I pretend to be a fortune teller in a fantasy world

Chapter 1089 Qingchen shows the way, Hu Chen takes action

Zhuge Qingchen looked at Hou Yunyi quietly, his expression still extremely calm.

He seemed to have no regard for his own life or death.

Hou Yunyi also looked at Zhuge Qingchen with a calm expression, but his aura had obviously gathered.

The void in all directions formed an almost twisted storm. The storm would come at any time and tear everything here into pieces.

If you want to enter the Xuejiao Ancient Temple from here, I really can't stop you. But this does not belong to you. I am just an old friend. Under such circumstances, I am just giving you a kind reminder.

Zhuge Qingchen spoke softly, and then continued: I am too many, and compared to you now, my so-called goodwill is not worth mentioning, and you will not even listen to anything I say.

But you don't listen, but I still want to express my feelings.

Hou Yunyi said: I really won't listen, because this is the only choice I have.

Zhuge Qingchen said: Your choice is never the only one. You can have a better choice or a more direct choice. This road is really not suitable for you, let alone treating it as your destination. This A road with no destination.”

Hou Yunyi obviously didn't find it strange at all that Zhuge Qingchen said such words.

As if all this is natural.

Hou Yun said calmly: Since you know you can't stop me, then really don't try to stop me, because it doesn't make any sense.

Similarly, it does not reflect your free and easy attitude as a master of secrets.

Seeing this, Zhuge Qingchen gave up his thoughts of persuading again, and at the same time took the initiative to move away from the Canggu stone tablet, saying: On the stone tablet, engraved are the lives of many people. A life will be compressed into a short line of text.

This entrance is not hidden. You can easily find it by looking carefully and sensing it.

I am here waiting for the person who is destined to be there, but sometimes there is no chance of being destined.

Just like some feelings, it is also the falling flowers that flow intentionally and the water is ruthless.

Having said this, Fairy Yunyi, please take care of yourself along the way.

After Zhuge Qingchen finished speaking, he clasped his hands into fists and bowed.

Then, he silently took a few steps back.

However, he hadn't exited the ten-meter area yet. His body couldn't help but trembled, and an invisible wave blocked his retreat.

It was like an invisible barrier, locking him in this area and unable to leave.

There was a somewhat helpless look in Zhuge Qingchen's eyes, and at the same time, his eyes couldn't help but fall on Hou Yunyi again.

Hou Yunyi said softly: Master Zhuge, Yunyi has not asked Master to leave.

Zhuge Qingchen said: Please give me Fairy Yunyi's advice.

Hou Yunyi said: I don't take it as advice, I just don't agree with some of what you said.

Zhuge Qingchen's mouth moved, but he did not speak.

Hou Yunyi said again: The falling flowers are intentional and the flowing water is ruthless. It's just a glimpse. The falling red is not a ruthless thing. It turns into spring mud to protect the flowers. The falling flowers are intentional and the flowing water is ruthless.

In this world, love is king, isn't it?

Could it be that Master Zhuge doesn’t even understand this?

If you don't understand this, what's the point of talking about heaven's secrets, and what's the point of talking about your heart?

When Zhuge Qingchen heard this, he laughed dumbly, shook his head, and did not argue anything.

Hou Yunyi said: Someone told me that your Dao lacks love, and people without love have no heart. So your so-called sincere feelings, no matter how sincere, are ultimately false. If you want to practice the emptiness and return to the true, it is still not enough.

So what kind of heart are you talking about?

Zhuge Qingchen smiled bitterly and said: Because I don't have it, I pursue it, so what is more real than having it is that I have something, but I often don't know how to cherish it, which is worse than nothing.

It is true that there are some people in this world who are born without heart and lack of vision, but they are extremely upright and selfless, extremely philanthropic, able to attract talents and heroes from all over the world, and can be upright and awe-inspiring.

And some people are born with thousands of hearts and endless eyes, but as humans, they are extremely evil and vicious. They can swallow up the world's luck and bring disaster to the common people for their own selfish interests, which is the source of sin.

What's the point?

This is the principle that things must be reversed when they reach their extreme.

In your inheritance, or in the rules of my previous life, there is a saying that says great love is speechless, great wisdom is as foolish, great skill is as clumsy, and an elephant is invisible.

