I pretend to be a fortune teller in a fantasy world

Chapter 1087: Daydreaming, taking credit in dreams

In Hou Yunyi's eyes, Jiang Luan was really gone.

Jiang Luan didn't notice that Hou Yunyi's eyes changed after she left.

It was a look of regret and helplessness, and it was also a look that was very difficult to let go.

It's like witnessing the betrayal of someone close to you.

I thought you could be her. You also have the special physique of Xuanyin's holy body, but you still can't be her after all.

Hou Yunyi murmured softly, and all the sighs originating from her heart fell into the induction of Su Wangchen's Tianji Soul Appraisal Technique.

Including Jiang Luan's memory projection, it actually came from the Tianji Soul Appraisal Technique.

But Jiang Luan obviously didn't know Hou Yunyi's inner thoughts.

Therefore, when Su Wangchen noticed this situation, he paid more attention to the Tianji Soul Discrimination Technique from the simulator.

This ability to peer into other people's hearts, if used properly, is invincible.

Perhaps, this kind of scene, which is similar to the residual soul and the projection of memory, can be used in it.

While Su Wangchen was deep in thought, he thought of stories like wall painting.

At the same time, he thought of the cause and effect such as one flower, one world, one leaf, one bodhi.

Therefore, after listening to Hou Yunyi's thoughts, Su Wangchen had some special thoughts in his mind.


Su Wangchen called out in his heart.

But he did not open the simulator panel.

Immortal light blue.

At this time, Su Wangchen tried calling again in his heart, but he also did not open the simulator.

While pondering, Su Wangchen began to try to maintain an ethereal state of mind with great concentration, and then meditated on the scene before the simulator.

This time, the process was very difficult at the beginning, but soon, he gradually gathered the panels of Namo Lake.

The panel mold is unclear, but it can still be vaguely condensed, but in this case, it looks like the simulator is out of power.

Just like a mobile phone that will shut down at any time, it is the kind of extreme state that can be woken up but the power is insufficient.

The overdraft of 100,000 Tianji points itself is not a big problem. The big problem is that after the simulator is overdrawn, all aspects of the simulator's functions are in a state of chaos and collapse.

So, in this case, can the various functions of the simulator be hacked or even penetrated?

Perhaps, it is really possible.

The simulator may be similar to a person's body. If a person is physically weak and mentally depressed, at this time, the person can easily encounter some dirty things, attract bad luck, or even get sick and be affected by wind evil. Invasion.

Compared to simulators, same thing.

Only when you are rich, powerful and powerful can you be confident and impressive.

While Su Wangchen was deep in thought, he gradually became aware of some secrets, some of the core intrusion secrets about this simulator.

So, if there are other beings like me, if they also have special golden fingers like simulators, and want to seize them and be swallowed by my simulator, then they can use a similar method , so that the opponent's simulator is heavily in debt and in an incomplete state, weak state, or in a state of paranoid development, distorted development, so that the invasion can be easily successful.

Su Wangchen gradually had an answer in his mind.

And when this answer appeared, the Tianji Soul Detection Technique he learned also conveyed an indescribable sense of peace of mind.

It's like this is the core method of invasion.

Su Wangchen thought for a long time, and then stopped his distracting thoughts.

Then, he tried to sense the amount of secret value remaining in the simulator.

Sure enough, this time he vaguely sensed that the number was over one million!

Tianjizui is in debt of over one million!

More than 3.7 million?

Have you burned so many secret points?

Fortunately, after Jiang Luan was killed by me, a lot of his secret points were filled. If not, the simulator would have completely shut down.

In other words, at least it won't be awakened again for a short period of time, and then it will be completely lost because I don't know it exists.

Su Wangchen felt a little heavy as he was burdened with more than three million Tianji points, and he even felt his scalp numb.

This is the severe loss caused by the simulator losing control after the third simulation.

The simulation lasted too long, and the many causes and effects made him tremble, fearful, and deeply uneasy.

Although many memories were blurred, he understood the cause and effect in his heart.

After Su Wangchen thought for a while, he was once again immersed in the projection of Tianji Soul Divination Technique.

Afterwards, he thought for a while, and then tried to use his memories to converge into the dream world, and use the projection in the Tianji Soul Appraisal Technique to induce changes similar to the Eighty-nine Mysterious Techniques and introduce them into the dream world.

When he tried this, he was unsuccessful at first because the projected scene was easily broken.

The result of the collapse is the collapse of the dream.

