I pretend to be a fortune teller in a fantasy world

Chapter 1094: A melee in the ruins, everyone is their own master

The woman's shrill screams were extremely ear-piercing, and her voice had the ability to penetrate gold, crack rocks, and be unpredictable.


Boom boom boom——

Groups of flames in the void formed clusters of light clusters and exploded at extremely high speeds.

Zhuge Wuwei's face was cold, and his eyes burst out with extremely ferocious murderous intent. The murderous intent was obviously born because of Zhuge Qingchen.

In other words, what he has been living and living in silence for endless years is just such an opportunity for revenge.

Revenge, revenge on whom?

It was obvious that that person was Su Wangchen.

What Zhuge Wuwei focused on was the name Su Wangchen and its corresponding cause and effect.

As for who Su Wangchen is, and who Su Wangchen is, it is no longer important - as long as it is the cause and effect and its corresponding existence, he is sure to kill from the effect to the cause with one blow, just like following the vine or killing from the clone. Wear the body!

He has this certainty.

One of the core reasons for this is that Zhuge Chunqiu was refined, replaced, or even covered by the cause and effect of Su Wangchen.

The original Zhuge Chunqiu is the real Zhuge Chunqiu.

But in this world, Zhuge Chunqiu is no longer Zhuge Chunqiu, but just a clone of Su Wangchen.

For Zhuge Wuwei, this scene of cause and effect is even like the hatred of killing his father or killing his teacher!

Now that such an opportunity comes, Zhuge Wuwei will never hold back.

Zhuge Wuwei's strike was so brutal that it even distorted the black light and shattered the unknown cause and effect. It was directly equivalent to smashing all the unknown layouts with violence in an instant, turning it into a mess.

Generally speaking, I am afraid that even Su Li did not expect this situation.

But even if Su Li knew about it, he would not interfere with all the cause and effect here.

It is enough for him to accumulate information.

For him, the completion of the timeline connection is the key.

And in this, regardless of any cause-and-effect changes, as long as there are no major problems with the internal friction between Li Juan and Hu Chen, and there is no chaos in the world of the rules of heaven in the great plane of Babel, there will be no problems.

Of course, even if something goes wrong, even if there is chaos, the impact may not be that big.

Because now he can bear it and can bear it.

At this time, after Zhuge Wuwei severely damaged the 'black light' and the mysterious and strange woman containing the 'Emperor Soul Mother Insect' with one blow, another ray of power from the divine source of heaven manifested like a colorful halo of mysterious light, penetrating the void and destroying that ray of light. The black light group was broken into seven parts and locked again.

Puff puff--

The colorful mysterious light aperture split into seven halo apertures in an instant.

The halo aperture directly surrounded the black light, and then with a sudden shock, it shattered into black mist.

Soon, the black mist was burned to death by the colorful halo of mysterious light like a raging fire.

During this period, a strange woman's extremely shrill screams continued, like a ghost crying and a wolf howling.

After this scene happened, the entire Nether Sea shook, as if an extremely terrible and huge loss had occurred.

It was as if this strange dead woman contained half of the world's secrets.

This scene is strange and frightening to all beings.

And the dark ice dragon lineage that was originally in the depths of the Nether Sea seemed to have had its dragon tendons removed and its skin torn apart.

Every black dragon was twisted in pain, as if the dragon veins in the body were alive and destroyed, and then the soul was burned by endless fire.

The painful roar of the black dragon came vaguely from the depths of the Netherworld Sea, like the screams in the ancient Netherworld Hell, which was particularly creepy.

And all of this is still completed in just one breath.

In one blow, Zhuge Wuwei displayed extremely terrifying lethality.

He evolved the origin of the secret into something similar to the attack of the colorful mysterious light that resists the soul-suppressing monument.

That blow originated from Mu Qingya's initial attack when she rescued Su Li.

At that time, Mu Qingya was already dead, and it could even be said that she still protected Su Li with a ray of obsession.

This is not only maternal love, but also a mysterious colorful light.

This kind of colorful mysterious light contained obsession and hope, and when it was turned out by Mu Qingya, it could even compete with the soul-suppressing monument at that time.

Under such circumstances, Zhuge Wuwei was killed by Zhuge Chunqiu using the method of alien transposition, and was struck to death by the soul-suppressing monument.

However, those who practice Tianji will naturally have some sense of Tianji.

