I pretend to be a fortune teller in a fantasy world

Chapter 1086: This heart, the death of Jiang Luan

Jiang Luan looked at Su Wangchen blankly.

She thought about many consequences, but she never thought that the knife in Su Wangchen's hand might one day stab her chest.

At that moment, her eyes shrank and her heart felt like a knife. Although Su Wangchen's knife did not pierce, it did not penetrate into her heart.

But at this time, what is the difference between piercing it and not piercing it?

She thought she wouldn't care, but when this scene unfolded, she found that her heart was so painful that she couldn't breathe.

“My heart hurts so much that I can’t breathe.

I can't find the traces you left.

Looking at you helplessly,

But there is nothing I can do,

Let you disappear at the end of the world,

I can't find a reason to be strong,

I can no longer feel your tenderness,

Tell me where the starry sky is,

Is there an end there?”

At this time, inexplicably, there seemed to be a mysterious voice singing in Jiang Luan's mind.

It was as if this song could suddenly penetrate her soul and reach the depths of her soul.

She even couldn't help but want to sing, but she couldn't make a sound.

When she once had Su Wangchen or Su Li within easy reach, she didn't take it seriously. Her eyes were filled with contempt and disdain. She felt that Su Xuan from the Su family was so heroic and possessed the qualities of a strange man. Unparalleled charm.

But now, that Su Xuan is vulnerable and nothing more than a piece of trash.

He is far from being as high-spirited, as deep as the abyss, as domineering and unruly as Su Wangchen is today, possessing the peerless charm and heroic spirit of a strange man.

But these are no longer things she can obtain.

An indescribable emotion grew in her soul.

Brother Wangchen

Jiang Luan spoke tremblingly again, with tears in his eyes, looking particularly lonely and lost.

No need to say any more, let's go. As I said, just forget about each other in the world. From now on, we will never see each other again.

Su Wangchen's tone became more determined.

His eyes were cold and very clear at the same time.

The clear eyes seemed to have everything but lacked emotion.

Seeing such a boy with such eyes, Jiang Luan's heart trembled again, and then his pretty face turned pale.

At that moment, her body was shaking and her eyes were filled with tears, but she also lowered her head silently.

Some uncontrollable factors still seem to develop according to some unattainable cause and effect.

She didn't know, but she really didn't want this to happen.

She wanted to fight and struggle, but she was powerless.

I'm leaving, but I still want to say the last thing, Brother Wangchen, I hope you can give me this opportunity.

Or, if you don't want to see me again in the future, this time will be our last farewell.

Jiang Luan said, and then murmured softly: Farewell poem, two or three lines, who will sing it for me on the road to hell? If I can die beside you, my journey to this world will not be in vain.

When Su Wangchen heard this, he thought about it and narrowed his eyes slightly.

He did not respond to Jiang Luan immediately, nor did he have any emotional fluctuations.

But in his heart, there was already a storm.

Just because of what Jiang Luan said

This is a lyric!

These are the lyrics of a song called Farewell Poem in China in the past.

Moreover, this is one of Luo Yan's favorite songs.

If Jiang Luan hadn't said these words, Su Wangchen might not be afraid.

But Jiang Luan actually

He actually said this sentence.

Whether she is a time traveler or not

There was no way Su Wangchen could tolerate her.

Su Wangchen had murderous intentions in his heart several times. He wanted to prove something, but was afraid to prove it.

A fantasy world, such a cruel world

If there is only one time traveler, there is no doubt that it must be similar to the protagonist.

But if there are two

And if one of them even loses his golden finger, then all the luck will definitely be with the other person.

Su Wangchen had some hesitation in his heart and had some other ideas.

Su Wangchen pondered for a moment and then said: What do you mean by this? Does it mean that you don't want to live anymore after you don't have love?

Jiang Luan didn't answer immediately, as if he hadn't heard Su Wangchen's words, and still fell into a strange sluggish state.

Brother Wangchen, I really want to be with you, and stay away from the troubles of this world and become a pair of happy mandarin ducks.

Mandarin ducks and butterflies fly together. What a wonderful happiness.

Brother Wangchen, why are you unwilling to agree? For brother Wangchen, Xiaoluan will really give anything, including his life.

