I pretend to be a fortune teller in a fantasy world

Chapter 1090: Testing each other, the oriole behind the scenes

Li Juan uses the feeding method for many causes and effects.

As long as the eyes of the strange woman she feeds can be absorbed by Hu Chen and become her heart eyes, then to her, Hu Chen will be like a fish that has bitten the bait, almost unable to escape.

However, both Hu Chen and Li Juan are extremely confident people. They believe that they have a corresponding set of traditions that can break through various traps, use their tricks, and play with the enemy in applause.

But who wants to play with whom, and who can play with whom, all depends on the final methods of both parties.

For Hu Chen, it doesn't actually matter what the origin of the glass beads was before the Heart's Eye was refined into the Heart's Eye.

It doesn't even matter whether the enemy deliberately dropped the glass bead or not. He thinks that his mind is invincible, so he doesn't need to care about it when necessary. He is even willing to show a slight tendency to be tricked, so as to make it easier for the enemy to take advantage of others. Add more delicious glass beads.

The same is true for Li Juan.

In her opinion, others may not be able to completely control it, but she has a special understanding of the strange woman's eyes, and has an in-depth study of the Tao in them. The glazed beads derived from them, or the divine source beads, are absolutely It has strong rooting and parasitic abilities.

There have been no accidents so far for those who thought they could gain benefits from this and pretended to take advantage of the situation. They all became her foundation for bargain hunting and became examples of her success.

At this time, after Li Juan noticed Hou Yunyi's change, she felt equally unhappy.

Therefore, after weighing the situation, she also drew some causes and effects and prepared to make things a little bigger.

As for Hou Yunyi's special consciousness occupying the top, breaking away from some control?

Li Juan was more expectant.

Since you can't pull it, let's just let it go and let it go. Yun Shiyin, Yun Shiyin, it would be fine if you didn't jump out, but now that you have jumped out, this time I will maximize all your value. alright.

I am worried that the Hou Yunyi I created before is still lacking in many aspects, and it is even more seriously lacking in heritage. Now your appearance is just a way to make up for it.

Li Juan took this matter very seriously and was very satisfied.

It seems that Hou Yunyi's failure to go to Xuejiao Ancient Temple not only did not ruin her plan, but actually made her plan more complete.

Deep in the sea of ​​elves, there is a gap in time and space.

Su Li did not observe the changes in the timeline even though he was in a very extreme state at this time.

This extreme state allows him to easily detect changes in the timeline, and can even have a traction effect on some changes in the timeline due to his powerful abilities.

It can be said that as long as he does it, he can lead to some changes in the timeline, and even participate in it.

This is a very scary thing, and it also shows from the side that Su Li's ability is very invincible.

But instead of doing this, Su Li didn't even touch the induction, traction or even any related information.

It is impossible for him to improve his own abilities and then have some kind of mysterious contact with the timeline.

This will only put his future into a state of great passivity.

Of course, you can do whatever you want at this time and control many causes and effects, but this is only a situation that occurs when those at the top have their attention taken away.

What's even more frightening is that Su Li has already caused a series of system causes and effects before, and what is needed at this time is stability.

In a stable state, just watch all these changes.

As for the cause and effect of the separated Su Wangchen, as well as the cause and effect of the shadow-like clone, we just need to wait for the result.

At this time, if you don't do it, you won't make mistakes. The more you covet various causes and effects, the more you will be in trouble.

Su Li, Su Wangchen's side has stirred up the situation in all directions, and several big players have also participated in it and took action directly.

The immortal light blue voice sounded in Su Li's heart.

And as her voice appeared in Su Li's mind, the Huangji Jingshi Book in Su Li's meditative state almost contained many of Su Wangchen's causal experiences in the world of restricted memory.

Su Li did not take the initiative to peek, but his powerful divine calculation ability, through the subsystem and other abilities of the simulator, and the weird divine soul detection technique, directly presented all the cause and effect in the Huangji Jingshi Book .