At that time, even then, Mu Qingya and Su Li were living in a state similar to meditation or truth, living in some strange deduction.

But the truth, or the underlying cause and effect, is still felt.

After Zhuge Wuwei noticed some clues of cause and effect, he had already laid out some escape routes for himself.

Including the subsequent friendship with Su Li and the reminder at the Ancient Temple of Death, these were all fallback options.

At that time, Zhuge Wuwei had already deduced that he could only find a way out of the desperate situation by living towards death.

And die—perhaps truly and completely.

There may also be a chance for nirvana.

This is also the only chance.

One option is total death, without any chance.

One option is almost death, but there is also a possibility of a narrow escape.

So, Zhuge Wuwei is still willing to give it a try.

He has been watching this game, and he has been using a method similar to real-time updating to repeatedly refresh his past.

The method used is indeed a secret method, but it is not entirely an ordinary method of secrets.

What he used was the Heavenly Secret Chaos Technique.

Tianji Chaos Technique is a special skill of Tianji Pavilion, and Zhuge Wuwei combined with Mu Qingya's statement and the causal judgment that Mu Qingya secretly hinted at Su Li's death, Zhuge Wuwei combined the origin of Tianji and Tianji's method As well as the art of divine deduction, combined with the inscriptions on the soul stele derived from the seven-color mysterious light, the source of hope, the light of hope, etc., such a special way was created.

Then with the help of the time fault point he peeked into, he returned to 60,000 years ago or even 100,000 years ago, and constantly updated the Tianji Chaos Technique in real time.

During this period, he continued to weaken the cause and effect of 'Su Wangchen', and even wanted to end Su Wangchen's cause and effect and preserve the real Zhuge Chunqiu.

It's a pity that in this regard, he fell short many times. Each time, he missed a move at a critical moment, and even lost a lot of knowledge as a result.

Fortunately, because his self-created Tao does not belong to the light blue world, nor does it belong to the world of heavenly rules in the great plane of Babel Tower, it is drawn into the source of colorful light and hope, and is therefore completely independent.

The same is true. Even if he dies, it is not really dead - as long as there is a will that hopes to combine with the origin of Tianji, he can resurrect by himself through changes in the timeline.

And every time he is revived, all his remaining souls will naturally return, and then all his foundation will become stronger.

But Zhuge Wuwei also knew that such a foundation could not be used a few times.

Just because, any cause and effect will have a limit.

This limit has already appeared in him, and it has been calculated by him.

Just like there are five in the era.

His current limit is five.

Before this, he had been hunted three times.

He has two more chances.

This time he knew that once he was exposed, he would probably lose another opportunity.

And that last chance...

He decided to leave it to himself and fulfill all his own regrets.

In this last second chance, he would devote everything to Zhuge Qingchen. Even after saving Zhuge Qingchen, he would use all his remaining energy to target Su Wangchen and hunt Su Wangchen here to interrupt this. Unknown but terrifying cause and effect.

He didn't know what the cause and effect was.

But he knew that if he did not stop it, interrupt or even destroy the cause and effect, and overturn the mysterious chess game, then once the result appeared this time, all terrible things would happen.

Even more unimaginable catastrophes will come.

So - this time, no matter what Su Wangchen wants to do, he must not be allowed to succeed!

Definitely not!

After the black light shattered and the black light flew back, Zhuge Wuwei's eyes were directly locked on Su Wangchen.

Su Wangchen couldn't help but trembled at this moment, and suddenly felt an unimaginable sense of crisis.

His scalp felt like it was exploding, goosebumps appeared all over his body, and a chill went straight down his spine. So much so that he almost without hesitation activated the Eight-Nine Mysterious Technique and evolved it to the extreme.

Not only that, he also immediately used the Asura Hell Scythe, which was instantly laid out in front of him.


His body instantly evolved the seventy-two transformation techniques among the Eighty-nine Mysterious Techniques.


The next moment, Zhuge Wuwei's attack had arrived.

That ray of mysterious light gathered in an instant, like a giant finger from the sky, and stabbed Su Wangchen fiercely.

The Asura Underworld Scythe that Su Wangchen placed in front of him shook in an instant, opening a terrifyingly large hole in the middle.

Shura Hell's Sickle was actually pierced by a finger.

That seven-color light finger, with its lingering power, stabbed hard at Su Wangchen's forehead.

