I pretend to be a fortune teller in a fantasy world

Chapter 1088: Forced by the situation, the land of snow borers

The process of Su Wangchen taking down Jiang Luan was all imprinted in the real and virtual world in the dream.

And the benefits gained in this way are so real that they are almost like cheating.

No, it's even more relaxing and comfortable than cheating.

Su Wangchen obtained such ultimate benefits, extracted this benefit from the dream, and fed it back to himself.

This time, almost all the cause and effects of the past, present and even the future in Jiang Luan's reality were cut off, which was equivalent to the real uprooting mode.

But Su Wangchen didn't feel any guilt at all.

After all, people are ambitious.

The same goes for Su Wangchen.

There are some things in this world, and there is always a difference between once and countless times.

And Jiang Luan

After the initial obsession disappeared, his sword intention penetrated Jiang Luan's soul.

Nowadays, let alone in a dream, in reality, Jiang Luan is so in tune with Jiang Luan that he even regards Jiang Luan as a furnace.

Obtain its various benefits, improve your own foundation, and even seize the other party's Taoism.

To Su Wangchen, that was nothing.

For the first time, he was more or less emotionally shackles, and he still had some tenderness, some sighs and sighs in his heart.

But after something like this happens again, apart from the pleasure, the rest is still only pleasure.

and everything else

All gone.

As for whether doing this violates one’s conscience?

Su Wangchen never felt that way.

Whether it's the former sister Su Ling, or the former Su Xia, or that Luo Yan, Yan Luo? Li Juan?

Those ones

Su Wangchen knew deeply that only if he, Su Wangchen, was a good person, would he have such an ending.

It is said that good people are not rewarded. So, in today's world, he has decided not to be a good person anymore.

At least, when the world itself is not good, why should he be that kind of incompetent and kind person?

In his opinion, he also wants to be a good person, but what is the result waiting for him?

Just like that Su Ye and that Su Li?

Really, I really didn't want to do this but you made me do it.

Su Wangchen murmured in his heart.

After these thoughts appeared, his voice was also very direct.

He is innocent.

If it weren't for the pressure of the world, if it weren't for these people who always took the initiative to plunge him into fatal crises, he wouldn't do it.

I just want to grow up well, but you want to take away my simulator?

You have ulterior motives. It's not enough to hurt me once, and you want to continue to follow me and cause harm to me?

Then I can only fight back helplessly.

In order not to be persecuted, I can only nip all crises in the bud.

Moreover, there is a saying in our country, Yangyang Huaxia, that eliminating evil means promoting good.

It's not me that's wrong, it's the world.

Su Wangchen's thoughts gradually became clearer and firmer.

Therefore, the faint trace of compassion that originally appeared was gone now.

After he learned the method of the Nine Transformations of Nirvana, his strength has been greatly improved.

Therefore, he quickly arrived outside Luoxia Barren Mountain and arrived at Tianji Wasteland.

After passing through the Tianji Wasteland, he came to the Raging Flame Wasteland area.

In the central area of ​​the Blazing Wasteland, he found an ancient stone tablet.

Next to the stone tablet, a man in green robes and Taoist uniforms sat quietly cross-legged.

The man looked extraordinarily handsome, but it gave Su Wangchen a very mysterious and sudden illusion.

Brother Taoist, please stop.

That's good. Just when Su Wangchen wanted to move on, the man in green clothes stared at the stone tablet without any change in his eyes, but his voice came out softly.

His back was obviously to Su Wangchen, but the voice seemed to be speaking in his ears.

Very light, but very clear.

Su Wangchen's footsteps paused and his eyes locked on the back of the man in green clothes.

The next moment, he activated the Tianji Soul Detection Technique and tried to sense the man's information.

However, what the Tianji Soul Detection Technique sensed was just a chaotic picture like snowflakes, with nothing in it.

And when he activated the Tianji Soul Detection Technique, the other party seemed to notice it, and his expression instantly became serious.

However, the man in green clothes didn't say anything, and his expression soon returned to calm.

He still didn't turn around, his eyes still fell on the ancient stone tablet, as if he was studying some changes on the ancient stone tablet.

