I pretend to be a fortune teller in a fantasy world

Chapter 1085 Yan Luo’s cause and effect, Wangchen’s transformation

Without the simulator, he immediately realized the seriousness of the problem.

He has realized that this matter must have a lot to do with the original indigenous person Su Li.

Something did go wrong this time. I feel like I have lost something very important and precious.

What the hell is this thing?

I have to find that Su Li and get back what belongs to me.

While Su Wangchen was thinking about it, his eyes fell on Xiao Luan.

Looking at Xiaoluan, his original love for her was obviously softened at this time.

It seems that I didn't like him that much now.

Brother Wangchen, I was just worried that something was wrong with you, so I came to see you. I know that day.

Jiang Luan seemed to have thought of something and wanted to mention something.

Su Wangchen suddenly said: What about that day? Everything has nothing to do with me. Okay, there is no need to say more about this matter.

Su Wangchen said, and then said: Su family, you should not be too close to each other. In fact, the Su family are not good people.

Hearing this, Jiang Luan looked at Su Wangchen in surprise and said, Brother Wangchen, the Su family was almost gone that day. Could it be that brother Wangchen has forgotten it?

Su Wangchen looked slightly stunned, and then immediately recalled the situation that day. How much time had passed, he actually had no idea.

In his mind, maybe this happened yesterday, but it seemed like it happened several eras ago.

He always thought that the Su family would still exist and would not be destroyed so easily.

This was just a subconscious judgment, and even vaguely, he felt that the Su family hid a truly huge danger and crisis.

However, he also thought a lot at this time.

Speaking of many things at this time, what is the use to Xiaoluan, that is, Jiang Luan?

It's not that I forgot, it's just that. It seems that you have made your choice? Are you not going to continue to follow her?

Su Wangchen's eyes fell on Jiang Luan's face again.

This face seemed to be more to his liking, and he liked it very much, and even inexplicably gave birth to a scene where the other party had cried under him many times.

Su Wangchen laughed dumbly, then sighed softly and continued to remain silent.

He was very self-deprecating about his inexplicable appearance of Qinian.

I don't know, I just, just want to see you. I know, I was really annoying before, but at that time, I didn't know at all that the so-called annoying was just caring.

But after I left with the lady, without you, this annoying person, I felt a little lost.

Jiang Luan spoke softly, as shyly as a shy girl in love.

That kind of beauty, under the sunshine at this time, is frozen in such a moment like a picture scroll.

Su Wangchen's eyes froze instinctively, just as a camera locked onto this moment, making this scene an eternal image.



Is the soul out of control?

Su Wangchen murmured in his heart, and the next moment, his heart suddenly felt a sharp pain, as if it was about to burst.

But at this moment, a real crack appeared in the center of his heart. In the crack, a dark, terrifying eye actually grew.

The dark eyes look very bright, but unfortunately, others cannot see or know.

But Su Wangchen himself could not only see it, but even know it.

There was darkness in the depths of his bright red heart.

This is true black heart.

But this black thing is not the real heart, but the black-eyed child born after the heart is split.

When Su Wangchen sensed it, it was as if he was looking at the dark-eyed child.

At that moment, his whole body felt suffocated. Therefore, he discovered the problem with his eyes at this moment.

This is the mind's eye!

There is something wrong with this mind!

Su Wangchen realized the cause and effect almost instantly, and immediately recovered some of the lost memories.

I lost my simulator!

The damn natives took away my simulator? And also harvested and erased my memory?

If so, let's see if there is a protector named Immortal Light Blue there.

Su Wangchen's heart was like thunder. As a time traveler, he lost his system in the third simulation. This made him extremely painful and even felt that his future was bleak.

Before, after awakening the consciousness of the time traveler and discovering that he had a golden finger simulator, he never thought that he would lose his golden finger, let alone that he would be so unbearable, and even knelt down inexplicably. In this deserted ancient temple.

But now, after he realized it, he realized that something might have gone too far during the simulation process, leaving some unknown flaws that were discovered.

It seems that I still can't be too arrogant for the time being. Fortunately, I have gained endless years of experience and strong strength. I only retained the realm for three years during the previous simulation, and I have reached the terrifying realm of the ninth level of Nascent Soul Realm in one step. .

Moreover, it is also the condensed Great Yin-Yang and Five Elements Holy Infant of Creation!

This is the most top-notch Nascent Soul!

This state is already about to touch the infant transformation!

Forget it, I'll just hide my weakness first.

Su Wangchen pondered, and then he got rid of the influence of the deep-eyed child in his heart and returned to normal.

Then, he looked at Jiang Luan calmly and said: Xiao Luan, you should go back to find your lady. The current me is incomplete after all, and I still have goals.

I want to grow up gradually and become one of those top-notch geniuses, not just a child.

I understand what you mean, and I accept your intention.

But I'm sorry, I can't promise you, let alone become a Taoist companion with you.

From now on, we part ways and forget each other in the world.

While Su Wangchen was speaking, his hand gently grasped the Asura Hell Scythe.

This time, his hand holding the knife was very heavy, and his eyes looked very firm.

Saying these words, he did feel a little inexplicable heartache.

But he didn't want to regret it.

As a time traveler, he would never give up the entire forest for a woman.


As far as he is concerned, unless his heart is moved by the pledge of eternal loyalty until death, nothing else will move his heart anymore.

Deep in his memory, some memories before the time travel were also vaguely loose.

All I can say is that it is a somewhat sad story.

It was a girl named Luo Yan.

That is also the goddess in his heart.

Of course, that Luo Yan is not a real goddess because she was born in a mountain village and her family environment is very poor.

At that time, he and she were classmates.

His grades were good, but hers were better.

