I Possessed the Sun God

Chapter 398: : May the Lord’s whisper entangle you forever


After Yemen and Jacob heard the name, Qi Qi stepped back, looking at Andre with full of horror.

Uposathra, the outer **** in the myth of Cthulhu, is also the first ruler of the old days to reach the blue star in the legend. He arrived at the blue star much earlier than the evil **** Cthulfutan, and is the mother of all living beings.

But now, Andre calls this terrifying foreign **** his own heavenly father and creator...

Andre, sitting in the chair, didn't seem to notice the slightest difference in their eyes. He said with a serious expression, "My lord Ubosasra is the source of no source, the ancestor of the ancestor..."

"My lord Ubosathra is the great creator who arrived at the Blue Star from the outer starry sky. He brought the first seed of life. He allowed the life of the Blue Star to germinate and the Cambrian species exploded..."

"His slimy body is the most beautiful picture in the world when it flows like a wave; when his pseudo-limbs dance in the air, it is the most elegant dance in the world; his hoarse and dry voice is in this world The most pleasing note..."

Andrei excitedly praised Ubosasra with distorted aesthetic vocabulary. The more he talked, the more excited he got. In the end, he simply stood up with his eyes closed, his hands in his chest making unintelligible movements, frenzied. Praised,

"Ubo Sasra, our Father in heaven, the Almighty Creator of all life..."

"I praise you, may you come before us, may we return to your embrace, and re-feel the warmth of the beginning of life."


After more than half an hour sincerely praising, Andre stopped unfinishedly.

He looked at Yemen and Jacob, feeling a little embarrassed, "I'm sorry, it's been a long time for you, mainly because my lord Ubosasra is really great. He released the first seed of life. Let Blue Star's life sprout."

"If it weren't for him, this world would still be a barren and desolate world, just like the moon, and no life would be born."

"Such a great god, I think we should believe in him with all our heart and soul."

After speaking, he asked Yemen and Jacob, "What do you think? Should we believe in Him with all our heart and soul?"

Although Andrei’s last sentence was a questioning, and his tone of speech was very gentle, but in Yemen and Jacob’s ears, this sentence was like thunder, which exploded their hearts to tremble.

Yemen kept leaning against the wall and said busyly, "Yes, yes, yes... the Lord is so great and worthy of our faith."

Although Jacob on the side did not speak, his head nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.

In their eyes, the current Andre is no longer a staff member serving the inspection station, but a lunatic, a cultist who believes in evil gods, and a terrifying demon who leads the evil gods to descend.

It is useless to reason with such a person. Only by following his words and exaggerating his master can he lower his vigilance, and then wait for an opportunity to escape, tell his boss the situation here, and let others The guards handle this kind of thing. After all, the guards are professional when fighting against cultists.

Hearing Yemen’s recognition of himself, Andre couldn’t help laughing happily. His smile was as pure and flawless as a child. “It turns out that you also recognize my Lord and want to return to my Lord’s embrace, but the Lord now I haven't completely returned to this world. After the Lord returns to this world, I will definitely let you see my Lord as soon as possible."

After speaking, he sat back in the chair as if thinking of something, and looked at Jacob with a shy face and said, "I'm sorry, it took a long time for you. Now I can't trouble you if you continue to treat me. I think your hypnotic technique is very good, I am very comfortable, and I really want to sleep after listening."

Continue treatment?

When Jacob heard these words, he almost fell to the ground.

Who would dare to treat a Cthulhu Cthulhu believer? Wundt, the originator of the psychologist, would not dare. Who knows if he will be contaminated by the power of the Cthulhu in the process of treatment, and praise his Lord with him loudly. .

"Mr. Andre, I just thought about it. You are in a very healthy state of mind and you don't need any treatment." Jacob grinned reluctantly.

"Besides, I have other customers to receive. You should go back first, and wait for next time. I will treat you when I have time next time."

"Oh, all right." Andrei's tone was filled with regret, "Then I will look for you when you are free next time."

"Mr. Yemen, shall we go back together?"

"No, I won't go back with you."

Yemen posted on the wall in horror. Perhaps he realized that his tone was too intense. He said slowly, "I have something to do with Jacob... No, it's because I have insomnia recently. I'm looking for Jacob for treatment. Just go back by yourself first."

Andrei was full of regrets when he heard the words, "Well, Mr. Yemen, originally I wanted to tell you more of my lord’s great deeds on the road, but since you have something to do, I’ll have to do it again next time. I have a chat with you."

"I will leave first, but before leaving, I still hope that you will learn more about my Lord when you have time. He is really great. I believe that after you understand, you will plunge into the arms of my Lord. I became a brother..."

"As for how to understand specifically, I have put that piece of knowledge into your soul..."

"Hehe~www.NovelMTL.com~May the Lord's whispering surround you forever!"


In the laboratory where the old key stone slabs were stored, experts and scholars in protective clothing took various tools to compare the words on the stone slabs and discussed, "... hieroglyphs are a kind of writing evolved from pictures A type of ideogram. Perhaps we can infer the meaning of the text by analyzing the consciousness expressed by the image."

"Although Mr. Yemen said that the writing on the slate is like hieroglyphics, what he said is only a guess. There is no evidence to prove that it is a hieroglyph. On the contrary, if the slate is really an old keystone, then The meaning of these words is likely to have nothing to do with the meaning expressed by the images."

"In Cthulhu's world view, words are a kind of specific magic. As long as you see it, you can automatically understand the meaning of words."

A Cthulhu expert retorted, "For example, this text."

He pointed to the text on the top of the slate with thick and thin lines outlining the villain kneeling and said, "This character looks like some kind of villain kneeling, but in fact it means something other than the starry sky."

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