But in countless dream scenes similar to daydreaming, Su Wangchen finally used his strange mind's eye ability to root this kind of projection into his own dream.

Then, after his dream world stabilized, Su Wangchen did something.

In the dream, he seemed to be like the way of heaven, directly meditating on the Eight-nine Mysterious Techniques, and then planned to instill these into Jiang Luan after he left.

During the period after Jiang Luan left Hou Yunyi and before going to the Silent Ancient Temple in Luoxia Desolate Mountain, nothing happened in reality during that period.

But in the dream world where Su Wangchen was daydreaming, Jiang Luan was intercepted by Su Wangchen's direct projection.

Su Suli?

Jiang Luan in the dream was still the same Jiang Luan before he confessed his love.

Therefore, Jiang Luan still doesn't have the heartbreak and loneliness that he felt after falling out of love.

Su Wangchen.

Su Wangchen spoke directly.

Jiang Luan was killed once by him.

Now he has no worries.

Not to mention, this world is a virtual reality dream world he constructed, which is just a daydream.

When a person dreams, does one need rules in the dream?

Not required.

An uninhibited and indulgent person, in his dream, would naturally be lawless and do whatever he wants to be happy.

Su Wangchen thought the same thing.

At the same time, he did the same.


For Su Wangchen, everything is virtual. In his dream, he can do everything he wants.

Close your eyes and I'll teach you the skills. I like obedient women.

Su Wangchen spoke directly.

When his eyes were locked on Jiang Luan, there was a strange light in his eyes.

Jiang Luan was a little frightened, but thinking about his decision, he nodded timidly and closed his eyes.

Her body was still trembling slightly, and everything was as real as if it were in reality.

But after all, this is just Su Wangchen's dream world. It is nothing more than the creation of this dream world, which comes from Jiang Luan's inner memory projection scene peeked into by the Tianji Soul Appraisal Technique.

Based on the projection of Jiang Luan's memory scenes, Su Wangchen built a virtual world out of his own dreams.

The virtual world is also a small world.

In this small world, there are only a few simple characters.

Hou Yunyi, Jiang Luan, and Su Wangchen.

Therefore, there is no need to expend much mental energy.

In addition, the world constructed conforms to world factors and contains world rules, which are the memory projections from Jiang Luan.

Therefore, even if this world is a daydreaming world, it is still extremely real.

But for Su Wangchen, the more he experiences the reality and the more effective it is, the more he feels a sense of accomplishment.

This is the special use of Tianji Soul Divination Technique.

I would like to call this ability the strongest!

It's so invincible!

It's so confusing!

Much more invincible than a life simulation!

While Su Wangchen was thinking, seeing Jiang Luan's timid appearance, some thoughts in his heart suddenly became crazy.

But he still held back for the time being.

He first taught Jiang Luan eighty-nine mystical skills.

In reality, the Eighty-nine Mysterious Skills that he recovered from his memory were only at the level of proficiency.

But here, the Eighty-nine Mysterious Skills he imagined had reached a level of perfection.

Then at this level, he directly imparted it to Jiang Luan like an initiation.

Jiang Luan was immediately like Nirvana, all his blood and talents were activated by such terrifying Eight-nine Mysterious Techniques.

What is the Eight-nine Mysterious Skills?

That is a truly invincible magical power!

It contains the golden light that penetrates the earth, the law of the sky and the earth, the seventy-two transformations, riding the fog and soaring into the clouds, the soul leaving the body, Yang Jian using the eight or nine yuan skills to escape the soul, and the indestructible body of the Vajra, etc. All these magical powers come from these eight Jiu Xuan Gong, it can be seen that this magical power is all-encompassing and contains all kinds of magical powers and spells!

Based on the Taoist theory of the inner elixir, he practices the golden elixir path. After completing nine turns, he can strip away all the yin in the acquired world and fully reveal the innate yang.

Refining the three innate souls and seven souls, and returning them to one after nine transformations, the golden elixir will last forever and become a great way, the soul will never be separated, and the body will be indestructible in all calamities!

Su Wangchen's current inheritance of this kind of skill is only perfect, but at this time, in his imagination, he has reached a level where the soul will never be separated and the skill body will be indestructible!

After such a construction method is presented, give Jiang Luan the initiation, no matter what physique or bloodline Jiang Luan has, all the talents will break all the shackles in an instant, and the pheasant will turn into a phoenix!


At this time, a catastrophe was born in the sky.

Heavenly tribulation?

There was contempt in Su Wangchen's eyes.

With one thought, the flowers bloom and rule the world!

