I Possessed the Sun God

Chapter 401: : Ask the gods to do it

If at this meeting everyone really passed the proposal of the President of Iceland and set out to form a team of extraordinary people, and they couldn't come up with extraordinary people, the cowhide would be broken.

Then other countries will definitely vote to kick them out.

After all, although the New World is big, humans have a bigger appetite. If you kick a country that eats cakes, you can eat one more bite yourself.

Affected by the last Cthulhu invasion, the economic situation of the universe has been bad. It can be said that it is on the verge of collapse. This time I got the tickets for the New World. The whole country is betting on the New World. I want to take the opportunity to revitalize my economy. system.

If it is kicked out, not only will the initial investment be emptied, but the domestic kidnapped economy will also collapse. No one can afford the consequences.

As soon as the words of the President Moon Sang-woo of the Universe Kingdom fell, the President of the Mao Xiong Kingdom, Alexander, retorted loudly, "How can we deal with the Cthulhu without forming an extraordinary team? We can't rely on our soldiers to go. The encounter between Dongying and Universe Kingdom cannot be allowed Are you sober? Ordinary soldiers have no chance of winning against the evil god, they can only die."

Mao Xiong Nation is not far from the New World.

What if the evil **** thinks Mao Xiong Country is more pleasing to the eye, come to Mao Xiong Country for a walk? He didn't want all the Slavs to believe in evil gods.

Moreover, the reason why the bear country was able to enter this joint scientific research station was completely embracing the thighs of the five Nordic countries. The five Nordic countries produce extraordinary people, and they provide resources. Of course, at this time, they must stand on Iceland's side and help Icelanders. .

"I didn't say that we must rely on soldiers to fight. I don't think that extraordinary people can solve this incident. How can I think that ordinary soldiers can solve this incident, and trouble some people not to brainstorm what I said."

The President of the Universe Kingdom Moon Sang-woo did not hesitate to confuse the President of Mao Xiong Kingdom. If it was before the emergence of extraordinary power, he would definitely not dare to speak to President Mao Xiong Kingdom like this.

But my lord, the times have changed, and now is an extraordinary age.

In this era, as long as there are no extraordinary people, no matter how strong your economic and military strength is, you have no right to speak internationally.

Don’t you see that a country like the United States, which is ranked No. 1 in the world in terms of military and economy, can’t even enter the door of the Joint Scientist Research Station? If it were not for the bear country to hug the thighs of the five Nordic countries in time, they would also be excluded from this operation.

But their universe is different. Although their ancestors are gone, the outside world doesn’t know. The outside world thought their ancestors were still there, and they also hugged the thighs of the boss next door. Mao Xiong Country.

Seeing Alexander seemingly intending to refute himself, Wen Xiangyu glared at him, "Furthermore, this discussion is about the invasion of evil gods. Some countries that have no ability to deal with evil gods should not come in and mix up, because no matter what we take out What kind of plan, no country can participate in this plan."

Hearing these words, Alexander's face behind the camera suddenly sank, his anger burned, but he had nowhere to vent.

Because what Moon Sangwoo said is true.

But it's true, it hurts people's hearts.

Seeing that Alexander, the president of the bear country, who was helping himself, was stunned, Icelandic President Anderson Strachey stood up and said, "Since Mr. Wen has denied my proposal, then please ask Mr. Wen to come up with a better plan. ."

"I suggest that everyone summon the gods to come." Wen Xiangyu gave the answer after thinking about it, "Only the mystery can fight against the mystery, and in the same way, only the gods can fight against the evil god."

"As long as we can summon the gods, we can successfully seal the evil gods."

People from other countries frowned when they heard Wen Xiangyu's words.

There is nothing wrong with the saying that only gods can fight against Cthulhu. The previous several Cthulhu invasion incidents were resolved by gods. In theory, this is the most ideal plan.

But the reason why a theory is a theory is because there is a big difference between theory and practice.

Summoning the gods to come sounds good, but you can summon gods if you want?

Moon Sang-woo kept looking at the people in the video conference after talking about his thoughts, observing their expressions, and when he saw everyone frowning, he immediately added, "...the extraordinary people from all countries are responsible for protecting their own countries. Responsibility should not be ruined on such a battlefield."

After Wen Xiangyu's extremely vague reminder, some people immediately changed their positions.

Yes, Cthulhu is terrible, but after sending out his own country’s transcendents to form a team of transcendents to fight against Cthulhu, what should I do if the local transcendence falls?

They only found one transcendent, and once they fell, it would be difficult to find a second one.

And maybe after he expelled the evil **** at the cost of the fall of the extraordinary, he turned to other countries to unite and squeeze him out and eat his share!

Politics does not believe in merit, but only in strength.

At this time, the newly appointed Greek President Archimes expressed his support for Wen Xiangyu, "...We in Greece agree with Mr. Wen's proposal that only the gods can fight against the evil gods, and there is no need to form an extraordinary team to die."

In Greece, there is only Cornelius, an extraordinary saint, and he is really unwilling to let him go to fight for other countries.

Although Cthulhu is the common enemy of all mankind, there is still a tall man against it when the sky falls.

Cthulhu's fire may not burn to their Greek heads.

The Prime Minister of Dongying, Masamune Tagawa, who has been silent for a long time, followed him to express his opinion~www.NovelMTL.com~ I also agree with Wensang’s proposal. Although the evil **** is the enemy of the whole world, the evil **** appeared and fell from Asgard The coming of the New World has something to do with it, and it should be sealed by the Nordic gods, and Mr. Anderson Strachey was asked to summon the Nordic gods to come. "

Compared to Greece, Dongying is farther away from the New World, so he doesn't have much sense of urgency.

The sky is falling, and Greece is holding it.

"You didn't say that at the beginning." Hearing Tagawa Masamune's words, Anderson Strachey was anxious. "At the beginning, you said that the Blue Star was created by the Lord God of Heaven, and the New World was also created by Lord God of Heaven. Now that the evil **** Cthulhu appears, you Dongying need to be responsible for it."

After the dusk of the gods, the Nordic gods were left with the forest **** Vidal and the vengeful **** Vali. With the personalities of these two gods, he had no hope to seal the Wuposasra.

Moreover, according to the prophecy, these two gods will build a new world on the new continent, but now the evil **** has appeared, but these two gods have not appeared.

This had to make him think of a terrible thing that he didn't want to think but had to think about.

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