With the Huangji Jingshi Book, especially the Huangji Jingshi Book that has experienced the power of Tianji Divine Calculation, Su Wangchen's cause and effect have all become the underlying information of the system.

His every move and everything are inseparable.

Everything that happened to Su Wangchen was the cause and effect caused by Su Li.

The main thing is to understand the initial cause and effect of Emperor Wang, as well as some of the changing trends of the initial prodigal.

But this will not be noticed by the sluts, because everything is natural.

Su Li just pulled it, which was equivalent to a catalyst that catalyzed and boosted it. After that, Su Li never really interfered.

This is also the case, so that everything can be seen clearly.

Well, let's wait for their results. Some of the changes simulated by Su Wangchen's simulator are very clear.

Su Li responded to Immortal Qinglan.

Immortal Qianlan nodded slightly and explained: From this point of view, Li Juan actually did have a deeper plan, but she didn't expect that she hunted so many strange women's eyes and then refined them into Glass beads, and use them to feed Hu Chen’s inner eye and Taoism.”

Su Li said: This is indeed very unexpected, but if you think about it carefully, this is indeed something she can do.

But these two beings really met each other's eyes.

Hearing this, Immortal Qinglan couldn't help but look slightly more excited. Yes, these two people, one vicious, one narrow-minded, one perverse and violent, and the other twisted and selfish, have indeed met their eyes.

This is the legendary scumbag girl and scumbag man. They are truly a match made in heaven, a truly perfect match.

Immortal Qianlan said softly: The key now is that Hu Chen probably doesn't know that Li Juan has penetrated his mind. Once he knows, he is afraid that he will drain his salary and Jin Chan will shed a lot of his background. We also don't have it at the moment. Dig it out.

Such a character is indeed bottomless.

Su Li said: People like Li Juan are generally not absolutely sure and will never take action. Moreover, under the current situation, she still needs to use Hu Chen to do things, so she will not take action to hunt Hu Chen yet. .

Many things have not been properly handled.

At most, this time is just a trial of cause and effect.

What's more, it is actually aimed at the many causes and effects of the world of heavenly rules in the great plane of the Tower of Babel.

Both Hu Chen and Li Juan must know this.

It seems that there is no need to worry about this aspect for the time being.

Su Li thought for a while and gave a corresponding analysis.

Indeed, if Li Juan can secretly control Hu Chen, or have the ability to buy Hu Chen at the bottom, then this guy will really have no retreat.

When the time comes, Li Juan will definitely take advantage of his illness to kill him.

There is no doubt about this.

The only thing to watch is how much heritage Hu Chen has left behind.

In addition, what position does Hu Chen, the pure son of Tianyan God left behind by Hu Chen, occupy, how many causes and effects are involved, and what is the ultimate purpose of retaining such a promiscuous but kind-hearted son of Tianyan God Hu Chen? What?

Is it just for energy recovery after countless bad experiences?

Or do you want to win with this?

Anyway, no matter what, his side will not lose blood?

Su Li thought about this matter quite deeply.

This is something that he has not analyzed thoroughly yet, and he vaguely feels that this may be the most important point.

While pondering, Su Li still passed these judgments to Immortal Qinglan in the form of information.

Sure enough, Immortal Light Blue also had corresponding thoughts, and the time was not short either.

Su Li.

After some calculations, Immortal Light Blue collected a lot of information about the system and made a comparative analysis.

In the end, the causal direction of Hu Chen, the son of Tianyan God, pointed directly to Zhuge Qingchen, and even to him, Su Li.

Although this is only the result calculated by Immortal Light Blue.

But Su Li was certain of the strength of today's system.

Under such a determination, the accuracy of the system's results may be astonishing.

This means that the prodigal Hu Chen left behind a so-called Tianyan God Son Hu Chen, leaving behind this meritorious avatar similar to the source of hope. The meaning of this is most likely

Su Li, according to calculations, the purpose of this clone, or the real body Hu Chen, is to completely replace you after erasing your existence on the timeline.