Su Wangchen followed suit and looked over, but the surface of the Canggu stone tablet was still just covered with a dull green light, with nothing in it.

In other words, it was like a polished picture with a cyan halo, but there was nothing on the picture.

Fellow Taoist, what is this?

Su Wangchen pondered for a moment and then asked.

In the dream world, he did not immediately capture Hou Yunyi, but chose to exit the dream world.

The benefits of that kind of dream world are huge, but it takes some time for him to absorb it and it also needs to settle.

It's not that he doesn't want to stop harvesting various resources in the dream, but he knows that haste makes waste.

Otherwise, he would definitely harvest Hou Yunyi immediately.

Waiting for a destined person.

The man in green clothes spoke softly, his tone as before, calm and quiet.

The sound is still not loud, but it is still extremely clear and extremely pleasant.

Coupled with his aloof and free and uninhibited appearance, it really gives people the illusion of a gentleman.

Su Wangchen even felt envious for a moment that this was the most beautiful man he had ever seen so far. Of course, he felt that the other person's appearance was still a little worse than his.

Although it was just a little bit different, it didn't affect Su Wangchen's slight recognition of him.

Beautiful men are lonely and lonely.

And a strange man with strength and foundation like him is even more lonely and lonely.

Alas, my path is lonely.

Su Wangchen sighed slightly, but then his eyes were full of high-spirited confidence, and he said: I think the destined person you are waiting for has already arrived.

Su Wangchen's words were filled with confidence.

If it were the moment when the simulator was lost, he might still have concerns.

But now, he is directly invincible in the dream world, and his experiences can even be replayed, and then he can combine the Tianji Soul Divination Technique with the dream world to gain experience.

Directly lock others into the world of murals in a dream or a dream within a dream, brush off their 100,000-year tradition and heritage, and work for them

At this time, all the cause and effect, destiny, and origins of other people's past, present, and future can be harvested by him invisibly.

What kind of simulator do you need?

Can this be expanded?

With the peerless foundation-level Nirvana Nine Transformations ability, Su Wangchen even wanted to die several times, allowing his current terrifying state and strength to undergo Nirvana transformation several times.

Therefore, there is no such thing as arrogance.

That's just confidence.

Hearing this, the man in green clothes finally turned around and looked at Su Wangchen seriously.

His eyes froze for a moment, and then his expression immediately became a little more complicated.

After a while, he seemed to have determined something, and nodded slightly: Yes, the destined person has indeed arrived.

As he spoke, the man in green clothes stood up, turned around, his back to the Canggu Stone Tablet and his front to face Su Wangchen.

Let me introduce myself, I am Zhuge Qingchen, or my former name was Hu Chen.

The man in Tsing Yi Taoist uniform opened his mouth and introduced his name and his former name.

When Su Wangchen heard this, he couldn't help but be slightly startled.

I was once named Hu Chen. What does this mean?

What ever?

Does the past represent the past? Or past life?

Vaguely, Su Wangchen felt inexplicably panicked inside, but he didn't know where this panic came from.

Don't be surprised, fellow Taoist Wangchen. Since you can come here and see Qingchen, you will naturally understand the cause and effect one day.

Zhuge Qingchen spoke again, but did not explain in depth.

Su Wangchen was thoughtful, and then asked: What does this former Taoist friend Zhuge mean?

Zhuge Qingchen said: That's what fellow Taoist Wangchen thought.

When Su Wangchen heard this, his expression did not change at all, and his eyes were as deep and calm as before.

Su Wangchen didn't say anything, but Zhuge Qingchen still spoke.

It seems that fellow Daoist Wangchen still has some levels that he has not yet stepped into, and some causes and effects have not been completely broken.

The meaning of past is the meaning of past lives in this life.

I mean, in my previous life, my name was Hu Chen.

The being named Hu Chen once lived in a rather interesting mysterious world.

Zhuge Qingchen said, but did not continue.

Because for him, these are actually enough.

It's enough to draw out some of Su Wangchen's cause and effect.

Sure enough, when Su Wangchen heard these words, he couldn't help but frown deeply.

What does Fellow Taoist Zhuge mean?

Su Wangchen asked calmly.

He was vaguely aware of the crisis and felt threatened.

