I Possessed the Sun God

Chapter 400: : Extraordinary Squad

In Iceland, there is a brightly lit building in Reykjavik, shrouded in darkness.

At the beginning of the establishment of the United Nations Scientific Research Station in the New Continent, all countries jointly established an office in Reykjavík, responsible for dispatching resources for the scientific research station.

With the successful establishment of the scientific research station, this office has been transformed into a communication agency between the scientific research station and governments of various countries.

At this moment, although it is a night shift, the atmosphere in the office is relaxed and at ease.

"Is anyone here to bet against me? Will the Americans send agents to steal our slate?"

Bill is wearing a formal suit, holding coffee in his hand, looking at the picture on the big screen, smiling and saying to his colleague, "I bet that Americans will not send it. If I lose, I will pay you five times the amount you suppressed. And if you lose, just give me the money you lost."

"I won't bet on money-giving."

Masaichi Yoshida, the liaison officer from Dongying, also smiled and said, “The reality is not about making movies. There is no agent who can escape countless high-tech equipment and rigorous artificial protection, sneak into the base, and then swagger from the base. Take the slate."

"So Americans will definitely not do this kind of useless work."

"What if someone is bought off?"

Suddenly someone popped out of the office in the office.

In an instant, there was silence in the office.

The speaking liaison also realized that he had said the wrong thing. Just think about this kind of thing, and it would be foolish to say it.

He quickly added: "I mean in the movie... the people in the movie are bought by others. In fact, those stupid directors don't want to think about how our elites can be bought by the enemy."

The preface he said did not follow, but the people present did not pay attention to him, but thought about it.

In fact, it is entirely possible for someone to be bought off. After all, this is a multinational joint operation. Some people cannot withstand the temptation of the United States. Choosing to defect is not unpredictable.

But who will defect? Outstanding officials and experts in the country will certainly not defect, and the high probability of defecting is officials and experts from other countries.

Seeing that the office was still quiet as a chicken, the liaison officer immediately said to Bill, "I bet you, I bet that the Americans will send agents to steal our slate for a thousand dollars."

Although he knew that the other party wanted to break the embarrassing atmosphere, there was no reason not to make the money sent to the door.

Bill smiled and said, "Thank you for helping me open, so is anyone going to gamble with me? If the Americans really send agents to steal our slate, your amount will be refunded five times."

The people in the office smiled and no one spoke.

At this moment, a harsh telephone ringing rang, and the contact person nearest to the phone immediately picked up the phone, and an anxious voice came from inside, "...something happened, something happened in the laboratory, there is a Kesu Expert Lu seems to be contaminated by the evil god..."

"What? Cthulhu?"

Hearing this word, the expressions of people in the entire office changed drastically.

Bill's voice became louder uncontrollably, "Turn over the monitoring screen in the laboratory and near the laboratory."

Immediately, there was an explosion of the head of the Cthulhu expert on the big screen.

Seeing the creeping insects on the ground, the liaison officer Yoshida Masao of Dongying screamed in horror, "...Cthulhu, it is the evil **** of Cthulhu, don't look at it, everyone don't look at it!"

"Calm down, Mr. Yoshida Masaichi, please calm down, Cthulhu's pollution cannot penetrate electronic equipment!" Bill overwhelmed Yoshida Masaichi's voice with a louder voice than Yoshida Masaichi.

His voice fell, and the panic in everyone's hearts receded a little.

After the roar, Bill grabbed the microphone from the liaison officer and said in a deep voice, "Notify the Yemeni gentleman of the scientific research station, tell him the situation, let him turn on the defensive mode, and try to stop the victim. People contaminated by God Lu Xie are sealed in the laboratory, don't let them spread out."

After speaking, he took out the phone, dialed a number, and passed on what happened here.

After doing all of this, Bill glanced at his panicked colleague and squeezed out a smile, "Don't worry too much, the support from above will come soon."

"Moreover, judging from the current situation, only people who touch the slate will be contaminated. As long as Mr. Yemen closes these people in the base, the problem shouldn't be too big."

As soon as his voice fell, Yemen appeared on the big screen.

Under the eyes of everyone, Yemen said to the person in charge who had escaped: ‘I want to introduce you to our heavenly father and creator Uposasra’

"Mr. Yemen is also contaminated!"

As soon as Yoshida saw this scene, he immediately recognized that this was a characteristic of the evil spirit pollution. Since the object of faith was replaced from the righteous **** to the evil spirit, his heart was even more frightened.

Even the top officials of the scientific research station have been contaminated. Who else in this scientific research station has not been contaminated?

"Anyone who has touched the slate may be contaminated?" Bill's heart sank. In this case, things would be much trickier.

You know, in order to move and protect this stone slab, they have dispatched a lot of people. If these people are contaminated, then the entire scientific research station is very likely to be contaminated by Cthulhu.


After receiving the news from the office, the heads of governments immediately held a video conference.

As the country closest to Cthulhu’s geographical location~www.NovelMTL.com~ Icelandic President Anderson Strache is the most anxious at this moment. With the power of Cthulhu, maybe Icelanders will collectively become The other's believers.

Therefore, after the video conference was connected, regardless of other countries’ presidents not coming in, he hurriedly said, “According to the news from the office, the Cthulhu Cthulhu was found on the scientific research station. I propose to immediately convene extraordinary people from various countries to form a team of extraordinary people to seal the evil **** Cthulhu."

The Cthulhu Cthulhu is unkillable, even the old gods, they only sealed and expelled the Cthulhu Cthulhu, so he didn't make the ignorant words of killing the Cthulhu Cthulhu.

Just after Anderson Strachey finished speaking, Wen Xiangyu, President of the Universe Country, refused, "Form a team of extraordinary? Can the extraordinary solve Cthulhu? Will it be impossible to solve this time after forming a team of extraordinary? Thing? After all, what we have to face is not a monster, but an evil god."

In fact, he also knew that facing the evil **** of Cthulhu, forming an extraordinary team is the best way to deal with it, but the problem is that there are no extraordinary people in their universe. The reason why they can appear here and become one of the countries that carve up the new world. , It is completely taking advantage of the information asymmetry to make other countries mistakenly believe that the ancestors are still in the universe.

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