So later on, he gave up his studies, and then went to work to earn money without hesitation, and trained her through college and graduate school.

However, changes in the environment and some differences between the two parties prevented the relationship between the two from becoming lovers. He did not say that, nor did he think too much.

In fact, it's just that she resembles her dead sister Su Ling, that's all.

It's just that spiritual sustenance is like this sometimes.

Even though he didn't think so, she thought he did, so she gradually became repelled, disgusted, and even disgusted.

He doesn't care whether Luo Yan will repay him, because he has no other purpose for giving.

But when he found out that the boyfriend she was secretly dating was a scumbag with a good reputation but a bad reputation, he couldn't help but persuade her.

But Luo Yan, who was dazzled by love, not only did not recognize his words, but suspected that he was following her and investigating her.

He tried to explain, but in the end he said nothing.

After that, he helped her solve fatal dangers such as being betrayed and framed three times more, but she felt that it was just his plan.

The tramps who framed her deliberately came to him at a certain point to ask for money, and said that they would not help him humiliate Luo Yan. They broke his legs, made him kneel in front of them, and even cut his face. When you are disfigured

He was about to kneel on the ground and be beaten like a dead dog. At that time, out of the corner of his eye, he saw Luo Yan's aloof and indifferent face.

After the group of homeless people left, Luo Yan was wearing high heels, making a clicking sound when she stepped on the bright ground.

A bundle of money was taken out of her bag and hit him in the face.

The money was scattered all over the floor and soaked with his blood.

Your kindness is not worthy of my repayment. You should use these ten thousand yuan to heal your conscience.

Luo Yan turned around coldly and got into a bright red 911.

The roar of the engine faded into the distance.

At that moment, he knew that Luo Yan was not his sister Su Ling after all.

At that time, his heart was indeed completely extinguished and completely dead.

She is not her after all.

Su Wangchen remembered that his name at that time was Su Xia.

After that happened, what was his life like? He was already a little confused.

But in his memory, he knew a little about Luo Yan's subsequent cause and effect.

It seems that after being cheated by that boyfriend and then being humiliated in various ways by the young men in the circle, he contracted a terminal illness.

In the end, her body was covered with all kinds of malignant sores. When she returned to her hometown, the old father who used to pick up wine bottles lived in a very nice little mansion, but it was not built with her dirty money.

That was what Su Xia used to do to help his father support him in his old age.

For so many years, when she was lost among those young men, she had never thought about this.

And now, I'm back, but some things I lost can never come back.

Six months later, her father died.

In half a year, she learned a lot.

She went to his home, only to find that his home had collapsed, was abandoned, and was overgrown with weeds.

Then she learned that there was a younger sister in his family who depended on each other for life, but that sister unfortunately passed away because of some of his past mistakes.

That was when he was a child, and he took his sister to play with firecrackers. As a result, his sister ignited a pile of straw and was burned to death by the flames.

And his sister Su Ling is really similar to her.

At that time, she realized that what he told her about treating her as his sister had always been true.

But she always suspected that he had ulterior motives.

After that, she decided to change her mind under constant repentance, but she could no longer find Su Xia.

Finally, with a special opportunity, she went to Wangchenhuan.

She sold her soul in exchange for a chance to reincarnate and become Su Xia's wife.

She decided to be a good wife, give herself to him innocently, and give him two children, a son and a daughter, to become a good woman.

I should be a beautiful person, I must be yours, so my surname is Li, I am Li Juan, and I am your Juan.

The word Juan comes to mind because of the tragic songs of life, Du Juan's sad poems such as the cry of the blood ape.

Whether it was Luo Yan in the past or Luo Yan today, she was actually a sentimental person at heart who liked graceful poetry.

It was also the case that he was deceived and completely defeated.

These causes and effects have answers in the eyes of Su Wangchen's heart.

Therefore, in the memory of a time traveler, now with such an emotional experience, how could Su Wangchen still care about Jiang Luan?

He doesn't care, and he won't care.

Just because of Luo Yan's cause and effect, it was impossible for him to truly let go.

In this case, it is perfectly normal to reject Jiang Luan.

Forgetting each other in the world

Jiang Luan was stunned on the spot, her emerald green gauze skirt fluttering in the wind, looking as eye-catching as a beautiful elf.

Just, some are too green.

The green is even a bit dazzling.

There was obvious mist in Jiang Luan's beautiful eyes, which was the condensed tears.

Soon, tears flowed down uncontrollably.

This light green gauze skirt is really beautiful, but it's a bit dazzling.

Under the sun, such green is not only dazzling, but also heartbreaking.

Su Wangchen murmured in his heart, then laughed to himself.

Then, he turned around, with his back to Jiang Luan, and said: You can leave. If you don't leave, I may be afraid of the knife in my hand and leave your head behind.

I don't want the Shura Hell Scythe in my hand to drink Xiaoluan's blood.

Su Wangchen's hand holding the knife trembled slightly again.

He didn't move, but he felt a familiar aura on the knife and in his heart.

That was Luo Yan's unique aura, which even reincarnation and forgetfulness could not wash away.

As for whether it is?

For Su Wangchen, it was indeed no longer important.

In the simulation, there was a very powerful woman named Yan Luo.

Isn’t this meaning obvious enough?

So it doesn't matter whether it is or not.

As for most of the memories lost during the simulation, Su Wangchen also didn't care.

After he finds a way to get rid of Su Li's cause and effect,

His golden finger simulator will definitely come back.

No matter what the immortal light blue becomes, he will find a way to restore her original appearance.

Because there is nothing in this world that can truly protect him.

He killed Immortal Qinglan for one hundred thousand secrets.

This was, is and will not be allowed in the future!

Remember the vertex in 1 second:

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