the Netherworld Sea, and I am afraid that this involves very complicated cause and effect in terms of reincarnation, heavenly soul detection, etc.

Therefore, Su Wangchen was not moved by Que De's rescue of him - he showed courtesy for nothing, and was either a traitor or a thief.

Su Wangchen could clearly understand this.

He knows very clearly that he is not the son of destiny, nor is he a favorite, nor is he a handsome man. He has a domineering aura that makes people want to kneel down and call him boss at the first sight.

Therefore, there must be a need for Que De to save him.

It is even very possible that Quede noticed some of the secrets of his rapid growth in strength and wanted to keep it for himself...

Su Wangchen is not afraid to speculate on others with the worst possible malice.

But he won't show it at this time - if someone comes forward, he has already mobilized the Eight-Nine Mysterious Skills to restrain his breath and vitality, making himself more transparent, keeping a low profile and no longer showing off.

At the same time, he was silently sensing this scene - for him, this scene was his memory.

And memory...

He has many ways to combine memories with dreams, use the secret soul detection technique to brush his own memories in dreams and dreams, and do whatever he wants in the past of his own memories.

For him, being able to virtualize past memories to form a world, and then use the rules of this world to settle for a hundred thousand years and reap the benefits, is the biggest cheat!

With such means, it would be really stupid for him to keep a high profile at this time.

Therefore, at this time, Su Wangchen looked at Que De with a look that was so moved that he wanted to commit himself to him, and at the same time, he silently moved back a lot.

Que De didn't know about Su Wangchen's situation, and he didn't pay attention to Su Wangchen - he just wanted to save Su Wangchen.

In other words, as long as Su Wangchen is not killed, the cause and effect is not intercepted, or even the bottom is copied, then it will be fine.

However, Que De's suppression and even ultimate killing of Zhuge Wuwei were directly destroyed by the sudden appearance of Feng Chaoge and Yun Nishang.

All Quede's attacks were received.

Feng Chaoge and Yun Nishang stood quietly in the void, standing on the other side of Zhuge Wuwei, keeping a certain distance from Zhuge Wuwei.

There is no doubt that these two people are not here to save Zhuge Wuwei, but to protect another existence - this existence is Zhuge Qingchen!

After Feng Chaoge finished guarding Zhuge Wuwei, he took a deep look at Zhuge Qingchen, with a look of relief on his face.

Yun Nishang said softly: Chaoge and I originally didn't want to be involved in these chaotic causes and effects, let alone be pulled or involved in any cause and effects - but, we have reasons to take action regarding Zhuge Qingchen.

This is a special concept.

Therefore, Que Dehuan Lord, I am very embarrassed.

Feng Chaoge nodded slightly and said: I walked out of the Emperor's Blood Flower Sea and joined forces with Nishang. I was forced to have no choice. You, Quehuan Lord, have your persistence, and I also have mine.

Quede was silent for a moment, and then said in a deep voice: I know, so our battle has nothing to do with good or evil, it is just like discussing Tao, it is a battle of ideas.

You can understand me, and you understand me—but only on the surface.

Of course, I can understand you and understand you, but I should only stay on the surface.

Quede said and pondered for a moment before continuing: So, in this case, we can only do it once!

After Quede finished speaking, he clasped his hands together and manifested the Forgotten World Totem again.

This time the totem is more ferocious, powerful and invincible.

This totem contains the superposition of Quede's strength from countless eras, and all his heritage is gathered together.

Even the black coffin was condensed into soul light again, turned into a pitch-black armor, and was draped on his body.

Que De at this moment is the true Lord of the Earthly World, Lord of the Netherworld Sea, and the true ruler of the Netherworld Sea.

What we are talking about here is seniority and qualifications, not the kind of power grabbers like Li Juan.

Therefore, the status of Que De here is orthodox, direct lineage, and a dignified existence!

The same is true, even if Quede is unwilling to take action, he has to take action.

The same is true, Quede can be so tyrannical and invincible.

Because Que De at this time is truly one of the top leaders!

This is the ‘top’ battle in this area.

Although all this was destined to be a very sad cause and effect from the beginning.

But even though everyone knew about it, no one backed down.

There is no right or wrong, no grudges and hatred between good and evil, so this kind of battle of ideas and this kind of battle of orthodoxy is the most cruel and terrifying thing!

Feng Chaoge felt tremendous pressure, and he couldn't help but glance at Yun Nishang.

At this moment, Yun Nishang responded with an extremely firm and gentle look.

The worried look in Feng Chaoge's eyes completely disappeared, replaced by a kind of determination - a determined mentality of going forward and giving up until death.

I am Feng Chaoge.

I am Yun Nishang.

Now the imperial way is opened, the yin and yang of the emperor's way are combined, and the wind and clouds merge vertically and horizontally.

Wind and cloud unite, the emperor's energy transforms into a dragon!

At this moment, Feng Chaoge and Yun Nishang seemed to have merged into one, instantly becoming one, forming a true Taoist form.

At this moment, the two people turned into extremely terrifying god forms, with tall and fierce bodies.

Que De shouted coldly, veins bulged all over his body, and all his spiritual veins turned into dragons.

The endless dragon veins, accompanied by the Netherworld Sea and Wangchenhuan totems behind him, completely merged to form a giant hand phantom totem behind him that looked like a terrifying starry sky beast.


The giant beast roared, and fiercely collided with the Fengyun divine body of the emperor's Qi transformed into a dragon.

In the sky, two lights exploded like lightning in the void again and again, just like two lightnings colliding in the void from time to time.

Almost instantly, there were thousands of collisions and battles.

Terrifying thunder and lightning exploded with flames and fire from time to time, but did not cause additional damage.

This kind of battle, instantaneous annihilation, happened countless times.

But at this moment, something strange happened to Zhuge Wuwei and Su Wangchen.

Zhuge Qingchen was suddenly hit by an unknown attack, and his body exploded almost immediately.

However, a blue turtle script suddenly appeared, covering Zhuge Qingchen's body and protecting his life.

At this time, a shadow emerged from Hu Chen's shadow, and in an instant, the figure of the ancestor of Loulan Ancient City, Hu, was condensed.

Hu's figure condensed into reality and appeared immediately.

However, the moment Hu appeared, he disappeared again and was replaced by a man and a woman.

This pair of men and women, both with human heads and snake bodies, are extremely huge and seem to have some form of 'Fuxi and Nuwa'.

This pair of men and women were the siblings Loulan Fengyu and Loulan Fengqi that Su Li had come into contact with before!

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