I Possessed the Sun God

Chapter 399: : Spreading pollution

After the Cthulhu expert finished speaking, he found strange and uncomfortable gazes on him. He looked back and found that his colleagues no longer knew when they were many meters away. Up.

He asked suspiciously,

"What's the matter with you? Why are you all so far away from me suddenly? Didn't I use perfume today and body odor came out?"

After he finished speaking, he raised his arm and smelled it under his armpit, and then said to himself, "No."

Why are we so far away from you, don’t you have any ac numbers in your heart?

A group of experts complained.

As experts, they have done a lot of in-depth understanding of the Cthulhu myth that has recently been popular all over the world.

Although it is said that after the invasion of the Cthulhu, governments of various countries have all agreed to delete the existing Cthulhu data collection and carried out a large-scale deletion to prevent someone from calling the Cthulhu to death.

But before deleting, everyone backed up the data sets and put them into the database for internal personnel to inquire, and they happened to be qualified to enter the database to inquire about the data.

In Cthulhu's worldview, if a person suddenly understands or understands a certain sound and text that a normal person cannot understand and understand, then he has a high probability of being contaminated by the evil god.

Seeing that his colleague did not answer, the Cthulhu expert wanted to go up and have a close conversation with his colleagues.

But as soon as he took a step, he saw the colleagues in front of him taking a few steps back.

Instead of reducing the distance between them, it has expanded.

Cthulhu expert: "..."

Looking at the Cthulhu expert, this time the person in charge of the translation of the old key slate glanced at his badge, swallowed and said, "...Mr. Edward, you seem to understand this slate. What does the text mean?"

In all fairness, he didn't want to contact this person who was suspected of being polluted by Cthulhu. Who knew if Cthulhu's pollution would be contagious?

But there is such a big thing here, someone has to come forward.

As the person in charge, when he does not stand up and wait for the liquidation afterwards, his fate is definitely not much better, and there is no point in seeing this group of experts stand up. If he does not stand up again, I am afraid that the ship will sink. Everyone has to jump into the sea.

"Can't you understand?" Edwards asked me in a strange tone. "These words are very easy to understand. They are just like our mother tongue. You can understand the meaning at a glance. "

When Edward was speaking, a muddy muddy liquid that was frightened by the person in charge and other experts and scholars began to climb on Edward's body. In a flash, except for the face, all other parts of Edward's body were covered. These liquids are covered, and when seen from a distance, it looks like a flowing human-shaped statue.

Edward was unaware of these.

He went on to say, "This clay tablet is what we call the old key stone tablet, but it has another name, the old god's key."

"It records the wisdom of many great old gods before the creation of the world."

"However, in the war between the outer gods and the old gods, this stone slab was taken by the mother of all life in the universe, Sabus Nicholas, and handed over to the great heavenly father and creator Uposathra."

Having said this, Edward paused, and the turbid liquid flowing on him began to squirm, and brown worms similar to iron nematodes emerged from the inside, and slowly started to squirm.

Seeing this scene, all the experts and scholars backed back again and again, and some fast backed experts leaned back against the wall, unable to retreat.


Inexplicably, Edward's head, standing in the middle of the laboratory, exploded inexplicably with a large open space from the people around him.

The mixture of red blood and white brain plasma sputtered everywhere.

"????" Seeing this scene, everyone present was dumbfounded, not understanding what was going on.

In the next second, the sputtered brain pulp squirmed, and gelatinous amoeba crawled out of the brain pulp.

These amoebas are not the same as the common amoebas. Their bottom is gray, with faint hairs growing on them, and a closed eye without eyelashes stands upright inside.

As if noticed that someone was observing himself, these amoeba opened their closed eyes at the same time.

The moment they met the amoeba's eyes, everyone in the laboratory was in a trance at the same time.

They seemed to see a huge version of amoeba without a head, organs or limbs crawling in the mud and steam.

"Don't look at him." The person in charge closed his eyes and covered his ears as soon as he saw the huge amoeba.

None of Cthulhu's evil gods could see, listen, or even think.

Just take a look and think about it and you will be contaminated by the power of the evil god.

This is a talk of experience, a lesson brought by the ancestors with their own blood and tears.

"Everyone, get out of here."

After that, he didn't care what other people were doing, and ran out on his own.

He ran with his head stuffed, covering his ears, and staring at the front, not looking at any evil gods that might appear. He ran across the corridor, across the corner, across the medical room...Finally, when he was about to reach the gate, he saw a familiar Silhouette.

"Mr. Yemen..."

The person in charge paused, panting heavily, and hurriedly said, "...The stone slab is related to the Cthulhu Cthulhu, and someone has already been contaminated by the Cthulhu..."

"Hurry up and call the person above and ask the person above to send more staff to deal with it."

Although facing the Cthulhu ~www.NovelMTL.com~, any human being can only be polluted and out of control by the Cthulhu, but they have extraordinary people.

Which country can participate in the construction of this scientific investigation, which does not have extraordinary people? Which one is not sheltered by the gods? If they can invite the extraordinary to deal with what happened this time, it may not be impossible to solve it.

Moreover, he had touched that slate, maybe even he was contaminated by the power of the evil god, and if there are transcendents involved, he can find ways to request the transcendent to do an inspection on himself.

"Such a thing happened."

After listening to the description of the person in charge, Yemen's brows darkened, "I immediately called and told the people above what happened here."

He paused at this point, and said embarrassingly, "But can I take up your time before calling?"

"Take me a little time?" The person in charge was a little confused.

Yemen smiled honestly, "Yes, I want to introduce to you our Heavenly Father and Creator Uposasra..."

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