Brother Wangchen, Xiaoluan possesses a special demon-red lotus physique. Once this physique is combined with the Tao, it can achieve huge transformation in strength.

By the way, this demonic red lotus physique is also called the Xuanyin Holy Body of Creation. This physique can be of great help to Brother Wangchen.

Jiang Luan spoke again, and among her words, the sentence Mandarin ducks and butterflies fly together once again touched Su Wangchen's heart.

Su Wangchen took a deep look at Jiang Luan.

Originally, there were some decisions he did not make.

But this time, he suddenly realized that he had to do something.

Once upon a time, he no longer owed Luo Yan anything.

As for now, it doesn't matter whether Jiang Luan is Luo Yan or not.

Here, there were only him and Jiang Luan. His golden finger simulator was lost, and while he was kneeling in front of the ancient temple of death, Jiang Luan appeared next to him!

To say it doesn't matter, he really doesn't believe it.

Furthermore, those who achieve great things do not stick to trivial matters. There is and can only be one time traveler in this world, and that person must be him, Su Wangchen!

If you don't do it for yourself, you will be punished by heaven and earth!

He once gave everything for Luo Yan, but what was the result?

And now

Su Wangchen tried hard to convince himself.

At the same time, he also made up his mind.

When he looked at Jiang Luan again, there was a bit more complexity in his eyes.

Xiao Luan, I am very touched by your words, but I don't want to be with you at this moment.

Although I could indeed make huge improvements that way, I don't want to and can't do that.

This is very unfair to you.

In this case, let me give you a song. I hope you can understand it.

Of course, you don't have to understand, it doesn't matter.

As Su Wangchen said, his thoughts gathered together. Some of the seals in his body seemed to be broken inexplicably. The magical Eight-nine Mysterious Techniques naturally formed the art of transformation. The Shura Hell Scythe in his hand actually changed his waist. It turned into a guqin similar to a guitar.

Then he sang softly.

Fate comes and goes in the vast sea of ​​​​people, maybe it’s not that bad

At least I am becoming more and more aware that you must first understand before you can love

The words are dull but full of concern, no longer loving like a child

Our love is not overwhelming, but warm and practical

This heart is always with you, even if we can't be together every moment

Ready to fly at any time to share you or share you

This heart always needs you to determine the meaning of life

Those who can be understood and cherished will have dreams and courage

Don’t be afraid of each other and feel free, because the souls depend on each other

There is no need to say it out loud when you are touched, express it with true love

When the last note disappeared, Jiang Luan seemed to have some magical understanding in his eyes.

There were surprises, touches, and at the same time unspeakable fear.


These notes have all turned into blazing sword intent, which has already penetrated Jiang Luan's soul.

Jiang Luan's body was intact, but his soul had been attacked by countless swords and was riddled with holes.

In the end, Jiang Luan fell to the ground with tears in his eyes.

Jiang Luan is dead.

Su Wangchen's endless sword intent penetrated his soul, just like ten thousand swords piercing his body.

Sorry, I am indeed in love with you.

But I won't be passionate about any woman again, and there won't be any cause and effect like killing my son to become a disciple.

Although I don't remember those causes and effects, but some experiences, whether they are happening now or in the past, or will happen in the future, I will never let these causes and effects happen again.

If I were Emperor Wang, I would definitely kill the bitch first.

If I weren't Emperor Wang, I wouldn't give you the chance to be a bitch.

At least, you died innocently in my arms now. Life is innocent, and death is still innocent.

Your green body will sleep with the water of Wusang River.

Now, I will tell you the answer you want. Even now, I still love and still care. On the contrary, I used to care, but I didn't love.

In other words, that kind of love, from beginning to end, is just family affection, just the brother's concern and care for his sister, and has nothing to do with love.

A broken heart cannot be restored after all.

So, now I leave this beauty behind, I hope you can close your eyes and die without regrets.

If I, Su Wangchen, have a purpose, this time, by picking up the Hedao, I can indeed achieve great success in one step and reach an unimaginable level.

But I can't.

No matter who Su Wangchen is, he will never be that kind of unscrupulous person, at least not in front of the people he cares about.