He believed that Zhuge Qingchen was implying this, or that he was secretly threatening him and forcing him.

He believed that Zhuge Qingchen must have obtained some of his secrets, and therefore needed some kind of statement from him.

I didn't want to cause trouble, but many things happened to get me into trouble.

Su Wangchen sighed and said calmly: Fellow Daoist Zhuge, I generally understand what you mean.

Zhuge Qingchen shook his head and said: No, you don't really understand.

Su Wangchen was silent for a long time and did not speak again.

Zhuge Qingchen spoke instead: Your problem can be solved in the Netherworld Sea. But right now, you are not suitable to stay here, let alone get close to this ancient stone monument.

Although this stone tablet can bring you into contact with the Netherworld Sea faster, for now, your background is still not enough.

Su Wangchen was thoughtful, then took a deep look at Zhuge Qingchen and said, I even suspect that your appearance is waiting for some kind of cause and effect.

Zhuge Qingchen did not answer directly. Instead, he just spoke again: If I were you, I would leave this place right now. The further away, the better.

Su Wangchen stood there quietly.

He ignored Zhuge Qingchen again.

After a long time, Su Wangchen suddenly said: I judge that your words are indeed very important and crucial.

You shouldn't have said this to me, but you still said it. This shows that no matter how bad you are in the rumors, you are still good in some aspects.

So, this time, I will not involve you in cause and effect through the special orthodoxy I created.

Your kind reminder has given you a real way to survive.

Su Wangchen spoke confidently.

At the same time, he also listened to Zhuge Qingchen's words and had no intention of staying here any longer, and was ready to leave immediately.

When going to the Netherworld Sea, in fact, apart from the entrance to the Canggu Stone Monument, there are still several other places you can go to.

Therefore, after Su Wangchen reminded Zhuge Qingchen, he did not stay and quickly turned into a shadow and disappeared completely.

After he left, Hou Yunyi's figure appeared here precisely at this moment.

Did you come here too? Do you still remember your origin and cause and effect?

When Zhuge Qingchen saw Hou Yunyi, who had the special charming aura of the Jade Fox clan, his expression became solemn again, and he couldn't help but ask.

Now that I'm here, I will remember what I should remember, and I won't remember what I shouldn't remember.

Hou Yunyi's statement is indeed extraordinary, and it can be said that he talked a lot of nonsense with great momentum.

Zhuge Qingchen said: The Qingqiu Fox Clan is not currently welcome in the Netherworld Sea area.

Hou Yunyi said: Then, who said that I am going to the Netherworld Sea area?

Zhuge Qingchen said: Based on the changes in the Tianji Totem, the area you want to go to belongs to the future Emperor's Blood Sea of ​​Flowers area.

Hou Yunyi shook his head and said: Here, or on beings like us, never use any strange secrets of heaven and earth, Feng Shui mysticism, otherwise something will definitely go wrong.

Zhuge Qingchen showed obvious surprise when he heard this.

Zhuge Qingchen pondered for a moment and said: The cause and effect of the Emperor's Blood Flower Sea is hugely involved and extremely complicated. If you fall into it, you will be completely unable to extricate yourself.

Hou Yunyi thought deeply: I understand, but what I need is never about being unable to extricate myself, and it is also definitely not about cause and effect.

When I came here on this trip, I did not enter the Netherworld Sea. You are here. Do you not know that there is another space point on the ancient stone tablet?

When Zhuge Qingchen heard this, his eyes sharpened and he said: You

Hou Yunyi said: The forbidden area of ​​the Qingqiu Fox Clan's ancestral land is called the Xuejie Ancient Land. I need to revive the jade fox's talent in the Xuejie Ancient Land, activate the jade fox bloodline, and complete the inheritance and transformation of the nine-tailed sky fox.

Moreover, I need to worship my ancestors at the Xuejia Ancient Temple.

At present, the world is changing drastically, and the Xuecheng Ancient Temple, including the entrance to the Xuechang Ancient Land, is the only space point left on the Canggu Stone Stele that is the most stable.

While speaking, Hou Yunyi's eyes were completely locked on Zhuge Qingchen's face.

It seemed that once Zhuge Qingchen refused, she would immediately turn against him.

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