Therefore, the so-called lack of love on the Dao can actually be seen as a kind of humility of the Dao. It is not really a lack of love, but a true universal love and universal love.

Zhuge Qingchen said, shrugged and said: That dandy boy, that Hu Chen who relies on his parents selling their blood for prosperity, finally woke up.

But some people still can't wake up and are still stubborn and unrepentant.

Who is guarding the ghostly hell, three thousand years of darkness? And who is praying in a low voice, igniting all the hope in the darkness of Youdu with the heart of prayer.

In the soul clan's purgatory, the suffering is still only for all sentient beings, but it will not suffer for you.

If you return

Forget it, you are probably not you anymore, so how can you care about such cause and effect, and how can you care about the pain that the people in Youdu suffer every day, like refining their souls and refining their souls?

After Zhuge Qingchen said these words, he turned around and walked directly towards the invisible light curtain.

This time, he had no defense and turned his back directly to Hou Yunyi.

If Hou Yunyi takes action at this time, Zhuge Qingchen, who is defenseless, will definitely die.

But this time, after Zhuge Qingchen reached the place of light curtain, the shackles of light no longer existed.

After his figure disappeared little by little into the light curtain, he quickly left the area.

After all, Hou Yunyi didn't take action.

The fox clan in her body is unpredictable, with hostility, demonic energy and murderous intent flowing out from time to time, but will be suppressed by another strange and mysterious force.

In this, it seems that there are different thoughts that are restraining each other, and there seems to be different souls that are repelling each other.

This situation is just like the previous situation where Su Li contained three souls in his body.

However, at this time, Hou Yunyi's expression was even more obvious. In the void, the huge demon fox's face was very moldy, and at the same time it was constantly changing back and forth, mysteriously.

It seemed that the faces of several beautiful women appeared from time to time, but the moment each face was condensed, it would quickly break and dissipate, and other faces would be reassembled.

Finally, after all the abnormal situations disappeared, Hou Yunyi looked at the huge Canggu stone tablet, suddenly walked over, then closed his eyes and bumped into it.

what are you doing!


Damn it!

Suddenly, unknown thunder seemed to explode in the void, accompanied by a sharp roar.

It seemed to be a very extreme and distorted sound.

Paranoid, vicious, vicious, cruel and violent.

The moment such a sound appeared, there was a lot of dark mist filling the air, and the gray mist was boiling.

But these still can't affect Hou Yunyi's actions.

Hou Yunyi's forehead hit the Canggu stone tablet hard.

With a pop sound, the terrifying sound of broken forehead bones erupted directly.

Then bright red blood sprayed out directly, dyeing the entire Canggu stone tablet red.

The ancient stone tablet shook violently, as if some destructive storm was about to erupt.

At that moment, the entire stele began to boil, as if it had been boiled by blood, and the world inside seemed to be equally distorted, boiling, roaring, and turbulent because of this.

Hou Yunyi's body experienced some distortions and struggles, and different consciousnesses seemed to be fighting for control of the body.

But all these changes are controlled by a special thought.

That thought contained a ray of invincible immortality and will, which seemed to come from the roots and pride of the Chinese ancestral land.

All the thoughts were twisted in various ways, but they still couldn't compete with that mysterious thought.

Finally, when the body was about to fall apart, Hou Yunyi fell into a state of silence, and all the abnormalities on his body gradually disappeared.

Her figure became more slender and beautiful, with unparalleled youthfulness.

However, his overall temperament is indescribably detached and cold.

Some things will go as you wish just because you surrender.

The clouds of Hou Yunyi are also the clouds of Yun Shiyin.

Hou Yun Yidan spoke calmly, then turned around and walked directly towards the Canggu Stone Stele again.

But this time, she still didn't enter the stone monument, let alone the Xuejiao Ancient Temple. Instead, she just glanced at it with a cold look in her eyes.

The next moment, she turned around and walked away without hesitation, leaving the Blazing Wasteland.

Soon, the entire area around the Canggu Stone Stele fell into a state of silence.

The wind whimpered and blew past, like the miserable cry of a lost woman.

The wind in the Blazing Wasteland was originally blazing, but now it carries a gloomy chill.