Besides, for people like us, just one person is enough. And I understand that living is not a kind of happiness, but death is, so I bear this pain.

If you still don't close your eyes, you can gather your obsession and become a vicious spirit, and come to claim your life at any time.

Of course, if you do this, there will only be two results. First, I will surrender and let you slaughter and torture me, but I will never regret what I did today.

Second, you give up completely and keep smiling. Then, maybe on the last day, I will definitely let us have a perfect ending and smooth out such a cause and effect.

Su Wangchen murmured softly.

Then, he reached out and covered Jiang Luan, who still had tears in his eyes but his eyes were distracted.

Jiang Luan's eyes closed gently.

In the end, her warm but gradually cold body was still peaceful and picturesque, and there were still tears flowing from the corners of her closed eyes.

Maybe those tears are explaining that sometimes, if you take the wrong path, you really can never look back.

Su Wangchen picked up Jiang Luan's body and walked down the Luoxia Barren Mountain to the Wusang River.

The riverside was already full of bright red azaleas.

Su Wangchen weaved a flower bed with Du Juan flowers, placed Jiang Luan on the flower bed, and then put her into the Wusang River.

Soon the flower beds were carried by the wind and floating down the river.

Gradually, Su Wangchen could no longer see Jiang Luan's body.

After a long time, Su Wangchen calmed down.

The last trace of emotion in his eyes seemed to be completely cut off at this moment.

Has the cause and effect of the mind's eye been intercepted?

Actually, it doesn't matter.

Su Wangchen closed his eyes.

Then, the shadow of the Tianji Soul Discrimination Technique appeared in his mind.

Then, the Tianji Soul Discrimination Technique reappeared as if it had been activated.

In the Tianji Soul Appraisal Technique, a picture scroll appeared, or it was not a picture, but a dynamic scene.

That was the previous dynamic diagram of cause and effect between Jiang Luan and Hou Yunyi.

This is the cause and effect that the Tianji Soul Appraisal Technique glimpsed from Jiang Luan, and it was now activated because of Jiang Luan's death.

After the Tianji Soul Divination Technique was activated, there was no doubt that the simulator was back.

Or is it activated?

Or is it because Jiang Luan gained a large amount of secret points after his death, which gave the simulator energy or power?

Su Wangchen didn't care.

In fact, he was not excited or had any ups and downs in mood.

In that scene, Hou Yunyi was standing on a green hill in the form of a huge demon fox, looking at Jiang Luan quietly.

Xiao Luan, are you sure about your choice? Do you really plan to follow that special form of existence Su Wangchen?

Hou Yunyi's tone was a little cold and a little condescending, seeming very distant from Jiang Luan.

Before, she treated Jiang Luan as a sister, but now she is so aloof, so cold, and so distant.

It's no wonder Jiang Luan chose to leave.

At this time, Su Wangchen could feel Hou Yunyi's aloofness and the cold and ruthless fox attitude even through this projected dynamic scene.

Jiang Luan bit her lips lightly, and finally mustered up the courage and said, Yes, Miss, Xiao Luan has decided to follow Brother Wangchen. No matter what choice he makes, he will have no regrets.

Hou Yun said calmly: According to the cause and effect judgment of the Great Reincarnation Technique, if you go here, you will be almost dead and there will be no possibility of surviving!

Of course, the way to overcome the disaster is not to go.

As long as you go there, you will be involved in an unknown disaster, and your end will be extremely miserable.

Jiang Luan's eyes showed an extremely firm light: Xiao Luan believes in him, and Xiao Luan has always had a very strange and special feeling in his heart that he is the only Taoist companion in Xiao Luan's heart who is willing to rely on him for the rest of his life.

Hou Yunyi said: I have advised you three times, but I insist on not doing anything less than three times. The third time I thought about this period of time, our sisterly bond was born.

Now, you are willing to pay the price of your life for a man who is not worthy of it

Forget it, just go ahead.

As long as you regret not opening your heart completely to him before or after meeting him, I will be there to pick you up at any time.

Jiang Luan pursed his lips and said firmly: Xiao Luan, I won't regret it.

Hou Yunyi took a deep look at Jiang Luan, sighed, turned around and said, Let's go.

Remember the vertex in 1 second:

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