In other words, Hu Chen, who is similar to the source of hope, is completely the master's substitute.

Or maybe he is Zhuge Qingchen's substitute.

This is a cause and effect that can be chosen in both directions, a cause and effect that can swing.

At present, it is still in a state of inaction. Once needed, this swing can hit the target with one hit, and then quickly cover the cause and effect, refining the virtual and returning to the real.

Immortal Light Blue revealed the result and passed it on to Su Li.

This is the same as Su Li's judgment.

But even if he knew this situation, Su Li couldn't take action easily, let alone destroy Hu Chen's merit clone or body in advance.

Because before this meritorious avatar or the main body does anything such as causing wrath and resentment, Su Li's own status as a human emperor has certain shackles.

It is impossible for Su Li to determine his life and death without cause and effect for a person who does meritorious deeds by doing nothing.

Although I know this is very likely to be the case, after knowing the result, I am indeed a little tired of his wolfish ambition.

Su Li spoke in a deep voice, but soon, he felt relieved again.

Now that we have seen all this clearly, the next step is to see how Hu Chen continues to perform.

This is also the case with Li Juan.

It is still unclear who will win.

If it were before, Su Li would indeed have to worry about a lot of things, but now, he only needs to watch with cold eyes.


On the Netherworld Sea, streaks of black light boiled from time to time, rising into the sky and bringing up huge waves.

Among the waves, there were broken bones rippling with the water ripples.

These withered bones are long and thin. Just from their shape and structure, it can be seen that these are the bones of some slender and exquisite female monks.

However, these ice muscles and jade bones that were originally as white as jade, or as crystal clear as fairy bones, have now turned into gray-black colors with dark brown and green spots and emit a strange, rotten smell. Dry bones.

These bones were originally the core raw materials for building bone warships.

At this time, it was all broken into pieces and scattered in pieces among the waves.

On a coast of the Netherworld Sea, on a black and white path, under a dark and dim light, Zhuge Qingchen's figure gradually condensed.

Soon, he raised his head and looked into the distance. In the distance was the dark Netherworld Sea.

All around were pale, bare barren mountains.

The black and white environment, like white mountains and black water, gives people a cold and depressing illusion.

You're still here? It seems that after all, there are still people who don't want me to lift some of the shackles of cause and effect.

This was originally the last hope, but they couldn't see it. All they saw were benefits, only in front of them.

After this opportunity is lost, I'm afraid there will be no chance again.

Zhuge Qingchen murmured to himself, seemingly not caring whether such words would be spied on or heard.

After he murmured, the figure continued to move forward, but every step became extra determined and practical.

At the same time, all his melancholy, desolation and loneliness completely dissipated at this moment.

Then, as he moved forward step by step, his aura was rising rapidly, and his combat power and aura became extremely powerful, deep, and terrifying.


Between heaven and earth, mysterious thunder sounds surrounded his body from time to time, seeming to be resonating and communicating with each other.

But only Zhuge Qingchen himself knows this.

Soon, Zhuge Qingchen's figure stood directly on the Netherworld Sea.

No matter how the withered bones around him surged along with the huge waves, they could not get close to Zhuge Qingchen's body.

They may even be driven away by themselves and stay away.


In the distance, an ancient ghost ship sailed quietly.

This ship is not big, only two meters wide and three or four meters long.

After this ship appeared, the bow began to look very dull, and everything on it could not be seen clearly.

Gradually, two blood-red lanterns appeared.

Later, the entire cabin also showed some clues. Under the reflection of the blood-red lantern, it looked a little dark red and a little strange.

Then, as the ship gradually approached, the mysterious figure gradually solidified between the two blood-red lanterns.

This person was none other than Su Wangchen, who had not entered through the Canggu Stone Monument before but had taken a different route.

At this time, Su Wangchen obviously did not expect that in front of the ancient Netherworld ship he was riding on, there would be a person standing quietly on the water waves, blocking his way.

I spared your life before.

Su Wangchen spoke softly, with a terrifying and fierce murderous intent in his words.

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