Su Wangchen changed in a total of seventy-two ways, but each change was locked by the giant finger of the sky, making it impossible to resist.

At this time, Su Wangchen realized that he had no way out!

He really wanted to use the Nine Transformations of Nirvana method, but once this method was used, he knew that he might be trapped in a cocoon - at this critical moment, this kind of whitewashed method is likely to be abnormal, or even It's a case of 'betrayal'.

This technique was obtained by deprivation and harvesting. To be specific, Su Wangchen did not fully absorb it, or it was like the powerful star-absorbing technique. Even though he absorbed it, he did not actually practice it. change.

Therefore, this kind of sequelae is likely to break out at this time.

And once it breaks out, he becomes a living target. Not only can it not help him get out of trouble, it will also trap him in injustice.

Su Wangchen had a lot of thoughts in his mind, but he couldn't find a way to solve it.

At this time, he realized that he should make a fortune quietly, instead of being so out-of-the-box and ostentatious.

If not, he secretly grows through the Heavenly Secret Soul Detection Technique and the dream-within-dream method. When the time comes, he will have endless knowledge, will he still be afraid of a situation like this?

On the contrary, in the current situation, once the background is revealed again, a lot of the background will be exposed, and thus he will be targeted.

And once the simulator's heritage is taken away, there is absolutely no room for improvement.

Su Wangchen had a thought, The art of change in the Eighty-nine Mysterious Techniques directly derived the true and false.

A clone split apart and transformed into his true body, facing Zhuge Wuwei.

The other true body turned into nothingness, and in an instant constructed the world of Tianji Soul Divination and dreams within dreams, trying to create cause and effect in dreams, and even hunt down people in reality in dreams. This group of people.

As long as they are pulled into the dream world and their souls are distracted, there is a chance to harvest them.

This is similar to the movie Dream Invasion in Inception that Su Wangchen watched in China.

At this time, he could only use this method to play the game.

This is the most likely means of counterattack or even a desperate counterattack.

However, before such a method could be used, another thunder exploded in the void in a state of near death.

Then, amidst the thunder, a black coffin rose into the sky from the Netherworld Sea.

After the black coffin exploded in the void, a dark, chubby figure of a fat man with a mouse beard and a black face condensed in the void.


The next moment, he raised his hand, holding the black coffin, and jerked it violently.


The void exploded, and Zhuge Wuwei's giant finger of destruction in the sky was directly hit by the black coffin and shattered instantly.



The void shook violently, and destructive-level ripples pushed in all directions, like invisible energy waves. After rippling and twisting the void, they triggered pieces of destructive-level sonic boom impacts, continuously exploding into the distance.

Void bombings continued from all directions, both brutal and strange.

But soon, the twisted void gradually calmed down.

In the entire Netherworld Sea area, the sea water has almost dried up at this time, and the ground is a mess of pits and ruins.

Among the ruins, countless dark dragons turned out to be skeletons of dragons that were as dry as skin and bones, lying quietly in the dry and even cracked mire.

This scene looks extremely shocking and tragic.

In the void, everything remains the same.

After the chaotic energy rippled from time to time, the twisted void oscillated from time to time, making sonic booms or air-piercing explosions.

The chill and turbulence of the void cannot penetrate, because the chaotic atmosphere here is even more ferocious and violent.

Quede's black robe was making a sound in the void, and he was carrying a huge black coffin. His chubby body was burly and like a mountain of meat. When it stood in the air, it gave people a strong sense of oppression.

Zhuge Wuwei trembled all over. After retracting the seven-color mysterious light, the light on his body gradually became darker.

There was obvious regret in his eyes, but there was deep unwillingness in his eyes.

Que De, why...why do you want to stop it? Why are you still a dog?!

Zhuge Wuwei's voice was hoarse, and his questioning tone was even a little heart-wrenching.

Quede shook his head slightly and said: You don't understand. You only see the surface. You can only see what's in front of you. In addition, it's okay to be a dog or something - there is still hope in this world, and we can't just fall into ruin. , and was covered by Guixu!

Therefore, if that is the case, then there is really no hope!

From this perspective, I must take action to solve all abnormal situations. This is the only meaning of my existence here.

Everyone - everyone is their own master, so just speak based on your ability.

Quede spoke, and after a proper explanation, his tone became indifferent.

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