The Tianyan Clan, the Ancient Forbidden Land, the Fiery Flame Forbidden Territory.

Hu Chen quietly sat cross-legged in the flames, with a sword burning in the flames.

The sword is a golden sword.

The sword is surrounded by golden leaves.

The leaves are like maple leaves, golden and very beautiful.

However, the veins on these golden leaves look like the veins of the talented blood of some geniuses.

The leaves around Hu Chen melted from time to time.

And when these leaves melt, the void in all directions will gradually become quieter.


At this time, two more glazed beads were refined by the flames, and turned into two bloody lanterns, flying into the forbidden area of ​​flames.

Soon, the blood-colored lantern turned into a blood-colored shadow and disappeared into Hu Chen's open vertical eyes.

Another successful combination of two minds.

Thousands of Buddha pagodas, ten thousand worlds of dust. One hundred thousand mind eyes, one million eternal life.

Hu Chen murmured to himself.

After a moment, the burning flame suddenly trembled, and then, the shadow of an ancient stone tablet was vaguely visible in it.

Around the projection, the scene of Zhuge Qingchen and Su Wangchen's exchange gradually appeared.

After Hu Chen watched quietly for a moment, his face became slightly solemn.

Haha, is it really the kind of ant that wants to make waves?

It's just a little loach, is it worthy of riding big waves?

Since you are disobedient, then

Hu Chen quietly looked at Zhuge Qingchen's cause and effect through the ancient stone tablet.

Originally, he wanted to control some causal changes.

But obviously, he didn't get what he wanted.

Su Wangchen actually left the Canggu Stone Monument directly instead of entering the Netherworld Sea from the Canggu Stone Monument?

This was out of his control, and he was naturally very unhappy.

However, if you don't enter from here, you will eventually enter the Netherworld Sea. If you don't enter the Netherworld Sea, who will be responsible for the wonderful cause and effect and tool man?

Hu Chen snorted lightly, with deep disdain in his eyes.

In addition, Hu Chen, who is lying flat, should also show some value.

Hu Chen pondered, and then continued to pay attention to Hou Yunyi's performance.

After seeing that Zhuge Qingchen activated Hou Yunyi's special cause and effect again, persuaded him to retreat, and blocked Hou Yunyi's cause and effect from robbing the little fox Bai Ying of Xuejiao Ancient Temple, his face suddenly became a little ugly. .

You are a waste who fails to succeed but fails to succeed!

Hu Chen took a deep breath, and the anger in his eyes deepened.

Immediately, his eyes showed even more cruelty.

The next moment, he gathered directly at the mysterious altar and carved a statue of Zhuge Qingchen directly on the altar!

Since you don't obey, then I can only take action myself.

Reverse activation of Zhuge Qingchen's cause and effect.

Hu Chen used a special altar to carve out a demon-like statue of Zhuge Qingchen, and locked the statue on the altar.

Then, he led a piece of cause and effect, pointing to the Netherworld Sea.

Just give some karma to the Netherworld Sea. Now, do you want to leave? Yes, but no matter where you leave from, you will enter the Netherworld Sea and meet Su Wangchen again.

And this meeting will be the moment of your life and death battle.

Only one of you two can live.

And the one who died was stained with blood in the Netherworld Sea, buried in the black abyss of the sea, and will never be reincarnated or reincarnated!

Hu Chen spoke directly.

He opened his mouth and connected with the statues on the altar and the strange heavenly veins of the demons and monsters, which directly determined the cause and effect of life and death for Su Wangchen and Zhuge Qingchen.

pick one of two.

This is not a complete definition of cause and effect, but it is like the double helix structure of fate, pulling together and making things more chaotic.

Only when a part of it is truly annihilated can it be separated and become independent.

But even so, once a structure like this is destroyed, is there really a way to survive?

Obviously not.

After Hu Chen determined the cause and effect, there were naturally people on the other side who noticed this scene.

Strictly speaking, that being was not Su Li off the court.

It wasn't Su Li, not because Su Li really didn't know, but because Su Li didn't end up personally this time.

What ended up being just a shadow existence similar to Li Juan.

This time, it was Li Juan who was eyeing Hu Chen.

How could Li Juan be defeated so easily? After something unusual happened to Hou Yunyi, she also focused on this place.


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