In an instant, Su Wangchen imagined two sword souls condensing in his eyes. Yes, sword souls.

He mainly practices the art of sword fighting.

But in his imagination, it was the Supreme Ten Thousand Swords.

Therefore, in the eye boy in his fantasy, what is concentrated is the skill of sword control, the way of sword control, and the invincible murderous intention of the sword.

A sword came out.

The storm is gone.

The world is broken.

The calamity kneels down.

The light of one sword chilled nineteen continents.

The two rays of light from the sword's eyes merged into one, forming a supremely killing sword.

Breaking the endless shackles of the sun and the moon, all the laws in the world will be destroyed, and they will all kneel down and tremble.

In this kind of imagination, the world was stunned with fear.

But Su Wangchen didn't care.

After Jiang Luan transformed, he turned into an immortal phoenix like a pheasant.

At this time, Jiang Luan suddenly realized the art of nirvana and rebirth.

This method of nirvana was reversely sensed by Su Wangchen.

Therefore, Jiang Luan immediately took the initiative to offer the cultivation method of nirvana and rebirth with great piety, and taught him back and passed it on to Su Wangchen.

This is like repaying the cause and effect, and it is like settling the cause and effect, and it is even more like the complementarity and complementarity between the two parties.

Fairy Wood Romance

After Su Wangchen realized the art of Nirvana and Rebirth, he still felt that such things imagined in dreams were still a little weak, even if they were based on Jiang Luan's talent awakening memory inheritance.

Therefore, he once again fantasized that on this basis, Jiang Luan would achieve enlightenment in the chaotic void for a hundred thousand years!

He understood the art of nirvana and rebirth and transformed it countless times to form a brand new technique.

Later, Jiang Luan wanted to pass on this technique to Su Wangchen.

After such fantasy, as expected, Jiang Luan soon experienced various changes.

Eventually, Jiang Luan became very powerful and terrifying.

At this time, Jiang Luan seemed to be out of control. She seemed to find that she was living in someone else's dream, and that her own existence was just a lie, like a manipulated puppet, a fantasy of nothingness.

But Su Wangchen didn't give her this chance.

Jiang Luan relied on his instinct and preached to Su Wangchen.

This time, the technique after the ultimate transformation of the Nirvana Rebirth Technique is the Ninth Transformation of Nirvana. Every time you die, your strength, ability and combat power will show an extremely terrifying multiple increase!

After acquiring such a miraculous skill and a superb level of initiation and inheritance, Su Wangchen was also a little shocked and a little shocked.

This is like a bottomless pit of cheating, very scary.

But unfortunately, all this is feasible!

Yes, because even if he was just daydreaming, the skills he learned in the dream world, the superb Nirvana Nine Transformations skills, actually existed, and it really allowed him to reach this level of proficiency!

Su Wangchen's body has undergone several distortions and changes due to the inheritance of the Nine Transformations of Nirvana. His stature has become much taller, his temperament has become much deeper, and his abilities have also been greatly improved.

After Su Wangchen gradually calmed down, he wanted to continue to squeeze Jiang Luan's value like this.

But Jiang Luan's life has inexplicably reached the end of one hundred thousand years, which seems to be the end of his life.

Even the ultimate nirvana method with the nine transformations of nirvana is still ineffective.

In order to avoid wasting it, Su Wangchen said no more. After a thought came to his mind, Jiang Luan immediately seemed to be controlled by his mind and became more willing.

She took the initiative to kneel on the ground, with her back to Su Wangchen.

Su Wangchen, on the other hand, walked over unceremoniously, with an extremely wild attitude

Jiang Luan died of bliss.

At least that's what happened in daydreams.

Such a physique and such a process also gave Su Wangchen unimaginable pleasure.

Huang Liang Yimeng?

Perhaps this word has become meaningless in this world.

In this world, dreams are no longer yellow beams, nor are they imaginary, but a real world where resources can be harvested infinitely!


“Very good!”

Su Wangchen was extremely satisfied.

But this dream is not over yet.

Because in the dream, the one hundred thousand years was not what he experienced, but the one hundred thousand years that Jiang Luan had experienced when he was sent to the world of dreams within dreams.

But in the dream, not much time passes.

This time, Su Wangchen was going to use the same method to defeat Yunyi!

First, it will take a hundred thousand years to cultivate all her Tao to the extreme, and then let it be initiated into me, and then combine it with her Tao, and nourish it until death, so that she can become a ghost!

When Su Wangchen thought of this, a wild and unbridled smile appeared on his lips.

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